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July 30, 1968 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1968-07-30

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Tuesday, July 30, 1968


Page Three

Tuesday, July 30, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY


Avert steel strike threat

-Alsociated Press
Nguyen Thanh Lee, left, spokesman for the North Vietnamese
delegation to the Paris peace talks, tells newsmen at a press
conference yesterday that his country will agree to discuss any
subject raised at the talks after the United States stops the
bombing of North Vietnam.
CO mmunits pre are
for attack on Saigon

Industry offer
ends deadlock
PITTSBURGH (A)-The threat
of a nationwide steel strike ap-
peared all but ended yesterday by
a dramatic industry offer report-
edly thrown on the bargaining
table only hours before the mills
would have been forced to start
"It looks encouraging," said
Joseph P. Molony, United Steel-
workers international vice presi-
dent. "Considerable progress has
been made."
"Tomorrow or the day after
we'll have an agreement without
government intervention," he told
600 local union presidents who are
Questioned by reporters after the
still ready - if necessary - to
strike at midnight tomorrow.
five-minute, closed meeting, Mo-
lony said that he wanted only to
add a single xphrase -- "I hope."
He would't talk about how
much was in the package. But
many union officials said they
couldn't believe it was less than a
6 per cent increase in wages and
benefits over a three-year con-
tract--similar to gains won by
can, aluminum, copper and auto
Technicians and lawyers are
still hard at work on specific lan-
guage, and the facts and figures.
The union's 33-man Executive
Board-whch had broken up un-
expectedly in the morning when
USW President I. W. Abel sent
word he was meeting, unexpected-
ly, with industry negotiators-
was told to remain on stand-by
around the clock.
The 600-man Basic Steel In-
dustry Conference recessed after
five minutes for another meeting
If the loose ends are connected
by 2 p.m. Tuesday it can ratify
the contract, marking only the,
third time since 1937 that a settle-
ment package was wrapped up be-
fore the strike deadline.
Because so much time is re-
quired to bank the big blast fur-
naces, some mills would have re-
quired to start cooling them off
at midnight. It's a multimillion
dollar decision, since it takes days
to get them back at full force once
the shutdown begins.
The first public sign of a break-
through in the month-long secret
negotiations came at the 10 a.m.
meeting of the Executive Board,
which was expected to either rec-
ommend a strike or approve an
Abel failed to show, and Molony
rushed in 15 minutes late with
word that the president was
huddling with industry-in the
U.S. Steel Corp. Building.
The session broke up in confu-
sion. But most of the 29 district
directors said Abel could be meet-
ing only to get a new offer.
Molony confirmed it at the af-
ternoon session of the union's In-
dustry Conference.

-Associated Press
Senator Everett Dirksen confers with Senator Hugh Scott of Pennsylvania in a closely guarded
conversation at the platform hearings of the Republican National Convention at Miami Beach.
Dirksen is head of the platform committee and Scott is one of the vice-chairmen.
N. Vietnamese weapons

Pope rules out
Catholic use of
ofbiorth control
VATICAN CITY Uh - In his long-awaited pronouncement
yesterday on birth control, Pope Paul VI rejected the pill and
all other artificial contraceptive devices for the world's half-
billion Rcman Catholics.
He backed his injunction with an unprecedented appeal
to leaders of civil governments everywhere to outlaw contra-
ception, sterilization and abortion as means of limiting popu-
But he encouraged men of science to keep up their re-
search in the birth control field, asked priests to show under-
standing to married couples4
struggling with the problem
and left the door open just a U. -
bit for future changes.
The Pope's stand was expressedVi
in the second encyclical letter on .e
the birth control problem issued L1f
in the Church's long history. It
was addressed to Roman Catholics
and to all men of good will.
The 7,000-word encyclical, titledinLtn"uaeVte" o!
human life - put the 70-year-old By The Associated Press
Pope firmly, on the side of tradi- Pope Paul's conservative deci-
tional Church teachings, which sionon birth control was met with
rule that only one way of birth controversy and some challenges
control is moral - sexual abstin- within and without the Catholic
ence, either completely or in the Church.
rhythm method. Even the latter, On the eve of the announce-
he hinted, should not be used as ment, the Association of Wash-
a regular practice. ington, D.C. Priests announced its
Pope Paul ruled out all other refusal to obey the Pope's ex-
ways, ranging from sterilization pected ruling because "it gives no
and abortion to the pill and in- room for either probable opinion
trauterine devices, as immoral and regarding the practice of contra-
sinful. ception or the right of con-
In his appeal to world leaders science."
he called on governments to pre- Almost immediately after the
vent any methods that "allow the document was issued, it drew ne-
morality of your peoples to be de- gative reaction from Anglican bis-
graded." hops at the Lambeth Conference
The encyclical left only a glim- in London, who called it a blow
mer of possibility for any future against better relations with Ro-
changes -- but none of them ap- man Catholics. Contraception has
peared likely in the pontiff's life- been allowed for Anglicans since
time. 1930.
He encouraged scientists - es- In Munich, Julius Cardinal
pecially Catholics - to seek "a Doerpfner, one of the Church's
sufficiently secure basis for a reg- outstanding advocates of chang-
ulation of birth, founded on the ing the rules, commented that
observance of natural rhythms" priests faced "many not so easy
He also asked all priests to be tasks"in carrying out the orders
patient and understanding with set forth in the enyclical. Pope
married couples who practice Paul commanded all priests and
birth control. Christ, he said, "was bishops to avoid aiy misunder-
indeed intransigent with evil but standing and henceforth make it
merciful toward individuals " unmistakably clear that contra-
The conclssion was designed to ception was wrong.
Tet comcaiontas desinmeds It ignored the recommendations
meet complaints from numerous o aoiyo i 5mme
Catolis wo caimd tey ereof a majority of hi 75-member
Catholics who claimed they were birth control commission two
refused the sacrament of confes- years ago that he allow it.
sion because they used a birth It was not until the 1930 en-
control device, cyclical by Pius XI that the Vat-
He warned that artificial birth ican modified the Augustinian
control methods could encourage rule that sex must be solely for
"conjugal infidelity and the gen- procreation and allowed use of
eral lowering of morality." the rhythm method.
P World news roundu

HONG KONG U)- Civil war
rages in Red China's Kwangsi'
province and foes of Mao Tse-;
tung are fighting with stolen wea-
pons destined for neighboring
North Vietnam, a provincial!,
broadcast said yesterday.
Another broadcast from Kwei-
chow province just north of1
Kwangsi declared that unless the
enemies of party Chairman Mao1
are crushed there "the state is in
danger of being wiped out."
A third alarmist broadcast, from
Honan Province, said Mao's ene-
mies are "instigating the masses1

of violence, sabotage and rebel-
central Chinese province have
said Mao's enemies threaten to
gain the upper hand.
If the uprisings are as wide-
spread as reported, they could se-
lion." Recent broadcasts from that
riously interrupt the flow of mili-
tary supplies from Red China to
North Vietnam.
Most of the military supplies
from the Soviet Union and Red
China go by rail through Kwangsi
Province. A trickle of arms and
munitions also are believed to be
taken in by road from Yunnan,

SAIGON (AP-Captured enemy
officers and Viet Cong defectors
are continuing to supply evidence
that the Communists are prepar-
ing for a major third offensive,
South Vietnamese intelligence
sources said yesterday.
Some prisoners have told inter-
rogators that allied bombing raids
and ground sweeps around Saigon
are constantly disrupting these
A female Viet Cong squad leader
captured by South Vietnamese
airborne troops said she had been
ordered to set up a first aid sta-
tion near Saigon to treat the
wounded in the upcoming assault,
the sources said.
An officer of the 508th Viet
Cong Battalion in Oong'An Prov-
ince told his captors that six bat-
talions and two sapper companies,
a total of 2,200 men, would be
used in the offensive. Intelligence
-fficers said he listed the main
targets in Saigon as the national
and local police headquarters, the

presidential palace and militia
Another prisoner, the executive
officer of the 4th Viet Cong local
force battalion, said the assault
was planned between the end of
July and early September, the
same estimate which has been
accepted by the U.S. Command
and Defense 'Secretary Clark M.
He said the enemy troops would
try to isolate the Bien Hoa high-
way, the main northern route
from Saigon; seize the 9th Pre-
cinct police headquarters south-
east of the capital, and attack the
government radio station, the U.S.
Embassy, the Vietnamese navy
headquarters and,other allied in-
A Viet Cong platoon leader who
defected July 17 said two bat-
talions south of Saigon are wait-
ing for their commanders to re-
turn from "refresher training
courses in strategy and tactics" at
secret bases near the Cambodian

Fulbri ght faces vote
in Arkansas prmary

J. William Fulbright's battle for
renomination, with his Vietnam
war position the major issue,
reaches the voters today with
about 480,000 person4 expected to
cast ballots in the Arkansas pri-
Fulbright, 63, has been the tar-
get of charges by his three Dem-
ocratic primary foes that his
stand on the Southeast Asia con-
flict. has encouraged the Com-
munists and prolonged the war.

despite Democratic charges that
he has handled state funds ir-
Six persons are seeking the
Democratic gubernatorial nomi-
nation with each predicting vic-
tory in the Nov. 5 general election,
over the state's first GOP chief
executive since Reconstruction.
Also on the ballot is an eight-
man Democratic race for Congress
in the 1st Distridt the Mississippi
Delta region that has been rep-
resented by E. C. "Took" Gath-

the province bordering Kwangsi
on the west.
Analysts in Hong Kong study-
ing the Kwangsi broadcast said
it was possible the Maoists were
exaggerating the situation in or-
del, to receive military help from
Peking. But they have heard the
stories of returning travelers tell-
ing of thousands of refugees flee-
ing Kwangsi.
As for the Honan and Kwei-
chow broadcasts, the analysts,
who assess Chinese developments
for their governments, said they
indicate Mao is weak in the two
provinces. If the Maoists actually
had control, they added, they
would smash the uprisings. The
same would be true of Kwangsi
if the reports are not overdrawn.
While factionalism among sup-
porters of Mao are blamed for
widespread fighting in iRed China,
both the Kwangsi and Honan
broadcasts blamed the uprisings
on "China's Khrushchev," a refer-
ence to President Liu Shao-chi,
rallying point for the enemies of
Mao in the Chinese power strug-
Kwangsi Radio broadcast a re-
port from a Red Guard magazine
as saying 50,000 people have been
killed there in the- past six months
and both sides are fighting, "with
modern weapons and ammuni-
The broadcast, quoting the July
issue of "422 Magazine," saA the
heaviest fighting occurred in the
major cities of Liuchow, Wuchow,
Nanning and Kweilin, but also
was in progress in a total of 56
cities, counties and towns.
A Kweichow broadcast of an
article in the New Kweichow Dai-
ly declared: "Unless they (Mao's
enemies) can be stopped by the
most vigorous counterblows, the
state will be wiped out and the
proletarian people will suffer the
greatest of disasters."

Present Mozart's Comic Opera
(Performances in English)
Two Performances Only
THURSDAY, August 1 and Saturday, August 5
All Seats $3.00 - Box Office Opens July 29
Box Office Hours: 12:30-5:00 p.m., July 29, 30, 31, Aug. 2
12:30-8:00 p m. on performance dates

He denies that this has been ings, who is retiring after 30
the result of his criticism of Presi- years in Congress.
dent Johnson's policies on the war, The polls open at 8 a.m. CDT
and, citing his efforts to get fed- and close at 7:30 p.m. An Aug. 13
eral money for projects in Arkan- Democratic runoff is scheduled
sas, says the war has drained for races where no one receives a
away billions that could have been majority vote Tuesday.
used to solve domestic problems. Fulbright's most serious chal-
About 30,000 are expected to lenge comes from Jim Johnson, a
vote in the Republican primary self-styled segregationist who ad-
with Gov. Winthrop Rocekefeller vocates the bombing of Haiphong
favored to win renomination easily Harbor in North Vietnam.






By The Associated Press
eign trade balance ran in the red
again in June, the government
said yesterday.\
It ws the third month this
year that imports exceeded ex-
The June deficit of $87 mil-
lion, following trade losses in May
and March, made it all the more
unlikely that the administration
will meet its goal of improving on
last year's $4.1 billion surplus in
the balance of trade.
* ***
WARSAW, Poland--The armed
forces newspaper pledged Poland's
military might yesterday to "de-
fend to the end" the unity of the
Warsaw Pact, which it said is
being endangered by Czechoslo-
A front-page editorial in Zol-
nierz Wolnesci-Soldier of Free-
dom'- declared assistance ' and
support for "Our brothers, for the
Communists, for the Czechoslovak
people including those in uni-
* *' *

program which he said has meant
life for millions of human beings
in other countries during the last
14 years.
He noted that, among other
things, the new law to extend the
program an additional two years
promises "more resources for fam-
ily planning." This was on a. day
when Pope Paul VI decreed
against the use of all artificial
means of birth control by Roman
sent to President Johnson yester-
day a bill authorizing a $21 billion
national highway program over
the next six years including ad-
dition of 1,500 miles to the Inter-
state expressway system.
The passage vote was 66-6.
The measures authorizes $12.3
billion in new funds for the Inter-
state and other federal-aid roads
and also allocates about $9 billion
of old funds for the next few
* * *
NEW YORK - The U.S. Cus-
toms office here said yesterday it
has smashed a major internation-
al narcotics smuggling ring with
the seizure of five persons and
nearly 53 pounds of pure heroin
worth an estimated $6 million on
the illicit retail market.
Aug. 4 --9:00 p.m.
Fritz Lang - 1932
Vatch Thurs. for Aug. Schedule



Johnson signed today
to continue the Food

for Peace

Czech Pianist.

There will be a meeting
of the'
Cleaver for President
at 8:00 tonight
In Room 3A of the Union
Everyone interested is welcome
Sponsored by



(appearing in The Summer Concert Series)
Sonata in B-flat major......Schubert
Four Piano Pieces, Op. 119 .... Brahms
Oer-,ebn. 101 A' 7nacewp


Trans World Photos, David Robinson


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