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July 20, 1968 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1968-07-20

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Saturday, July 20, 1968


Page Three

Saturday, July 20, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY


fight over aid

dnly a few weeks remaining before
Congress adjourns, a fierce bat-
tle may be shaping up between
the House and the Senate over
proposals to deny federal finan-
cial assistance to students in-
volved in disruptive campus dem-
The House voted by an over-
whelming majority in early May
to deny federal funds to students
who_ participate in any type of
disruptive action on college cam-
puses. The Senate however, voted
this week that individual college
and university administrations
not the Congress, should have the
fulil responsibility to discipline
protesting students.
The House efforts to cut off
federal funds from protesters
came in the form of three sepa-
rate amendments to a bill ex-
tending the four major student
aid programs for two years. The

House Education and Labor Com-
mittee has since incorporated the
student aid bill into the omnibus
higher education bill, but the re-
strictive amendments, although
modified, have been retained.
Since the House approved the or-
iginal amendments by an over-
whelming majority, there is little
hope that the restrictive language
will be eliminated when the full
higher education bill comes before
the House within the next week.
The Senate expressed its senti-
ment this week when it passed its
version of the higher education
bill. The Senate bill, approved by
a vote of 83-0, specifically re-
jects the idea that Qongress
should deny student assistance by
The conflict will have to be
solved by a House-Senate confer-
ence committee. A bitter battle
can be expected, however, because
House conservatives responsible

for the original restrictive provi-
sions are not likely to agree to
eliminate them.
When the higher education bill
was debated in the Senate, there
was no effort to add amendments
similar to those in the House bill.
The Senate accepted with little
discussion a section recommended
by its Labor and Public Welfare
Committee which leaves the mat-
ter of discipline for student mis-
conduct entirely to individual ad-
The Senate committee explain-
ed in its report on the bill that
it would be "very difficult if not
impossible for the Congress to
deny student assistance by law
in a way which will meet fairly
the disciplinary problems on the
more than 2,000 college campuses
in this country where such stu-
dent aid is available."
The report adds, "Federal laws
governing the denial of student

financial aid raises a trer
variety of problems involy
process, appeals from con
the creation of theoretica
to assistance which do n
exist, and would in fac
fere with university disci]
creating legal consequence
variety of actions which
vary from student prank
social occasion to vicious
destruction of property
curred at Columbia Univ
Although the provisions
dent disturbances in the
version of the higher e
bill are not as rigid as the
ments originally approved
House in May, they still
garded by many educati4
cials and university adm
tors as an infringement
As approved by the Hou
cation and Labor Commit
bill would bar the awar

to student,
nendous federal loan or grant to any ap-
ing ldue plicant who has been convicted of
victions, any crime involving the use of
tl rights force, trespass, or seizure of prop-
iot now erty to prevent officials or stu-
t inter- dents of a college or university
pline by from pursuing their duties or
es for a studies.
might One of the original amend-
ks at a ments approved by the-House in
willful May would have required that
as oc- funds be denied to any student
ersity." who refused to obey any rule of a
on stu- college or university if his refusal
House contributed to the disruption of
ducation the administration. Some ob-
amend- servers fear that House conserva-
by the tives may attempt to reinstate
are re- this type of vague regulation in
on offi- the bill.
ninistra- In addition to the disagreement
on aca- over who is responsible for disci-
plining protesters, the House and
se Edu- Senate versions of the higher edu-
tee, the cation bill differ in a number of
d of a other significant respects. The

Senate bill ' extends the major
higher education programs for :
four years, whereas the bill
recommended for House approval
only provides for a two-year ex-
Effected by the bills are the
Higher Education Act of 1965 and
the National Defense Education
Act, both of which expired on
June 30, and the Higher Educa-
tion FacilitiesAct and Interna-
tional Education Act, which are-
due to expire on June 30, 1969.
The Senate bill also extends the
National Foundation on the Arts
and Humanities Act. The House
bill does not.
The Senate bill provides for a
new program of interest subsidies
on academic facilities loans ob-
tained in the private market, and
it omits a proposal by President
Johnson to raise the interest rate
on direct government loans. The
House bill, on the other hand,-


includes the proposed interest rate
increase on direct facilities loans
and omits the new interest sub-
sidy plan.
In addition, the Senate bill in-
cludes a number of new higher.
education programs and projects,
including the "Networks f o r
Knowledge" and public service,
education programs, improve-f
ment grants for graduate schools,
and special services for disadvan-
taged college students. Other
new programs include aid for co-
operative education, educational
television facilities, clinical expe-
rience programs for law schools,
and a "professors emeritus" pro-
gram in which grants, would' be
awarded to retired professors to
teach or conduct research at "de-
velopment institutions."
The new programs, however,
would not be operative until the
1970 fiscal year because of the
financial problems now facing the
federal government.

Senate ends Fortas q

ate Judiciary Committee con-
cluded yesterday its historic inter-
rogation of Abe Fortas amid deep
doubt that he could be confirmed
as chief justice of the United
States before Labor Day.
Badly divided, the committee
called Judge Homer Thornberry
of the U.S. Circuit Court in New
Orleans for questioning today on
his nomination to be an associate
justice of the' Supreme Court.
However, Chairman James 0!
Eastland (D-Miss), said Thorn-l

berry would be questioned by
part of the committee.


"Part of the committee does not
think there is a vacancy," East-
land said. "Thornberry probably
will be called again after the For-
tas matter is determined by the
Eastland told a reporter the
committee will meet in closed ses-
sion "one day next week" to con-
sider President Johnson's nomina-
tion of Fortas.
This probaly would be Wednes-
day. At that time the objection

of one senator could defer action
for another week.
By then, the Senate-which must
give its consent if Fortas is to
succeed Earl Warren as chief jus-
tice-will be ready to close down
for the Republican National Con-
vention, set to start Aug. 5.
The Democratic National Con-
vention opens Aug. 26.
The Senate presumably could
meet between the two sessions to
act on the Fortas and Thorn-
berry nominations. At this stage,
however, this is considered un-
Fortas wound up his fourth day
of testimony ,with a defense of
the Supreme ! Court's dedication
to the Constitution and with criti-
cism of the notion that the court
is guided by technicalities.
In response to a ,question by
Sen. Strom Thurmond (R-SC)
Fortas said:
"I am always concerned when I

I ..u...- w.._... _..



meet,, start talks

/41/el Moonlight Picnic
"This Sunday, July 21;
will sing and play the guitar
At Island Park within walking distance of campus.
Meet at Stockwell at 7:30 to walk together. Cars
will also be leaving from the Hillel Foundation at j
7:50. Bring informal attire, musical instruments,
your own food and 25c for soda and marshmallows. I'


Eugene greets Kentuckians

-Associated Press

hear a blanket reference to con-
stitutional principles 'as techni-
calities. Perhaps some are applied
erroneously so that they become
technicalities, and that is un-
"But no matter how much one
may criticize the Supreme Court,
or a decision of the Supreme
Court, we are all equally dedi-
cated 'to the principles of the
Constitution. It would be unfair
if the impression got around to
the contrary.

McCarthy sees sitgns of
shift in HHH war stand


The highpoint of American
situation comedies!
7:00 and 9:05

LOUISVILLE, Ky. ()-Senator
Eugene J. McCarthy said yes-
terday he detects signs Vice Pres-
ident Hubert H. Humphrey is ed-
ging away from the administra
-tion position on the Vietnam
"There have been some signs of
some change from the rather pure
administration position," McCar-
thy said of his fellow Minnesotan
and rival for the Democratic
presidential nomination.
McCarthy had been asked in a
- - - -- ---- --- --- ----- - - -- ---- - --- - -- ----- - ----- --------- -


news conference about a publish-1
ed interview Scripps-Howard in
which Humphrey indicated he
could run on any Democratic
war platform other than uni-I
lateral withdrawal from Vietnam.
McCarthy said he wants a
firmer declaration of Humphrey's
position on the war, once again
quoting the vice president as
having compared his position to
that of Republican contender
Richard M. Nixon.
Asked whether he would lose
his main campaign issue if Hum-.
phrey should move toward Mc-
Carthy's position against the war,
McCarthy said, "It could go either
way-I might have the war issue
to myself with his support.
McCarthy, campaigning through,
Kentucky in his drive for the!
nomination, blamed the Demo-
cratic Party for what he termed
the failure of the war on poverty.
"It has in many cases obstruct-
ed the war on poverty-not in-
tentionally, but as a consequence
of its rigid structure.
"It is time for the Democratic
Party to trust in its procedures
and its organization."

McCarthy said a key reason the
party is not effective in absorbing
the poor into America's cities is
that "most of the urban poor in'
1968 are black people-poor be-
cause they are powerless, and
colorless because they are black
Now, in 1968 the black peo-
ple are telling us they do not
want to assimilate themselves to
our cities on other people's
Calling once again for a fully
open party, McCarthy said, "It
will no longer do for local leaders
to hold secret meetings or to ap-
point slate undemocratically. We
must welcome on every level of
the party the new political activ-
ists, young and old, black and
white, urban and rural if we ex-
pect them to work with us to win
the war on poverty .. .
"What I am suggesting is a
broadening of the base of power
and participation in the Demo-
cratic Party. The national con-
vention of 1968 will provide a test
of the willingness of our party to
respond to the will of its consti-
tuencies. The convention must be
open in every sense."

HONOLULU (MP) - President}
Johnson and President Nguyen
Van Thieu of South Vietnam be-'
gan summit talks yesterday amid
signs that they may discuss a,
cessation in all bombing of North
The two chiefs of state met on
a sun-drenched, wind-blown hill-
top .overlooking Pearl Harbor-a
startingly appropriate setting for
a discussion of bombing.
Despite earlier official discour-
agement of the idea, belief per-
sisted among observers h'ere that
Johnson and Thieu will go deeply
into the question of U.S. bomb-
ing of North Vietnam, with a halt
in the air strikes at least an out-
side possibility.
Apparently, too, the two presi-
dents wanted at least to touch on
the ticklish matter of direct dis-
cussions between South Vietnam
and the Viet Cong.
Aware of possible adverse re-
actions at home, Thieu has shown
no liking for a halt to all bomb-
ing. And he is working under rec-
ommendation of the South Viet-
namesie House of Representatives
that he take a hard line on any
suggestion of dealing with the
Saigon governments e n e m i e s
within South Vietnam.
A speedup of the summit con-
ference also is in the making.
Sessions were being telescoped
and it appeared that an end of
the discussions might come early
today after a final -breakfast
Officials said no unique sig-
nificance should be attached to
this, since Johnson always had
considered leaving Honolulu fairly
early Saturday with a stop at his
Texas ranch before returning to
A U.S. spokesman said the two
chief executives 'expect to cover
the essential points thoroughly
and completely." These include
all facets of the war in Vietnam
and the preliminary peace dis-
cussions now under way in Paris
between U.S. and North Vietnam-
ese representatives.
In Paris, Hanoi has continued
to take the position that a com-
plete halt to bombing must pre.
cede any real peace negotiations.
So far there has been no yielding
on this point.
Johnson and Thieu got togeth-
er promptly at 10 a.m. yesterday
at the headquarters of the com-
mander in chief of the nation's
Pacific forces t Camp H. M.
Smith. Johnson arrived 32 min-
utes early by helicopter, Thieu
about 30 minutes behind him.
They were driven separately from
the landing pad up the hillside to
the cream-colored cement Pacific
headquarters building.
The two of them went to the
third-floor office of the Pacific
commander and started talking on
opposite sides of a conference
table. Aides of both met simul-
taneously in an adjoining room.
The entire group emerged later.
In addition to the sideline pro-
cedings, South Vietnamese offi-
cials announced that Thieu would
have a Saturday morning news

conference at Camp Smith. It
had beerf planned for later in the
day. Tom Johnson, assistant
White House press secretary,.said.
there are no fplans for a Johnson
news conference.
On the eve of the Honolulu
Conference, Secretary of Defense
Clark Clifford put the p'ossibili-
ties of a bombing halt in a new
light. He had just ended four
days of talks with top Vietnamese
officials, Thieu among them, in
Saigon and flown to Honolulu.
While awaiting with Johnson
for Thieu's arrival Thursday, the
secretary told the crowd of query-
ing reporters at Hickam AFB:
"'the question of the bombing
halt never came up in any of the
conversations with the Vietnam-
ese. We particularly omitted re-
ferring to that toleave that up to
Thieu and President Johnson.
"Also no question came up
about negotiations with the enemy
on the part of the South Vietnam..
'ese for that same reason. We
wanted to leave that up to the
President and Thieu."
t0 defend
NEW YORK (R)-The Rev,
William Sloane Coffin Jr., Yale
University's chaplain, said yes-
terday that Arthur J. Goldberg
will handle the appeal of his draft
conspiracy conviction.
Coffin said at ,a brief news con-
ference that he had approached
Goldberg to defend him just as
soon as Goldberg stepped out of
his post as U.S. representative to'
the United Nations.
Goldberg left the Supreme
Court to take the UN assignment
at the request of President John-
At the United Nations, Gold-
berg time and again defended the
Johnson administration's policies
in Vietnam. Now he will be de-
fending an opponent of those po-
Coffin said that Goldberg's help
"should enrich the blood of the
peace movement and give the
case the dignity I think it de-
Coffin was found' guilty with
Dr. Benjamin Spock and two oth-
er defendants July 10 in Boston
on the draft conspiracy charge.
They were sentenced to two years
in federal prison. Coffin and
Spock were also fined $5,000 each.
Goldberg could not be reached
immediately for comment,
Goldberg did not attend the
news conference although he is
temporarily staying in the Hotel
Pierre where it was held. He has
joined the Manhattan law firm
of Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton
and Garrison.



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NO 2-5780
July 17, 18, 19, 20

I 1 p.m.

8 p.m.




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(In the Summer Cbicert Series)
Songs Without Words (6) ......... . Mendelssohn
Prelude, Choral and Fugue. . . ...... Franck

Proceeds from commission
of sales are being donated
to MY PLACE, a non-profit
corp. for Building Renova-
ODD Sunday
High Life Puppet Show
Folk Dancing Sit in Band
BYO Refreshments
The Fam ous
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Canterbury House
9 p.m. $1.00




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With Ann Arbor Junior Light Opera
The Smash Hit Musical
9ok, Music and Lyrics by LIONEL BART
Eme aptd urn hasokkml-wiar

I n,.A a




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