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August 07, 1968 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1968-08-07

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Special To The Daily
MIAMI BEACH-tJncertaintye
to whether Nixon already has enoug
delegates for an early ballot victor
is working to the former vice-pres
dent's advantage.
If Nixon has the 667 votes neede
for nomination, favorite son cand
dates who continue to bind the
delegations could be left in ti
awkward position of running aft
the bandwagon after it has alrea
taken off.
Nixon agents have been quickt
politely suggest this possibility to ti
favorite sons and to some borde
line Rockefeller supporters..
The confident claims by Nixo
supporters that he already has ov
700 votes, the endorsement-a-da
and the high-level largely fiction

next Pr
news leak that delegates in such key
states as Pennsylvania are switching
to the ex-vice-president--all are part
as of the war of nerves Nixon is waging.
gh* * *
ry Rockefeller's relations with the
i- working press in Miami Beach
couldn't be better. He addresses
ed newsmen by name, fields questions
Li- with a dry wit, is well briefed in
ir advance, understands implications
he and avoids stepping into subtle
er traps. His headquarters usually pro-
dy vides newsmen with a large spread
of roast beef and ham sandwiches,
to beer, soft drinks and coffee. When
he the governor is expected to be late,
r- his aides ask the networks to turn
off the hot lights needed for the
an television, cameras, open back and
er side exits for ventilation and pass out
ay blue-with-white-letters "Rocky hand
al fans."

esident .



On the other hand there is a run-
ning feud between Reagan's staff
and the working press. The most
..' fMf h y .:JLVA .:s :'t:. .: .. :':.


caucus room after about 45 minutes
and began reading a "statement,"
which contained nothing of signi-
ficance. But suddenly heads turned
and feet quickly responded as it be-
came clear that the "statement" was
merely a ploy to ease the California
governor out the back door un-
molested.I Since then, the Reagan
press have shown a marked adversion
to leave their perch outside whatever
caucus is in session.
Perhaps it's the heat, more likely
it's humidity, but most likely of all
it is the general retired-businessman
mentality of the Republican party
that is responsible for this being
a placid, and in many ways a down-
right dull convention.
Sure there are demonstrations,
sure there are caucuses, but the dem-

onstrations are usually well-re-
hearsed with the only spontaneity
coming from frumpy little old ladies
lucky enough to touch Ronald Rea-
gan. And the caucuses ae almost as
interested in alloting convention
tickets and distributing parking per-
mits as in choosing among Nixon,
Rockefeller or Reagan.
In a lot of ways, the key to the
first ballot vote lies in the relatively
hard to decipher Southern delega-
tions. For with Rockefeller failing to
catch fire, Reagan must pick up
enough first-ballot votes there to
stop Nixon.
But in talking with the generally
outgoing Southern delegates there is
one word which\ keeps recurring
whenever they discuss their dele-
See DEATH, Page 2

in M~iami
graphic convention flareup took
place Sunday afternoon after the
initial caucus of the California dele-
gation. A press aide came out of the




Vol. LXXVI II, No. 61-S Ann Arbor, Michigan- Wednesday, August 7, 1968 Four Pages

Vivian, Harvey
-local nomrnatii



Candidate Esel
supports Rocky
MIAMI BEACH - Second District Congressman Marvin
Esch and two other Michigan representatives declared their
support for Gov. Nelson Rockefeller's candidacy because,
Rockefeller say's, they "have decided that they cannot win
their elections unless I am nominated."
Esch is up for re-election this fall. His opponent will be
former Rep. Weston Vivian, the winner of yesterday's local
Democratic primary.
Rockefeller said he was particularly pleased by the six
endorsements because the rationale of the representatives,
all from what he called "marginal districts," was that with-
out Rockefeller they would' -

Harvey Vivian.

Rowry wins place
"on supervisor ballot

Ann Arbor CORE chairman
Ezra Rowry yesterday won the
Democratic nomination for the
County Board of Supervisors from
the Fourth District in one of the
more controversial of yesterday's
races for the newly-elective board.
Rowry will oppose incumbent 0.
Herbert Ellis in November. Ellis
won nomination unopposed.
In the city's Fifth District,
' Democratic incumbent John
Teachout defeated Gloria Fuller.
With one precinct out last night,
incumbent Democrat Bent Niel-
sen was leading John Rae in the
Seventh District.
Republican William E. Lands
led Robert Carlson in the Eighth
In the Third District, Democrat
Jack Starwas defeated Elaine Rice
and Republican Floyd Taylor won
over Wilfred C. Hammond.
Republican Albert Bredernitz
defeated Melvin Hartman in the
Ninth District' Republican Maxe
A. Obermeyer Sr. won over Alfred
W. Morton in the Tenth District.
In Ypsilanti's Eleventh District,
Republican Howard A. Hand was
leading Robert C. Benedict and
Beth W. Milford late last night.
Both party nominations were
contested in Ypsilanti's Twelfth
District. Republican Donald Ed-
monds was leading William L.
Gagnon and Democrat Kenneth
W. Hawks was leading John J.
In District 13, also in Ypsilanti,
returns were not available in the
Republican race between John G.
Pinkston and Melvin Stillwagon.
In the race for Washtenaw
County Prosecutor, with about 50
per cent of the vote in John M.
Toomey led Elmer E. White on
the Democratic slate. Incumbent
William F. Delhev ran unopposed

Winning nomination unopposed
were Democrats Harold W. Hun-
awill, Second District; Eugenia S.
Carpenter, Sixth District; Mar-
jorie C. Brazer, Seventh District;
Lloyd T. Williams, Eighth Dis-
trict; Barbara S. Stevens, Ninth
District; Aloysius P. Minick,
Tenth District; Burleson M. Fitz-
harris, 11th District; and William
E. Winters, 13th District.
Republicans nominated unop-
posed were O. Herbert Ellis,
Fourth District; David R. Byrd,
Fifth District; and Richard E.
Walterhouse, Sixth District.
County supervisors were former-
ly chosen by the governing bodies
of individual municipalities, not
by popular election. The change
in selection procedures caused the
size 6f the normal August pri-
mary ballot to increase consider-
Local trowel
workers gain
A fourteen week strike against
the Washtenaw County General
Contractors and Home Builders
Association was brought to a close
yesterday when the Trowel Trades
Local 14 settled their dispute..
The new contract includes a
$2.10 per hour wage increase to be
spread over the next two years
boosting the trowel tradesmen's
wages to $8.29 by Jan. 1, 1970.
The union had earlier asked
for a $3.00 per hour increase over
the next two years while the con-
tractors-builders had formerly of-
fered a 73 cent increase over the
same period of time.

Former Congressman Weston
Vivian won the Democratic nom-
ination to run for "his old Second
District seat by a 4-1 margin yes-
terday, defeating challengers A.
Jerome Dupont and John McDer-
With 44 per cent of the vote
counted, Vivian had 5078 votes,
followed by Dupont with 1179
and McDermott with 795.
On the Republican side, incum-
bent Rep. Marvin Esch ran un-
In the race for Washtenaw
County Sheriff, incumbent Doug-
las J. Harvey won Democratic re-
nomination over David M. Copi
and Lawrence Oltersdorf. With
slightly more than 50 per cent
counted, Harvey had 3444 votes to
2703 for Copi and 763 for Olters-
For the Republican nomination,
former Sheriff George A. Peter-
sen led five opponents with half
the votes tallied. Petersen had
1873 votes, to 185 for his nearest
opponent, Stanley J. Dulgeroff.
Following Dulgeroff were George
Stauch, Clare M. La~erier, Clark
'Red' Shelton and Earl Willis.
Dupont, a recent graduate of
the University law school, con-
ceded defeat last night around.
midnight. Prof. Nicholos Kaza-
rinoff of the mathematics depart-
ment, Dupon't campaign treas-
urer, said his candidate will not
ask his backers to take any par-
ticular stand on November's Vi-
vian-Esch contest. Dupont him-
self will announce his own posi-
tion within a week. Kazarinoff'
From his Ypsilanti campaign
headquarters, Sheriff Harvey
said he did not think investiga-
tions of unfair labor practices in
his office by the State Labor Me-
diation Board and the Attorney
General affected yesterday's bal-
"We knew all along we were
going to win," he said.
Harvey denied reports that uni-
formed sheriff's deputies cam-
paigned for him yesterday.
In the noh-partisan race for
the nominations for judge of the
Second District Michigan Ap-.
peals Court, which takes in Ma-
comb, Oakland, Livingston, and
Washtenaw counties, Appeals
Court Commissioner John F. Fo-
ley led two opponents with 30
per cent of the vote in. Foley had
19.457 votes, followed by Oak-
land County Prosecuting Attorney
Jerome Bronson with 17,963 and
Robert J. Danhof, Gov. Romney's
legislative advisor, with 15,935.
The top two finishers in this race
will oppose each other in Novem-
ber's general election.
Peter G. V. Thomassen and
Glynn D. Barnett led contenders
for the two nominations to run for
the newly-created Washtenaw
District Court's 15th District,
which includes only the city of
Ann Arbor.
The nominations for State Rep-
resentative from the 15th District
(Ann Arbor) were won by Demo-
crat George W. Sallade and Re-
publican incumbent Raymond J.
Smit. Both candidates were un-
Three proposals to amend the
State Cnntitutin wnn by unhb-

-Associated Press
Abernathy at the convention
The Rev. Ralph Abernathy wears a Rockefeller button on his lapel at Convention headquarters-
yesterday, but he refused to endorse the New York governor at an afternoon press conference. Later
last night Abernathy led about 50 Poor People Campaign demonstrators into Convention Hall but
did not disrupt the proceedings.
Sl1ate protes forDm
By RON LANDSMAN presence dramatically and mil- one of the farthest wings of the
First of Two Parts itantly felt." spectrum of protesters slated to
Protests will abound at the In his eyes, the spectre hang- be in Chicago, and the heart of
Democratic National Conven- ing over the city and the con- that group is the Yippies, the
DeocrnaicNagonalonAgt vention is the Chicago Police nickname for the Youth In-
tion' in Chicago from August Department, along with its sis- temaonlPry
26-30, including everyonefrom "ter security groups for the con- ter ional Partyd
"responsible" Democrats try- vention, Federal marshals and The Yippies have made a
ing to stop Humphrey to the the National Guard. name for themselves in New
alienated who want only to Speaking at a news confer- York by such innovative and
freak-out and take with them ence in Chicago Monday, Prof. strangely - directed demonstra-
as many as they can. Sidney Peck, sociologist at Case tions as showering dollar bills
The more radical protests- Western Reserve University and onto the floor of the New York
which promise to be the more co-chairman of the committee, Stock Exchange from specta-
unruly - fall under the gen- asked that the police be dis- tors' balconies during a trading
eral leadership of the National armed or withdrawn altogether, session.
Mobilization Committee to End since the march would be a
the War in Vietnam, which or- peaceful one, and "too often,'' The Yippies plan"a festival
ganized last October's rally at he noted, "police biutality had Park, well over ten miles away
the Pentagon. turned peaceful marches into from the convention sit.
Two conflicting attitudes riots."frmtecnniost.
typify the committee's ap- The actions and attitude of Essentially, the r Yippies are
proach to operating around the the police department are of planning a variation on the
national convention - the de- special concern in light of a "be-in" in Lincoln Park on Sun-
sire to stage large, massive and day. Ed Sanders of the Fugs
very visible rallies, and the will give a benediction and
more "tactical" method of de- Krassner will deliver the key-
centralized "movement centers" note address. From there it's
placing organizational control a "head Olympic Games," feat-
and information in many sep- uring such competitions as
arate hands. joint-rolling and exorcisms.
The massive march is to be The entire alienated edge of
staged the night of the ballot- the left-liberal wing sees it-
ting, when Vice President Hum- self as resorting to the street
phrey is expected to win the protests and demonstrations of
nomination. Rennie Davis, co- the earlier anti-war days, be-
ordinator of the protest for the fore Sen. McCarthy or the late
mobilization committee, says Sen. Robert Kennedy were an-
more than 100,000 persons nounced candidates.
would march the four miles "Johnson's withdrawal and
from the Loop,the business dis- the Kennedy and McCarthy
trict, to the International Am- campaigns almost destroyed the
phitheatre, the site of the con- Yippies" and the other alien-
vention. ated groups, Krassner said.
Both before and after the Many were drawn into "the
major rally the committee and system" because there was
its supporters will operate in reasonable cause for hope.
small units, holding rallies or But with the death of en-
attempting to meet with dele- nedy ald the appearance of
gations. The weekend before the Yippie Krassner "a Johnson surrogate in the
convention will be marked by form of Hubert Humphrey, it
"people's assemblies," Davis recent investigative report- by was back to 'politics as usual,'
says, meeting in union halls, a "blue-ribbon" committee. The- and that was unacceptable,"
parks, churches and elsewhere. group, which included the :Jres- Krassner said.
The opening day of the conven- ident emeritus of Roosevelt The national mobilization
tion will have many more small University and other Chicago has made some attempt to
rallies, demanding that the con- notables, condemned the police avoid identification with the
"en"in their actions against a peace Coalition for an Open onven-
vention bean "np"one.in+their1actions against a peace *1..

lose. their congressional seats.
The governor has been trying
to convince delegates who are
running for office this November
that Richard Nixon is "a loser"
who will hurt rather than help
their chances if he heads the
The other two Michigan Con-
gressmen were Garry Brown of
the Third District and Jack Mc-
Donald of the 19th District.
A professional Michigan Re-
publican worker who is an advis-
er to Brown and who worked on
Esch's campaign desk in 1966 es-
sentially agreed with Rockefeller's
The worker said a state-wide'
poll taken by the Michigan Re-
publicans party shows, that
Rockefeller would beat Hum-
phrey in the state by a margin
of two per cent while Nixon would
win by only one-half of one per
cent over the vice-president.
"That simply is not enough to
create a coattail effect," the
source noted.
The state Republican source
admitted that the Second and
Third Districts have traditional-
ly voted Republican, and defended
Rockefeller's statement on the
grounds that an upsurge of in-
dustrial and intellectual popula-
tions in both districts is chang-
ing their political tendencies.
MIAMI BEACH (-) - Here is
the standing of the Republican
'candidates for the Presidential
nomination as of 2 a.m. today in
an Associated Press tabulation of
publicly committed first-ballot
Nixon..... . .... ..613
Reagan......... .....176
Favorite sons.........195
Lindsay.............. 1
Needed for nomination .. 667

Ike hit iby
new heart
WASHINGTON (-) - Former
President Dwight D. Eisenhower,
77, suffered what Army doctors
called a new heart attack early
yesterday. The physicians said the
outlook for him was "guarded."
John, Eisenhower, his son, flew
to his X bedside because, he told
newsmen, the doctors "thought
the situation was serious enough
that I should be here."
Doctors at Walter Reed Army
hospitalrmade norofficial an-
nouncerment that Eisenhower had
suffered another heart attack, his
sixth since 1955 and third in
slightly more than three months.
But they used the words in an-
wers to Written questions submit-
ted by newsmen.
Eisenhower has been at the
army hospital since May 14.
Monday night he addressed the
Republican National .Convention
in Miami Beach by electronic
hookup from his hospital suite.
In answering questions, the doc-
tors said that after his massage,
Eisenhower watched the proceed-
ings on television for about an
hour before retiring.
"He felt well and was in good
spirits and there is no reason to
believe that last night's activity
was related to the heart attack
he sustained this morning," they
Asked about his condition, they
said: "Any individual who has
sustained a recent infarction is
considered to be seriously ill."
Republican delegates at the
convention were asked to send
their prayers for his recovery.

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