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May 03, 1968 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1968-05-03

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Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
Truth Will Prevail

NEws PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1968


The AAUP Warning:
When the Salaries Go Down, down

T'E UNIVERS TY is slowly slipping
into an abyss/of mediocrity in a coun-
try characterized by an ever-increasing
demand for quality in higher education.
An indirect measure of this trend was
recently provided by the American As-
sociation of University Professors in a
report on the level of faculty salaries.
While the average compensation for
full-time professors for the entire na-
tion rose 8.4 per cent, the University,
registered an increase of only 3.4 per
cent. Thus, in this category, the Univer-
sity dropped from 17th place to 23rd in
the country.
Clearly, this is no immediate reason
for students to consider transferring to
one of the 22 schools which ranked above
us. But, should the trend continue for
several years, the University will exper-
ience a decrease in quality condurrent
with increasing difficulty in recruiting
new faculty and even deterring profes-
sors already here from seeking greener
Should the trend continue the Uni-
versity would drop to about 30th in fac-
ulty salaries by next year. In five years
the University could well fall to 200th
THE BLAME for the level of faculty
salaries falls heavily on the state leg-
islature. Appropriation cuts last year
forced the University to modify proposed
salary increases as well as raise tuition.'
This year the University's appropria-
tions request will again be slashed by the
state legislature. The amount of the cut,
however, bears even greater relevance to
faculty salaries than it did last year. For.
this year the administration may be more
reluctant to temper the effect on faculty
salaries with another tuition hike.
Vice President for Academic Affairs
Allan F. Smith notes that Governor Rom-
ney's budget request - cut considerably,
from the University's request - still con-
tains a six per cent increase in operating
funds, most of which would go to faculty
But the Senate has already passed an
appropriations bill $3 million lower than
the Governor's request. If the Senate fig-
ure should become the final appropria-

tion, the present trend in faculty' sal-
aries would probably continue. '
The growing history of low state ap-
propriations has its roots in the Univer-
sity's notable ineffectiveness in dealing
with Lansing officials, and in certain
misconceptions the legislature has about
state funds.
When President Robben Fleming came
to the University this year, it had been
hoped he would have the ability to ob-
tain more money from the state. This
summer provides the first major test of
his strength in this area.
Blocking his path is a widespread feel-
ing in the capital that the University,
well endowed with private contributions,
needs correspondingly less money from
the legislature.
While it is true that contributions to
the University are notably high for a
state school, this does not mean the Uni-
versity can stay in competition for
quality faculty with' these fuids alone.
And by cutting funds in proportion to
private contributions, the legislature
would only discourage these donors.
Furthermore, a significant portion of
alumni contributions come from out-of-
state graduates. Yet, some legislators
propose cuts in University appropriations
because of these gifts, and then expect
the cost to be passed on to out-of-state
students in the form of higher tuition.
Instead, the legislators should realize
the legitimate needs of the University
and provide more funds. The out-of-state
students and alumni (if they must be
thought of as a block) are already pull-
ing their weight financially. Perhaps,
with the state's new non-regressive tax
system, an increase in taxes should be
The legislature should realize that by
continually cutting the University's ap-
propriations it is effectively destroying
one of the nation's best educational in-
stitutions, a school it should be proud to
support and a school dedicated primar-
ily to educating Michigan residents.
If the University is to maintain aca-
demic excellence, the legislature must
consider the Governor's recommendation
an absolute minimum and appropriate
funds accordingly.

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Deserters 'song:
Larger echoes

Columbia: The Gem of What?

CRITICS who have excoriated demon-
strators at Columbia University for
their tactics leave some urgent questions
The criticism seems to fall into two
Categories. There are those who find the
protesters demands - a halt to con-
struction of a university gymnasium in
Morningside Park and severance of ties
with the Institute for Defense Analyses
- unreasonable and frivolous and who
deplore their tactics.2 William F. Buckley,
Jr., for instance, concluded that the
demonstrators were "looking for an op-
portunity to rebel."
And there are also those who look
favorably on the demands but deplore
the tactics. WINS, the all-news Westing-
house station in New York City, last Fri-
day editorialized that Columbia has been
consistently "wrong" in its handling of
relations with the Harlem community,
especially in its planning of the gymna-
slum. But the station took violent ex-
ception to the disruptive sit-ins in five
Columbia buildings. The Wall Street
Journal put it succinctly: "The students'
resort to physical intimidation makes ir-
relevant their specific complaints, some
of which we might support in a civilized
Those who see no substance to the de-
mands are misinformed. Columbia's fac-
ulty civil rights committee has produced
a 25-page paper documenting the school's,
sorry history of community relations. The
issues at hand are both substantive and
serious. Buckley contends that the uni-
versity's agreement to build the gymna-
sium "probably has the signature on it
of every public official this side of U
Thant." But the borough president and a
state senator among other community
leaders have consistently asked Colum-
bia not to build the gym and Mayor Lind-
say has publicly expressed his doubts.
Those who dislike the tactics make a

decisions are reached, on campus or off,
in a viable democracy."
Indeed, how are decisions made in a
viable democracy? And does a viable
democracy exist at Columbia? Students
and faculty who have been warning the
school for years that it is sitting on top
of a powder keg which could be defused
to the benefit of both the community and
the school have consitently received the
cold. shoulder. Further, it is no secret
that Columbia has almost no formalized
channels for communication between
faculty members, students and adminis-
trators. For several months students at
Columbia sought meetings with the ad-
ministration to negotiate over the gym-
nasium. When after the sit-in began Vice
President Truman agreed to meet with
them, and students rejected the obvious-
ly crisis-inspired ad hoc offer, they were
criticized by among others the New York
Times for rejecting normal democratic
It is this total lack of perspective which
is most galling about the criticism. The
protesters have not proven that ends can
be achieved through non-rational means
when rational ones don't. They have
shown that where democratic processes
don't exist there isn't much else left but
non-democratic processes.
For Columbia alumni who deplore both
Columbia's relationship with its com-
munity neighbors and its lack of insti-
tutionalized channels for communication
between students, faculty and adminis-
trators, and who are especially incensed
with President Kirk's decision to call in
the police Tuesday morning, however,
there is a fine and traditionally demo-
cratic means of protest available.
John Erlich, an assistant professor in
Michigan's school of social work and a
past president of his Columbia class, has
written William Petersen, the chairman
of Columbia's board of trustees, to in-

Daily Guest Writer
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last
of a series of articles on the Ann
Arbor housing market by Mark
Schreiber, a senior in the literary
college who has been an at-large
member of Student Government
Council. The research paper from
which the series is taken was ori-
ginally prepared for SGC's Student
Housing Association.
market in the last year has
turned from a tight seller's market
to a moderate buyers market.
Given the history of the Student
Housing Association, several short
run and long run plans may be
undertaken. These strategies will
aim at better upkeep, wide adop-
tion of the 8 month lease, and
eventually lowering the average
monthly rental.
SUMMER, 1968
* The Complaint Service of the
Student Rental Union will be
functioning and available to stu-
dents. Call 764-3174 Mon.-Fri. 2-5
* The boycott of Apartments
Ltd. will be continued and picket-
ing will resume.
" Ownership lists, revenue as-
sessments, and profit analysis will
be compiled on a larger scale on
several apartment agencies.
* Plans for a free summer sub-
let service will be arranged.
NEXT YEAR, 1968-69
* The boycott of Apartments
Ltd. for the 8 month lease will be
organized on a mass.base and be-
gin early in the year. Their owners
will be frequently contacted, and
pickets, hopefully, will be main-
tained throughout the terms.
" A legal pamphlet of tenant
rights will be printed by SHA and
distributed. Students will be made
aware of code violations, leasing
procedures, and legal alternatives.
O A housing conference spon-
sored by SGC and the Office of
Student Community Relations will
be planned. Representatives of the
student body, University admin-
istration, local landlords, city
councilmen and city building in-
spectors should be present to speak
on a number of housing issues of
mutual interest. Information could
be interchanged, and such confer-
ences might serve as a base for
future bargaining efforts.
A strong stand by the Univer-
sity supporting student housing
efforts must be forthcoming. The
University has too long ignored its
responsibility in the private mar-
ket, and must acknowledge efforts
to secure their lease.
O A thorough investigation of
University professors or personnel
who have investments in the pri-
vate housing market is necessary.
The extent and nature of these
holdings, and possible conflicts of
interest must be determined. The
University community cannot tole-
rate "slumlord' professors.
" Pressure on the City Building
Inspector must be enacted. A
mandamus suit against this office
should be undertaken. Students
should be made knowledgable of
code violations and frequently call
the Building Inspector when there
are serious problems. City Coun-
cilmen will be contacted to fulfill
their promises on code enforce-

s strategy ahead

per cent revenue costs that the
agencies charge for management.
Thus, rents could be lowered and
buildings rented on a school term
-The Student Housing Associa-
tion and the University Housing
Offices could coordinate this ef-
fort. Students could be employed
as resident managers, and other
administrative tasks would provide
jobs for working students. There
would be difficulties, of course,
as to what "University standards
apply to these apartments. The
University's increasing liberation
of housing rules reduces these ar-
guments. The administration,
however, will probably come up
with other convenient reasons for
not disturbing the status quo.

University's laissez faire attitude
toward housing responsibility.
ANY SOLUTIONS to the miser-
able cpndition of the Ann Arbor
housing market must be based on
a supply and demand analysis,
and what parties will capitalize
on the ldisequilibrium. Student in-
terests have beep partially mobil-
ized due to the short run surplus.
Further pressures should be ef-
fective in the next few yeqrs. As
well, negligent upkeep and fre-
quent code violations of apart-
ment agencies have only begun to
show. The city investigation may
clamp down on the worst offend-
ers and enforce some standards.
The growing city and Univer-
sity population, and rising land

Last of Two-Part
"I never want to go back to the
United States," he said.
"Even if the Vietnamese war
ended, it would make no differ-
ence. The United States would
have to change its entire society.
I don't believe it can or will.
"I didn't want to stay in Russia
and, since I've been here, they've
tried to get me interested in an
activist organization," he said. "I
abhor what the United States is
doing, but I don't want to go to
the other side.
"I want to stay here and make
a life for myself. When I see news-
reels of how the police treat the
sit ins and protesters back home,
I get sick in my stomach. I want
to throw up.
Bailey, a Tangy six footer who
wears a lincolnesque beard, is one
of the most outspoken and artic-
ulate of the lot.
"WE CHOSE Sweden basically
because it is neutral and the neu-
tral line conforms with our views,"
he said. "We think the war is
wrong. We want to get away from
extreme nationalism and ideolo-
gies, both East and West."
This is difficult. One of the
prime movers in the recent heavy
list of defections. has been the
"The FNL pretends to be for
peace but its trademark is chaos,"
a spokesman for the Swedish gov-
ernment said. "It is not simply
against the United States and the
Vietnam war. It is against the
Sweish government asgwell. Its
purpose seems to be to keep every-
thing in disorder."
The current emphasis of Swe-
den's FNL is "Operation Defector."
The FNL talks openly of its opera-
Agents are planted in bars, cafes
and entertainment spots near U.S.
Army camps in Germany. These
agents engage soldiers in conver-'
sation> They talk about the "im-
morality" and futility of the war
in Vietnam. They discuss the ra-
cial problems in the United States.
They drop the seed and wait for it.
to catch hold. If it does, the next
step is to diagram the escape.
There are no border guards
blocking the way. Once in Sweden,
the defector is faced with a friend-
ly government, sympathizers and
at least two organizations dedi-
cated to making the defection
One of these organizations is
the FNL, whose attorney, Hans
Goren Franck, helps American de-'
serters obtain alien passports and
work permits. The other is the
more moderate Swedish Vietnam
Committee, whose national chair-
man is Gunnar Myrdal, prominent
economist and author.
BOTH GROUPS have been in-
strunental in gaining food and
lodging for the defectors until
they are capable of setting out on
their, own. '1
While most of the defectors here
attribute their action to disagree-
ment with the American role in
Vietnam, there also are strong
currents of the racial issue and
protests against what the deserters
call bullying tactics by Army
"I'm against the Afro-American
fighting in Vietnam," said Ennis
James Dotson, 22, of Ballinger,'
Tex. "In my opinion, we are only
war puppets for white Americans.
You'll be treated no better when
you return than when you left."
Dotson deserted from a missile
support command in northern
Italy. He had reenlisted last
March. He married a Danish girl
but the'interracial marriage didn't
"My wife had to undergo all
sorts of humiliations on the post"
he said. "I had other problems,
andI got fed up. I can't see why

a Negro wants to fight for a
country when he can't get served
in a restaurant."
Edward Johnson Jr., 21 a pri-
vateh fom Cleveland, Ohio, who
left hil post as medicals; clerk In
Meunchweiler, West Germany,
said, "They give you hell in the
American army if you are black.
They are after you all the time.
You can't do anything without
getting court martialed."

Johnson took up residence An
Malmee. in the southern part of
Sweden, as have a half dozen
others, including Jim Grant of
Maridian, Miss.: Joe Norwood of
Newport Beach, Calif., and Wil-
liam Edward Percell of Miami, Fla.
Grant, 29. was accompanied by
his wife.
IN FRANKFURT, Germany. the
judge advocate of the U.S. Army
in Europe, Col. Lewis F. Shull,
said most of the deserters were in
trouble with their units. "They
are bums-they are not the high-
er class of soldiers," Shull said.
Johnson, an Army private, had
a record of three court martials
and disciplinary action on charges
of disobeying orders. Grant, a jazz'
musician, had similar problems.
William Day, 22, of Itasca, Tex.,
once drew a four months' sentence
after a court martial and spent
50 days in the stockade.
Edward B. Murray, 18, of Wood-
bury, N.J., youngest of the de-
serters, said sergeants were al-
ways on his back for putting up
antiwar posters in the barracks.
The cherub faced Murray ap-
pears to be dazed by the adven-
"Everybody says I look 15," he
says with a boyish grin. "No, I
don't have a job yet because my
papers haven't gone through. I
like it here-I think it's groovy."
The papers are documents
granting the defectors asylum in
Sweden on humanitarian grounds.,
Of the more than 30 listed deser-
ters, less than half had been
granted official asylum through
the 'first week in March.
Others were being investigated
by the police, who turn over their
findings to the Aliens Commission,
which studies the reports, then
hands down its decisions. Only in
a rare case is an ,application re-
Once a defector is granted
asylum, he may apply for welfare
payment around $16 a week until
he gets a job. Until these papers
are received, he is dependent on
the charity of friends, unless he
has other sources of income.
The Intrepid Four are, still get-
ting by on the $1,000 given each
of them by the Soviet Union.
Some of the others come from
well to do families, who probably
will support them until they can
find their place In Swedish society.
The defections have placed a
severe strain on U.S. Swedish re-
lations, normally friendly.
Sweden and France have become
havens for American deserters-
there are said to be more than 100
now in France without the same
flare of publicity-because neither
of these countries has a status of
forces agreement with the United
States which would require sur-
render of defecting citizens.
SO* FAR, the Pentagon has not
expressed any public alarm over
the number of desertions, contend-
ing they still fall below the rate of
the Korean war-one per 1,000-
and World War I-four per 1,000.
Pentagon officials discount the
suggestion that the defections can
be traced to the unpopularity of
the conflict in Vietnam.
"It appears that the offenders
are largely socially and emotional-
ly immature," a government,
spokesman said. "A large majority
of such offenders are young, being
under 21. It can also be assumed
that dissatisfaction with service
life is the major cause of deser-
Under the Uniform Code of
Military Justice, the maximum
penalty that can be meted out to
them is five years at hard labor,
forfeiture of all pay and allow-
ances and 'a dishonorable dis-
charge. There is no statue of lim-

The death penalty can be im-
posed only in case of desertion
in the face of the enemy.
There is talk that, ink case of
a Vietnamese peace, Sweden might
be able to swing a deal for com-
plete amnesty,
Most of the defectors, such as
Lindner, can't be sure. "We figure
they cansdo anything to us from
turning t us Scot free or shooting
us," he said. "It's not a comfort-
ing thought."





The 8 month lease boycott

" Creation of a City Housing
Planning Board would aid in plan-
ning the distribution and rental
policies of future housing in Ann
Arbor. This board, composed of
faculty, students, University and
city officials, contractors and
landlords could assess housing
needs and the composition of de-
mand; project estimates of Uni-
versity and private supply; de-
termine (dis)incentives for par-
ticular types of building projects;
and set minimum standards for
rental policies and rent ceilings.
* The University buil ding
apartments is a dismal project,
complicated by the Regents' by-
law of non-competition, the dis-
pute over the autonomy, and the
subsqluent lack of state funds for
housing construction. The Univer-
sity must make clear, as Mr.
Stueded, the head of the Office of
Student Community Relations has

and construction cost portend
serious long run problems. New
highways through Ann Arbor, such
as the Packard-Beeks Penetrator
Route, will raise land values and
rents. Speculation in the north
central area, even by University
professors, has already begun.
One' might thus expect a new wave
of shoddy construction and lax
maintenance within the next 5-10
Effective solutions to exhorbi-
tant rents, poor construction and
ineffectual upkeep must result
from a combination of groups.
The University, the city, and
apartment agencies must some-
how find their way clear to co-
operating. The City Council,
though still the bastian of Repub-
lican, landlord interests, may be
more responsive to public need
next year. The management agen-
cies may also find that they can

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