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August 27, 1968 - Image 6

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1968-08-27

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Page Six


Tuesday, August 27, 1968

Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tu@sday, Augup~ ~ I ~8



A San Francisco restaurant
in a small midwestern town. .






The Village Bell. Unusual? We think
so, but so is Ann Arbor.
That's why we went to great lengths to
design a structure that some architects
thought impossible. From the minute you
step through the stained glass entrance
arch, you'll know we strived for excel-
First notice our circular walled fire-
place. Descend a brick staircase into a
hall of bricked arches with carpeting from

head to toe. Be seated in a caned arm
chair that's design dates back to the
We even went so far as to coax a pair
of old world stained glass craftsmen out
of retirement. After seeing the plans,
they were as excited as we were.
Our menu is equally exciting. It's
designed to suit any taste from caviar to
champagne sherbert.
That's the Village Bell, located on
South University just off Washtenaw, with
convenient parking in the Forest Ave.
ramp, just around the corner.
The Village Bell, where dinner be-
comes dining.

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