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July 30, 1968 - Image 1

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1Mw 43zr


Cloudy, mild, chance Of
showers tonight

; ,

Vol. LXXVll, No. 55-5 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, July 30, 1968 Ten Cents

Six Pages



unit-bound delegates

Nixon claims nomination;
leads Rocky 'in new poll

LOS ANGELES (P) - Vice President
Hubert Humphrey said yesterday that he
is releasing all delegates bound to him in
the Democratic National Convention by
the unit rule, and urged his opponent,
Sen. Eugene McCarthy, to do the same.
"I personally believe that each dele-
gate to the convention should have the
right to vote for the presidential nominee'
of his choice," Humphrey told a Town
Hall luncheon meeting.
The unit rule, 'under sharp attack in
some states by McCarthy backers, re-
quires that all delegates in a giv.en state
delegation vote for the candidate favored
by the majority of the delegation.
Humphrey sources figured the Vice
President would lose no more than 30
votes if the unit rule were dropped.
"To those who have been looking upon
the unit rule as a one-edged sword which
is.of benefit only to me," said Humhprey,
"I might note that all 72 votes of the
Massachusetts delegation are bound to
Sen. McCarthy by law on the first ballot,
in an eq'uivalent to the unit rule just
as are all of the 35 delegates in Oregon.
although he won only 44 per cent in that
state primary."

Whether Humphrey has any power ac-
tually to release delegates from a unit
rule is questionable.
The rule usually is applied by the dele-
gations' state conventions, to which the
delegates are responsible. In other cases
the delegates adopt it themselves.
In the case of McCarthy's delegates
'from the Massachusetts and Oregon pri-
maries, release would run afoul of state
law. The Massachusetts law provides pen-
alties for violators.
Humphrey has three, solid delegations
under the unit rule - Kansas with 38,
Maryland with 49, and the Canal Zone
with 5. There are reported to be eight
or ten McCarthy backers in the Mary-
land group.
Oklahoma, whose 41-vote delegation al-
ready shows 37 for Humphrey, may adopt
the unit rule after it gets to the conven-
tion. Missouri, with 60 votes, is effec-
tively solid since McCarthy backers in the
group are scarce and the delegation can
adopt the unit system if it chooses.
McCarthy has picked up no solid dele-
gations by that means.
Other delegations with, a unit rule in-
clude Alaska with 22 votes uncommitted,

Arkansas with 33 uncommitted but show-
ing more Humphrey backers than McCar-
thy supporters, Georgia with 43 uncom-
mitted, Louisiana with 36 backing Gov.
John McKeithen as a favorite son, South
Carolina with 28 behind Gov. Robert E.
McNair as a favorite son; Tennessee with
51 back of Gov. Buford Ellington but not
rated sure to stay solid, and Texas with
104 backing Gov. John Connally.
Humphrey, addressing the luncheon
after a morning of campaigning in Watts,
noted that the unit rule is decided by
individual delegations.
"Nevertheless," said Humphrey, "it is
my personal view that the presidential
nomination of the Democratic party this
year must be won in a completely open
"Each delegate should be able to stand
up and be counted as an individual cast-
ing his vote for his preference."
Thus, Humphrey added, "I am today
informing each delegation bound to me
under the unit rule that I personally am
willing to abide by the outcome of the
convention with each delegate being free
to vote his preference."
Humphrey expressed hope that Mc-
Carthy would join "in this effort to ob-.

tain a truly open convention by releasing
all delegations bound to him."
Humphrey, with a grin, said he wanted
a chance at the Massachusetts and Ore-
gon delegations bound to McCarthy.
Humphrey has said that he believes he
has enough delegates supporting him to
win the presidential nomination on the
first ballot.
Earlier the Vice President sang and
danced to a little soul music in Watts,
and won the endorsement of a young man
many Negroes regard as the No. 1 soul
brother - singer James Brown.
"He's my man," Brown said after the
Vice President with a broad grin danced
a middle-aged version of the boogaloo
and joined Brown in a brief refrain of
one of the singer's hits.
The reception for Humphrey in a va-
cant lot in Watts, where some 700 chil-
dren had gathered to leave for a summer
camp, was one of the warmest of his
California trip.'
But the star of the show was the
slender young soul singer, Brown, who
told a crowd estimated at 1,000: "Be-
cause I am a black man I believe in tell-
ing it like it is . . . I'm not going to sell
you down the river anytim'e."

ard M. Nixon's campaign manager
claimed, yesterday that more than
700 Republican National Conven-
tion delegates-more than enough
to choose a presidential nominee-
now are ready to vote for his
John N. Mitchell said that
strength is firm and guarantees
that Nixon will be "the clear-cut
winner" when the convention se-
lects its nominee a week from
The Mitchell claim came from
a camp which had avoided making
specific claims of delegate'
strength-although Nixon polit-
ical agents have been saying for
weeks that they have more than
enough votes for victory.
It will take 667 delegate votes
to choose the nominee.
The Nixon delegate claim came
as rival campaigner Nelson A.
Rockefeller embarked on a final
delegate hunting mission, declar-
ing in Washington that he is op-
timistic about his own chances of
In Miami Beach, Nixon sup-
porters argued that a public



Czechs co nfer

PRAGUE OP) - The Soviet
Union's leaders came to a tiny
village in Czechoslovakia yester-
day and, dispensing with the
usual bear hugs and kisses, con-
fronted Prague's liberal chiefs in
a rundown movie house in an at-
tempt to stop this nation's reform


-Associated P
AS ALEXANDER DUBCEK and other Czech leaders met in
showdown with Soviet leaders yesterday, Czechs showed su
port in various ways, This father has written "Dubcek, H
Out!" on the side of his child's lkaby carriage.'
M11,cGovern saddenre'
a t da-umghter's arresi

Czechoslovak television showed
the leaders greeting each other
only with handshakes at Cierna,
a town a mile from the Soviet
frontier in eastern Slovakia. The
community is so small that it
does not appear on many Western
The meeting was the first di-
rect conference between the heads'
of the two parties since the Rus-
sians and their ideological allies
called for a halt to Prague's liber-
alization at Warsaw in mid-July.
The Russians brought to the
'. conference, said a Yugoslav report
. from Moscow, a "minimal pro-
ess gram" for settling the dispute,
a that includes the curbing of the G'ov. Nelson R
free Czechoslovak press. This is
a step the Prague leadership has dential noin
ild asserted it will not take. of Counties in
Quoting "well-informed circles" _
n the Soviet capital the. Yugo-
slav news agency Tanjug said 1F' R A
there were "minimal" but "still
encouraging" hopes in Moscow.
that the talks could lead to a
solution agreeable to both sides. S e ,h
The Soviets, said the report, are
also insisting on the ouster of "an-,
ti-Socialistelements" in Czecho-
rter: slovakia, ,a demand which could
her mean the dismissal of many of s
that the initators of the reform.
mber Hundreds of uniformed police By NADINE
has and plain-clothesmen blocked off. BI

'opinion poll . rating their man
stronger than the Democratic
presidentialcontenders should
virtually guarantee him the nom-
"That ought to do it," said Sen.
John Tower of Texas.
And Mitchell said Nixon proved
a winner even on "Gov. Rocke-
feller's chosen ground, the polls.'
"In the trial heats against Hu-
bert Humphrey and Eugene Mc-
Carthy, it is Nixon who has made
the gains after all the issues have
been explored before the Amer-
ican people," Mitchell said.
That jubilant reaction to the
Gallup Poll, and the decision tc
begin talking in terms of dele-
gate counts, appeared to add u:
to a drive on the part of Nixon's
forces to, get a final bandwagor
rolling even before the candidates
arrive in Miami Beach.
Herbert G. Klein, Nixon's di-
rector of communications, read
the Mitchell statement at a new
conference and said the 700-vot
claim did not include any dele-
gates, from states now committe
to favorite son candidates-Ohio
Michigan, Maryland and Gov
Ronald Reagan's California.
Klein said it did include some
delegations which are now lined
up for nominal favorite sons 'who
will step aside in favor of Nixon
In that category he mentioned
Sen. Hiram L. Fong of Hawaii
In Pittsburgh, Rockefeller re-
leased the results of a poll taken
in eight key states in which, he
said, he runs ahead of Vice Presi-
dent Hubert Humphrey.
He said the survey showed
Nixon, winning only four of the
Rockefeller said the states sur-
veyed by the Archbold Crosley pol
were Maryland, Massachusetts
Michigan, Pennsylvania, N e w
York, Ohio, California and New
He said the poll showed Nixon
losing the first four of these to
Humphrey. .
They have a total of 126 elec-
toral votes.
The Cresley poll was ordered
by Rockefeller. He previously re-
quested Ray Bliss, the GOP na-
tional chairman, to take a na-
tionwide poll which would give
the party an estimate of its
strength in November, specifically
In the electoral college. The re-
quest was refused, and Rokefel-
len then had the Crosley organ-
ization make the survey.
Klein asknowledged that a few,'
delegates have turned away from
the Nixon camp, but'he said that
was only a handful of Repub-
licans, most of them southerners
wooed away by Reagan.
"There's been some slight ero-
sion," he said, "not enough to
make any major difference."
"The fact is that Nixon will win
the nomination," Mitchell said
"There are in excess of 700 dele
gates ready to vote for his nomr-
The Gallup Poll cited by the
Nixon camp was published Mon-
day by the Miami Herald. Gallup's
office said it had been distributed
for use in Wednesday morning
One Rockefeller booster, Gov
John H. Chafee of Rhode Island
remarker wryly that he'd just as
soon not see the poll.
Rockefeller has banked heavily
on results of public opinion sur-
veys to back his argument that he
can win the Nov. 4 presidentia
election and Nixon cannot.

-Associated Press
Can he d6 its
Rockefeller, entering the final stages of his campaign for the Republican presi-
ation, addresses the opening session of a conference of the National Association
Washington. He said he is "increasingly confident" of winning the prize.
iate comm Ittee may

Is he the one?
E Ind band'
sessions at
Ann Arbor City Council last
night approved by a 7-1 vote a
regulation which would prohibit
use of high output electronic mu-
sical instruments in public parks.
In addition, the regulation
states that the West Park band-
shell may not be used for a pub-
lic show or performance without
l written permission from the Su-
perintendant of Parks and Rec-
reation, obtained one week in ad-
The regulation goes into ef-
fect immediately.
Impetus for the action came
from complaints of "excess noise"
at West P'ark during regular Sun-
day rock band concerts there.
City Administrator Guy C. Lar-
com, who drew up the regulation,
has contactedhUniversity offi-
cials to see if they might be able
to provide possible facilities for
such Sunday concerts, and said he
is also searching for possible al-
ternative city or open-space sites
for these activities.
At a meeting two weeks ago
Council requested that Larcom
develop similar regulations con-
cerning the noise level at such
establishments as Hullabaloo,
The Fifth Dimension, and the De-
pot House.
Larcom said in his written com-
munication that his office is
working with Dr. Ralph Rupp,
head of the Audiology Division of
the University Speech Clinic, and
the City Department of Public
Health to develop standards of
noise level-for these clubs.
The Depot House and The Fifth
Dimension are not presently in
operation. The Depot House and
i The Hullabaloo are in the process
of remodeling to improve their
Councilman Leroy Cappaert (D-
Fifth Ward), who voted against
the regulation, said he felt it
would "in effect prohibit" rock
music concerts altogether and
suggested that efforts to find al-
ternative sites for these concerts
7 be made before the regulation is
put in effect.

RAPID CITY, S.D. (AM -- Sen.
4 George McGovern (D-SD), said
yesterday he was saddened that
his daughter had been arrested'on
a marijuana charge but added
that he expects "neither more nor
less consideration than any other
Teresa Jane McGovern, 19, and
two other young persons were ar-
raigned in Municipal Court here
yesterday on a charge of posses-
sion of narcotics.
"I have full confidence in the
courts and the legal process of
South Dakota," McGovern said
after the arraignment.
"Each of the young people in-
volved in this case is entitled to a
fair and impartial consideration'
without the pressure of political
considerations from my office or
from anyone else," he added.

McGovern told a repoi
"Terry's m6ther and I and
brother and sisters believe
she is not only a precious men
of our family but that she
the capacity to emerge from
painful experience a stronger
better member of society."
The Senator, Mrs. McGo
and another daughter flewl
from California Sunday to be
Teresa at the arraignment. An
ponent of the war in Vietn
McGovern had been asked
California Democrats to
guide their platform consid
tions for the Democratic Nat



the theater and enforced rigid
security. It was presumed the
theater was chosen because it was
easy to provide security around
The meeting began on a tense
note when the Soviet leadersob-
jected to the presence of photo-
graphers in Cerna. Prague had
agreed to hold the meeting in sac-
recy, but word ofmthe meeting
place got around quickly.

al Convention. The meeting at Clerna, a mile
McGovern has been considered from the Soviet frontier in eastern
the rallying point for the delegate Czechoslovakia, was the first di-
strengfh of the late Sen. Robert rect confrontation of leaders of
Kennedy at the Democratic Na- the two parties since talks at
tional Convention. Warsaw in mid-July.

Ann Arbor police chief Walter
Krasny and Lieutenant Eugene
Staudenmaier left for Washing-
ton, D.C. last night to deliver the
controversial film "Flaming Crea-
tures" to the Senate Judiciary
Committee's hearings on Supreme
Court Justice Abraham Fortas.
The film was subpoenaed by the
Judiciary Committee Friday aft-
ernoon, Krasny said. He said the
committee did not specify what
they were going to do with it, but
said he assumes they want to see
"Flaming Creatures" was con-
fiscated last year at a Cinema
Guild showing by Staudenmaler.
Cinema Guild is a subsidiary board
of Student Government Council.
On June 12, 1967, the U.S. Su-
preme Court handed down a de-
cision in a case involving a show-
ing of the film in a commercial
New York theatre.
Chief Justice Earl "Warren, i)
the court's majority opinion, said
the ruling was based on the ma-
terial "being utterly without so-
cial value." He contended the film
"taken as a whole appeals to the
prurient interest."
Fortas, Who has recently been
under fire for his supposed laxity
in obscenity rulings from cominit-
tee chairman Sen. James 0. East-
land (D-Miss), was the only Jus-
tice who said he would support a
reversal of the convictions.
A judiciary committee staff
member in Washington said yes-
terday the committee is still not
sure what is going to be, doneI
with the film.1
"It hasn't been determined

enmaier confiscated the film from
a Cinema Guild showing on the
grounds it was "obscene." He
viewed the film for 15 minutes,
then walked into the projection
booth aftdr a vividly depicted rape
scene and ordered the film
Three Cinema Guild board
members serving at the time of
the showing, Mary Barkey, then
chairman, Ellen Frank, and Elliot
Barden and faculty supervisor Hu-
bert Cohen were all arrested.

They were charged with a high
misdemeanor - showing or of-
fering to show an obscene motion
After 11 months of controversy
during which the charges were re-
duced to misdemeanors, the trial
was finally held December 11.
It ended the following day when
Mips Barkey pleaded guilty to the,
reduced charges against her and
was fined $235. Charges against
the other three persons were dis-

Riot studies show

black a ttitudes

The President's Commission
on Civil Disorders was estab-
lished one year . ago Sunday
following the Newark and De-
troit riots which claimed 66
The Commission ended its
year of work with the publish-
ing of some independently col-
lected data - two studies of
which were conducted by mem-
bers of the University's Insti-
tute for Social Research (ISR).
Program Associate Nathan
Caplan and Jeffery Paige, Grad.
have refined the data they col-
lected for the Commission on
patterns of racial disorder and
will publish a study of ghetto
rioters in next month's Scien-
tific American.
In addition, Prof. Angus
Campbell and Howard Schu-
man have published a study en-

Caplan and Paige label',the
first idea as the "riff-raff
theory - which holds that riot-
ers are irresponsible deviants,
peripheral to organized society"
who are constantly frustrated
until they eventually riot.,
The second category, labeled
the "relative-deprivation the-
ory" sees each rioter as resent-
ful of wide scale improvement
of the economy with few bene-
fits being bestowed on blacks:"
-the revolution of rising ex-
Both of these theories attrib-
ute the cause of riots to indi-
viduals and suggest that the
"antidote for rioting is to
change the individual rioters,"
either mentally or physically.
The third theory, (which
Caplan and Paige support)
views rioting as "the conse-

about what type of person is
prone to riot.
The studies indicate the riot-
ers are "not the poorest of the
poor. They are not the hard-
core unemployed. They are not
the least educated. They are
not unassimilated migrants or
newcomers to the city, nor do
they have a different set of
Rather the white establish-
ment hes created an environ-
ment of revolution.'
Furthermore, the black rioter
can no longer passively accept.
white abuse and degradation
and the "traditional stereotype
of non-achievement."
Negroes have "developed a
sense of black consciousness
and a desire, for a way of life
in which they can feel the same
pride and sense of potency they
now derive from being black."

which has been committed by
a small part of the black popu-
lation is condoned by a large
part - possibly a majority of
the blacks" says Angus Camp-
bell of ISR.
While "separatism appeals to
from 5 to 18 per cent of the
black sample depending on the
question, the rioters have a
great deal of sympathy in the
black community," he adds.
The report indicates that a
much larger percentage of Ne-
groes expressed a desire for
identification with African cul-
Approximately 42' per cent
are in favor of having African
languages taught in public
schools while only 20 per cent
are in favor of having stores in
black neighborhoods run by
However, "the principle that

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