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July 25, 1968 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1968-07-25

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See editorial page



Partly sunny and fair
with a slim chance of rain


Vol. LXXVIII, No. 52-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, July 25, 1968 Ten Cents

Six Pages


Blacks, patrol
in Cleveland
Rain helps end disturbance;
whites banned from riot area
CLEVELAND, Ohio M - Negro police and 500 Negro
community leaders replaced National Guardsmen and main-
tained calm last night in a slum area where 10 persons were
killed in a night of gunfire Tuesday.
A black nationalist was quoted by police as saying he led
the uprising in the East Side neighborhood where three white
policemen and two Negro snipers were among the dead.
Heavy rains contributed to the calm that settled the area
last night. Guardsmen patroling the area during the day were
withdrawn to watch the perimeter of a six-mile area that
' included Hough, scene of Negro violence in 1966.
All white persons were banned from the troubled area.
The withdrawal of the guardsmen came at the request of
Mayor Carl Stokes, in office
nine months as the first Negro
C rtmayor of a major city. He had
beentold by 109 Negro leaders
that blocking off the area to
t speakwhite persons would restore
Stokes said yesterday that "a
1" s small and determined" band of
Negro militants were responsible
iDti for the bloodshed which was
halted by rains, police sharp-'-
Senator Eugene McCarthy will shooters and 4,000 guardsmen. 3
deliver a major policy address at The Negro community leadersJ
a Detroit rally Saturday night, moved through four potentially-
July 27, in Tiger Stadium. troublesome neighborhoods and
Accompanying McCarthy will be talked to residents who flocked to
several speakers, entertainers and the streets for relief from the op-
Detroit Lion stars. Although the pressive humidity.
final list of participants for the The street workers ranged from
rally is indefinite, McCarthy black nationalists to Cleveland
headquarters in Detroit's Pont- School Board member Arnoldc
chartrain Hotel said entertain- Pinkney and State Rep. Thomast
ment will include folk singer Phil E. Hill.
Ochs, Mississippi Blues singer Police quoted Ahmed Fredt
John Lee Hooker and several rock Evans, black nationalist leader, as
bands from the Detroit area. saying he led a group of 17 men
William Clay Ford III and the against police. Officers said EvansI
Rev. Albert Cleage of Detroit will asked, "How are my people?" He1
also speak on McCarthy's behalf. was told two snipers were amongE
Other political personalities will the seven Negro victims. "Theyc
join Ford and, Cleage, but Mc- died for a worthy cause," EvansI
Carthy staffers say the list is not was quoted as saying. I
complete. ' Stokes did not impose a curfew1
Dick "Nighttrain" Lane, former on Cleveland, but Go. James
Detroit Lion defensive halfback, Rhodes ordered all liquor stores
will be among the Lion stars at closed in Cleveland and the restl
the rally. of Cuyahoga County.c
S p o k e s m e n say McCarthy Stokes said the FBI and mili-i
groups in the Detroit area, Ohio, tary intelligence warned him twot
Wisconsin, Illinois and Indiana days ago that Cleveland, Detroit,1
are organizing caravans to trans- Chicago and Pittsburgh were in1
port McCarthy supporters to the for trouble. In Washington, an
Detroit rally. FBI spokesman said the bureau
However, Detroit headquarters was following events in Clevelandt
has no estimates yet on the num- very closely. But an official de-e
ber of people who may attend the clined to comment on Stokes' re-
rally. marks.
InyAnn Arbor, Washtenaw Dem- Stokes' statement that the vio-
ocrats for McCarthy are contract- lence. was planned was the first1
ing buses to take area McCarthy- such official intimation of its kind
ites to Tiger Stadium. The round- in any of the nation's recent ma-
trip fare is $2.50. Buses will leave jor urban disturbances.
from Thompson Street behind the Police who searched the neigh-
Union about 5:15 p.m. Saturday. borhood after the shootings saidt
Admission to the rally is free. they uncovered cases of ammuni-
McCarthy spokesmen in Wash- tion, rifles, carbines, shotgunsa
tenaw County say they are hoping and bayonets. The rifles were said
for a large turnout since Michigan to be sophisticated weapons, fir-
delegates will be "judging the ing tracer bullets to enable the
amount of grass-roots support" sniper to zero in on his target.
from the response to McCarthy's One police sergeant said thec
appearance. snipers had better weapons than
McCarthy backers say the pur t
pose of the rally is to convincehpolie who appod them.
the Michigan delegation to sup- The theory of an organizedt
port McCarthy for the Democratic black nationalist infiltration wasr
nomination. Most of the delega- supported by families living in the
tion is either publicly or privately area of the shooting, a shabby,1
in favor of Humphrey. crowded East Side neighborhood.t
A recent Michigan poll showed "They've been living in the
voters in the state prefer McCar- n e i g h b o r h o o d less than sixe
thy to Humphrey as the Demo- months," a woman said of theI
cratic nominee "almost two to slain snipesr. "They seemed tof
4 one." The poll covered the areas stick to themselves. I don't be-I
where more than four-fifths of lieve people paid them too much
the state population lives. attention."

sports Editor
Athletic Director Don Canham
announced last night that John
Ni. Orr would succeed Dave Strack
as the new head basketball coach,
and that Fred Snowden would be-
come his new assistant.
Orr, 41, who was assistant
coach last season, was named to
replace Strack, who was appoint-
ed business manager for athletics
at the University on Tuesday.
Snowden becomes the first black
basketball coach in the Big Ten.
He has held the head coaching
job at Detroit Northwestern High
School for the past six years.
"Frankly, I'm a good basketball
coach," Orr said yesterday. "And
so is Freddie Snowden. We can't
dominate the Big Ten; nobody
does that any more. But we're
going to have winning teams.
"This is a great break for me,"
Orr continued. "It is something
every midwestern coach dreams of
-being a Big Ten head coach."
Orr has a wide range of ex-
perience in 17 years of coaching
following an impressive career as
a player. He played professional
basketball with the St. Louis
Bombers of the National Basket-
ball Association and the Waterloo





-Associated Press

Tuesday night's battle with snipers in Cleveland



mood confident

PRAGUE '/A" - Czechoslovak Czechoslovak party officials I my maneuvers on Czechoslovakia's
officials looked forward yesterday said the topic will be "mutual borders, one official said: "If we
to a meeting with top Soviet lead- relations between the two parties do not want other countries to
ers in a mood of confidence and and the actual political situation interfere in our internal affairs,
determination not to steer away in this country." we must observe the same rules.''
from this country's liberal course. The Russians and their ideolo- The official also said the West
The Soviet Communist party's gical allies have been highly cri- German government had showed
Politburo, headed by Leonid I. tical of Czechoslovakia's demo- a "very reasonable" attitude in
Brezhnev, was reported yesterday cratization process and have been changing the venue of scheduled
enroute to Czechoslovakia by way trying to halt it by external pres- military maneuvers away from
of Poland and East Germany. The sure. Czechoslovakia's western border.
Kremlin chiefs plan talks with The pressure was reported by a
leaders in Warsaw and East Ber-: veteran Czechoslovak Communist Other Communist sources said
lin. they expect the Soviet campaign
An East European Communist; Serltd trPg to go on for months.
source here said the Soviet leaders See related story, Page 3 They cautioned against expect-
have left Moscow by train; it was ing any dramatic development
considered undesirable that the to have created a massive show of from the impending conference.
whole Politburo use planes for theun lty among Cl oslbefoe that "Ithink we are prepared to
trip to Czechoslovakia, the first meet our friends more than half
trip abroad ever made of the most "That was on the first day the way as far as arrangements are
powerful ruling body of the So- Germans marched into Czechoslo- concerned," one said. "If they in-'
viet Union. vakia," said this informant, a par- sist. and I am certain they will,
The Russians are coming for ty member for four decades the meeting will be surrounded by
talks with the Czechoslovak lead- "The tragic thing about this strict secrecy."
ershIp, under Alexander Dubeek, comparison is that we hated the - -
on the liberalization process. Germans while we have always
_teleazin rcs considered the Russians to be our
good friends."

Of his successor to the head
coaching job, Strack said: "John
Orr made the greatest one-year
impression on me that any per-
son or coach ever has . . , He
knows the game well and the
players respect him. They respond
to him very well."
Snowden has racked up a 72-8
won-lost mark since 1963 as
Northwestern's varsity coach, anc
he led the junior varsity to 82
consecutive victories over the five
preceding years.
"Don Canham said he wanted
the best school coach in Michigar
for the assistant job," Orr said
yesterday. "And I think he got
him in Snowden. It's my opinion
that he'll be a head coach some-
where within three or four years.'
Snowden, who has developed
such Michigan standout athlete,
as 1967-68 basketball captain Jim
Pitts and 1968-69 football captain
Ron Johnson, believes that "over-
all, Big Ten basketball is as tough
as any in the country.
See ORR, Page 6

3 ..

t ...

Abel urges action
Ion steel settlement

Ask high coart
to stay primary
The state Supreme Court has
been asked to hear an emergency
appeal of a lower court refusal to
stay the Aug. 6 primary election
of county supervisors while the
apportionment plan creating su-
pervisor districts is challenged in
The appeal was filed yesterday
by county Democratic chairman
George W. Sallade, a member of
the County Apportionment Coin-
The appeals court denied July
10 Sallade's challenge of the elec-
However, the court apparently
will review the validity of the
13-district apportionment plan
filed by the local commission. Sal-
lade's appeal to the Supreme
Court concerns only staying the
August vote.

Czechoslovak officials were firm
in declaring there would be no'
halt in the liberal course. to
They said the party's position
was unchanged since Dubcek,
speaking to the nation last week,
said the Czechoslovak people "are The
not prepared to return to pre- Arbor
January conditions." It was in teache
January that the Dubcek-led for- this fa
ces ousted the conservative Com- has fo
munist regime of Antonin No- state rr
votny. The
In other developments, Lt. Col. Arbor
Frantisek Kudrna, spokesman for cutive
the Defense Ministry, said a small Medial
number of Soviet units are still in pected
Czechoslovakia from the Warsaw for tw
Pact maneuvers that ended June Jam
30. He said the ministry will issue tary of
a communique when the troops Associe
leave. "since
Party officials said the with- sides"
drawal of the troops "is not an has be
important question" in the forth- nearly
coming Soviet-Czechoslovak meet- In h
ing. the An
Asked to comment on Soviet ar- tion, p

end eight=-mont 1 sal,

PITTSBURGH ( - I. W. Abel, president of the United
i Steelworkers Union, told the steel industry yesterday to give
prompt consideration to the "genuine and urgent" needs of
'his men.
With the labor contract deadline only a week away, Abel
said he would "exercise the authority to strike with discre-
tion and only after exhausting all efforts to negotiate fair
- and reasonable settlement terms."
But he said he regarded Tuesday's 95 per cent vote to
:strike "as a clear inditationi that basic steelworkers fully and
- -- - - ---enthusiastically support their
'union's objective to achieve
n m p iatdhl equitable collective, bargain-
ing agreements."
Abel issued his statement,_one
0 ryof only three since industrywide
negotiations began June 3, as bar-
gainers returned to the tables for
the race against a strike deadline
i Although since then agree- next Wednesday night.
t ment has been reached on several Dozens of local union presidents
non-economic items, many salary who directed the big strike vote
1 and non-salary disputes still must at their home bases returned to
t be settled. I the hotel meeting rooms after an
The latest teacher's demand absence of almost a week.
Z consists of a total package of Although the top-level talks are
s $1,155,000. This includes a salary secret, it was believed that the in-
range from $6,500-$11,050 for dustry has not made a money of-
t those with a bachelor's degree, fer on wages, pensions, vacations,
and from ,$7,150-$12,350 for unemployment insurance and cost
s teachers with a master's degree. of living increases - the major
. This is a $500 starting salary in- demands of the union.
crease for BA holders and $850 Although the top-level talks are
starting salary increase for teach- secret, it was believed that the in-
ers with an MA. dustry has not made a money of-
The Board of Education is of- fer on wages, pensions, vacations,
fering a package totaling $353,000. unemployment inscrance and cost
. This includes a range of $6,300- of living increases - the major
t $10,140 for teachers with a BA demands of the union.
degree and from $6,610-11,310 Union leaders hoped the solid

impasse between the Ann
Board of Education and
rs who threaten a strike
all over contract difficulties
rced a joint request for a
mediator assigned to Ann
is Robert Blackwell, exe-
secretary of the State Labor
tion Board. He is not ex-
to arrive in Ann Arbor
o or three weeks.
es Scheu, executive secre-
f the Ann Arbor Education
Ation, called the request a
re effort on the part of both
to resolve the dispute that
een at the bargaining table
eight months.
May the AEA's predecessor,
nn Arbor Teachers Associa-,
assed a "no agreement-no

work" resolution which stated
that the teachers would not report
for work in the fall unless a con-
tract settlement with the Board
of Education was reached by that
Voters last month approved an
11.66 operational nillage. Thi
was termed still "inadequate" by
AEA president Harold Collins at
that time. He charged that this
would maintain only programs
and services already in operation
Collins said the "hold;-the-line"
budget represents a "falling be-
hind' in teachers' salaries. The
AAEA has no intention of accept-
ing this.
Superintendent of Schools W
Scott Westerman said at that
time that funds could be transfer-
red from other areas to provide
the needed increases.


H ay den: Creating a presence 'in elective politics

Eldridge Cleaver, the Black Panther lead-
er, is a candidate for President who has no
desire to be President.
'Michigan Citizens for New Politics and
such kindred radical parties as California
Peace and Freedom regard the , electoral
process not as a means for electing can-
didates but as an "organizing tool."
Last night Tom Hayden asked CNP mem-
bers to support Cleaver for the Peace and
Freedom-New Politics presidential nomin-
ation at the national convention which
will be held in Ann Arbor Aug. 17 and 18.
"We are not seeking power in the elec-
toral system, for there is none there for
the ideas and programs we want," Hayden
said. "Power is in the community and the
strength of community institutions."

author, one of the founders of Students for
a Democratic Society, radical organizer in
Newark, arranger of U.S. prisoner releases
from North Vietnam, spent the bulk of his
speaking time before a crowd of 200 in the
Union theorizing on the need for radical
and revolutionary action outside of the elec-
toral system.
Paraphrasing extensively from little-read
research institute and government reports,
Hayden ticked off his points:
0 Since "Johnson's April Fool's speech,"
the administration has in fact escalated the
war effort while disguising the situation as
a de-escalation in "a gesture to public opin-
ion;" thus, the government has regained
lost diplomatic prestige, strengthened its
hand militarily, and dampened the ardor
of n"4__ --- rii~cmdfo fh W--roh

in the ghetto." Instead, the government will
arm the military and police forces with
more and better arms and control devices
and enhanced legal authority.
0 The Democratic party will never allow
McCarthy to be nominated, and even if it
did, his nomination would be at best a mixed
blessing. His position on the war is fuzzy:
he would withdraw troops only after nego-
tiations; but negotiations mean America
asking the North Vietnamese to make con-
cessions, and the United States has no moral
right to make that request. Furthermore,
McCarthy will have to deal not just with
Vietnam, but with the entire outlook of
American policy toward the Third World,
a policy supported by fierce prejudices and
established interests. "In the face of this,
nn maA1_nninsnad mnnn id stand nD to

for an MA.
The teachers' proposal was
made July 18 and represented a
decrease of $50,000 from an ear-
lier proposal made June 14. This
was due to a decision to scrap a
previous demand for term life in-
surance policies.
The Board of Education has not
made a salary counter-proposal
since June 18.
Collins commented Tuesday, "It
appears at this time we are so
far part\ .. . it would not be ad-
vantageous to continue with sal-
ary negotiations without the help
of 'a mediator."
The service of mediators to as-
sist without making binding sug-
gestions or recommendations is
provided to the city free of charge
by the state.
Machinery for this was set up
in 1965, at the time collective bar-
gaining for teachers became a
law in Michigan.
Negotiator for the school boardr
Thomas W. Hill commented:
"Calling in a mediator is not the
most healthy sign, but it is not
cataclysmic either. It is simply an
effort to speed up negotiations

USW'S Abel
showing from the rank and file
would shake loose the first offer.
"Strikerauthorization does not
'mean there will be a strike," Abel
said in a prepared statement.
"It is our hope that the steel
industry, in our continuing nego-
tiations, will recognize that the
needs nf the steelworkers are not


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