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May 08, 1968 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1968-05-08

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I r

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Sir Y


high-7 r
Chance of showers,
cooler tomorrow

Vol. LXXVIII, No. 6-S Ann Arbor, Michigan, Wednesday, May 8, 1968 Ten Cents

Six Pages









dorm Ll ivin
Cutler may bring]'
plan to Regents
The University is expected to, end requirements that
students live in residence halls beginning in August, 1969,
The Daily learned yesterday.E




* *









Au gust,


Branigin second
with 30 per cent
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (4T-Sen. Robert F. Kennedy racked
up an impressive victory in the Indiana presidential pri-
mary yesterday, but failed to dislodge Sen. Eugene J. Mc-
Carthy as a contender for the nomination.
Kennedy, testing his popularity at the polls for the first
time since he jumped into the race after McCarthy's strong
showing in the New Hampshire primary, collected about 42
per cent of the vote in a three-man race.
McCarthy gathered'about 28 per cent of the vote, run-
ning close to Gov. Roger D. Branigin, a favorite son who is
uncommitted but looks favorably on the presidential can-
didacy of Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey.
Running alone in the Republican primary, former Vice
President Richard M. Nixon
piled up 396,773 votes with 74
per cent of the vote counted.r

"We are anticipating we will have to compete with other
types of housing a year from this fall," University Housing
Director 'ohn C. Feldkamp said yesterday.!
Vice President for Student Affairs Richard L. Cutler will
report to the May Regents meeting on studies of the eco-
_._.____nomics and educational rele-
vance of such cha'nges, Feld-
r eB n T kamp indicated.
A final decision by the Regents,
will reportedly be delayed until
the University housing office has
lo ca, v'o; collected additional data on the
feasibility of the new policy.
" Feldkamp explained that his of-
ficw is analyzing data on the
impact several years ago of the!
eliiination of mandatory dorm
Members of Carpen'lers Local residence for senior and junior
512 last night voted to carry out women in order to assess the
strike action against members of probable result of the changes
thekGeneral Contractors As cia presently being considered.
tion and the HomeBuilders Asso- Feldkamp defended the eco-
ciation (GCA-HBA) nomics of the proposed changes
and predicted they would not
In decidingon the strike action cause a general exodus from the
the Local followed the orders of dorms. "It is my own bet that if
their district council to termin- 100 freshman decided to live In,

total than the 408,000 he won in
the state's 1960 primary when he
had only token opposition., Nixon
carried the state handily against
John F. Kennedy in that year.
The bemocratic totals, also with
74 per cent counted, showed Ken-
nedy with 253,689 (42 per cent of
the total vote); McCarthy with
165,465 (28 per cent); and Brani-
gin with 179.653 (30 per cent).
The McCarthy-Branigin totals
left Kennedy as a minority choice
of those who cast Democratic bal-
lots - including an undetermined
number of Republicans who
might have crossed.
Evidence of such crossovers was
conflicting. Allen County (Fort
Wayne), the largest Republican
area in the state, gave Nixon a
solid vote. Kennedy, not likely to
have attracted many GOP votes,
rad second in the totals, McCar-
thy third and Brnigin fourth.
Branigin's supporters had urged
Republicans to, vote for him.
Branigin took the lead among
the Democrats in strongly Repub-
lican Hamilton County, just north
of Indianapolis. McC'arthy topped
Nixon and his Democratic oppon-
ents in the incomplete count in
'Montgomery County, home . of
Wabash College.
As expected, Kennedy showed
strength in Indianapolis and Lake
County, east of Chicago, where
substantial portions of the voters
are Negroes and blue-collar
Kennedy led in eight of the 11
state congressional districts and
Branigin in the other three. This,
was important since it is possible
that some of the 63 Democratic
conventidn votes could be appor-
See INDIANA, Page 6


=Daily-Jay L. Cassidy
Laird discusses the use of napalm as some protesters consider civil disobedience
Plan idlad" Dowptethr

7t' _. n.T .a rim:rT iTiTl L P 171nT A 1T

ate all contracts. For the past
week, the union worked withoutE
Carl Weber, president of local
512, - said the union has main-
tained no contact with the build-
ers association and no meetings
between the two are scheduled.
The union expects to sign in-
dependent builders willing to meet
their wage demands.
By taking this action, the car-
penters have joinedthree other
local -unions that began to strike
last week.
A spokesman for GCA-HBA
said that of three unions, only ne-
gotiations between the laborers
and the association are "open to;
call by either member". Any meet-
ing with the bricklayers union or
the carpenters union and the as-
sociation "are not scheduled."
John Weidenbach, director of.
plant extension noted that ap-F
proximately 35 carpenters are em-
ployed on University projects.f
When the carpenters begin their
strike "we are just going to con-
tinue construction with those un-.
ions still working," he added.

apartments that would be high,"
Feldkamp said.
"Our main concern," he said,
"is whether the decision is edu-.
cationally sound."
Feldkamp cited the HatcherI
Commission report released thisI
year and the ,Reed Report of 1962,
as ample evidence that the pro-
posed changes are advisable.
.The commission suggested the
University move as quiclgly as
possible toward voluntary resi-
dence ,fn its housing units. The~
Reed report madesimilar recom-
The Regents have recently been
considering individual areas of the
commission's report. They ap-I
proved several sections of the re-
port at their April meeting, and
announced at , that time they
would review the report in its
entirety at future sessions.
University President Robben W.
Fleming is reportedly supporting
the policy change. "I would, like'
to move away from the'compul-
sory requirement" that students
live in residence halls, Fleming
said several months ago.
If the Re-ents aproved the
See DORMS, Page 2

Over 300 people last night
met with leaders of Clergy and
Laymen Concerned About Viet-
nam (CALCAV) in the First
Methodist Church here to final-
ize plans for protest activity
in Midland today against Dow
Chemical Co.'s production of
napalm for use in the Vietnam
Rev. Richard Fernandez,
CALCAV executive secretary,
expects about at least.300 pro-
testers from Ann Arbor, in ad-
dition to another 100 each from
Lansing and Detroit.
Planned activity at Midland
includes picketing, a meeting
between CALCAV and Dow rep-
presentatives, door-to-door can-
vassing, and an attempt to get
the annual stockholders meet-
ing to take action on the na-
palm question.
Fernandez said 27 to 50 CAL-
CAV representatives will be pro-
vided with proxies which entitle
them to enter the 2 p.m. stock-
,holders meeting and speak
Dow is vulnerable to the kind

of protests planned for today,
Fernandez said, unlike the U.S.
government, which is impossi-
ble to approach, Dow officials
can be dealt with on .a personal
Several members of the com-
pany's board of directors are
in facpt opposed to the produc-
tion of naplam, Fernandez said.
In addition, "Dow does not,
did not and will not like bad
Earlier yesterday, Fernandez
telegrammed Gov:'George Rom-
ney and Atty. Gen. Frank Kel-
ley to request increased police
protection for the demonstra-
tors in anticipation of trouble
from Breakthrough, a right-
wing, Detroit group which is ex-
pected in Midland today.
As presently planned, the
demonstrations will be peaceful
and will not involve the use of
civil disobedience tactics, Fer-
nandez said.
During the speeches, however,
over 30 people in the audience
walked out and moved down-
stairs to discuss the possibility

of civil disobedinece at -the dem-
onstration today.
They left after Fernandez
told the audience he was asking
for no disruption because most
people were coming under the
understanding that there would
be none.
Fernandez described the cli-
mate in Midland as "about
what it was in Memphis after
Martin Luther King was kill-
ed," and urged protesters to be
especially careful.
Midland is tense, said Fer-
'nandez, because "you are say-
ing there's something rotten
about their company," and be-
cause Midland is dominated by
Rev. William Sloan Coffin,
Yale University chaplain, was
originally scheduled to give the
keynote address but was unable
to attend last night's meeting
for reasons related to his fed-
eral indictment for draft re-
sistance, Fernandez announced.
Speaking in his place, Rev.
James Laird of the American
Friends Service Committee told
the audience the Vietnam War
is making mankind -"callous,
brutalized and insensitive."
If Dow offiicals could "see for
themselves the melted flesh,
and distorted faces." Laird de-
clared, "then, perhaps, they
would stop napalm production."
The justification Dow offi-
cials have given for napalm
production is that "the-state
s asked for it," Laird said. Thus,
- "the nation is the real God of
- today; the only heresy today is
j political."
- i "The worst thing you can
about a man," Laird noted "if
e you really want to be nasty, you
y say he's un-American.
- "Who is responsible in our
s society?" asked Laird. "We
could say its all the govern-
ment's fault." But "we cannot
take the easy way out," he said
g noting that in World War II
Germany "always the decision
was made somewhere else--
higher up."
PVietnam is "a war of geno-
cide," Laird said. Military au-
thorities. he said, accept this as
_ i. 1_ ... 1.. _. 1- , . .....

tion, and random shelling of
the countryside, he said.
Speaking earlier, Mrs. Bar-
bara Fuller told the audience
the use of napalm was being'
protested on three grounds:
that it causes "unbearable suf-
fering and grotesque scars,"
that its continued use invitesI
worse weapons, and that its use
is in violation of the Hague
Convention because it is "cal-
culated to cause unnecessary#

for RF,
unit rule
By The Associated Press
Sen. Robert F. Kennedy ap-
peared last night to have won his
>first. vote-getting test against
Vice President Hubert H. Humph-
rey in a District of Columbia pri-
. mary'election where voters picked
national convention delegates.
Kennedy also appeared on his
way to a bonus-control of the
District's Democratic organization.
Although it was not a presiden-
tial preference vote, all 21 mem-
bers of a slate supporting the New
Yorker increased their leads over
Humphrey backers as hundreds
of college student volunteers
counted tIfe lengthy paper ballots.
In Alabama, where the primary
Iwas for Democrats only, former
Gov. George Wallace, running
outside his home state as a third
party presidential candidate,
looked like the winner of about
everything in sight.
Candidates pledged to Wallace
in the regular Depiocratic Nation-
al Convention pulled out ahead
quickly in contests with an un-
pledged slate seeking the 32 nom-
inating votes.
The real contest in Alabama
was for the nomination to succeed
retiring Sen. Lister kill The field
of six included Rep. Armistead
Selden, former Lt. Gov. James 1.
Allen arnd former Gov. James E.
Allen piled up an early lead
with Selden second.
'National convention delegates
were being elected in Ohio, but
the meaning of the selections was
highly uncertain.
Democratic candidate slates in
all Ohio districts were pledged to
Sen. Stephen M. Young who
backed ,President Johnson,
switched to Kennedy after John-
son pulled out of the race, and
more recen1tly has urged an uh-
committed /)delegation.
A spot check in Washington
showeed Democrats ,voting 10-to-i
for a unit rule that will bind all
convention delegates to the ma-
jority will.
On the Republican side in the
,D. C., primary, an organization
slate * supporting former Vice
President Richard M. Nixon and
New York Gov. Nelson A. Rocke-
feller, won easily

Gilligan over Laus e
in Ohio Senate race

Cee students withdraw to

By The Associated Press
Former Congressman John J.f
Gilligan, backed by state party
and labor leaders, apparently won
nomination over U.S. Sen. Frank
J. Lausche who was bidding for a
third term in yesterday's Ohio
Democratic primary.
The Cincinnati councilman over-
came Lausche's early lead in
rural counties and then spread
his lead in most metropolitan
Returns from 4,972 polling
places out of 12,886 gave Gilligan
175,396 votes to 155,520 for
"Can't say I'm greatly encour-
aged at the present time
looks like it'll be a close race," a
Lausche campaign spokesman ob-
served in Cleveland.
In Florida, Republican Rep. Ed-
ward Gurney rolled to a landslide
victory yesterday in his U.S. Sen-j
ate primary race, but the Demo-I
cratic battle between former Gov.
LeRoy Collins and Florida Atty.

'to 19,773. for William L. White of'
Mount Vernon and 16,210 for Al-
bert E. Payne of Springfield.
Gilligan, 47, challenged the 72-
year-old Lausche with the unpre-
cedented primary endorsement of
the Democratic State Committee
and the million member Ohio
Attempts have been made be-
fore to dump Lausche during his
40 year political career as Cleve-
land judge, mayor and five terms
as governor but without success.

From Wire Service Reports
C,.H E Y N E Y, Pa. - Cheyney
State College students barricaded
inside the school's administration
building agreed last night to leave
in the morning, when state inves-
tigators arrive to probe their'
Dr. David H: Kurtzman, state
superintendent of public i-nstruc-
tion, met privately most of yester-
day afternoon with leaders of the
protesting students, of the faculty,
of this school located some 25
miles southwest of Philadelphia,
and of parents.
With the end of the demonstra-
.tion apparently imminent Maj
Rocco Urella, eastern area com-
mander of Pennsylvania State Po-
lice. said there would be no at-
tempt to force the students from

Some 400 of Cheyney's 1,800 The new clash followed bloody Colimziiii
students seized the administration riots Monday night and yesterday'C
building Monday, barricaded the morning when more that 800 NEW YORK - Red balloons
entrances, brought in mattresses persons were injured, labelled "Strike" bobbed over Co-
and food and have been' there It ended a five-hour period of lumbia University's campus yes-
ever since. relative calm when as many as terday, but classes met anyway -
This demonstration was touched 10,000 marchers trekked into the in classrooms, on the lawn, in off.
off by student d,,mands for a "bet- heart of the capital, crossing the campus apartments, and one in
ter curriculum, a better faculty Seine, marching up the Champs a nearby bar.
an abete ssemofstdetElysees and back again. The student strikers still were
and a better system eo student Else n akaa.,protesting last week's raid b~
Sfinances" .,at the predominantlyh: xpoetn latwk'ridb
Negro institution. 1.000 police, which routed stu.
!4 I a I I t, -_;_ ,d A.-

Wheeler seeks order
to force appoinment

Professor Albert Wheeler of the
Medical School and chairman of
the state conference of the NAA-
CP fitrd cit in Wn htpn C~i

"because by extending the ap-
pointments the mayor refused to
take a stand. This suit is to force
the mayor to make a decision,"
Wheeler said.
Wheeler said the extension of
the appointments made it clear
the mayor was trying to demon-
strate anpact of "indirect racism"

Gen. Earl Faircloth remained i;
some doubt. ty Circuit Court yesterday 4eeking
Gurney defeated Herman Gold- a writ of mandamus ordering theI
ner. former mayor of St. Peters- mayor to make appointments to
+heer, fomemnadooffSt.Peers. nf


PARIS - Heavily armed police
clashed early this morning with
student demonstrators who tried
to 'march + on the Sorbonne. the
ancient University of Paris closed
since riots last Friday.
The students are demanding"
educational reforms.
Pnlice huiled tearL asc anAcip.

PALO ALTO, Calif. - An as-
sembly of 2,000 Stanford Univer-
sity students yesterday endorsed'
the demands of a group who sat in
at one of the administration
The students, however, did not
endorse the sit-in tactics. The
protesters are demanding that
seven students involved in a pro-
test aaainst Central Intelligence

dents from five occupied buildingq
and resulted in 720 arrests and
injuries to 100 young people and
15 policemen.
The student strike coordinating
committee released a set of docu-
ments "liberated" two weeks ago
from Columbia President Grayson
Kirk's office
One of the documents was a
letter from University of Chicago
President George Beadle asking

burg, and
"have caugh
osophy of ti
of the most
Collins. tr
Florida poli
absence fro
,n onn votp

-iA 'ni lns+i ^l ttntnt-c ;

tale uuuiit y iiuui U ui auliari vibuia.

said F'orida voters!
1t up with" the phil- This action is the latest in a by denying a group of people an
he liberals. Gurney, a controversy centering on the re- effective voice.
congressman, is one appointment' by Mayor Wendell "The mayor's inaction was an
conservative voices in Hulcher of Cecil 0. Creal, Herbert excuse to perpetuate those in
Ellis and Berit Neilson to the power,"Wheeler said.
ying a comeback in board. However, if forced to make new
tics after a six year Members of the black commu- appointments, Mayor Hulcher said
m the state, held a nity have opposed their appoint- he has "no facts or information to
mnioitvo ve rFir-;ments on the grounds that they do lead me to conclude that the


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