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May 04, 1968 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1968-05-04

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May 4, 1968


Page Three

May 4, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three

Viet Cong assault Saigon
in boldest move since Tet,

surtax d


SAIGON (P)-The Viet Cong
packed a taxi with TNT yester-
day and blew it up in the heart
of Saigon a block from the U.S..
Embassy in the boldest terrorist
attack on the capital since the
Tet offensive in February.
The blast wrecked a church-
sponsored student center and dam-
aged' South Vietnamese and Amner-
ican television buildings, killing
three Vietnamese and wounding
25 Vietnamese and five Ameri-
The explosion caused fresh ner-
vousness among Saigon's Viet-
namese military and police units,
already on 100 per cent alert be-
cause of reports the Viet Cong
are preparing another assault on
the capital.
Police blamed the Viet Cong
and said an estimated 120 pounds
* of TNT was in the taxi that was
backed into a narrow driveway
between the student center and
the main studio for the South

Vietnamese government broad-
casting service.
The South Vietnamese station
apparently was a main target.
The explosion also blew out win-
dows, shattered partitions and
ripped out wires in the station.
The adjacent U.S. Armed Forces
television station sustained smash-
ed windows and a collapsed ceil-
ing in a studio.
Viet Cong prisoners picked up
during a small skirmish eight
miles from Saigon told interro-
gators that they were told they
would be moving into the city,
the government reported..
In the inflamed northeast cor-
ner of South Vietnam, 'ground
fighting sputtered out after U.S.
forces crushed a North Vietnam-
ese counterattack near Dong Ha
Thursday. In four days of fierce
fighting around the Dong Ia Ma-
rine base and near Hue, allied
troops reported 1,303 of the ene-
my killed.
U.S. and South Vietnamese cas-

Texas GOP divd
in primary election

ualties totaled 108 men killed and
541 wounded in the battles.
The other northeast area of
hard fighting this week is 45
miles to the south, around Hue.
In the latest action, paratroopers
of the 82nd Airborne Division re-
ported overruning enemy posi-
tions four miles west of Hue
Thursday and killing 46 North
Paratroopers of the 101st Air-
borne Division ringed the village
of Phuoc Yen, four miles north-
west of Hue, where 352 North
Vietnamese soldiers were reported
killed earlier this week and 97
The Americans kept pounding
the village with air and artillery.
There was no new report on al-
lied forces in the A Shau Valley
southwest of Hue in Operation
Delaware, where North Vietnam-
ese supply lines to Laos have been
cut and most of the enemy killed
or driven out.
In the air war, the U.S. Com-
mand announced a Navy report
that a MIG21 was shot down over
the Gulf of Tonkin Thursday "lap-
peared to be erroneous." The
spokesman said there were no
further details.
U.S. Navy F4 Phantom crew-
men from the carrier Ranger had
reported shooting down a MIG,
the first report of an enemy MIG
shot down in 2/z months.
Hanoi's official Vietnam News
Agency said North Vietnamese mi-
litia in Quang Binh Province
shot down a U.S. A6 jet Friday
morning and that two other A6s
.were shot down near Vinh City
5;0 student,
'On Humph.
KENT, Ohio (P)-Students booed
noisily yesterday as Negro and
peace demonstrator$ walked out
on Vice President Hubert H. Hum-

WASHINGTON (k' -President
Johnson hurled a "black mail"
accusation yesterday at Congress
members who, he charged, are
stalling a tax increase in hope of
forcing impossibly deep spending
The lawmakers are "courting
danger by this procrastination" on
his proposal for an anti-inflation-
ary surtax, he said.
The President also urged non-
violence on the Poor Peoplecam-
paign marchers who are headed
for Washington. Johnson predict-
ed Congress will weigh seriously
any proposals that are made "law-
fully and properly'' to help the
Opinion was split on Capitol Hill
whether Johnson's attack on con-
gressional delay had helped or
hurt his effort to win enactment
of a 10 per cent surtax.
.The senior Republicans on the
House Ways and Means Commit-
tee, Rep. John W. Byrness of Wis-
consin, said that Johnson has

The President said he agreed
reluctantly to a proposed long
range, $18-billion reduction in ap-
propriations, including a $4 billion
cut in fiscal 1969, which starts
July 1, 1968, as the price of a tax
Johnson said this may have
"just whetted the appetite" for
more cuts, because new proposals
have been ,made, "which in my
judgment will kill the tax bill if
they are insisted upon."
The proposed cuts simply can
not be achieved, he said. "It is
easy to demand figures that can-
not be reached."
Business and labor leaders both
have supported the surtax, John-
son said, "but Congress has not
been that cooperative."
He said even the Senate tied
to" its tax bill spending restrictions
which, Johnson said, "I think
would really bring chaos to gov-

DALLAS, Texj (P)-Texans be-
gin deciding today how the state
will vote in the Republican and
Democratic presidential nominat-
ing conventions with a wide split
in the GOP instead of the usual
split in the Democratic party.
The primary will also determine
whether former Alabama Gov.
George Wallace and his American
Independent party get on the
state's general election ballot.
The Democrats are expected to
name Gov. John Connally as their
favorite son. Republicans probab-
ly will name Sen. John Tower of
But there the unity ends among
the Republicans. One group, called
"the old guard" in Texas, favors
Gov. Ronald Reagan of Califor-
nia and after that Richard Nixon.
Another faction headed by Pe-
ter O'Donnell, Texas GOP execu-
tive committee chairman, wants
to send delegates to the Miami
convention unpledged so they can
vote for anyone the delegation
feels can beat the Democrats in
The precinct conventions may
reveal which segment has the?
Democrats generally are behind
Connally as favorite son but are
split on the question of "unit-
rule" - a requirement that the
nominating delegation vote as a

Says lawmakers want to force
drastic federal spending cuts

The party leadership is expect-
ed to favor Vice President Hubert
Humphrey but Gov. Connally has
asked those attending precinct
conventions not to tie the delega-
tion's hands. He notes that the
field of candidates has changed
radically in recent weeks and more
changes could take place. He
wants the unit' rule. {
Supporters of Sens. Eugene Mc-
Carthy D-Minn., and Robert
Kennedy, D. N.Y., want abolition
of the unit rule so individual del-,
egates can vote for anyone.
Wallace needs 14,259 persons to
attend his precinct conventions
and certify they are American In-
dependent Party members. This is
one per cent of the 1966 general
election total of voters. Some of
his conventions begin at 11 a.m.
The top primary races are for
nominations for governor. Gov.
Connally, former Secretary of the
Navy, declined to seek 'a fourth
The Democrats have 10 candi-
dates for governor. Gov. Connally,
former Secretary of the Navy, de-
clined to seek a fourth term.
The Democrats have 10 candi-
dates for governor, indicating a
runoff may be necessary June 1.
The Republicans have three?
candidates seeking nomination
for governor

-Associated Press,
Marchers move 4into tent city
SCLU seeks marc hers
By The Associated Press ed ,by the Southern Christian ,At a press conference yester-
The midwest leg of the Poor Leadership Conference, hopes to day, President Johnson disclosed
People's March will wind through have plans made well enough in that the government, is seriously
Detroit May 13 with 200 Detroit- advance to avoid a housing or concerned over the possibility of
ers expected to join the campaign, food problem for the mass of violence during the march.
the Rev. Cecil L. Franklin said marchers. "It contains many inherent dan-
Thursday. The march, a brainchild of the gers," Johnson said. "We are con-
About 11000 marchers are expect-i late Dr. Martin Luther King, is an credwtrte.W aemd
ed to arrive ini Detroit on the leg laeD.Mri ute ig sa cerned with'them. We have made
edtarive inm Deoitgond ther- attempt to draft the SCLC's tech- extensive preparations.
starting from Chicago and cover- nique of provocative but non vio- "Every person participating and
ing lemntsfro Miwauee. lent 'constructive tension' onto a
The group is supposed to arrive ' every person in the capital should.
in Washington on May 16, Frank- push for economic change. be aware of the possibilities of se-
lin said. The organization, head- MISSISSIPPI rious consequences flowing from
- --In Marks, Mississippi, leaders the assemblage of large numbers
of the Poor People's March wres- over any protracted period of time
tied with organizational and re- in the seat of government.
w l K cruiting problems yesterday. "We expect the leaders to pre-
"We are setting teams to fan sent their viewpoint. We expect
out and tell these people what we to seriously consider'them. We be-
are trying to do and how they cai lieve the Congress will do liker-
I' V sp ee ii help." said the Rev. James Bevel, wise."
a bearded Southern Christian "We hope that the presenta-
Leadership Conference spokesman. tion made will be nonviolent,"
When the walkouts occurred, From this small beginning, here Johnson said, "although we are
Humphrey had just finished talk- il this quiet Delta town pop. aware that no single individual
ing about campus problems in a 2,600, SCLC hopes to develop the can give any assurances that they
big city-presumably at Columbia. campaign into a political move- can control a situation like this."

"killed the chances for the tax
Senate Democratic Leader Mike Ieserters
Mansfield of Montana disagreed.
"I, was delighted he spoke out as
he did and laid it out for us and st w ar
the people."

Johnson denounced what he
called obstancles raised by Chair-
man Wilbur D. Mills (D-Ark), of
the Ways and Means Committee,
and by others who helped shelve
the bill three times.
If Congress members dislike his
$186-billion budget, Johnson said,
"then stand up like men and an-
swer the roll call and cut what
they think ought to be cut."
"But don't hold up a tax bill un-
til you can blackmail,someone into
getting your own personal view-
point over on reductions," he con-

phrey dur
marched o
dent's app
The NeE
about 30
raising th
sign as th
"This i
thing," Hi
time anyo
'was when
in the 19

ing 'a campus speech. He declared that those "with
twenty young Negroes enough get-up-and-go to make1
ut during the vice presi- trouble" should'have enough get-,
earance at Kent State up-and-go to help others.
Referring ,to the recent campus+
unrest, Humphrey declared, "When1
!grhesereollodbyspeakers are silenced and libraries1
,iwhite students-some are closed, when classes are calledI
eir hands in the peace off and, police are called in-free1
ey walked outspeech and free-inquiry are in
is the most amazing serious jeopardy."
amphrey said. "The last Humphrey, in a speech prepared1
ne walked out on me> for a Young Democratic dinner I
I pleaded for civil rights later at Akron, warned against
48 Democratic Conven- those whom he said are trying to,
sell America short.
Their litany, he added, are "de-
ception, doubt and despair." But1
he said no one who read the re-
port of the Commission on Civil
Rights or the report on rural pov-
erty, or the statements of the lead-]
ers of the "Poor People March onl
Washington" can be content.
.%{.b ","",+'t~a5;di;m+7i wog.'' . ,a

ment of the poor, black or white,
with the power to prod Congress
into action.
The SCLC is here mainly to re-
cruit many 'of the area's rural
poor for the march on Washing-
ton-with #the' Memphis contin-
gent to erect a shanty town in
the capital.
"This is no longer a civil rights
thing," said Bevel. "This is eco-
nomic. We intend to force the
power structure of this country to
divert more energy-and by that
I mean money-into getting 40
million Americans into this na-
tion's economic mainstream.
Of the 360 who made the open-
ing day trip from Memphis Thurs-
day, about 220 remained for the
long haul. The rest returned to
Memphis, some 70 miles north of

world news roundup.

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-Some of the
nationwide. telephone strikers be-
gan voting yesterday on a pro-
posed new contract and a union
spokesman expressed confidence
they would approve the biggest
wage gains in the industry's his-
Three middle-aged men, two in
the United States and one in Lon-
don, fought to survive last night
after heart transplants-the sec-
ond, third and fourth in a week.
All three were reported doing
Transplants were performed Fri-
.... ........................:..>. s .}iv..r _ .. n ..:t tz:.". ..!~

- --1 ._._.._.

day in Houston, Tex., and Lon-
don, following by less than 24
hours a transplant operation in
Stanford, Calif. A heart trans-
plant was performed in Paris Sat-
urday, but the patient died Tues-
* * *
Civil Liberties Union said yester-
day it ha staken the case of a.22-
year-old woman who charges she
lost her security clearance and
Army job on the basis of reports
that, she was immoral.
Carolyn Lea Tatnall of Phila-
delphia said she resigned April 19
as a photographic technician for
the Army Map Service following
a 2/2-hour Pentagon interrogation
about her intimate life and after
an Army security officer told her
later that he had seven reports of
what he called her immorality.

MOSCOW A')-Moscow televi-
sion presented an interview last
night with six persons identified
as deserters from U.S. forces in
The six said they deserted to
protest what they called American
An interviewer said the six were
in Moscow at the time they were
being interviewed but since the
program appeared to be on film it
was not clear if they are still in
Moscow now.
The interviewer did not say how
they got here.
The interviewer, commentator
Yuri Pokin, hinted that the show
was filmed recently.
A television spokesman said by
telephone later the interview was
made "maybe a day or two before
tie May Day holidays."'
The six were identified as Joseph
Metz, no home town available,
Edwin Arnett of Bradford, Pa.,
Al Goren of St. Paul, Minn., Terry
tWhitmore of Memphis, Tenn., Phil-
lip Callicott of Mansfield, Ohio,
and "kenneth Griggs of Boise,
The most attention was given to
the man identified as Arnett, a
photo trapher and former Marine,
who spoke in a calm voice about
what he said were American "atro-
cities" committed against Viet-
The man said he saw a U.S.
officer cut open a baby and throw
it at its mother. He also said that
prisoners were tortured by pour-
ing salt water on their wounds
during interrogations.


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