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July 31, 1968 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1968-07-31

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See editorial page

Sir 43UUx


High- 8Q
Cloudy in the morning;
warier a little later.

Vol. LXXVII, No. 57-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday; July 31, 1968 Ten Cents
Assessment of 'Utuition: Searching fore
By STUART GANNES Many complexities and inequities loses money in the full term program. notified that they are eligible for a Vice President for Academic Af- and make recommendations concern- of fin
Calculated for every student at reg- are inherent in this system, especial- More glaring inequities face stu- fefund. fairs Allan F. Smith also agrees ing tuition assessments. of the
istration, the fee assessment for each ly if a student is taking a partial dents taking combinations of half Don Beach, director of registration "There is probably no rational basis Beach wrote a confidential letter fee "a
student is supposedly balanced load during both half terms and and full term courses. During the in the registrar's office, who handles for it. Many schools have already last June to Ernest R. Zimmermann, pense
against his course load. However, in during the summer full term. summer, a student might pay three the University's fee assessment, says switched to an hourly tuition scale chairman of the fees committee and acaden
many cases during the spring and The most extreme inequities are minimum fees. he "personally cannot justify the and we are thinking of changes." ,an assistant to Smith, explaining Oliv
summer terms, tuition assessments encountered by out-of-state gradu- A non-resident gradute student minimum fees system the way it Beach would like to see the fee what he felt was wrong with the sessme
prove inequitable. ate students. If the non-resident in these circumstances may pay $280 stands now." assessment plan changed to "a minimum fee system and suggest- way w
grad carries three credit hours dur- in minimum fees alone under the Beach explains "The cedit in straight credit hour basis. The fee ing possible reforms. 'fis the
In the spring summer full term ing a half term, he pays the half present system. Next year he could either term has the same value so should be included as' part of the Zimmermann is out of town and approv
(III), an in-state undergrad is pay- term minimum of $75 /plus $75 for be paying $320 in minimum fees - it's difficult to understan why the credit hour assessment itself," he unavailable for comment, but Beach But
ing $210 for a full course load of each credit hour. $80 more than the full term tuition charge should be different." says. said few of his reforms have been consid
ten hours If the same student were to de- for an in state undergrad. Beach says the minimum fee "cre- Smith, who admits "There are cer- implemented. for ref
But an in-state undergraduate ide to take three credit hours dur- Those few students who have man- ates more and more problems for me tain inequities that penalize individ Although the student fee schedule "I d
But n i-stae uderradute ide o tke hreecreit"hursdur has been revised, effective August 1, anywh
taking a partial load of credit in the ing the summer full term, he would aged to find out by themselves they which I have to justify to every stu- uals because of the split term" says accon r he ewution i, tnywt
spring or summer half term pays pay a $355 total including a mini- were paying three minimum fees dent. It's an extremely hard policy he will make changes in the fee as- to account for the new tuition In- tiedto
a "half term fee" of $18 and $18 mum fee of $130 and $75 for each have been granted refunds by the to administer." creases, the committee has not mant
for each credit hour. If the student credit hour. registration office, but those who As for the rationale behind fee sessment structure upon recommen- changed the current minimum fee Tuit
is taking three hours, for example, Although the 'student receives the were assessed these fees and have assessment, Beach says: he "would dation of a committee on student policy. $29 m
his assessment is $72. samne credit in each instance, he already paid them have not been prefer not to try to explain it." fees which was organized to advise Gene Oliver, director of the office

Six Pages,
ancial analysis and a member
comnittee, calls the minimum
necessary administrative ex-
charge which disassociates
ic and administrative fees."
er believes that the tuition as-
nts are "pretty equitable the
e are handling them now. This
policy the vice presidents have
red and that is how it stands."
one vice president, Smith, still
ers himself open to suggestions
orming the system.
on't know of a fee structure
ere in this country which is
the. cost of education," Smith
ion revenues account for about
illion of the University's $104

Fulbright hold

s lead
Fulbright (D-Ark), outspoken
Vietnam war critic, clung to a
small but steady lead in his bid
for renomination in Arkansas'
primaries yesterday.
Fulbright's war position became
the major target of his three op-
ponents as the senator waged his
most extensive campaign since
first being elected to the Senate
in 1944.E
However, the senator held a
majority of the early vote al-,
though he was falling short of the!
65 per cent he had predicted he!
would receive.
W i n t h r o p Rockefeller, the
state's first Republican governor
since Reconstruction, won renom-
ination easily over Sidney C. Rob-
erts, an unemployed salesman
from Little Rock.
Senator Fulbright told news-
men two hours after the polls
closed he wasn't worried about
the race but that it was too early
to tell.
The count usually is slow in
Arkansas where only one county
-..uses voting machines.
With 1,068 of 2,746 precincts re-
ported, Fulbright had 59,732 votes,,
Jim Johnson of Conway 34.666,
Bobby K. Hayes of Calico Rock,
13,863 and Foster Johnson of
Little Rock 3,816.
Rockefeller's margin of victory
continued to increase as the re-
turns were tabulated. With 232 of
380 precincts reported, Rockefelleri
had 16,412 votes and Roberts 586.1
k State Rep. Marion Crank oft
Foreman held a steady lead ini
the six-way race for the Demo-
cratic gubernatorial nomination.I
With 1,068 of 2,746 precincts1
reported, Crank had 28,549 votes,
'Ted Boswell 24,617, Mrs. Virginia.i
Johnson 23,038, Bruce Bennett
d 16,092, Frank Whitbeck 15,392 and
d Clyde Byrd 3,080.

Senators view
contested film
in Fortas case

-Associated Press
Sen. Fulbright casts his ballot

'~Czechs, Russians
extend. summit, talks~
PRAGUE (A - Russia and its recalcitrant Czechoslovak
ally extended their Cierna summit talks last night amid in
dications of tough bargaining.'
In the background, Soviet military and political ma-
neuvers intensified pressure on the reformist Prague regime
Qualified sources said it seemed almost certain the
showdown conference which opened Monday at Cierna would
continue at least through today. The Czechoslovaks ha

-Daily--Larry Robbins
Clearing the way for beauty
By NADINE COIIODAS dug up area will be a "pedestrian construction of the new pedes-
During the last week or so the plaza" - Jefferson plaza, to be trian oasis was replaced by sur-
once-packed parking lot which exact. face parking on Thompson Street,
used to be near the Union was What once provided limited but Brinkerhoff said.
demolished, emulsified, and turned constantly used parking space for Eventually, he 'added, parking
into a huge pile of dirt or muck-. the too many cars in the Univer- will be shifted to areas outside
depending on the Ann Arbor sity area is being turned into a the University area..He explained
weather. type of pedestrian throughway the city and University are trying
But that huge pile of earth, complete with cement benches to improve the "peripheral route"
gracing the entrance of the new surrounding mounded clusters of for drivers and peripheral park-
Administration Building is one pine and deciduous trees which ing areas so cars "don't come in"
day going to be pretty, they tell will be strategically placed along the central campus.
us. the plaza's periphery. Based on projections of present
James F. Brinkerhoff, director The entire base of the plaza, studies, the pedestrian traffic will
of business operations for the scheduled for completion by De- continue to increase at an "In-
University. promises the newly cember, will be made of scored tense" rate, Brinkerhoff said.
concrete designed, Brinkerhoff He cited the location of the In-
said, "to highlight" the new Ad- stitute of Social Research Build-
ministration Building. ing as one major reason for the
Two diagonals will criss-cross heavy influx of pedestrians in this
. to the plaza - one from the Union area. Brinkerhoff explained many
Ui ito the ISR-SAB area and the oth- graduate students often walk
er from the general campus center through this particular area to
to the West Quad-Thompson get to the ISR Building, thus "in-
broke windows in the business dis- Street parking structure area. creasing pedestrian movement."
trict in the second night of dis- According to Brinkerhoff the He emphasized the need to
turbances . "most noted of recent A&D minimize the pedestrian-vehicle
.e e sgrads." Bernard Rosenthal, '36, conflict on campus and implied
Meanwhile, police leaders meet- has been commissioned to do a this conflict lwould be lessened by
ing in Shreveport, La., called for piece of sculpture which'will rest rather severely reducing the num-
a national two-day walkout by squarely in the center of the ber of parking and driving spaces
police. plaza directly behind the LSA existing in the campus vicinity.
Leaders of the 137,000-member Building. "Of course the use of parking
Fraternal Order of Police are em- Brinkerhoff said the entire aes- areas car always be considered
bittered by what they deem lack thetic endeavor would only cost temporary," Brinkerhoff said.
of support in dealing with racial $175,000 with the architect's fee. "They can be turned into build-
violence. The parking eliminated by the .ings."

From Wire Service Reports
Several senators viewed yesterday the Ann Arbor Police
Department's copy of the film "Flaming Creatures," which
has become involved in the fight over President Johnson's
nomination of Supreme Court Justice Abe Fortas to be Chief
The showing of the film, which has been ruled obscene
by the Ann Arbor Circuit Court, was arranged by the Senate
Judiciary Committee. The film came into police hands when
it was confiscated during a
Cinema Guild presentation
nearly two years ago. A o'ee o n
Several senators are trying to
block Fortas' nomination on the
grounds that his past positions as ii,
obscenity. Fortas would have re-
versed a court decision punishing
an exhibitor of the. controversialst e
After the viewing, committee
chairman James Eastland (D-
Miss), had no comment except pd StTworke ( - ThUnarroi
that the film is now part of the eeSteelwormers Unon arkl
committee's record in its inquiry reje deands for-a strike-
IntoForts' nminaionapproved a new, billion-dollar la-
But Sen. John L. McClellan (D- bor contract last night - largest
Ark), termed the film "crude vul- in Its 32-year history.
garity." Industry negotiators declined to
Eastland and McClellan were comment on what might happen
the only two committee members to steel prices.
present at the screening but other' The contract provides:
.senators also viewed the film, in- -A general wage increase of 44
eluding Russell Long (D-La), cents,. 20 cents, an hour immedi-
Jack Miller (R-Iowa) and Gale ately, and 12 cents, each in, the
McGee (D-Wyo). second and third years. Steel-
McClellan said a case involving workers now average $3.84 an
the film reached the Supreme hour, including overtime.
Court on appeal from a court rul-, -A 30 per cent increase in
ing in New York that its showing pension benefits, enabling a man
violated the state's obscenity laws. with 30 years service to retire
In, June,; 1967, the court re- with a minimum of $195 a month.
fused to decide on the case be- -A $30 vacation bonus for each.
cause the 60-day suspended sen- week of 'egular vacation.
tence given to the, exhibitor had --An additional $1,000 in life
expired., insurance, a new major medical
In a dissenting opinion Fortas plan, one additional holiday, a
announced he would have reversed boost in unemployment benefits.
the earlier decision. The contract was 'approved aft-
The movie was seized on Jan. er a stormy three-hour meeting'of
18, 1967 after part of it had been the 600-member basic Steel In-
shown in the Architecture Audi- dustry Conference.
torium by Cinema Guild. Four The opposition was so strong
students and a faculty member that a voice vote' could not ,deter-
were arrested on charges of ex- mine whether the contract had
hibiting an obscene movie. been accepted. A standing vote
Only senators and a few staff was called, and 'the difference
aides were admitted to the screen- probably was no more than 65
ing. votes.
Miller told reporters that in ad- Later USW President I. W. Abel
dition to "Flaming Creatures" two acknowledged that "some people
other films, entitled "0-7" and are not happy - I am not happy
,"0-12" were shown to the senators. myself."

expected it to be over in only ;
one or two days.
The Russians were reported in-
sisting that all members of both
top-level Communist delegations
be able to air their views. That
t would mean 13 Russians and 16!
Czechoslovaks would speak.
Apparently this demand was
based on the hope to encourage
potentially conservative elements
in the 11-man Czechoslovak pre-
sidium to sound off against the
liberalization course.
4. Extension of the talks by Soviet
and Czechoslovak leaders evident-
ly will mean a delay of two or
three days in projected visits by
two Communist leaders support-
ing Dubeek's program, President
Tito of Yugoslavia and party chief
Nicolae Ceausescu of Romania.
%Reliable sources said Tito, who
was to have been welcomed in
Prague today, will come later in
the week. Then Ceausescu is due
in to sign a new Czechoslovak-
Romanian friendship treaty.
Highlighting the military ma-
neuvers was a report that Gen.
Samuel Kodak. a Czechoslovak
army officer and member of Par-
liament who is opposed to liber-
alization, had a meeting Monday
with "the Soviet army staff which
is operating on our territory" since
the end of Warsaw Pact maneuv-
ers in June.
* The trade union newspaper
Prace said they discussed the sit-
uation at Streeno, a village in
northorn Slovakia, 150 miles
northwest of Cierna and about 15
miles from the border of Poland.
Informed sources have reported
sighting substantial Soviet com-
$ bat and supply equipment near

Violence hits several

By The Associated Press
Minor outbreaks of racial vio-
lence erupted in several U.S. cities
early this week.
Officials of Peoria, Ill., declared
a 9 p.m. curfew last night for
persons under 21 as a result of
violence early yesterday that
brought gunshot wounds to 10 po-
licemen and a radio newsman.
Police had moved into a Negro
neighborhood to stop youths from
Fund deficit
tops estimate
Secretary of the Treasury Hen-
ry H. Fowler and Charles J.
Zwick, director of the Bureau of
the Budget said in a statement
yesterday that the budget deficit
in the fiscal year which closed
June 30 was $25.4 billion.-
This figure is $5.6 billion above
the administration's estimate and
$3.1 billion above the revised de-
ficit estimate of March 31.
Fowler and Zwick said Congres-
sional delays in enacting the 10
per cent income tax surcharge
were partly responsible.
Receipts fell $2.3 billion short
of what had been estimated in
,anuary while spending was $3.3

hurling rocks and bricks at pass-
ing cars.
Firebombs were thrown at
buildings and -automobiles during
the disorder. -
Sporadic outbreaks of violence
also were reported in Seattle,
Muncie and Gary, Ind., Kalama-
zoo, Mich., and Oakland, Calif.
In Peoria, peace was restored, to
the area after about three hours.
Twelve persons were arrested
on charges ranging from disorder-'
ly conduct to carrying concealed'
weapons. **
A sniper in Seattle fired
through the roof of a police car,
wounding two officers Monday
night during an outburst of shoot-
ing, firebombing and rock-throw-
ing in the city's predominantly
Negro central area.
Three other officers and three
civilians were wounded by gunfire.
The violence followed the arrest
of two members of the militant
Black, Panther party on suspicion
of larceny.
in Muncie, gasoline bombs were
thrown at five businesses on the
city's mostly Negro East Side
Monday night.
There were 64 arrests in Gary,
where police silenced snipers with
return gunfire. No one was re-
ported injured Monday in the
third straight night of violence

Sussman style: Baizac and botany

Prof. Alfred S. Sussman, chairman
of the botany department, officially
took over as associate dean of the
literary college on July 1.
He has not yet made the move
from his cluttered laboratory in the
Natural Science Building to 1020 An-
gell Hall, where the associate dean
duly presides.
In spirit, he doesn't really plan to
move at all.
Sussman intends to continue both
teaching and research while assbclate
dean. In addition, he has accom-
nWshed the unprecedented task of

operations of the college." He feels
that continued close contact with
students and colleagues as professor
and researcher could only help him
in this job.
Sussman's idea of making science
education in LSA "more effective"
is to "exploit as many resources of
the University as possible for the
benefit of the undergraduate.";
Within the college, he wants to
develop interdisciplinary courses and
concentration programs, not only be-
tween science departments but be-
tween science and humanities de-
partments as well.

aging the artistic efforts of his three
young children. Their paintings and
diawings cover his walls, side-by-
side with mutant mold cultures.
But limited opportunity for self-
expression does not prevent him from
having strong ideas about the need
for a scientist to have contact witl
the humanities.
"The questions involved in profes-
sional ethics, for instance, are cru-
cial ones for the scieptist," he says.
"How does one decide if it is moral
to do research for the Armsy? I do
not wish to make judgements for
others in this matter, but students

,,: t

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