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August 15, 1968 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1968-08-15

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Minnesota Senator seeks military cutbacks

Vice President outlines urban problems

EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is
an interview conducted by Mark Le-
vin, editor of The, Daily, and Robert
opa, a Detroit News reporter, with
Sen. Eugene McCarthy (D.-Minn) on
July 27. The interview will be pub-
lished in a special convention issue
of the Michigan Democrat to be rew
leased next week.
Levin: Secretary of Health,
Education and Welfare, Wilbur
Cohen, in defending the war
last spring said the expendi-
tures for the Vietnam conflict
have little effect on the ap-
propriations granted his de-
partment by Congress. First of
all, is that now true? Second-
ly, would an end to the war in
any way mean a reordering of
our national priorities and the
funneling of large expenditures
into urban areas?
McCarth'y: I don't quite un-
derstand what Wilbur was talk-
ing about unless he was mak-
ing an interpretation that the

end of the war didn't have any
effect on the appropriations
and that his deparment would
have gotten no more than they
got even without the war. If
you compare what was appro-
priated to what had/ been au-
thorized and what had been
asked for, there was a signifi-
cant difference between these
two points. I don't think
there's any question but that
an austerity program is ii ef-
I would say that the war in
Vietnam has probably affected
the appropriations for HEW
boards more than it has affect-
ed any other department in the
government if you include
Housing as part of that general
Along with the cutback on
the Vietnam War, it is impor-
tant also, I think, that there

be some more general demili-
tarization of our over-all policy.
The Defense Department is
quite able to spend billions of
dollars in other areas, especial-
ly if we accept the concept of
unlimited defense of the coun-
In this session of Congress
we attempted to stop the De-
fense Department from going
ahead with the anti-ballistic
missile system and secured 34
votes in the Senate in opposi-
tion to it. That was a very sig-
nificant vote, the strongest vote
we have had an any major de-
fense question in a long time
in Congress. So it is just not
the war in Vietnam, but it's
these excessive expenditures for
military purposes that are high
even without the war going on.
Popa: Why do you feel bet-
ter qualified than the other

candidates to be President?
McCarthy: Did I say I was
better qualified?
As far as knowing the issues
and knowing the problems of
the government, I think I show
a broader concern and a better
analysis of most of the issues
and of the processes of gov-
ernment than any of the other
Usually they raise a question
of not having had administra-
tive experience. As a matter of
fact, you get a President who
is preoccupied with administra-
tion and he usually is inatten-
dent to some of the more im-
portant policy decisions.
Popa: Well, along this same
line, you have been described
by some Negroes as having no
soul and not being able to
"rap" with them. The polls tend
See McCARTHY, Page 2

EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is
an interview conducted by Levin and
Popa with Vice President Hubert
Humphrey on August 2. It will. also
be published next week in the Mi-
cnigan Democrat.,
Popa: We will start off with
the basic questions, Mr. Vice
President. Why do you feel that
you should be the President and
the candidate?
Humphrey:- Well, I feel that
I have lived a life of political
training and political experi-
ence that should be helpful in
fulfilling the duties of the of-
fice of the President. From the
point of view of academic back-
ground, I was a professor of
political science in the field of
American government. I have
been an active participant in
party politics so I do not come
in as a neophyte or as an in-
experienced man in the political
structure of the party.

I have served as mayor of a
great city for two terms with
executive responsibilities. Dur-
ing that period of service, I
was confronted with some of the
problems that we have today:
planning the reconstruction of
a large area of a city, establish-
ing the very first human rela-
tions commission in the United
States for any major city, pass-
ing the first fair employment
practices ordinance for anyma-
jor city, working with state leg-
islators in order to improve my
city government. I have had
three terms in the United States
Senate. I served for four years
as the majority whip of the
Senate working in very close
cooperation with the then Pres-
ident Kennedy as his legislative
leader in the Senate, helping
form legislative proposals and
getting them passed.

Now for the last four years I
have served as Vice President,
which has given me an oppor-
tunity to )see the presidency{ in
operation. I think there is no
substitute for the kind of ex-
perience I have received in
watching the working of the
presidency closely.
Popa: What would be your
number one priority as Presi-
dent? What has to be done with
the nation that has not yet
been done? Is it the war in
Vietnam, the war on poverty?
Are these two interrelated?
Humphrey: Well, I consider
the number one task here, at
home to be able to mobilize the
physical and the human re-
sources of this country, primar-
ily for the upgrading of our
urban life.
I hesitate to designate just
the urban problems because

there are still many people who
live in what we call the. rural
community or the non-urban
community, but if you have to
pick an area in which there
seems to be the conditions of
crisis, it is in the metropolitan
centers, -in the inner city.
What I am really talking
about is what we can do with
people. How do we help the
people help themselves? This
goes into improving the physi-
cal, surroundings to be sure, so
that people have decent homes,
adequate school facilities, mod-
ern medical facilities and prop-
er recreational areas and facili-
ties. But more importantly, it
goes to how you help people
become self-sustaining and self-
respecting, how you engender
pride on the one hand and how
See HHH, Page 2

See editorial page

Yi t



Fair and

Vol. LXXVIII, No. 67-5 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, August 15, 1968 Tern Cents

Six Pages

Southern Dems plan


ATLANTA, Ga. (MP-A coalition'
of Southern Democratic chairmen
announced a list yesterday of
seven Southerners they will push
for the Democratic vice presiden-
tial nomination.
They said they hope to see
strong planks written on law and
order, support of freedom of
choice plans for schools and broad
changes in the nations farm pro-

Paris delegates
claim Hanoi
plans offensive
By The Associated 'ress
U. S. Ambassador W. Averell Harriman dismissed as "un-
realistic" yesterday Hanoi's insistent demand for an uncon-
ditional halt in U.S. bombing of North Vietnam and accused
the North Vietnamese of planning a new wave of attacks in
the South.
Ambassador Xuan Thuy defended the North Vietnamese
government's position, saying the demand was legitimate,
realistic and reasonable." "

On the list of potential vice
presidential candidates are Gov.
John Connally of Texas, Gov.
Buford Elllington of Tennessee,:
Gov. John McKeithen of Louisi-
ana, Gov. Robert McNair of South
Carolina, former governors Carl
Sanders of Georgia and Terry Humphrey a
Sanford of North Carolina, and
Sen. George Smathers (D-Fla).
The chairmen said at a news0
conference after their second
meeting within a week that they G e
will present the list to candidates
for the presidential nomination at
the National Democratic Conven-
tion on the basis that the South as
can unite behind any one of the Stop
The group also will communi-
S cate to the Convention Creden- ; ATLANTA, Ga. .1 -ieox gia -
tials Committee its desire that 'with or without Gov. Lester Mad-
challenges to various state dele- dox as a candidate - has become
gations be investigated strictly on a pivotal point in Sen. Eugene
. the basis of "the legality of the McCarthy's drive for the Demo-
selection of the delegates." cratic presidential nomination.
-Associated Press 'It is time for all honorable McCarthy forces have taken
unce recommendations persons to condemn the utilization control of a challenge to Georgia's
of credentials procedures to coerce National Democratic Convention
support for the nomination," said delegation, and are giving it top
Robert Vance of Alabama, whose priority ingtheirattack on dele-
state delegation is one of those gate seating at Chicagoy
under attack. The McCarthy strategy appar-
The chairmen agreed individ-! ently is two-fold
sually that use of the unit rule-
by which an entire delegation is'
S --should be left up to each dele- eeX
ruininals gation.
Represented at yesterday 1
'meeting were six states, Geor giaI -~- ~v u
men's Benevolent Association, vo- Florida, South Carolina.eNor th L II. 1
ted unanimously Tuesday night to Carolina, Alabama and Mississip-
support the get-tough policy pi
enunciated by its president, John Pat Thomas of Florida, one of By STUART GANNES
J. Cassese. the spokesmen for the group said The state's New Politics party

nd McCarthy vie for Georgia delegates

idelegration key
!Iumph rey drive
1 To attempt to tarnish Vice organization captured Georgia's
President Hubert Humphrey's civil rival delegation in a bitter fight.

Southern delegates anuno
4'soft' onl ci
NEW YORK UP - The city'
policemen's union, charging that
Mayor John V. Lindsay has order-
ed soft treatment of law-breakers,
said yesterday it will instruct its
29,000 members "to uphold the
law and disregard any unlawful
order not to do so."

rights image by forcing him into
a position of alignment with a
delegation picked by Maddox.,
0 To try to polish McCarthy's
own image on civil rights by bas-
ing the Georgia challenge and
those in other states primarily on
the question of racial discrimina-
The shift in the emphasis of
the Georgia challenge to the racial
question came after the McCarthy


Norman Frank, coiimiunit
lations adviser to the associa

y re-

Lindsay and Police Commis- iWRlV 411 u' k01"AA
indsay Hwad P.lier Co s- said the directive which the or-
sioner Howard R. Leary have de- ganization plans 'to distribute to
nied any City Hall interference in its members this week is "most
police operations. The mayor said assmeer t deek inds
Leary alone is in comnand assuredly not defiance" of Lind-
hea commissioner command, n say and Leary.
Lthe comsinrcalled it "in-!Case,5,r-lcdinJe
conceivable to leave the decision- Cassese, 55, re-elected in June
making to the individual officer." to his sixth two-year term as pre-
The 325-member delegate body sident of the union, has charged
of the police union, the Patrol- that Lindsay adopted a soft pol-
- icy because of "either political ex-
u pediency or a misguided response
P to social pressures."
reek police "In the last 21' years we've fol-
lowed a policy of restraint that
1 1 emanated from City Hall-a pol-
icy of turning the other cheek and
not getting involved," said Cas-
ATHENS /-P) - Police made a sese, who walked a police beat for
ATHES (P~'- Plic mae a18 years but now has a desk ,fob.
new wave of arrests yesterday in
an effort to apprehend plotters FULL ENFORCEMENT
behind Tuesday's abortive attempt "Now, I say, let's try the other
to assassinate Greek Premier side of the coin. We're going to
George Papadopoulos. enforce the law 100 per cent," he

however that the chairmen from
six other states--Texas, Louisi-
ana, Virginia. Tennessee, Ar-
kansas and Kentucky--are being
kept informed of the coalition's
actions and are in agreement.}

will choose delegates committed
to either Black Panther Minister
of Information Eldridge Cleaver or
Dick Gregory at a caucus of their
Convention tonight in the Union.
The state branch of the party

,e 0today
will send 19 of the 150 delegates
to the national convention of the
combined New Politics-Peace and
Freedom parties which will be
held in Ann Arbor this weekend.
The state delegation will not be
bound by the unit rule. Since both
Cleaver and Gregory have support
within the state delegation, neith-
er is expected to win all of its
19 votes.I
"It's hard to tell at. this point
exactly which way the convention
will go," said Eric Chester, Grad.
"It seems there is substantial sup-
port for both Gregory and
Michigan is one of 15 states in
which the presidential nominee of
the NP-PF convention will appear
on the ballot.
At the NP state convention to-
night, the party will probably con-
sider Prof. Larry Hochman of the
physics department at Eastern
Michigan University as a possible
vice presidential candidate and
Chester and Thomas R. Copi, '69,
as candidates for the two Univer-
sity Regent vacancies up for elec-
tion this fall.
To be eligible to vote at to-
night's convention, a person must
be a member of CNP. A member-
ship drive will be held prior to
th "nnvanin in wmichnonnl

The Georgia Democratic Party
Forum, an organization of dissi-
dent Democrats which initiated
the challenge, based its case pri-
marily on the question of the par-
ty loyalty of the Maddox-picked
A brief by the forum had al-
ready been filed with the Demo-
c r a t i c Credentials Committee
when a forum-sponsored conven-
tion met Saturday in Macon to
elect the rival delegatian.
For'um chairman E. T. Kehrer
later told newsmen he had been
subjected to intense pressure from
McCarthy's staff to change the
emphasis of the brief from party
loyalty to race, but had resisted.
At Macon, Kehrer was elected
convention chairman, but the Mc-
Carthy organization immediately
took control.
During the ensuing fight to elect
a partisan delegation, Kehrer an-
grily turned in his gavel and left
the hall, denouncing the "amoral,
tough and financially well-
greased" tactics of the McCarthy
Kehrer, one of the founders of
the forum in 1966, invited repre-
sentatives of both McCarthy and
Humphrey to the Macon conven-
tion as "national observers."
McCarthy sent an efficient
staff, headed by Washington at-
torney Joseph Rauh, who is rules
and credentials coordinator for
the campaign.
Humphrey did not respond,,
prob'ably for two reasons:
-The Maddox delegation in-
eludes some delegates who are
Humphrey supporters, and others
who consider him the lesser evil
among the announced candidates.
Despite strong sentiment for
George Wallace among some oth-
ers, the delegation probably could
be counted on to go for Humphrey
under the unit rule.
-Several forum leaders, includ-
ing Kehrer, are pro-Humphrey

He blamed the Americans for
the deadlock in the Paris talks,
and repeated his warning that the
two sides could move no closer to
peace until U.S. air raids on the
North were stopped.
Thus, after 17 meetings over
three months, the peace talks still
appeared to be stalled. The chief
point at issue, as it was when the
discussions began May 13, wAs the
question of bombing.
Harriman said President John-
son could not order a complete
halt of the bombing as long as
North Vietnam continued to pour
troops and material into South
Vietnam .for "another round of
large-scale attacks."
He declared to 'reporters after
the four-hour meeting: "I told
them the President was ready to
stop all the- bombing so we could
get on with the talks and I held
them responsible for this delay
because of their unrealistic po-
"They didn't realize that the
President means what he says,
that he cannot stop all the bomb-
ing when they're increasing their
shipments of men and material'
to the South, increasing the threat
to the battle area of the demilitar-
ized zone."
Nguyen Thanh Le, the North
Vietnamese press spokesman, left
no doubt that his delegation had
no intention of dropping its prin-
cipal demand.
"We are going to keep on in-
sisting that the United States stop
its bombing," he told a news con-
ference after the meeting.
"The American side has put for-
ward various forms of proposals
consisting in absurdly demanding
reciprocity so as to refuse the un-
conditional cessation of the bomb-
ing, thus preventing the conver-
sations from progressing," Thuy
Harriman also told newsmen
that, since the first of the year,
Viet Cong terrorists in South Viet-
nam have killed 8,000 civilians,
wounded 20,000 others and kid-
napped 6,000.
Biafra fund'
Sponsors of the Biafran Relief
Fund Drive have decided to ex-
tend their efforts at least through
the month of August.
The Newman Student Associa-
tion and the Ecumenical Campus
Center made the decision after a
successful bucket drive on the
University campus and through-
out the city which raised more

Dorms to
The University residence halls
system Is schehing to deprive
freshmen of their innocence. But
the administrators' intentions are
Spurred by faculty and admin-
istrative suggestion, John Feld-
kamp, director of University hou-
sing, set up a committee last
spring to come up with a fresh-
man information program on sex,
drugs and college life. A program
on these "relevant topics" is in
the works for the fall, along with
counseling and housing.
"There won't be any moralizing
in any of it,' 'promises Miss Helen
E. Tanner, committee member
and assistant director of Uniiver-
sity housing. "It will be strictly
the, facts, and. we will let the stu-
dents themselves decide how they
want to act on what they hear,"
she insists.
The joint student-residence hail
staff committee started on the
premise "that many freshmen ar-
rive at the University unsure of
themselves ands lacking informa-
tion about certain aspects of cam-
pus life," like sex and drugs,
which they seldom have an op-
portunity to learn about at home.
The housing office thus found it
necessary to "assume the respon-
sibility for the program and to
provide the necessary leadership."
Purple, green and blue "Sock it
to me" posters will inform stu-
dents of the five programs.
The first session is designed to
introduce staff to students Infor-
mally. The following program,
scheduled for Sept. 9, will answer
freshman - sophomore counseling
Health Service and faculty phy-
sicians will conduct sessions Sept.
23 and 30 on sex. A discussion of,
drugs in Hill Aud. on, Oct. 7 will
feature the Health Service, Ann
Arbor Police and Dean Thomas D.
Rowe of the college of pharmacy.
The final program, slated for
November,,is about"Shopping
Around." A panel from Inter-
House Assembly, Pan-Hellenic As-
sociation, Interfraterhity Council,
Inter-Cooperative Council and the
Office namnu Husing Bureau.

The government said a 29-year-
old man, Alexander Panagoulis, is
under arrest in connection with
the bombing of the premier's car
He was riescribed as an army

Lindsay replied that he knew
what pressure policemen are un-
der. He said the city's success in
avoiding major riots was due to
the "professionalism" of the po-

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