Tuesday, July 2, 1968
Page Th
Tuesday, July 2, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page T~ ~ree
'oters ask for reform,
Soviets detain
Associated Press News Analysis
PARIS, President Charles de
Gaulle's regime, which won a+
smashing election victory on a+
platform of generalities, is under
pressure now to come up with spe-
cific reforms for the troubled
% French monetary system, schools
and industries.
Premier Georges Pompidou of-
fered no firm solutions in a talk
with newsmen but said the coun-
try, torn by weeks of strikes and
student unrest, wants a return to
1 "France has gotten out of a
Gaullist regime
very grave crisis," Pompidou said.
"We saw the desire for a renewal
of the country during the electoral
"In effect we feel that we were
on the brink of civil war."
"The country wants the divi-
sions to be healed and unity to
return. There are, of course, re-
forms to be carried out, but we
are aware that every reform has
its inconveniences.
"Therefore, for these incon-
veniences to be opposed, the ma-
jority must be united."
As for government ranks in the
End tariff barriers
in Common Market
PARIS (P)-The Common Mar-
ket leadership urged major new
steps yesterday toward creating a
United States of Europe as the
last tariff barriers disappeared
among the six member nations,
France, West Germany, Italy, Bel-
glum, Holland and Luxembourg.
The 14-man Executive Commis-
sion, under President Jean Roy,
asked an end to the veto power
for each nation more power
for itself and real powers for the
European Parliament.
President Charles de Gaulle's
opposition has stood in the way
of these steps.
At the same time, the Common
Market and Britain-barred from
the club by De Gaulle-put into
effect 40 per cent of the tariff
cuts pledged to the United States
and most of the rest of the world
4in the Kennedy Round agreement
a year ago.
They were joined by a dozen
other countries.
U.S. trade is expected to bene-
fit considerably. The Kennedy
Round tariff cuts will affect U.S.
exports that were worth more
than $8 billion last year.
The cuts could increase this
trade by hundreds of millions of
dollars, helping the U.S. balance
of payments and cutting down the
drain of gold from American re-
The picture was darkened by
new emergency restrictions on
French trade imposed by De Gaul-
le's government. Imports of tex-
tiles, automobiles and some other
important products are to be lim-
ited. French exporters are to get
new subsidies, which annoys ex-
porters in other countries.
Representatives of the world's
major trading nations met in
Geneva yesterday to consider the
French measures, fearful that re-
prisals and counterreprisals could
create new barriers harder to
surmount than the old ones.
new National Assembly, he said:
"I believe we will have unanimous
adhesion and I hope it will stay
that way for five years."
Pompidou had met at the Orsay
Palace on the Seine with jubilant
government legislators, assured in
the second round voting Sunday
of 355 seats in the 487-seat Na-
tional Assembly.
Making up the roll in this big-
gest election landslide in France
since the victory of a nationalist
coalition in 1919 were 299 Gaul-
lists, 53 Independent Republicans
and 3 pro-De Gaulle independents.
Some eight other independent
rightists may pledge their sup-
port to the government when the
new assembly convenes July 11.
The opposition would muster
only 122 seats. These were 33
Communists, a loss of 40 seats;
57 members of the Federation of
the Democratic and Socialist left,
a loss of,61; the centrist Party of
Progress and Modern Democracy
29, a loss of 10; and three inde-
pendent leftists.
The exact way in which De
Gaulle will use his majority has
been the subject of much specula-
tion, in the press as well as on the
"Failure will lead us straight to
chaos," the conservative party's
newspaper Le Figaro said yester-
The moderate rightist L'Aurore
said the regime has a free hand
to do what it wishes.
L'Humanite, the French Com-
munist party newspaper, declared:
"The coalition of money, hate and
fear has won a provisional vic-
De Gaulle himself has only
hinted that the May revolution
demands for "structural reforms"
in education and industry should
be met with increased student
responsibility and a share for
workers in direction of their
Students and others have been
meeting continuously for six
weeks trying to draw up recom-
mendations, but few of these have
been revealed.
Those that have, proved to be
as vague as De Gaulle's state-
Especially crucial in coming
months will be the French econ-
France faces a situation which
could lead to devaluation of the
franc and probably soaring infla-
tion beginning in September after
the return from the traditional
August vacation period.
-Associated Press
Reach out...
Extending the hand that used to dole out pills in the neighborhood pharmacy, former druggist
and now presidential candidate Hubert Horatio Humphrey shakes hands with eager Ohioans at the
Burke Lakefront Airport in Cleveland. Accompanied by Cleveland Mayor Carl B. Stokes, Humph-
rey was on a 24-hour campaigning visit.
FTC hits cigarette advertiing
at Yokota.
Washington at once pressed for
release of the plane and the men,
acting through the U.S. ambassa-
dor to Moscow, Llewellyn Thomp-
son, and with the Soviet ambassa-
dor here, Anatole Dobrynin.
But at a mid-afternoon news
briefing a State Department
spokesman said Soviet Premier
Alexei Kosygin told Thompson
only that the case is under in-
vestigation and gave no assur-
ances the aircraft would be freed
The incident came at a time
when representatives of both
countries, along with those of
many other nations, met in Wash-
ington to, hail the signing of a
treaty designed to limit the spread
of nuclear weapons.
'White House authorities said
they doubt the plane Incident,
which they termed unfortunate,
would disrupt those proposed talks.
Robert J. McCloskey added "We
continue to be in touch with the
Soviet government and hope that
the plane and its crew will be
While officials here doubt that
Moscow would risk a major inci-
dent by keeping the plane and its
occupants, they recognize 'that it
offers a touchy issue for the
Kremlin since the transport was
bearing troops to fight against a
Soviet ally in Vietnam.
Any quick release would be like-
ly to bring strong condemnation
from Red China and perhaps oth-
ers in the Communist world.
WASHINGTON () - A troop-carrying U.S. airliner bound
for Vietnam was forced to land on a Soviet island late Sunday.
Moscow gave no assurances yesterday of an early release
for the aircraft and its 231 passengers.
The Seaboard-World Airlines charter was taking 214 sol-
diers and sailors to Vietnam when it was intercepted by Soviet
MIG fighter planes and forced to land on Interup Island in
the Pacific Kurile chain.
The Pentagon said the DC8 plane apparently strayed off
course en route from Seattle, Wash., to Yokota, Japan, and
flew into Soviet air space. Its
had a scheduled refueling stopI 7
Aircraft carrying 231 to Vietnam
forced to land on Russian island
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WASHINGTON W) -- Congress
was urged yesterday to prohibit
cigarette advertising on television
and radio - and was told si-
multaneously that cigarette smok-
ing can shorten life by up to eight
The double-barreled foray came
in separate reports to Congress by
the Federal Trade Commission
and the U.S. Public Health Serv-
The FTC asked for an adver-
tising ban, while the PHS report-
ed there's new evidence to back
its repeated contentions that cig-
arette smoking imperils health
and can be death-dealing.
Three of the five members of
the FTC, in the agency's annual
report to Congress on cigarette
advertising, recommended the
television and radio ban on such
And the whole commission
backed a new and tougher warn-
ing statement on cigarette pack-
ages and said this also should be
required in all advertisements.
The proposed warning would
"Cigarette smoking is danger-
ous to health and may cause death
from cancer and other diseases."
The warning now required says
only: "Caution: Cigarette smok-
ing may be hazardous to your
The PHS in a 176-page report
prepared by the agency's Nation-
al Clearinghouse for Information
on Smoking and Health, said evi-
dence accumulated during the
past year shows that life-expec-
tancy among heavy smokers can
be reduced by more than eight
years on the average, as a result
of smoking.
It said light smokers risk a de-
creased life expectancy of about
four years.
In a foreword to the report, Sur-
geon General William H. Stewart
of the Health Service declared
that in the last 12 months, "evi-
dence attesting to the harmful
effect of smoking on health has
continued to mount."
The agency's report - entitled
"The Health Consequences of
Smoking".- was designed to up-
date a report made by the service
a year ago, as well as the original
Surgeon General's Report on
Smoking and Health made in 1964.
The 1964 report blasted cigar-
ette smoking as the alleged major
cause of lung cancer in men, and
it said such smoking is a contrib-
utory cause of other killer dis-
The newest report, in addition
to highlighting an alleged short-
ened -life-expectancy as a result
of cigarette smoking, puts new
stress on alleged contributory
links between cigarette smoking
and heart disease.
"Alternatively, cigarette adver-
tising on television and radio
should be limited as to the hours
at which it may appear, the ex-
tent to which it may appear, and
the types of programs on which
it may appear."
new dollar
ate-House Economic Committee
proposed yesterday that Congress
instruct the Federal Reserve Sys-
.tem to keep the money supply
growing at an annual rate of from
2 to 6 per cent.
The committee says this range
should not be made mandatory on
the Federal Reserve, an independ-
ent agency within the government,
but that whenever any quarter's
growth is greater or smaller than
this range, the 'Fed" should be
required to report promptly on
the reasons.
The reports should be made to
the committee. or some other ap-
propriate agency of Congress, the
committee report continues.
It adds that, as a regular pro-
cedure, Federal Reserve authori-
ties should each year "set forth
publicly. as specifically as possible
their notion of what kind of
monetary policy the expected state
of the economy calls for."
Even these requirements would
constitute an unprecedented con-
gressional oversight of the actions
of the Federal Reserve Board.
Although it was created by
Congress and is appointed by the
President, the board steadily has
maintained its autonomy.
Its objectives are to restrain in-
flation with tighter money poli-
cies and avert slumps by easing
the money supply.
Chairman William Proxmire,
(D-Wis.), says the committee's re-
port, based on a series of hearings
on the Fed's performance, "breaks
sharply" with Congress' tradition-
al policy.
It tells the Fed to adopt a con-
stant and moderate monetary pro-
gram and instructs them to "tell
us whenever they depart from it."
He says the agency "has a rec-
ord of deepening almost every re-
cession or depression we have suf-
fered in the last 30 years by re-
ducing the money supply . . It
has often excessively increased
the money supply to fan the
flames of inflation when the econ-
omy has been booming."
The committee report says the
Federal Reserve has been given
general guidelines by Congress,
but "virtually no official help as
to how it should weigh the various
objectives, assign priorities, or se-
lect among them when they come
into conflict."
National news roundup
Please make your check payable to Copi for Sheriff
and send it to R. Sauve, Treasurer, 1315 Cam-
bridge, Ann Arbor.
By The Associated Press
KEY WEST, Fla. - Fourteen
kidnapped airline passengers re-
turned to U.S. soil from Havana
yesterday, leaving behind a gun-
wielding hijacker and the plane's
pilot who was jailed for defect-
ing from Cuba in 1960. '
Passengers identified the hi-
jacker as a well-dressed, polite
man who -was listed on the flight
manifest as E. H. Carter.
After spending two days in Cu-
ban hotels, the Americans were
flown to Key West, their original
destination, aboard the same DC3
that was diverted to Havana at
gunpoint Saturday.
The plane's pilot, George Prel-
lezo, 37, a naturalized American
citizen with a wife and five chil-
dren in Miami, was held in a Cu-
ban cell for trial.
Nixon never has been stronger
with Republicans but he rarely
has been weaker with the rest of
the electorate, the Harris poll re-
ported yesterday.
The survey says that only 31
per cent of those polled list them-
selves as Republicans, leaving the
former Vice President a major
problem in trying to sway Demo-
crats and independents if he wins
the Republican presidential nom-
Among Republicans, Nixon is
reported holding an edge of 60 per
cent to 31 per cent over Gov. Nel-
son A. Rockefeller of New York,
his only major challenger -- a
gain of nine points since May.
In trial heats against Democrats
Hubert H. Humphrey and Eugene
J. McCarthy, Nixon holds more
than 75 per cent of the Republi-
can vote whereas Rockefeller gets
no more than 60 per cent GOP
backing against these opponents,
the poll reports.
The poll says further that Nixon
trails Humphrey 35 to 41 per cent
among voters over 50 years of age.
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