See editorial page
Intermittent showers,
strong winds
Vol. LXXVIII, No. 34-S
Ann Arbor, Michigan, Wednesday, June 26, 1967
Ten Cents
Eight Pages
"Gee, I'd forgotten about the
monsoons in Ann Arbor," she said
behind me in line for registration.
"I had too," her friend replied.
"But I love every minute of it."
It had been raining all day, for
almost twelve straight hours when
she said that. And it was only be-
ginning; over three inches of rain
fell after 1 p.m. yesterday.
1 My loafers squished and
squeaked when I walked and I
was wet all over. I was hating.
every minute of it.
Someone was laughing about a
"Volkswagen submarine" and they
;imored swimmers were frolicking
down by Division and Hill streets
where a natural basin instantly
develops when you add water.
But they would get theirs; I
knew that water they were play-
ing in was partly from the backed
up sewers.
The police sergeant told me so.
But he was calm. Everything was
normal for this sort of thing: the
railroad tracks were washed out,
as were many basements and
even first floors in northeast Ann
Arbor; there were 25-30 auto ac-
0idents and a few evacuations.
He said this was the worst.,
deluge Ann Arbor had endured in
two years.
"We've got a list a mile long1
for pumping out basements,", the
fireman said. This had to be the
*orst 'flood in Ann Arbor history,
or at least the worst one he could
The telephone company repre-
rainHouse demands
Calls for appropriation cuts if school
fail to discipline disruptive students
The State House of Representatives in a resolution ap-
proved yesterday warned administrators of state-supported
colleges and universities to "maintain order" on their campus
or face cuts in their annual appropriations.
The resolution, which passed the chamber 75-22 after
an hour's debate, was generally regarded as a "statement of
intent" rather than a prelude to more specific legislative
action. It makes no provision for immediate implementation
of the threatened' cuts, nor' --._
does it bind the House to take I
student disorders into consid-
eration when passing futureAC LU
appropriations bills.
The resolution does not specify jitaitt ne w
the kinds of activities it considers
"disorderly," although it does re-
fer to "daily occurrences on the
campuses of the colleges and uni-
versities throughout the United +.oposals
States . . . including several in-
cidents on the campuses within By HENRY GRIX
this state."
hiersityre.The American Civil Liberties
University President Robben W Union wound up its six dayna-
Fleming, who wrote local legisla- tional'biennial convention here
tors criticizing the resolution when yesterday afternoon after hassling
it was first proposed several weeks with the legal implications of
ago, said he envisions no change practically every contemporary
in University attitudes or proce- controversy.
dures on student discipline as a The 250 national delegates
resut o th resluton.passed a series of recommenda-
Advocates of the resolution ar- tions including statements on the
gued that it protects the rights draft, the selective service system,
of citizens who expect "a certain civil disobedience, legal represen-
norm of behavior on campuses tation in the ghetto, black separ-
they support with their taxes" and atism, and the structural reorgan-
of "peaceful" students to receive ization of the ACLU national
an education without interference.-board.
-Daily-Richard Lee
Dally---Richard Lee
A Voilkswagen surfaces while divers fish for Hondas
College leaders Mule train readies Washigton;
ask aidiincrease Abernatly sentenced to 20 days
WASHINGTON A Poor cut short an attemut to "get food People's Campaign entered Wash-
sentative patiently explained I
was lucky to get through to any- By STUART GANNES
one since at one point last night A group representing the presi-
#elephone service was "practically dents of the country's major uni-
nil." Cable damage, apparently versities has asked Congress for
caused by heavy rain, high winds increases in federal aid to higher
and sharp cable cutters, has education, amounting to an esti-'
caused service headaches in Ann mated $8 billion by 1975.
Arbor and Ypsilanti since last The appeal, endorsed by the 42
Friday. institutions which make up the
The power company night clerk newly formed Association of
.ouldn't say anything. If you American Universities <AAU), will
really want to know why your be publicized in Washington by a
lights went out last night," call small professional lobby support-
Mr. Cooper in the morning." ed by voluntary contributions
Meanwhile, you've got to stay not exceeding $3,000 from mem-
in the dark. bers of the AAU.
Coulnty Board may
take over CEO role
The Washtenaw County Board of Supervisors may be-
come the community action agency (CAA) for the Economic
Opportunity program by Feb. 1, 1969, replacing the county's
Citizens Committee for Economic Opportunity.
The Board voted 24 to 4 for the move last week at a pub-
lic hearing, despite the opposition of some 20 speakers who
tprotested the transfer
Final decision can only be made by the new Board which
takes office Jan. 1, and the transfer might not even be
recommended by the outgoing supervisors if the CEO "con-
tinues to progress as it is now," according to Board chairman
Robert M. Harrison.
The regional OEO office in Chicago must also approve
1he transfer. Eugene Ring, an OEO counsel in Chicago, said
- that the office will allow lo-
f a.iMis .; ,w +. Y1" sa a vv vu a.. .. a~ra u xtaa uva aNu vv vu +va a vv . . v ... . +. ., O ...+ ...y+++. +., +. + . ..
People's Campaign mule train
The group, headed by Robert made a wide sweep through muggy
F. Goheen, president of Princeton Washington yesterday, but those
University, hopes to alert Cong- in the wagons were discouraged
ress to the growing budget defi- from trying to follow their lead-
cits in the nation's leading uni- er, the Rev. Ralph David Aber-
versities and also to have their nathy, to jail.'
requests included in at least one Abernjathy was sentenced ear-
of the national party platforms lier to 20 days imprisonment but
this fall. other campaign leaders remained
The report to Congress states free.
that unless federal support to In a letter from jail, Abernathy
these institutions is forthcoming, called for a demonstration today
the budget deficit will be matched by clergymen who he said are
for hungry people in this richest
and most affluent society," was'
sentenced to 20 days in jail after
pleading no contest to a charge
of unlawful assembly on the Capi-
tol grounds.
A demolition crew of 400
worked at top speed to tear down
and cart away Resurrection City.
the plywood shantytown the
demonstrators were evicted from
Monday, a day after their occu-
pancy permit had expired.
T" r liu1tra i ufh P
ington for the first time, nearly
precipitating mass arrests when
it attempted to approach the
Police allowed the 13-wagon
caravan of creaking farm wag-
ons, each pulled by two mules in
worn harness, to iide through
the city.
The mule train left in the early
evening, headed back towards the
mules' grazing area on National
Pai k Seivice land in nearby Ar-
lington, Va.
E {
Critics called the resoliton a
"political gesture" which would
punish all students. They charged
it is too broadly drawn, impossible
to administer.: potentially counter-
productive, and a threat to the
autonomy granted universities un-
der the state constitiytion.
The recommendations will be
presented to the national board
which is expected, but not obli-
gated to adopt them as national
The 48-year-old ACLU defends
civil rights with contributions and
volunteer services from its 125,-
by "an equally serious and grow-
ing quality deficit in public insti-
Vice President for Academic Af-
fairs Allan F. Smith said it was
important that the federal govern-
ment increase subsidies to uni-
versity programs and particularly
to graduate schools because "state
support has not taken full cog-
nizance of the cost of our pro-
President Robben W. Fleming ex-
"Unless the University receives
the additional funds from the
federal government there will be
no allowance for the development
of new programs."
The AAU noted that the lack
of new sources of funds would
lead to serious deterioration of
higher education. Reduced op-
portunities for the diadvantaged,
less research and facilities would
cause the "stifling of higher edu-
cation as a vital creative, produc-
tive force in American life."
Fleming suggested that gradu-
ate level programs are national in
character and therefore should
be supported by the federal gov-
ernment. "Congress should realize
that graduate schools should be'
funded at a national level because
their students come from a
national pool," said Fleming.
Two unions
Sref use pact
DETROIT 6P) All but two
of the striking craft unions in
Detroit's 223-day-old newspaper
shutdown have agreed to the
si a.7 va.. .a. bJ aaaa.aa n aav aa . aaua .a ua a:
needed "to provide an inspira-
tional example."
The letter stated; "I am in jail
with the poor and today I ask
you the clergy to join Mis. The
time for stating our case in words
is past: we have done that and
have been rebuked by the authori-
Tension in the city, where
temperatures have been peaking
in the.90s, still was evident. But
as dusk approached, officials de-
cided against repeating the night
hours curfew they imposed Mon-
day when sporadic violence flared1
in Negro sections.t
Mayor Walter E. Washington,
announced that "if any emergen-'
cy should arise requiring curfew
it will be instituted."
These were the day's main de-
__Abernathy, maintaining his
arrest Monday on Capitol Hill
voice,i onus
debate leaf.
Voice-SDS and the Office of
University Housing reached a ten-
tative agreement Monday with re-
gard to Voice's right to have!
tables and distribute leaflets to
freshmen who are staying in Uni-'
versity housing for orientation. 1
Negotiations are still going on!
between orientation officials and
other concerned groups.
The Ann Arbor Resistance and
People Against Racism (PAR) will
probably confer with the housing+
office some time this week. Thej
-i te mule tr ain of te r(
'U' to least
for Iedic
The University plans to le"
several te'mporary pre-fabrica
office buildings for the Psychia
Department of the Medical Sch
to alleviate "a serious shortai
of office space for patient c
sultation and expanded staff oj
The plan was approved by t
Regents at last week's boa
Robert Cleveland, assistant{
rector of University Hospital, c
scribed the 1300 square-foot un
as "built like trailers." He sr
e offices
al Schlool
The legislature, according to 000 members. In the past, it has
the resolution, will "hereafter look gone to the aid of such varied
with favor" on proposals that groups as segregationists and the
schools at which student disorders American Communist Party, and
occur "shall be penalized by a
reduction in their appropriation C
in proportion to the number of CANADA
riots and undisciplined students: E U T
on the campuses."'RESULTS
Rep. Stanley Davis (D-Grand TORONTO (P) - Canada's
Rapids), who introduced the dashing new political person-
measure, said it was inspired by ality, millionaire Pierre Elliott
recent "lock-ins" at such univer- Trudeau, led his Liberal party
sities as Columbia but that t to a clearcut victory in T.u4~s-
covered any "unlawful, disorderly I day's election, giving the coun-
activity." try a majority government for
"I think this stuff has to come! the first time since 1962.
to a halt," Davis said. Tabulations early today gave
"There are lots of kids in my this party standing in the
district who want to go to the Canadian election:
Liberals 150 seats, Canserva-
University n tives 68, New Democratic party
get in because it's so overcrowded. 20 and Creditistes 15 with 1
"Let's not shed crocodile tears independent.
for these long-bearded, unkempt This accounted for 254 of
individuals who want to take over the 264 seats in the House of
our campuses," he said. "Let's shed Commons.
a tear for those individuals who See story Page 3'
want a college education. _'
a se
they will be transported in half.
sections by truck to the building
site in the Medical Center area.
The Psychiatry Department'
plans to use three to six of the
temporary offices, at an esti-
mated cost of $8,000 to $9,000 per
unit for installatioin and $7,000
per unit for lease payments and
The state Senate Appropria-
tions Committee agreed to furnish
money from the budget of a state
mental health fund.
James Brinkerhoff, newly-ap-
pointed director of business ope-
rntinn-, indiv,, at d terra 7 v 4n
"If they (the radicals) don't
like the rules, they should get out."
Board stalls
4ecisions 'on
re ua ions
The Regents postponed decision
on student vehicle regulations,
dorm visitation and curfew policy,
nd establishment of a campus
judiciary in last week's meeting.
The three crucial student-
oriented issues will be settled at
their regular monthly meeting in
Dr. Don Haefner. director of ad-
issions and student affairs in
e School of Public Health, was
appointed to the newly-established
post of assistant dean in that
Professor Roger Jacobi was
named assistant dean of the
School of Music, Professor Richard
,V ilson became new associate dean
_f the College of Engineering,
and Melvin Marcus became chair-
man of the geography depart-
The Regents also elevated Jo-
seph Sax of the Law School to a
full professorship. Sax, 32, is a
gpecialist in the areas of torts and
cal political groups to desig-
nate themselves as CAA.
Harrison explained, "It may be,
necessary to have the threat of
total takeover to control indi-
viduals we feel are misusing the
program." "Misuse" does not refer
to funds, he continued,' but that
"more can be done with the pro-
gram." '
The supervisors intend to re-
tain the CEO as an "administra-
tive board." Poor people will elect
one third of the CEO's member-
- ship June 30 and another third
will be named by agencies se-
lected by the CEO personnel com-
mittee. The remainder will be gov-
ernment representatives.
iM1I1, 1uca eu yesmua ta
She expects the temporary offices ±One observer of the 'legislature
oe to be used for only three years. He said the resolution was motivated
111o1c' said there ai to by toe sentiment of many repre-
move those psychiatry offices to sentatives that students who par-
a the University Terrace apartment ticipate in lock-ins should be im-
buildings. mediately jailed and expelled from
Eugenex Ingram, director of; school. They fear, the observer
purchasing for the University, said, that university admmnistra,
the students' questions which .,re said he is awaiting a requisition tors will allow students to occupy
not answered or are only an- from the office of Financial Af- I buildings for several daysand
swered in a vague way." fairs to solicit bids from con- attempt to negotiate with them.
The groups have been conduct- tractors on the new offices. Fleming said he feared the
ing informal discussion sessions "No report of the project has resolution ,"would encompass cer-
with the freshmen three times a come to my department yet, and tain kinds of legitimate dissent."
week, and have occasionally held I'm not sure of the timing of con-
these sessions in the lounge of? struction," hre said. I'm not sure Rep. Jack Faxon (D-Royal Oak)
Jordan House, where the fresh- if we will do the buying of the called the resolution "illogical"
man women are staying. building or if someone else will." and said "this is exactly what
The groups have also set The exact site for the buildings the state constitution had in mind
tables and distributed their liter- has not been determined, Brin- when it provided for university
ature to the freshmen in !ier kerhoff said the most probable autonomy: attempts by the legis-
dormitoie rsite would be south of North Hos- lature to interfere in the admin-
dorT have been instructed topital Drive, west of the out-pati- istration of the schools for politi-
leave the premises each time by ent clinic cal reasons."
the Office of University Housing's
investigator, Harold E. Swover-
land. "According to our standards,!reo resi T
they are' in violation," Swover-RS
land said.
Voice and Resistance members
claimed that the rule prohibiting I co n f ict !J in t
cited by the housing officials, does
not apply to them, since their By STEVE NISSEN , Rep. Jack Faxon (D-Detroit),
actvites re iotof comerial Miciga Stte nivrsiy Vcewho requested Kelley's opinion
nature. And they insist that e- Michigan State University Vice last November following a story in
cause the regulation was nev President Philip May refused to the Daily revealing May's rela-
aued the in cas n- resign last week following a re- tionship with International Busi-
approved by the students, itcan- port by Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley ness Machines, predicted May
not be bidin which said May's private business will resign after studying Kelley's
"We definitely get the idea that ; activities represent a conflict ofIruling.
the Orientation people are try- interest with his MSU post. Thling'
:a.,,, t-.. ! The attorney general's legal
more recently provided legal rep-
resentation in the trial of Dr.
Benjamin Spock and five other
draft protesters.
Delegates passed a strongly
worded recommendation opposing
the draft which said in part: "The
present draft law as presently ad-
ministered in the present circum-
stances violates civil liberties and
constitutional guarantees."
Delegate Prof. Eugene N. Fein.-
gold of the school of public health,
said the statement suggested the
ACLU take both legislative and
judicial action to try to overthrow
the law.
In the past, the ACLU has called
conscription a deprivation of civil
liberties justified only in the over-
riding interest of national secur-
ity. The new recommendation was
thus interpreted by Feingold as a
condemnation of the Vietnam
war as not in the interest of na-
tional security.
ter ms or a framework settle
Governmental agencies recom- e- plan now being considered by the
mended by the CEO director will ment proposed by special me- I housing office would allow Voice
name the last group of represen- .gel D.'Na . ems - or any other student organization
tatives.n.d.i. to set up tables inside the dorms.
Harrison said there has been no Feisinger said last night the Orientation leaders will also
discussion of what degree of con- Mailers Union had not acceied pass out literature for any organ-
trol the supervisors will exercise. the proposal, calling for a raise ization and will announce meet-,
He added the Board has been of $33 a week spread over 36 ings. There will be no meetings
critical of the CEO for lack of months. A source close to the held in Mosher-Jordan, but meet-
new programs and staff conduct. bargaining table said the small ings may be held in the coffee
CEO chairman Dr. Albert cepted the proposal house of Stockwell Hall next door.'
Wheeler said that the move was "Resistance, Voice and PAR are
due in part to dissatisfaction with The publishers accepted the all pretty much agreed that or-
the group. "The CEO has aggra- terms of the proposal, Feinsinger ientation, which should give theE
vated some segments of the es- said. students an idea of what campus
tablishment," he said. "Some The wage and fringe benefit life is like, gives them a very nai'-
members have been very out- package, said Feinsinger, calls row biased view," said Tom Ben-
spoken." for an $11 raise with the re- kema, a member of Resistance.
MS U post
est ruling
firnz's computer contract with the
May has been absent from the
university since February on sab-
batical leave to study financial
practices at other schools. He has
been chief financial officer at
MSU for more than 20 years,
l MSU trustee Don Stevens said