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July 02, 1968 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1968-07-02

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Page Two


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18 year old vote: Johnson speaks too late'

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spite President Johnson's sup-
port of a constitutional amend-
ment to lower the voting age to
18, it is highly unlikely that
young Americans will be truly
accepted as participants in the
political Process before 1971, at
the very earliest.
The President, in a special
message to Congress last week,
said the time has come to sig-
nify to the 12 million persons
between the ages of 18 and 21
that they are "participants, not

spectators, in the adventure of
Johnson thus formally con-
firmed his support of a consti-'
tutional amendment designed
"to grant our youth what we
ask of them but still deny to
them - full and responsible
participation in our American
A proposal to lower the voting
age already has been sponsored
by 44 Senators. Most observers,
nevertheless, doubt that Con-
gress will approve the constitu-

tional amendment this year
since present plans call for ad-
journment the first week in
The Senate subcommittee on
constitutional amendments has
held hearings on the proposal,
but a spokesman for the sub-
committee said an effort to
send the amendment to the full
Judiciary Committee failed two
weeks ago due to the lack of a
He said the subcommittee will
not meet aagin before the

{ +

Dirksen to vote for confirmation
of Preietshigh court choices

WASHINGTON (VP) - More in a filibuster against confirma-
skimishing over President John- tion.
son's Supreme Court appoint- He said Fortas has a reputa-
ments broke out in the Senate tion "as a fixer" and has aligned
yesterday as a public hearing on himself with "the radic'al wing
the nominations was set for of the court."
July 11. Atty. Gen. Ramsey Clark has

committee last week because
Warren submitted his retirement
request at the pleasure of the
President and Johnson said he
would accept it when a successor
had been confirmed by the Senate.
Dirksen dismissed this question
as settled by earlier appointments,
as did Smathers, the first south-
ern Democrat to speak out in
support of Johnson's nominations
to the court.

Here were the chief develop-
-Republican Leader Everett M.
Dirksen of Illinois said he will
vote to confirm Justice Abe For-
tas as chief justice and Judge
Homer Thornberry as an associate
Dirksen predicted that any fili-
buster against confirmation, al-
ready threatened by some of his
GOP colleagues, will be smashed.
-Sen. George A. Smathers (D-
Fla.) said Johnson has a right
and a duty to fill the vacancy
arising from Chief Justice Earl
Warren's announced retirement.
To delay until a new president is
elected, Smathers said, could turn
the appointment into a political
pawn in the forthcoming election.
-Sen. Jacob K. Javits (R-
N.Y.) proposed that the Senate
take two votes on the nominations
-first on a motion to send them
back to the Judiciary Committee
and then, if that fails, on con-
Javits said the first vote would
give senators opposed to letting
Johnson make the appointments
an opportunity to express them-
selves without engaging in a fi-
libuster. The second vote, he
said, could be on the merits of
the nominees.
-Sen. Strom Thurmond (R-S.C.)
said he is willing to participate
Ask interim
conduct rles
(continued from Page 1)
operation which characterizes the
work of implementing the Presi-
dential Commission Report."
The Hatcher Commission pro-
posed a University Council com-
posed of students, faculty mem.
bers and administrators to legis-
late on disruptive student con-
duct. It also proposed a tripartite
Joint University Council to, ad-
judicate such cases.
Although the ad hoc imple-
menting committee will have a
bylaw ready for the Regents' July
18-19 meetings, the UC in any
case could not be established un-
til the beginning of the fall se-
mester, when SGC can appoint its
three members. Only then could
the UC begin to adopt legislation.
And the judiciary mechanism
bylaw will not be ready until the
The administrative board and
the executive committee have pre-
pared a statement on due process,
which is now under study by the
literary college's student steering
The guarantees would apply in
all cases heard by the board, in-
cluding those on disruptive con-

been called for questioning at the
July 11 meeting of the Judiciary
Committee on whether a vacancy
on the court actually exists.
The issue was raised in the

Harriman returns
to Pari's negotiati~ons~l

middle of July, at the earliest.
Even if it approves the
amendment then, it would be
almost impossible for the Sen-
ate Judiciary Committee -
which is overloaded with con-
servatives - and the full Con-
gress to act on it in the busy
two or three weeks before the
expected adjournment date.
To be effective,, the amend-
ment would have to be ap-
proved by a two-thirds vote in
both the House and the Senate,
and then be ratified by three-
fourths of the states.
Since all but three of the
state legislatures will be in ses-
sion in early 1969, if Congress
does not approve the amend-
ment this year, many of the
legislative bodies may not have
a chance to ratify it until they
meet in regular session again
in 1971.
Governors of states where the
legislature meets only biannual-
ly could, of course, call special
legislative sessions to ratify the
amendment, but this would be
a great expense to the states,
and therefore is improbable.
In addition to these obstacles,
the amendment may face con-
siderable opposition by some of
the states, if not by Congress.
Opponents of extending the
right to vote to 18-year-olds are
expected to emphasize two ma-
jor arguments:
-The recent wave of student
demonstrations indicates that
young people between the ages
of 18 and 21 lack maturity and
are not ready for the political
During the Senate hearings
on the amendment, opponents
argued that the demonstrations
prove young people "are prone
to take an extreme point of
view and push their ideas to the
exclusion of all others."
-The states should retain
the power to set the voting age.
Behind most of the opposi-
tion, of course, is the fear, of
politicians that they will be
voted out of office if additional'
millions of young people are
given the right to vote.
Some observers already have,
pointed out that President
Johnson did not support the
amendment until after he de-
cided to drop out of politics,
and he still waited so late that
it is unlikely Congress will have
" time to act on it this year.
Presently, only two states -
Kentucky and Georgia - have
lowered the voting age to 18..
Alaska and Hawaii, when en-
tering the Union, set the voting
age at 19 and 20, respectively.
Proposals to lower the voting
age have been introduced at
one time or another in most of
the states, but- have either

never reached the ballot or
have failed.
Most of the arguments in fa-
vor of extending the vote to
18-year-olds were outlined in
the President's special message
to Congress.
He emphasized, "The age of
18, for more than the age of
21, has been and is the age of
maturity in America - and
never more than now."
The special message contin-
ued, "The essential stability of
our system is not served, the
moral integrity of our cause is
not strengthened, the value we
place on the worth of the indi-
vidual is not honored by deny-
ing to more than 10 million
citizens - solely because of
their age - the right to full
participation in determining
our country's course."
The first proposal for a con-
stitutional amendment to low,
er the voting age was ad-
vanced in 1942 by the late Sen.
Arthur Vandenberg (R-Mich.),
Ip 1954, President Eisenhower
urged the adoption of such an
amendment in his State of the
Union Message. Then, a Senate
majority, but not a two-thirds
majority, favored the amend-
Support is growing, however.
In the 90th Congress alone,
more than 50 proposed amend-
ments to lower the voting age
have been introduced, many
with broad bipartisan support,
according to President Johnson.
Most observers think the vot-
ing age eventually will be low-
ered, but probably not in the
near future.
Loan study
group forms
(Continued from Page 1)
office and to other University ad-
COMRAIDS members met last
Friday with an administrative
committee presently interviewing
candidates to replace Walter B.
Rea as director of financial aids.
The students hope to influence the,
interviewing committee to select
a director sympathetic to their
Bishop, who is also a member
of the interviewing committee, re-
ported the student group received
a "generally favorable" reaction
to their suggestions.
"They might not go as far as
we have asked, but they are mov-
ing in the same directions," he

TheaDaily Official Bulletin is ar
official publication of the Uiniver-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ialresponsibility. Notices should be
Room 3528 L. S. & A. Bldg., be-
before 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi
mum of two times on request; ay
Calendar items appear only once.
Student organization notices are
not accepted for publication. For
more information call 764-9270.
Day Calenidar
Audio-Visual Education Center Sum-
mer Previews - "Make a Mighty Reach,
Very Nice, Very Nice," Multipurpose
Rm,, UGLI, 1:30 p.m.
School of Music Degree Recital -
Quillian Ditto, Soprano: School of Mu-
sic Recital Hall, 8:00 p.m.
CIC Institute Japanese Movie--"Ro-
kujo-Ke Yukiyama Tsumugi," Tues-
day, July 2, Auditorium A, Angell Hall,
8:00 p.m..
General- Notices
CIC Institute Lecture Series-Profes-
sor Kun Chang of the, University of
California, "Sno-Tibetan Linguistics,"
Wednesday, July 3, Noble Lounge of
Oxford Apts., 627 Oxford Rd., 7:30 p.m.
Notice to students applying for mast-
ers or professional degrees for August
1968 - Because of the short time al-
lowed in the summer to process diplo-
ma applications, none will be accepted

Machine Building and Electrotechnical
Industry, Rumania, July2.
Mr. S. Y. Lee, Ecoonmics, Singapore,
July 5-9.
Mr. Kashi K. Maitra, Lawyer, politi-
cian, West Bengal, India, July 7-10. {
Thomas Samph, Education, Disserta-
tion : "Observer Effects on Teacher Be-
havior,," on Tues., Julyi 2 at 8:30 am.,
in Rm. 4209 University High School.
Chairman: L. S. Barritt.
Leland Malcolm Nicolal, AerospaceI
Engineering, Dissertation: "An Experi-
mental and Theoretical Analysis of the
Convected Balanced Arc," on Tues.,
July 2 at ,1:30 p.m. in Rm, 1028 Space-
Physics Bldg.,. (North Campus). Co-
Chairm-en: A.M. Kuethe and R. L.
James Scott Fleming, Education, Dis-
sertation: "An Investigation Xof Role
Expectations and the Communication.
Process between Elementary School
Student Teachers and Their Supervis-
ing Teachers," on Tues., July 2 at 3
p.m. in Rm. 2000 University High
School. Chairman: L. W. Beach .
Judith Alyn Long, Social Psychology,
Dissertation: "Self Actualization in a
Sample of High School Bays: A Test of
Some Propositions from Self Identity
Theory," on Tues., July 2 at 3 p.m. in
Rm. 4110 I.S.R, Chairman: R. L. Kahn.
3200 SAB

or offers, for statistical purposes used
in counseling.
Peace Corps Week - July 22-26, ar-
rangements to be announced later.
Vista Week ;- July 9-12, watch for
further announcements,
Current Position Openings received
jby General Division by mail and
phone, please call 754-7460 for further
City of Lake Forest, Illinois - Youth
Officer, .police and crime prevention
work among youths. Degree in police
administration. or public adm., man.,
age 21-36, 5'8"6'6" height.
City of Detroit, Mich. - Dental y-
gienist, registration In .Mich. req. Phy-
sical Therapst, 2 yr. course and some
exper. Sr Physcal Therapist, 4 yr.
course, exper.,. and registration. Phar-
rhacist, degree, 'some exper. Dietitian,
degree in foods or nutrition, internship
tionist, degree in home econ. And spec.
In Tood.s and nut, one yr. grad work, or
MA ortrelated exper., internship desired.
State of Wisconsin Civil Service -
Psychologist PhD and 3 years work ex-
per. modern clin./educ. psych. methods.
plus 18 mo, exper., MA in computer
sci., subs. for exper. Systems Program-
ming Section Chief, Dept. of Industry,
Labor :and Human Relations, degree 2
years programming for magnetic tape
or randon access syst. Publications Sur
pervisor, Engl. degree or journ./adv. and
5 years in publications, newspaper, adv.,
publishing or edilorial work, Depart-
ment of Health and Social Services.
NOUNCIMENTS is available to offUially
recognized and registered student' or- 10
ganizations only., Forms are available
in room 1011 SAH.
Bach :Club meeting, Weds.. July3
1968, 8:00 p.m.; Guild House, 802 MonI-
roe, Speaker: Dr. Thomas Taylor,
"Bach's Concerto Form." For further
information call 769-2922; 761- 1688,
663-6361, or 769-1605.
Christian Science Organization Tes-
timony Meeting, Thurs., 7:30 p.m., Rm.
3545 SAB.

PARIS (4) - Ambassador W.
Averell Harriman returned to
Paris last night from consulta-
tions in Washington and said he
hoped that the North Vietnamese
will "get down to serious discus-
The chief negotiator in the
Paris peace talks has been away
for 10 days. Asked whether he
came back with plans for change
in U.S. tactics, Harrimannsaid:
"No, I think that by and large
people-in the United States--
are satisfied with our presenta-
tion. I think people feel we have
attempted to make constructive;
suggestions and that the other
side has been dealing in propa-,
"Let's hope they get, down to
serious discussions," he said.
Harriman said one of his prin-
cipal reasons for going home at
this time had been to attend a
granddaughter's wedding. He
spent some days in Washington
consulting with U.S. President
Johnson and policy makers.
He said he found people in the
United States very much interest-
ed in the talks.
"I think that by and large they
feel that since the talks are going
on, both sides will find a way to
bring things to a peaceful solu-
tion," he said.,
Earlier in the day in New York
Harriman said he "just can't be-
lieve" Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy
will go to Paris to talk to the
North Vietnamese.
"The talks are highly sensitive,"
Hariman said at Kennedy Airport.
"The whole world wants peace,
the United States want peace
and there is too much at stake to
interject partisan politics."
McCarthy, seeking the Demo-
cratic presidential nomination,
has said he might go to Paris to
talk with the North Vietnamese
to get a personal view of their
Harriman said he didn't be-
lieve any of the presidential hope-
fuls "would want to interject par-
-.~ ~ - ~ ~ - ~- -

tisan politics into the peace
"I just can't believe he will come
to Paris but that is up to him,"
Harriman said. "He is senator,
a free agent and he can do what
he wants."
Meanwhile for the first time
since May 9, B52's also flew five
missions against North Vietnam,
bombing coastal artillery that has
been shelling U.S. destroyers
operating off the coast.
U.S. headquarters said the tar-
gets, all just to the north of the
demilitarized zone, also included
bunkers, caves and storage areas.
U.S. fighter-bombers launched
137 missions over North Vietnam's
panhandle Sunday and ran into
moderate antiaircraft fire.
Second class postage paid at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, 420 Maynard St., Ann
Arbor, Michigan, 48104.
Daily except Monday during regular
academic school year.
Fall and winter subscription rate:
$4.50 per term by carrier ($5 by mail);
$8.00 for regular academic school year
($9 by mail).

August Graduates, placement serv-
The Department of Linguistics _ ices in the summer at General Division
The deadline for students wishing to do not include interviews, however, we
The eadineforstuent wihin toreceive position openings; listed in this
sign up for prelims in the summer Daily Official Bulletin, in a current
half-term is July 15. Students should openings notebook, and in a monthly
notify the departmental office (218 bulletin Literature pertaining to corn-
Gunn Bldg. or phone 764-0353) before panies, opportunities in varous fields
this date. of study, and government employment
The Department will also be offering is open for browsing. Hours - 8:30-12
the French and German Language Ex- and 1:30-4:30 Mon.-Fri. Please inform
aminations for the M.A. students in the Bureau of your current address,
the Department. The deadline for sign- and any changes in your data if ,nyou
in pfor this exam will be "July 22.j are registered. Register for placement
ing up hexdepartmental ofic services now if you have not already
dome so. Please report any. fobs taken,.I
Candidates who expect to receive de - - -- -
grees in August 1968 are reminded that
two copies of the dissertation and ab-
stract - ready in all respects for pub-
lication - must be filed with the Dis-
sertation Secretary by Mon., July 15. V 0 iC I
Reports of the doctoral committees on
final oral examinations must also be I Gener l M emb
filed with the Dissertation Secretary
by Mon., July 15, for August graduates.'

'ership Meeting

Foreign Visitors
The following are foreign visitors who'
can be reached through the Foreign
Visitor Programs Office, 764-2148,
Mr. Nicolae Popa, Head, Technical Di-
rectorate, Technological Institute for.

8 P.M., Tues., Juy 2

"POOR COW" Starts Thursday-SPECIAL 4th of July MATINEES at 3 & 5

The meeting will

continue this

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I - - ---:-~~< -.mc


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