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June 28, 1968 - Image 1

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LwF 41

:43a t

Sunny and slightly

Vol. LXXVIII, No. 36-S Ann Arbor, Michigan, Friday, June 28, 1968 Ten Cents

Six Pages





Legislature gives
'U' $63.3 million
The state Legislature passed and sent to the governor
yesterday a Higher Education, appropriation bill which in-
cluded an allocation of $63,272,392 for the University.
The Regents, polled by phone yesterday, agreed on a
University general fund budget of nearly $104 million for
the coming fiscal year. The figure reflects an increase over
last year of $4,111,394 i legislative appropriations and
$4,310,448 more in estimated



Court drops HUAC
constitutionality sut


Following are the University's new ant
UNDERGRADUATE (Michigan residents)
UNDERGRADUATE (out-of-state)
GRADUATE (residents)
GRADUATE (out-of-state)
LAW (residents)
LAW (out-of-state)
HEALTH SCHOOLS (residents)
HEALTH SCHOOLS (out-of-state)

nual tuition levels.
f Increase
1968-69 last year
$ 480 $ 60
$1,540 $240
$ 540 $ 80
$1,648 $248
$ 680 $ 60
$1,740 $240


From Wire Service Reports
A three judge federal panel dis-
missed Wednesday a suit chal-
lenging the constitutionality of
the House Committee on Un-
American Activities without ever
getting into the constitutionality

.R student fees.
The $104 million figure reflects
a change in accounting to in-
clude $10.1 'million formerly list-
ed under a different budget.
The adjusted budget is $8.4 mil-
lion more than last year.
The appropriation is about
seven per cent higher than for
1967-68, but is about $12 million
less than the University request
submitted last October, and $1.5
million below Gov. Romney's rec-
The compromise measure was
worked out by a conference com-
mittee between the House and
Senate, each of which had ap-
proved separate appropriations
bills differing by $2.3 million. The
House version listed the Univer-
sity for $63.5 million and the
Senate $61.3 million.
The bill finally approved by
both groups was about $325,000
less than the House figure. The
cuts came from funds for the
University's joint computer sys-
tem and a decrease in the ap-
propriations for the Flint campus.
However, since the Flint branch
has already hired additional fac-
ulty and admitted 200 more stu-
dents for next year, the Univer-
sity was forced to replace the cut
by using general operating funds.
The budget includes a $4 mil-
lion increase in academic and
non-academic salaries. Faculty
wages were given the highest pri-
ority for the coming fiscal year,
University President Robben W.
Fleming said yesterday.
Faculty salary hikes will be "at
or better than the national av-
erage" increase, Vice President for
Academic Affairs Allan F. Smith
Nonsalary items such as equip-
ment and supplies were given the
lowest priority for increases in
See 'U', Page 2

Republicans question corto

WASHINGTON (/)-The ques-
tion whether a legitimate vacancy
exists on the Supreme Court was
raised yesterday and Atty. Gen.
Ramsey Clark was summoned to
give his views to the Senate Judi-
ciary Committee on July 11.
A Republican group claimed
growing support meanwhile for
the argument that a "lame duck"
President should not nominate
members of the Supreme Court
in the waning months of his'
Senate Majority Leader Mike'
Mansfield said last night that
Earl Warren "might well" have to
stay on indefinitely as Chief Jus-
tice of the United States be-
cause of a deadlock over his suc-
Sen. Robert P. Griffin of Mich-
igan, leader of the Republican
group, raised another objection to
President Johnson's action in
naming Justice Abe Fortas as
chief justice and Homer Thorn-
berry as associate justice.
The nominations, Griffin der
clared, "smack of 'cronyism' at
its worse-and everybody knows
it." Both Fortas and Thornberry
are longtime friends of Johnson.
What brought up the issue of
whether there is a vacancy on
the court was the wording of
Chief Justice Earl Warren's let-
ter of retirement and Johnson's
Warren said his retirement
would be effective at the pleasure
of the President and Johnson re-
plied he would accept Warren's
decision to retire "effective at

such time as a successor is quali-
After its meeting, Sen. Sam J.
Ervin Jr. (D-NC) came out to say
the argument can be made that
no vacancy on the court exists.
"There ought to be a vacancy
before an appointment is made,"
Ervin said. "I don't think you can
fill a vacancy until it exists."
Another committee member,
Republican Leader Everett M.
Dirksen of Illinois, told reporters
the question had been raised and
he commented:
It is a fine question. If no va-
cancy exists, there is nothing to
Ervin later said Clark had been
called to testify July 11 on the
question. And he said hearings on
the nominations of Fortas and
Thornberry might start the same

In a 2-1 decision, the judges
ruled the committeemen, as Con-
gressmen, are immune from suit
while engaged in legitimate legis-
lative activity.
Dr. Jeremiah Stamler, Chicago
heart specialist, and two others,
had charged the committee with
violation of their First Amena-
ment rights of free speech and
associatignand contended "con-
tinued conduct" of the committee
in exposing witnesses "to public
scorn and intimidation" rendered
the 1946 act authorizing the com-
mittee unconstitutional.
Although the constitutionality
of the House committee has been
contested before, Stamler's case
is the first to challenge the com--
mittees conduct as a basis for
ruling the enabling act uncon-
But the court held that in a
conflict between first amendment
rights and the doctrine of legis-
lative immunity, immunity "out-
weighs the similar protection of
the First Amendment."
Stamler's lawyers said they
would appeal directly to the Su-
preme Court to order the Chicago
panel to rule on the constitution-
ality. They hope to get a ruling
by mid-October.'
Sullivan said he did not ex-
pect an "immediate victory" in
the Supreme Court. He anticipates
a long legal battle dragging from
the Supreme Court back to the
Chicago panel to a final appeal
in the high court.

Two women declare
candidacy for board

$ 9 60

$ 60

Two cit

The Regents yesterday, approved non-resident yearly
tuition increases of $240 for undergraduate, law, medical,
dental and public health students, and, $60 increases for
students in the =same schools who are Michigan residents.
Out-of-state graduate school fees were raised $248, in-state
graduate fees $80.,-
The size of toge increases marked a decision to abandon
the ratio between out-of-state and in-state fees of 3 to 1


ty women, one an econo-

mist and one a prominent spokes-'
man for low-income groups, an-
nounced yesterday they will seek
seats on the Washtenaw County
Board of Supervisors.
The Board of Supervisors is a
legislative body which controls
all budgetary matters for county!
Mrs. Marjorie C. Brazer, a lec-
turer in economics at Eastern
Michigan University, will be the
Democratic candidate in Dis-
trict Seven, a predominately stu-
dent district coinciding with the
city's Second Ward.
Mrs. Gloria Fuller, an inter-
viewer in the Ann Arbor Youth!
Commission Summer Employ-I
ment program and part-time stu-!

Seek radical orientation

The dispute between the Of-
fice of Orientation and two stu-
dent groups seeking to conduct
their own "radical orientation
program" continues, despite a
clarification of procedure for ac-
cess to the freshmen issued Wed-
nesday by the office, and the
agreement of Voice Political Par-
ty to that arrangement. ,

The two dissenting groups are
Ann Arbor Resistance and People
Against Racism (PAR).
The procedure outlined by the
Office of Orientation in conjunc-
tion with Voice provides "One
table shall be placed in the lobby
of Mosher Hall and one table in
the lobby of Jordan Hall. These
tables shall be available to any
student organization currently
recognized by SGC."
It also provides that the liter-
ature of any recognized student
organization will be made avail-
able to the freshmen and that
orientation leaders would an-
nounce their programs.
Tom Beukema of Resistance
and Linda Johnson of PAR have
complained that the freshmen
are not being informed of activi-
$20,6 00 to
county aid Unit
The Washtenaw County Citi-
zen's Committee for Economic
Opportunity (CEO) has been
awarded a $20,000 summer pro-
gram grant by the federal gov-
ernment 'for recreation, educa-
tion and job opportunities for
low-income youth.
Money for the program comes
out of a special hiring fund set
up by President Johnson last
summer to help stave off violent
outbreaks in the nation's cities.

ties scheduled by their groups
and that they have not received
the leaflets, as they believe the
orientation office promised.'
Beukema also said that Resis-
tance does not consider itself
bound by the agreement between
Voice and the orientation office.
"Whenever we agree with the
orientation people about any-
thing, it seems not to work out,"
Beukema said.
Beukema said Resistance hopes
to confer with the other two
groups involved and agree with
them on some reasonable proced-
ure. It also hopes to confer with
officials from the Office of Orien-
tation but has received no offi-
cial communication from them.
Resistance does not feel that
the housing department policy
'w h i c h prohibits solicitation
in university housing applies to
organizations which are not com-
mercial. Furthermore, it feels that
the policy is invalid anyway be-
cause of the residence halls' home
rule, passed by SGC last spring.
Orientation director Thomas
H. Butts said, "It has always
been the policy of this office
With respect to student organiza-
tions that any student organiza-
tions wanting an opportunity to
speak to freshmen could do so.
We would announce all of their
activities to the freshmen.
"The problem came," Butts
said, "with the last minute situ-
ation of the groups involved. All
of the organizations whose activ-
ities form a part of the regular
schedule called in advance, and
there were no problems finding
time for their programs."

dent at Washtenaw Community
College, will oppose John L.
Teachout for the Democratic
nomination in District Five,
which coincides with the First
The District Five primary will
be Aug. 6.
No Republican candidates have
announced in either of these dis-
Mrs. Brazer. was consulting
economist for the U.S. Advisory
Commission on Intergovernmental
Relations from 1961 to 1964 and
consultant to the Washtenaw
County Metropolitan Planning
Commission in 1964 and 1965. She
participated in a study and pro-
jection of state revenues and ex-
penditures for the Michigan De-
partment of Commerce in 1965
and 1966.
Mrs. Brazer also was a member
of the Washtenaw County Citi-
zen's Committee for Economic
Opportunity from 1964 to 1966
and was its 'program chairman.
She is presently a member of the
League of Women Voters, the
Citizen's Association for Area
Planning and the Coalition for,
Racial Justice.
Mrs. Fuller was a local organi-
zer and a participant in the Poor
People's Campaign in Washing-1
ton, D.C.
She is president of Humanizing
Existing Welfare, an agency rep-
resenting persons receiving pub-
lic assistance, and is active in the
Congress of Racial Equality, the
National Association for the .Ad-
vancement of Colored People, and
the Black Forum.
Mrs. Brazer cited her profes-
sional and civic experience as
givin her a "strong baekground
in cdunty governrhent" but did
not make specific suggestions for
improving the present govern-
ment which she said she will do
during her campaign.
Mrs. Fuller in her statement
was critical of the social service
aid program, stating that "Wel-
fare families are penalized for
their efforts to get off welfare;
their allowances are cut if their
earnings are over $20 per month."

which previously existed. The
Legislature for the past few
years has insisted that out-of-
state students should pay,75
per cent of the cost of their,
This is the second consecutive
year in which student fees have
been raised. The fees are the
highest among state-supported
colleges in the Big Ten and the
state,' and second highest in the
nation behind the University of
The 1968-69 general operating
fund, in which student fees are
included, will make available an
additional $550,000 in student aid
funds. Total aid available to stu-
dents from all sources will be ap-
proximately $10 million in schol-
arships and $12 million in loans.
Automatic supplements will be
granted students with grants from
the Michigan Higher Education
Assistance Authority.
The University traditionally has
attempted to compensate for tui-
tion increases by providing addi-
tional student aid funds.
The 'rest of the student fees are
added to the general operating
fund. The gross total of student
fees this year, before subtracting
total student aid funds of,$2.5
million, will be $29.3 million, an
increase of $4.3 million over last
This year's tuition increases
were lower on all levels than
last year's execpt for the increase
in in-state graduate fees, which
was again $80. Last year, all non-
resident fees were raised $300, in-
state law, medical, dental and
public health fees $100, and in-
state undergraduates $72.
President Robben W. Fleming
said ,"We regret that it has been
necessary, for the second consec-
utive year, to make up the differ-
ence between the funds appro-
priated by the state and the
amount needed to sustain ade-
quate operations."
Although the Regents again by-
passed considering an "ability-
to-pay" plan modeled after the
one in effect at Michigan State
University, Fleming said, "In the
future, it has to be thought about."
The Regents feel that increased
aid funds are as equitable as the
ability-to-pay provision, and wish
to avoid the extra bookkeeping:
they feel it would involve and its
"questionable constitutionality."

action on

President Fleming

r .'

gun curbs
ate Judiciary Committee post-
poned action yesterday on bills
calling for strict gun controls. A
principal sponsor called the vote
a defeat and said it greatly weak-
ens prospects for legislation in
this session.
By a 7-5 vote, the committee
put over until July 9 any decision
on legislation which would require
registration of all firearms and
the licensing of those who use
Seil. Joseph D. Tydings, (D-
Md), told newsmen, "It was a de.
feat any way you look at it."
He added that prospects are
greatly weakened because the
postponement will make it easier
for opponents to filibuster or
otherwise delay and kill the bill in
the closing weeks of the session,
tentatively scheduled to end
Aug. 3.
Sena~ Thomas J. Dodd (D-
Conn), another leading sponsor,
refused to concede that the delay
virtually has killed chances for
passage In this session.
Three senators believed to favor
stricter controls were absent from
the closed session. They are Sens,
Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass),
George A. Smathers (D-Fla) and
Hugh Scott (R-Pa). An opponent,
Sen. John L. McClellan '(D-Ark)
also was absent.
Dodd told reporters the motion
to postpone action was bffered
by Sen. Quentin Burdick, (D-
ND) and supported by Demo-
crnats Sam .T rvin .Tr, of North

Following are 196'-68 undergraduate tuition figures,
for state-supported universities comparable in quality or'
size to the University.

Mrs. Elaine Hawkins,
relations director for the
said plans for use of the


The University (1968-69)
University of Colorado
Michigan State University
University of Wisconsin

&m y


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