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May 01, 1968 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1968-05-01

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Vol LXXVIIf, No. 1-S Ann Arbor, Michigan, Wednesday, May 1, 1968
Regents endIDAties, set Kine ola

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Oppose SGC plan
Approve Elderfield gnidelin s,
part of decision-making report
The Regents officially ended the University's nine-year
membership in the Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA) at
their regular April meeting.
The move was made on the recommendation of IDA it-
self, which has for several months been reconsidering affilia-
tion with the 12 member schools which make up the institute.
Under the new arrangement, a senior officer of the Uni-
versity will serve as a trustee of IDA, but he will formally
act as an individual rather than as an official representative
of the University.
In other action, the Regents:
0 Allocated $10,000 ii undesignated funds from the 55M
Program to initiate a Martin

Reporter beaten-;
charge brutaltyI
Anti-Kirk. movement grows;
emergency meetings set
Columbia University President Grayson Kirk late last
night canceled classes today at the Morningside Heights
campus, presumably in response to threats of a student-fac-
ulty strike.
* A large number of students and some faculty members
had planned to strike today in the wake of the forcible break-
up of a seven-day student sit-in in five university buildings.
Six hundred twenty-eight students and residents of the
~- neighboring community - not
638 as reported earlier -- were
arrested, and 145 injured early
yesterday morning as police
used crowbars and hacksaws to
force thir way into the five
t o buildings where demonstrators
protesting the construction of a
university gymnasium in a comn-
munity park had barricaded them-
selves since last Tuesday.
It took police - asked to come
on campus by Kirk - as much as
By JENNY STILLER thirty minutes to break into the
Faculty Assembly voted last mathematics building, where en-
week to open most of its monthly gineering students sitting-in in-
meetings to the public, said As- side had built barricades. It took
sembly Chairman Irving Copi of them fifteen minutes to break
the philosophy department. down the front door barriers to'
the Low Library, which houses
Assembly meetings will be open the president's office and collec-
except when a majority votes to tions of rare books, although some
close them. This is a reversal of police reportedly used tunnels to
the previous policy, of holding jenter the library's basement from
closed meetings except when As- Eter she sn
sembly voted otherwise. other sides.
There were complaints of po-
sLast Ferunar, aedjule A lice brutality against the 600 to
sem min g a s au 700 students whose sit-ins began
five, minutes after, it began be- Api'3.Clmiahsa nol
cause unauthorized student visitors 3'. Columbia has an enroll-
refused to leave when requested went of 25,381
to do so. New York Times reporter Bob
Thomas said he had been severe-
At that meeting, eight repre- ly beaten by police, and added: "I
sentatives of student organizations observed some really savage beat-
were scheduled to present position ings given to students."
papers on the Elderfield Coi mit- David B. Truman, the univer-

Associated Press

Police clash with students in Colnrimbia debacle

Roekefeltier returns to GOP race

Gov. Nelson Rockefeller of
New York, who became a can-
didate for the. Republican Pres-
idential nomination again yes-
terday, led Richard M. Nixon,
the only previous contender,
with nearly two-thirds of the
returns of the Massachusetts
primary election reported last
/ night. Rockefeller received
27,154 votes to Nixon's 21,875.

to a reporter, "The country ha
changed. Never in history has s
much changed in five weeks. No'
I am giving the people an option.
Comments promptly came fron
Nixon, the apparent frontrunne
for the GOP nomination, and fron
Gov. George Romney of Michigar
whom Rockefeller supported unt
he dropped out of the race in earl
Nixon's statement said in part
"I think Gov. Rockefeller's an
nouncement will make for a mor
exciting convention and will resul


"Because no other candidate in His supporters said this refers
either party can match his execu- primarily to President Johnson's
tive experience in national and announcement that he would not
state government, every American seek re-election.
should give his availability for the Nixon yesterday ruled out any
President the same careful con- pre-convention debate with his
sideration that the Michigan dele- newly-declared opponent.
gation will in determining which He said he and Rockefeller
candidate it will finally support would "debate the issues in our
at the convention in Miami speeches and news conferences."
Beach." Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy (D-
On March 21, when Rockefeller Minn.), candiate for the Demo-
said he would not contend for the cratic Presidential nomination
nomination, he said he would an- asked, "Do I have to comment
swer "any true and! meaningful every time he comes in or out?
call from his party." Rocky has been more difficult to
Asked if he now has heard that pin down on issues. But then,
call, he replied, "I would say this Nixon used to be more decisive
has been the result of events." and more firm than he is now."
- - - - - - - ---
uction strike averte d;
0 staore partial walkoti


L u t h e r King Scholarship
* Announced their reaction to
Student Government Council's in-
corporation proposal was "strong-
ly adverse;"
" Approved the Elderfield re-
port on . classified research con-
tracts accepted by the University;
0 Approved portions of the re-
port of the Hatcher Commission
on the Student Role in Decision-
On the proposed incorporation
of SGC. the Regents stated: "The
Board does not wish to summarily
close the issue, but it must in all
fairness advise SGC of a strongly
adverse reaction to the proposal."
The Regents also noted that
"on this large and multi-faceted,
campus it is clear that many stu-
dents regard themselves as much
more closely associated with their
respective college - organizations
than with SGC."
The Regents said incorporation
of SQC implies "there is an ad-
versary relationship between stu-
dents and the rest of the Uni-
versity. The Regents believe that
there is, on the contrary, a com-
munity of interests."
SGC member Mike Davis, Grad,
who drafted the original incor-
poration proposal, said "It is
clear from their statement that
they' had not read any of the
material we sent them."
"It is also clear they didn't take
the proposal seriously," he added.
After consideration of the
Hatcher Commission report, the:
Regents issued a statement calling
the report "too complex to imple-
ment in a single session." How-I
ever, the Regents "approved in
Principle" several major aspects,
of the report:
-The establishment of a legis-
lative University Council "with
the powers suggested 'by the re-
port of the Presidential Commis-
-"Preparation of appropriate
by-laws to make clear that the
power to regulate conduct related
to formal academic programs
should continue to reside in the:
governing faculties of the various
schools and colleges."
-"Regulation exclusively by
public law of behavior of students
in places other than the build-
ings and grounds of the Univer-
The Regents gave two excep-
tions to non-interference in off-
campus student behavior. When
See REGENTS, Page 2

to ee1

'U' advisor
William L. Haber, retiring dean
of the literary college, will be-
come special advisor to the Uni-
versity's executive officers next
fall. The Regents appointed him
to a one-year term at their April
Haber, will leave the literary
college June. 30 after a five-year
term as dean.
University President Robben W.
Fleming says Haber's advisory
work will fall into two main
areas: University finances and re-
cruitment of Negro faculty and
staff members.
Haber's primary job will be to
work with Vice President for
State Relations and Planning 'Ar-
thur M. Ross. Haber will help
Ross familiarize himself with the
state's economy and its relation-
ship to the University's finances.
"Dean Haber has a complete
and intimate knowledge of. Michi-
gan's economic situation, and his
years of experience and admin-
istrative skill will be an impres-
sive ;addition to our administra-
tive staff," said Fleming.
In addition to aiding Ross in
the transition of offices, Haber
will assist with.~the University's
long term academic planning and
financial analyses,
Haber will be dealing with plans
for the next ten years of Univer-
sity operations, said Fleming.
"There is a projected 60 per
cent Increase in Michigan's high-
er education enrollment. What
this means for the University and
its branches will be one of the
issues that Dean Haber will be
dealing with," he added.
Haber will be giving the analy-
sis of the University's present and
projected financial situation spe-
cial attention. His background as
an economist and professor of
economics makes him well quali-
fied for this job, said Fleming.
Haber's second major role will
be in working with Vice President
for Academic Affairs Allan F.
Smith and the deans and depart-
ment heads of the University. to
establisp a program for recruit-
ment. elf Negro faculty and staff

ALBANY. N.Y. (IP)-Gov. Nelson in a more meaningful discussion of
A. Rockefeller, reversing his pre- the issues


tee report on classified research sity's vice president, conceded the vious position, threw himself into Romney echoed this thought,
at the University. occupied buildings could not be contention yesterday for the Re- adding:
Most of them later spoke at As- retaken "without some roughing publican Presidential nomination '- -
sembly's March meeting, but rep- ." and vowed to fight Richard M.F
resentatives of Student Govern- However, .City Human Rights Nixon for it, "right up to the last
ment Council, Graduate Assembly, Commissioner William H. Booth vote." . U4Jn1L 1
Voice-SDS and The Daily refused watched the removal of about 100 "I now commit myself to seeking
to" testify because of the closed Negro demonstrators from Hamil- this office-and so serve our na-
meeting policy, ,ton Hall, and said he saw no po- tion-with all my heart and mind
UAt a meeting of the University lice brutality. Most of the Negroes n Rockefeller said at alo e u n io n I
Senate April 15, the faculty voted walked out as directed, their televised news conference.
overwhelmingly to conduct an im- hands in the air. Just 40 days ago, in another By LESLIE WAYNE
mediate review of the trimester Police Commissioner Howard R. news conference, the New York The contracts of five Ann Arbor
system. Leary congratulated his police- governor took himself out of the construction unions expired last
In other action last week. As-. men on "an excellent job." How- race for the nomination. A number night but the majority of the
sembly elected Copi its new chair- ever, Mayor John V. Lindsay of the men who persuaded him to unions will continue to work,
man, replacing Prof. Frank Ken- asked Leary for a report on the change his mind were present yes- averting a threatened area-wide
nedy of the law school. Prof. John brutality charges. terday.. .construction strike. Four of the
Gosling of the medical school was Columbia Students for a Demo- In. a conversation at his official constructd srke Four of
elected vice-chairpman. See COLUMBIA, Page 2 residence later, Rockefeller said creases as inadequate, and the
fifth will discuss the proposals to-
A" T One union, though, is going out
on partial strike.
.Two of the unions, Trowel Trade
Local 14 and Carpenters Local
3512 rejected a contract offered
by a joint committee of the Gen-
eral Contractors Association and
the Home Builders Association
The Trowel Trade Union (brick-
layers) will continue to work only
for independent contractors will-
ing to meet the union's demands
and for national contractors who
maintain clauses that make any
~y ' ~ ~pay increase retroactive.
k s J o s e p h Wojtowicz, business
agent for Local 14, stated that
contractors affiliated with the
AN& I GCA-HBA committee represent
., "not over 25 per cent" of the con-
tractors in *the Ann Arbor area.
. '" The extent of the strike is "still

Both unions oppose+
GCA-HBA to increase
not more than six per
the present rates.
For the bricklayers,
offered 4n hourly incre
cents the first year and
the second year. The t
aiming at an increase
hour for the first year
by another hourly incre
for the second year.
'U' emp'o'I
choose Unit
The University's no
non-academic workers
voted overwhelmingly t
presented in negotiation
1583 of the American F
of State. County and
Employes rAFSCME '
Of the 1872 workers u
1451 supported represen
AFSCME. with the othf
for "no union." AFSCM
only group with a larg
membe-ship to be place

efforts by The Carpenters did not disclose
wages by the figures offered or their de-
cent over mands.
Laborers Local 959 will meet
GCA-HBA I tonight with the bargaining com-
ease of 36 mittee to discuss their new con-
1 37 cents tract.
union was Douglas Harding, president of
of $1 an the local, said the laborers will
followed continue to work without contract,
ease of $1 although further action is de-
pendent upon the action of the
other two unions.
The remaining unions, Operat-
ing Engineers Local 324 and Re-
1inforced Iron Workers Local 426.
have not reached agreement with
on the Detroit chapter of Associated
General Contractors of., America.
n-clerical, These unions, although based in
April 25 Detroit, are working on jobs in
to be re- Washtenaw County.
s by Local Reinforced Iron Workers Local,
FederLoaln426 voted last night not to acc'pt
ederationi the proposals offered by the Asso-
Muncialciated General Contractors but
will continue to work without con-
,ho voted. tract.
Itation by' The AGC proposed an increase
ers voting of 37 cents the first year. and 39
E was the cents the second year. The unions
Ye enough found this. offer "useless " but re-
ed on the fused to comment on what they
were asking.

The Reverts als 4V..
* Approved resolutions granting priority consideration for
readmissions tb students who withdraw from the University to
enter active military service, partial. tuition refunds to these stu-
dents if they leave during the semester and prorated credit for
work completed after examinations.
* Authorized construdtion of a new house for Nu Sigma Nu
medical fraternity, partially paid for by a University loan of
$135,000. Under the revolutionary plan, the fraternity will repay
the money over a 15-year period but will continue to rept the
house from the University. The Nu Sigma Nu planI has received
criticism from individuals who have argued that the University
should not'actively subsidize a private group.
* Accepted the resignation of Prof. Gardner Ackley of the
economics department, who has been on leave since 1961 to serve
as chairman of the President's Council of Economic Advisers. He
offered his resignation when he was recently named ambassador
to Italy.
* Approved the establishment of an advisory committee on

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