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August 07, 1968 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1968-08-07

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~~tir SirIiw at
Seventy-seven years of editorial freedom
Edited arad managed by students of the University of Michigan
under authority of Board in Control of Student Publications
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552
Editorials printed in The Michigan Doily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers
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of North Vietnamese aggression

ALTHOUGH both antagonists in the
Vietnam war purport peaceful goals,
the administration's demands for North
Vietnamese reciprocation remain one
step ahead of the North's de-escalation
After three months of stalemate in
Paris, Secretary of State Dean Rusk said
last week that the administration wants
"a realistic response" from the North in
reply to our bombing restrictions. He ex-
plained away the recent lull in ground
fighting simply as a chance for North
President Johnson announced March
31 bombing restrictions to an area com-
prising only ten per cent of North Viet-
TH E NEXT 'WEEK, the North Vietnam-
ese announced their willingness to
enter in negotiations with the U.S.
As the days passed, the Johnson ad-
ministration eventually clarified exact-
Student sports:
E SPECTRE of a skeleton intramur-
al program returned to haunt the
University over the weekend, at a time
when both the University and its auton-
omous Athletic Department are osten-
sibly struggling to combat the 40-year-
old villain of neglect.
Students protesting the paving of a
portion of Wines Field stopped the proj-
ect Saturday morning, forcing an emer-
gency meeting with President Robben
Fleming. Students criticized reducing the
playing area on Wines Field without prior
meetings with student sports leaders.
The paving resumed Monday with the
grudging consent of the students, but
dnly after the administration had prom-
ised in writing that further support of
club sports and intramurals would be
forthcoming in the immediate future.
Understandably, there is still skepti-
KJN G most efforts for improved stu-
dent sport facilities has been a strue-
tural defect in which student athletics
"falls between chairs." No one wants
and no one has responsibility.
Last winter's Regental shuffling of the
athletic department was supposed to di-
vorce student athletics from Intercolle-
giate athletics by forming a Student
Sport Advisory Board. The Regents left
the task of finances to this board. And
they appointed Athletic Director Don
Canham as chairman.
Canham presumably is supposed to car-
ry out the board's most viable sugges-
tions. But he has only one source of
money and resources: the Athletic De-
partment which has stubbornly refused
to, take student athletics under omni-
jurisdiction. Even if the Athletic Depart-
ment was conscientiously sympathetic to
the student suggestions, it could hardly
afford the many improvements which are
The Regents thus have again effective-
ly dead-ended the responsibility for stu-
dent athletics.
BUT THERE is a solution:
The Athletic Department, which owns
the main campus playing fields and the
Intramural Building, would deed those
fields to the University (with the excep-
tion of Ferry Field on which the football
team practices.) Minor sport teams would
practice in the Events Building.
The Regents would abolish the advisory
board and the present intramural setup.

In its place would be a Student Sports
Board, organized along the lines of the
University Activities Center.
Money and facilities would be supplied
by the University. Manpower would be
supplied by the students.
This would eliminate unilateral action
by the administration and put responsi-
bility directly where it should be.
Sports Editor

ly what the restricted part of North Viet-
nam amounted to.
It is the North Vietnam panhandle -
which comprises a small percentage of
the land but is the home of four million
of the nation's 16 million people.
In this extremely confined area, the
U.S. has intensified the level of the bomb-
ing to the saturation point.
In testimony before the House Appro-
priations Committee released in June,
Secretary of Defense Clark Clifford ex-
plained the government's strategy: "We
are increasing the number of missions
over that area (the panhandle) very sub-
"As I remember the figures, they were
something like 3,000 (sorties) in Febru-
ary, about 5,000 in March, 7,000 in April,
and now they are running at around
10,000 sorties a month," Clifford said.
DURING THESE months there were re-
ports widely circulated in Washing-
ton that one of General Westmoreland's
last commands was a directive to win
the Vietnam War through an all-out ef-
fort within three months. That was in
But in recent weeks fighting in the
South has gradually tapered off. No rock-
ets have fallen on Saigon for the past
six weeks. The number of American sol-
diers killed in Vietnam has drastically
dropped since the spring when totals av-
eraged 400. U.S. combat deaths are down
from the war's all-time peak of 562 ,in
the week ended May 11 to the 1968 low
of 157 killed in the week ended July 20,
or a drop of 72 per cent since the talks
began May 13.
WHILE ALL signs seem to indicate the
North Vietnamese and the National
Liberation Front are willing to negotiate
a settlement, the U.S. and the South Viet-
namese government have been unwilling
and even reluctant to recognize the
North's deescalation overtures and con-
tinue to insist on actions which have al-
ready been completed in good faith.
There is a reason for these delaying
tactics. When South Vietnam's Thieu
visited the President in Honolulu last
month Mr. Thieu explained he needed at
least three years to organize an effective
political organization to compete with
the NLF in a coalition government (as
reported in the New Republic).
Of the three political front organiza-
tions organized by the South Vietnamese
government after last September's elec-
tions, only the one supported by Mr.I
Thieu has survived.
While the United States is playing into
the hands of Mr. Thieu, the bombing of
the North continues. Both the North and
the NLF have taken the reciprocal ac-
tions for which Dean Rusk waits so pa-
THE INITIATIVE both in Vietnam and
in Paris now rests in our hands, and
it is time for us to prove our intentions
by showing the Vietnamese and the world
that we are sincerely interested in nego-
tiating peace now.
TWO OF the nation's major steel pro-
ducers who had increased their prices
last week after granting substantial wage
increases to employes backed down Mon-
day when faced with a Defense De-
partment boycott. Two others followed
suit yesterday.
- It is fortunate that the steel price in-
crease - which would surely have had

an inflationary effect on the nation's al-
ready bloated economy - was avoided.
But no cheers for the Johnson admin-
The President's action was taken in a
desperate moment for the U.S. economy.
And this desperation, it must be noted,
has been caused almost exclusively by
the $25 billion a year of destruction this
country is unleashing upon the people
of Vietnam.
The steel price increases, even if tem-
porarily avoided, are only symptomatic of

(Continued from Page 1)
For basically, in this year of
harmony, most Republicans are in
fact concerned with who the nom-
inee will be. Reagan woos dele-
gates at their caucuses and they
are impressed. Nixon grants audi-
ences to the delegates and they
some away impressed, Nelson
Rockefeller dispatches his banker
brother Dacid to the Texan dele-
gation and this representative of
the Eastern Establishment gains
som egood will even if no vote
While Reagan has failed to
make dramatic inroads in the
past twenty-four hours since he
became and avowed candidate, one
cannot help being impressed with
the effectiveness that this former
denizen of the late show uses in
getting his low-key, earnest, cit-
izen-in-politics image across.
Unlike Goildwater, his former
mentor, Reagan does not project
the same aura of extremism, al-
though, at least half or the youth-
ful Reagan supporters here seem
to have crawled out of the YAF
woodwork after being relatively
subdued for three years. Reagan
has defintely increased his sta-
ture so far at the convention, for
he has held his unwieldy Califor-
nia delegation together to the ex-
tent that a Negro state senator
Going into the
far turn, it's .. .
OF COURSE it's an open con-
vention. Anything can hap-
pen. Wide open.I
1st ballot: Anticipating no con-
test, the Nixonites panic when
their shoe-in falls three votes
2nd: Nixon loses 12 more to
Rockefeller (Winthrop). The race
is on.
3rd: Nixoners stampede to Rea-
gan, whose backers, sensing a
landslide, cross over to Dick. Rock
holds firm, causing a deadlock,
and the convention adjourns until
4th: Rockefeller withdraws and
declares for Percy. Reagan is
stopped, and delegates drift back
to Nixon.
5th: Nixon is only seven votes
shy, but Percy withdraws in favor
of Lindsey, Romney nominates
astronaut Glenn, and Reagan de-
clares for John Wayne.
10th: Nixon gives up, directing
his delegates to plug Westmore-
land. The convention breaks for
In the smoke-filled room,
bleary-eyed managers g r o p e
through the fog for a compromise
candiate. S o mn e b o d y suggests
thumbing through the Miami
Beach telephone directory.
14th: Moderate Chet Huntley
gains on recording star Everett
Dirksen. Stassen holds his own.
18th: MacNamara withdraws
unilaterally, and delegates trickle
lack to R. Milhous Nixon. Specu-
lation runs high, but J. Edgar
hoover is only 27 votes behind
20th: Nixon concedes for the
third time. The survivors fall
asleep. Party chairmen wander
through the lavatories looking for
new faces.
Then, on the 23rd the Trend
starts to develop; by the 25'th, a
quorum is awake; on the 27th, re-
porters bolt for the telephones;
and finally, on the 28th ballot,
McCarthy is unanimous.
Nixon on the first? Not a

sconded the appeal for him to be-
come an announced candidate, he
has captivated the hearts if not
the votes of all the delegations he
has visited, and he has success-
fully projected that hard-core
Republican image of responsible
cost-cutting in government.
Reagan has come a long way
since the initial cries of well-de-
served horror at the entrance of
the former host of Death Valley
Days in to the political arena. If
Nixon loses again this fall, odds
are that it will be a responsible
and energetic Ronald Reagan and
not New York's Mayor John Lind-
say who eventually puts the tat-
teredrGOP elephant back to-
*, * *
The high point of Reagan's ap-
peal to the generally receptive
Texas delegation at their caucus
at the Hotel Barcelona yesterday
afternoon was his declaration, "I
believe that the people of this
state have a right to set certain
rules governing the state's univer-
sities. And if students won't abide
by these rules, then the state has
the right to ask them to get their
education elsewhere." The ap-
plause was long and vigorous.
The core of youthful followers
around each of the three candi-
dates serve as a small but decep-
tive reminder that all youth has
not forsaken the Republican
The Rockefeller boosters are by
far the most numerous and at-
Reagan and Nixon partisans sneer
at them and mutter deprecatingly,
"What do you expect, they're
However, those who shout in-
cessantly and inanely, "Rocky's
people say hello," claim that they
all paid their own ways to Miami.
As in everything else in this
campaign, the Nixon kiddy corps
are the best managed. Every day
they are herded out of the run-
down Miami hotels which they
call home to the tune of $4.50 a
night, and are herded by super-
visors through a quick rehearsal
of the day's planned demonstra-
The supervisorsscome armed
with attendance lists. But no one
is sure whether missing two dem-
onstrations is sufficient cause for
them to drive you out of your
cheap hotels for good. Whatever,
it's all a little reminiscent of old-
time steel workers being evicted
from a company town upon losing
their job or trying to organize a
The Nixon volunteers tend to
be the sons and daughters ofpar-
ty functionaries and thus their
allegiance to the two-time Repu-
lican loser is almost congenital.
Only the Reagan backers really
reflect the excitement of the cam-
paign and a hopeful and optimis-
tic attitude about the convention.
For when cornered, too many
Rockefeller boosters will sadly ad-
mit that they don't see how their
candidate can make it either.
* * *
Things that don't make the his-
tory books department: Although
most of the 1300-odd delegates
who listened to Washington Gov-
ernor Dan Evans' see-saw, left-
right, all-thingsto-all-,men key-
note speech Monday night, had
already reached a state of shell-
shock from the giddy succession
of the day's boring scheduled
events, a group of matronly Flor-
ida delegates applauded Evans en-
thusiastically at every pause.
Evans seemed so grateful that he
lost all eye-contact with the rest

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.. YOu ordered these . . ."

of the hall and gave most of his
speech for the benefit of the polite
but ingenuous ladies from 'he
Sunshine State.
Monday afternoon, a fleshy-
looking, well-tanned and uneasily
familiar face was loitering in the
lobby of the plush Hotel Foun-
tainbleau. He would stand near a
group of people, await their rec-
ognition, and when that recogni-
tion failed to come, he would go
over to them, extend his hand
and say, "Hi, I'm Claude Kirk."
And the thrill of speaking to a
real-live governor was enough to
create a semblance of conversa-
tion until after about three min-
utes both sides ran out of plati-
And then Claude Kirk, conven-
tion host, self-proclaimed and
largely ignored candidate for
Vice-President, would slightly
grimace, repaint his smile, and
walk over to another group of
Two attractive girls were dog-
-gedly manning the Rockefeller
booth in the Barcelona Hotel yes-
terday as the lobby surged with a
noisy reception for Governor Rea-
gan. But the image of their cheer-
ful smiles was destroyed by the
sign in front of their table, "Rocky
needs Texas."
And about another 350 votes on
the first ballot.
* *
George Romney held a press
conference after' the Michigan
caucus yesterday afternoonan d
attempted to explain the intellec-
tual basis for his planned plat-
form amendments. But strange-
ly, after about five attempts by
Romney at a clarification, about
the only consensus of what the
Romney platform amendment was
about, was "economic issues."

RONALD REAGAN'S candidacy gives America one last chance to
reclaim the American Dream.
Republican conservatives, ignored and ridiculed in November of
1964, have not given up hope that America does really care about
their needs. Ronald Reagan, who has captured the conservative
e'sprit with his flashback haircut, is ready to -work through the politi-
cal system. Despite much malignment, the conservatives are waging
a comeback through perfectly peaceful means.
But even conservative patience will eventually peter out if there
is no response.
IF AMERICA continues intent on its course of appeasing rebel
demands at the expense of hard-working, law-abiding conservatives,
there will be no alternative.
There will have to be a revolution.
Guns, which conservatives have kept just in case, will be used only
if the wave of pragmatic liberalism continues to sterilize the police
and the military.
Only then will action be taken to resurrect a paramutuel econ-
omy and a social gospel of man and the military.
The revolution will be peaceful. Conservatives fortunately will not
condone messy guerrilla tactics, but will engineer a calculated military
takeover and computerized execu-
THEY WILL, of course, elect a
principled man like Reagan to
legitimize certain principled re-
forms. Overall, conservatives will h
be reasonable but just, fair but *4
firm, humorless but stupid. j
They will simply take those re-
wards for which they have worked
patiently and slaved carefree all
these years. They will only re-
cover their rights as America's
first citizens.<;
It is a tribute to moral "in-
testinude" that they have waited
this long.
If Ronald Reagan has the cour-
tesy to thank God for America, I
think America should have the
decency to thank God for Ronald
Reagan. I pray that the delegates
make the right decision today. N



Biafra: From tribalism to starvation


EITOR'S NOTE: The following
speech, given by Sen. Wayne Morse
(1-Ore) last Friday, isreprinted from
The Congressional Record.
R PRESIDENT, the war in
Biafra is not only a great
human tragedy but it calls for
humane and moral action on the
part of not only the United States
but all free nations.
The present situation in Nigeria
is a direct consequence of two
serious mistakes made by Great
The first mistake dates back to
the colonization era when Great
Britain had colonized a vast re-
gion of the western African con-
tinent called Nigeria where three
major tribes lived: the Muslim
Ahoussas in the north and the
animist Ibos and Yoroubos in the
south-the Ibos living in the east
and the Yoroubos in the west.
IN THE NORTH, Great Britain
was satisfied with the setting up
of an indirect administration and
left alone the feudal organization
stemming from Islam. This organ-
ization was made out of Sultan-
ates and Emirates, and a great
majority of the people which no-
body cared to educate was left
prey to the exploitation of this
feudal system.
On the other hand, in the
south, the Ibo and Yoroubo tribes


ent unfortunate state of things.
The numerous coups d'etats
performed by the more advanced
southern elements in order to take
over the country were the only
means at the disposal of these ele-
ments for all democratic processes
to reach this end were inaccess-
THIS SITUATION then led to
the several tragic consequences,
the assassination of Sir Aboubakar
Tafew and Ahmadou Bello, two
prominent chiefs of the northern
region. The coups d'etats brought
forth also murderers' reprisals
against the innocent population
and particularly against the Ibos
who suffered 30,000 dead through-
out Nigeria and mostly those Ibos
settled iri the north of Nigeria.
These Ibos were forced to take
refuge in the eastern region from
where they originated.
Furthering this massive exodus
toward the east, the Ibos refused

to take part in the many con-
ferences with the leaders of the
other regions which were held at
Lagos or elsewhere in Nigeria out
of fear of being massacred or of
receiving insufficient protection.
This fear caused the conference
,of the Nigerian leaders to be held
outside of their country in the
Ghanean town of Abouri where
an agreement was reached and
accepted by all.
Unfortunately, the Government
of Great Britain, which enjoys a
great influence in Nigeria, was
unable to force the Federal Gov-
ernment of Nigeria to accept and
respect them.
The second mistake was the di-
rect cause of the bloody hostilities
which have taken place in Nigeria
for the past 14 months.
This barbarious and inhuman
war in which there is no possibili-
ty to respect the most elementary
laws of war caused the death of
hundreds of thousands of people
per day. These dead are not only
the victims of direct hostIlity but
they can also be attributed/ to
hunger and disease which afflicts i
indistinctively men, women, and
The civilian population is sub-
mitted daily to bombings thanks
to sophisticated armamentopenly
supplied in great quantity by two
great powers, Great Britain and
the Soviet TUnion.and by plnens

or human life. These villages ob-
viously have no shelters.
IN 14 MONTHS of war, the
number of casualties has substan-
tially surpassed the number of
casualties in the Vietnam war.
Furthermore, it is indeed very
strange to witness that for once,
in a civil war against a small
population, the West, represented
by Great Britain, and the Com-
munists, represented by Russia,
are both on the same side and,
stubbornly eradicate a small na-
TO PERMIT the continuation
of this war and offer Egypt and
Algeria this occasion, constitutes
a grave error for the Occidentals
because when they begin to realize
their error, it will be too late.
Sometimes, we only see the
racial problems and sordid in-
terests of different countries
but we must not forget the suf-
ferings of all men ,as human
suffering deserves t o b e
The warring factions should
join together to cease the hostili-
ties and return to the conference
Once again the Security Council
of the United Nations should
measure up to its obligationsto
intervene {whenever and wherever

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