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July 25, 1968 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1968-07-25

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Thursday, July 25;. 1968


Page Three

Senate committee, House pass
similar gun control measures


-Associated Press
Govs. Volpe and Ellington

Governors defeat
firearms proposal
CINCINNATI, Ohio (R) - The gun control legislation prepared
nation's governors defeated 20-11 jointly by federal and state agen-
yesterday a proposal for rigid cies.
control of firearms and passed in- The conference defeated the
stead a resolution expressing "in- amendment by Gov. Philip Ioff
dividual concern for this prob- of Vermont.
lem." The model gun control law con-
Minutes after the debate on tains ten main provisions, includ-
guns, the governors were advised ing registration and licensing.
of latest developments in the out- Gov. Lester Maddox of Georgia
break of shooting in Cleveland. said, "You can't keep guns from
The governors passed a resolu- the irresponsible. Punishment of
tion expressing "their individual the guilty is the only answer."
concern for this problem . . ." and A 'declaration of conscience,"
accepting "the challenge and re- Atded byaGo Gofg o m"
sponsibility of promoting and en- introduced by Gov. George Rom-
acting appropriate legislation ney of Michigan touched off an-
within each state dealing with the other sharp debate.
sale and possession of firearms." It urged the governors to "re-
However, they defeated an dedicate ourselves" to the prin-
amendment to the resolution ciple of "the paramount status of
which would have forwarded to the right to individual human dig-
the President and Congress model nity over property or other rights."
eastern michigan university theater's 1

passed and sent to the Senate
yesterday a watered-down version
of President Johnson's proposal
to prohibit the mail order sales
of rifles, guns and ammunition.
The vote was 304-118.
During the four legislative days
the measure was discussed on the
House floor, opponents of gun
control legislation were 'able to de-
feat efforts for a stronger law
that would have required regis-
tration of firearms and licensing
of their owners.
They also successfully backed
amendments which make the
measure somewhat weaker than
when it came out of the House
Judiciary Committee.
Earlier yesterday, the Senate
Judiciary Committee approved a
similar measure by a vote of 9-3.
The House, reaffirming a pre-
vious action, voted 225-198 yester-
day to exempt from provisions of
the bill the National Board for
Promotion of Rifle Practice. The
board is closely associated with
the National Rifle Association,
opponents of gun control legis-
Rep. Emanuel Celler (D5-NY),
floor manager of the bill, said the
amendment would exempt the
NRA and its nearly one million
members from the measure.
The House also reapproved an
amendment which excludes from
the mail order sales prohibition
ammunition for use in rifles and
shotguns, leaving in only that for
pistols and revolvers.
Sen. Thomas J. Dodd (D-Conn),
chief Senate spofisor of the ad-
ministration measure, said several
amendments were adopted prior
to committee approval of the bill.
Meanwhile Rep. Charles A.
Vanik (D-Ohio), took the House
floor to criticize members who
voted Tuesday for amendments
which he said would prevent ad-
equate gun control laws.
Vanik cited Tuesday night's
gunfire in his home district of
Cleveland in which he said 10
people, including three police of-
ficers, were killed and 41 others
were wounded by sniper fire.,
Vanik said the House "riddled
effective gun controls" by weak-
ening amendments, including one
which exempts ammunition from
the application of the law.
Rep. Emanuel Celler (D-NY),
chairman of the House Judiciary
Committee, predicted the House
would approve President Johnson's
proposal to restrict the sale of
rifles, shotguns and ammunition.

-Associated Press
Ambassadors Harriman and Thuy leave yesterday's talks
Czechs: Peace obstacle?

Associated Press News Analysis
Less than two months ago, a
trip to Moscow by Britian's For-
eign Secretary raised hopes in Pa-
ris that the Soviet Union might
take a hand in persuading the
North Vietnamese to come to
terms with the Americans on the
Vietnam War.
The hope for such development
is diminishing rapidly, and one
reason is the Soviet-Czechoslovak
The United States from time to
time has hinted broadly that the
Russians, if they had the will to
do so, might lend a hand toward
ensuring some stability in South-
east Asia and relieving that area
of the danger of an enlarged war.
Now, however, the hopes of the
U.S. delegation to the Paris talks
on Vietnam collide with Moscow's
troubles with developing social
economic and political revolution
in Czechoslovakia and the threat
that a spreading infection in the
Communist bloc can destroy
whatever inclination the Russians
might have had toward using
their influehce on Hanoi.
Indeed, it may be a source of
consolation for the Russians that
the Vietnam War so preoccupies
the U.S. and requires so much

U.S. tells Hanoi
to accept South
Thuy rejects Harrinan proposal,
elldorses National Liberation Front
PARIS (M -U.S. Ambassador W. Averell Harriman yes-
terday probed the willingness of North Vietnam to accept a
non-Communist government in South Vietnam after the
fighting stops.
"In the interests of peace," he told North Vietnamese
negotiator Xuan Thuy, "we urge you t recognize realities
and begin to deal with the goverkiment of the republic of
Furthermore, Harriman declared "you must be pre-
pared to recognize the role" of the Saigon government in

aI 0 H 0

thursday, july25
friday, july26
saturday, july27
8:00 p.m.

of its power and resources. That
leaves Americans in a poor situ-
atidn to take any resolute stand
on events in Eastern Europe .and
thus diminishes the danger there
in whatever moves the Russians
may want to make. I
While the Soviet Union is in
trouble with what it had con-
sidered its own Communist em-
pire it is unlikely to have much
enthusiasm for getting the Amer-
icans off their hook or for sug-
gesting that some progress might
be advisable at the talks in Paris.
The U.S. protests innocence of
the Soviet charge that "American
imperialism' is behind the rebel-
lious elements in Eastern Europe,
but the Russians are hitting at
this theme.-
Moscow professes to see a sin-
ister U.S. plot behind events in
Czechoslovakia and even behind
such things as student unrest in
Poland and resistance elsewhere
to Soviet dictation.
Their theme may be: If ' the
"enemies of Socialism" are up to
such shenanigans, how can Mos-
cow be expected to cooperate with
them for peace in Vietnam?
Soviet leaders may worry that
they face unpalatable alternatives
in Czechoslovakia: either to re-
treat and permit the liberalizing
movement there to develop, or to
use force to stop it.
Should the Russians find them-
selves in a position where they
want to resort to military pressure
they might consider it fortunate
that the Americans are so tied
up in Vietnam.
The Russians have shown signs
in recent months of willingness
to cooperate with the Americans
in some fields, such as the effort
to stop the spread of nuclear
weapons, and in other areas where
there are prospective benefits for
both sides.
Vietnam now looks like an en-
tirely different kettle of fish. The
Russians conceivably, as Hanoi's
source of economic and military
support, are in a position to press-
ure North Vietnam in the interests
of scaling down a dangerous Asian
However; Moscow's troubles in
Eastern Europe are only begin-

ning. A critical point will be
reached in Czechoslovakia in Sep-
ember when an extraordinary
congress of the Czechoslovak par-
ty will, unless it is stopped, sweep
out of authority all the hard-line,
pro-Moscow people who for 20
years have been faithful followers
of the Kremlin.
Despite its worries about Asia
and about hostility from the Com-
munist Chinese regime, the Rus-
sians are likely to regard Eastern
Europe as their primary concern.
Thus they would want as free a
hand as possible.
Long-term involvement of the
Americans in Southeast Asia could
be regarded by the Russians at
this juncture as a measure of in-
surance against any effective op-
position to their activities in the
heart of Europe. It might be no
time now, to urge the North Viet-
namese to make peace.

Enemy renews attack
in northern provinces

working out a peace settle-+
Thuy replied with an endorse-
ment of the National Liberation
Front, the political arm of the
Viet Cong.
"The political program of the
NLF," he said, "is the correct po-
litical line, corresponding ,to the
~legitmate desire of the South
Vietnamese people."
The endorsement was less posi-
tive than on some past occasions,
when North Vietnamese spokes-
men have insisted the front is the
only authentic representative of
the South Vietnamese people.,
Some observers have seen a
shift of North Vietnamese policy
in recent weeks, desig ed to gain
support for the Alliance of Na-
tional, Democratic and Peace
This organization has been op-
erating since February in Viet
Cong territory, with Viet Cong.
support. U.S. and Saigon officials
call it another Communist front.
Thuy showed no sign of willing-
ness to work with the South Viet-
namese government.
"You have gone so far," he told
Harriman, "as to take the des-
perate vociferations of the hand-
ful of U.S. lackeys in South Viet-
nam for the determination of the
South Vietnam people to resist."
There was no sign either of-any
progress toward stopping the war
at the session. It was one of the
shortest of the 14 meetings held.

block1 vote
on Fortas
WASHINGTON (A'...-.Southern
opponents blocked..a" Senate com-
mittee vote yesterday on the
nomination of Abe Fortas ;as
chief justice for at least a week
and probably until after Labor
The committee delay in the face
of a filibuster already planned on
the Senate floor could put Fortas
ii' danger of becoming the first
rejected nominee for chief justice
since 1795, when John Rutledge of
South Carolina failed to win ap-
Senate Majority Leader Mike
Mansfield (D-Mont), told news-
men he thinks it will be difficult
to defeat a filibuster when Con-
;gress returns in September after
the national political conventions.
Sen. John L. McClellan (D-
Ark), critic of Supreme Court
rulings on criminal confessions,
invoked senate courtesy to win
a one-week delay in, a Judiciary
Committee vote on Fortas.
Another committee session' be-
fore Congress adjourns for the
conventions next week appears
Chief Justice Earl Warren has
said he will remain on the bench
when the court begins its new
term Oct. 7 if Fortas is iiot ap-
proved as his successor by that
Mansfield said he didn't think
the Judiciary Committee hearings
which ended yesterday, had help-
ed Fortas' chances.
Sen. James 0. Eastland (D-.
Miss), the committee chairman,
disclosed yesterday Fortas had
turned down an invitation to re-
turn for renewed questioning
about court rulings on obscenity.



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SAIGON riP) - A big U.S. sup-
ply center near Da Nang was hit
by a rocket barrage yesterday as
enemy gunners resurned the shell-
ing of allied installations in the
northern provinces.
Associated Press correspondent
Peter Arnett reported that 10
large 122mm rockets hit "Red
Beach," a major logistics base sev-
en miles north of Da Nang. Cas-
ualties were reported light.
There was no immediate dam-
age assessment.
A significant enemy buildup has
been reported in the northern
provinces. Earlier this week enemy
gunners bombarded the Da Nang
air base, the headquarters of the
U.S. Special Forces headquarters
for the northern provinces, a na-
val support storage area, the main
Marine supply depot and Marine
helicopter compounds.
The resumption of enemy shell-
ing accompanied a stepup in the
tempo of ground fighting.

National news roundup:

Twenty-five miles east of Sai-
gon, a battalion of Australian and,
New Zealand troops was trying to
dislodge a strong enemy force
holed up in bunkers.I
Air strikes and artillery sup-
ported the allies but last reports
said the enemy was well en-


By The Associated Press
BUFFALO, N.Y. - A federal
judge ordered Gov. ,Nelson A.
Rockefeller yesterday to show why
the late Robert F. Kennedy's U.S.
Senate seat should not be filled
by an election in November.'
The action followed a move by
a college official to force a sena-
torial election, rather than per-
mit Rockefeller to appoint a suc-

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The order by Judge

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Henderson of U.S. District court
requires that lawyers for Rocke-
feller and Secretary of State John
P. Lomenzo show Monday why a
three-judge court should not hear
the suit.
The 17th amendment provides
for popular election of senators
buP allows states to empower their
chief executives to fill temporary
vacancies. The 'suit claims the
New York vacancy is not tempo-
rary because Kennedy had 2%
years left.
* * *
Morse (D-Ore), said yesterday he
would move to block any effort
to get quick action on foreign
aid legislation.
Morse told the Senate the meas-
ure would require "debate, discus-
sion and'lots of it "
He commented after the Senate
FPore eIg n Relations Committee
agreed on a $1.79-billion author-
ization, nearly $1 billion less than
president Johnson asked. Morse
said he favors still furthericuts,
particularly in military aid.
The committee trimmed the
military aid section' to $39fmil-
lion, or almost$Or million under
Johnson's proposal.
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