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August 27, 1968 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1968-08-27

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; Tuesday, August 27, 1968


m ,4,


campus caters to


Law students at recruiting forum

"Job pla cement:
how important?

Recently expanded graduate
programs will give a new empha-
sis to the University's Dearborn
Campus, a senior college which
features a unique co-operative
traning program that allows stu-
dents to earn $7,000 a year while
completing six months of full time
Retiring Director and Univer-
sity Vice President William Stir-
ton predictscontinuing growth for
the graduate program, which
leads to masters degrees in en-
gineering, business administration
and liberal arts.
Stirton, who has been with
Dearborn since the campus was
started ten years ago, will be
succeeded Sept. 1 by Dr. Norman
R. Scott, now associate dean.
Dearborn's new dean is a com-
puter expert who has served as a
member of the computer advisory
group of the Atomic Energy Com-
mission and on the executive com-
mittee of the University Comput-
ing Center.
Scottais currently on sabbatical
leave at the Techniche Hoch-
schule in Munich where he has.
been researching development of
a computer language and com-
puter algorithrms.
Scott has lectured in Moscow,
Kiev and Leningrad at the invita-
tion- of the Soviet Academy of
Sciences. He is the author of a
1960 book, "Analog and Digital
Computer Technology."
Born in New York, Scott holds
bachelor's and master's degrees
from Massachusetts Institute of
'Technology. He received his) doe.,
torate at the University of Illi-
nois and has taught at Illinois
and the University of Connecticut.
Some 2,000 students now attend
Dearborn. Sixty per cent partici-
pate in the co-op program with
the area's many local industries.
Each student in business ad-
ministration and engineering is
required to alternate one term of
full study with one term spent
working for business or industry,
The program is optional for lib-
eral arts students.
Only juniors, seniors and grad-
uates attend Dearborn. Entrance
requirements are identical to
those of the Ann Arbor campus.
Dearborn offers three 15-week
trimesters to accomodate the co-

op program and facilitate trans-
fers from other schools. The
terms begin in February, June
and October.
Stirton says many Dearborn
students are older than those in
Ann Arbor, and return to com-
plete or continue their educa-
tions. "The University in this
way expands into the metropoli-
tan area, providing education
without the residential expenses."
Demand is great for Dearborn
interns and graduates. "Employ-
ers keep clamoring for more stu-
dents," Stirton- says.
The highest-paid engineers in
the country are Dearborn gradu-
ates. B u s i n e s s administration
graduates average $8,256 starting
salaries, and engineers average
slightly higher.
Dearborn's economic advan-
tages should make the campus es-
pecially attractive to Negroes and
other , economically underprivi-
leged minority group members,
Stirton says. However, only a
small percentage of the students
are mindrity group members.
"We're trying in every way we.
can to recruit them," Stirton ex-
plains. "The co-operative pro-
gram is a superb opportunity for
minority group members to get
solid jobs, not just ornamental

Dearborn 'also participates in
an exchange with Tuskegee In-
stitute. Juniors at Tuskegee who
have proven academic ability can
enter the co-operative program
which provides them with a job,
income and eventually a degree.
The campus' enrollment contin-
ues to increase along with need
for expansion. Planning money
has. been authorized for a new
300,000 volume library which will
cost around $2172 million.
Portable athletic facilities have
been set up at the campus.,
"Only budgetary limitations
prevent the campus from increas-
ing the present rate of develop-
ment and expanding, graduate as
well as undergraduate programs,'"
Stirton says.
Last year Dearborn suffered a
housing shortage and planned
construction of three new hous-
ing units, but additional housing
became available in the city of
Since many students spend half
their time away from Dearborn
working, short leases are neces-
Stirton attributes the solution
of the housing problem to the in-
creasing acceptance of -the cam-

"When these students are
posed on the job, they win
ceptance," he continues.


pus and short leases by residents
of Dearborn.
Only -one University - owned
housing unit is in operation at
Dearborn, which accomodates 106
students. First preference is mar-
rid couples.
Operating funds for the cam-
pus come from the University's
general budget, as do funds fort
all branches.
Stirton is titled director of the
campus, but Scott 'will take over
as dean. The Regents changed the
Dearborn arrangement last year
to a system like the one used for
Flint college.
Dearborn is , centered around
Fair Lane, former estate of Henry
Ford. The original four buildings
were donated in 1957 by business
and industry at a cost of $10
million, Principal donor was the
Ford Motor Co.
Because course work is at the
professional-or graduate level, all
instruction is conducted by spe-
cially selected senior faculty with
experience in teaching advanced
courses. Teaching loads are lighter
than at most colleges of compar-
able size.
Dearborn also offers some eight
week courses in concurrence with
the summer term for part-time
graduate students, primarily in
education and industry.

If the stir the issue caused last
year is any indicationd the ques-
tion of who shall conduct job re-
cruiting on campus and how they
will do it will remain an area of
controversy this year.
If the University can be called
the producer of future leaders,
then the Bureau' of Appointments
' and Occupational Information is
its marketplace.
Last year nearly 3000 busi-
nesses, governmental agencies and,
schools came to the University
looking for personnel to fill 20,-
000 positions. Over 2500 students
and faculty applied to the place-
cment office for job interviews.
But traditionally business like
operation of the Bureau has been
convulsed by policy questions in
recent months.
nThe intensification of the Viet-
nam 'war effort and the conse-
quent rise in anti-war sentiment
has resulted in numergus student
demonstrations across the nation
protesting recruiters from com-
panies associated with the war.
The University has been forced
to re-examine Its relationship
with the several corporations and
government agencies that have
been the subject of violent student
The situation presented a di-
lemma to'the University; for while
it wants to avoid the kind of dis-
ruptions which have occurred
elsewhere, the University is high-
ly sensitive to the public reaction
which might occur if these con-
troversial recruiters were exclud-
ed from campus.
The University has attempted
to diminish the recruiting prob-
lem during the past year by the
introduction of public forums
where controversial recruiters can
explain and defend their policies.
The forum was first utilized No-
vember 8, 1967 following a morn-
ing-long non-disruptive protest
against Dow Chemical Co. by law
students. The forum featured a
debate between three law school
faculty members plus the Dow re-
Speaking before an overflow
crowd of 500 students, Profs. Jo-
seph Sax, Alfred Conrad, and
Dean Frances Allen, all of the
law school, debated whether stu-
dents should use their protests
against campus recruiters to voice
opposition to administration for-
eign policy.
The University's public forums
originated from a Voice-SDS pro-
posal that controversial recruiters
be "required" to participate in
these open discussions of their
organization's policies.
Fleming agreed vigorously to
the principle of holding open for-
ums, but it was clear he was op-
posed to the stipulation that such
forums be made mandatory. Flem-
ing told Voice members he had
received similar suggestions from
faculty members and members of
Graduate Assembly.
But not all segments of the Uni-
versity agreed with the plan. On
February 14, Engineering Council
circulated .a petition protesting
the placement of any restrictions
on meetings with recruiters. Near-
ly 1400 signatures were collected.
Wally Rhines, '68E, president of
the council, said the purpose of
the petition was "to draw atten-
"Let us style a
to your individual needs."
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CHICKEN !"r f ,

tion to a prevailing student opin-
ion that the rights of students
should not be unnecessarily.
abridged by placing undue limita-
tions on a service provided for
their benefit."
The next day, a Dow recruiter
began his regularly scheduled in-
terviews on campus, and at the
urging of Fleming akreed to par-
ticipate the following week in a
public discussion of the company's
Finally, at their March meeting,
the Regents made a decision on
recruitment. In their statement,
the Regents said they "express op-
position to a policy which would'
require employer participation In
public forums as a condition of
recruiting on campus," but ap-
proved a resolution which asked
University placement offices "to
invite' employers in whose policies
there appears to be student and/or
faculty interest to participate vol-
untarily" in the public forums.
In explaining the Regents' op-
position to any mandatory open
forum, Regent Robert Briggs said,
"freedom of speech also involves
the right not to speak.'

Dearborn Campus' main classroom building

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