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June 19, 1968 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1968-06-19

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Wednesday, June 19, 1969


Page Three

Wednesday, June 19, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three

-Associated Press
ALTHOUGH THE HOUSE of Lords may face possible dissolu-
tion, many peers turned their attention to the annual Royal
Ascot horse race where Queen Elizabeth viewed the event from
her royal box.
Veto on Rhodesia
jeopardizes Lords

140 Hanoi
SAIGON (P} - - Hungry and>
ragged, 140 enemy soldiers sur-
rendered yesterday to surround-
ing South Vietnamese marines on
the northern fringe of Saigon. Of-
ficers called it the largest mass
surrender of the war.
Most of the prisoners were
North Vietnamese, sent South to
bolster a sagging Viet Cong reg-
iment hard hit by fighting around
Saigon. Many were wounded.
Spokesman said the prisoners
turned over 55 rifles, 20 rockets
and a 60mm mortar.
In another major development,
the U.S. Command said it had re-
ports of more North Vietnamese
helicopters operating Monday
night around the demilitarized
zone dividing Vietnam. But it still
declined to confirm or deny
South Vietnamese military re-'
ports that 12 of the enemy heli-
copters were shot down Satur-
day and Sunday nights.
The mass surrender began yes-.
terday when 121 enemy soldiers
cut off in the suburbs of Gia Dinh SET J1
gave up to the marines.
Others came later, walking in
with weapons until the total
reached 140, Vietnamese head-
quarters said.
If all those taken are confirmed
as prisoners, it would be the big- LONDON(
gest mass surrender of the war. began a le
Some sources said, however, it against extr
was possible that some of them States to fa
might turn out to be residents of sassinating
the heavily populated area caught Luther King
up in the fighting. The 40-ye
The previous recorded high for vict sat sie
a mass surrender was 105 North dock while
Vietnamese soldiers taken pris- asked mLond
oner early in May near Hue. oasmuc
prepare for
There had been no shellingof ing.
the city itself for two days, but Judge Fra
authorities said it was far too until June 2
early to predict that the deter- the hearing
mined terror campaign against As attorn
Saigon had been thwarted. United Stat
The enemy had threatened to tradition re
begin pounding Saigon Monday was silent.
with 100 rockets a day. Roger Fri
Only scattered action was re- yer defendi
ported in other regions across the he wanted a
country. ble to prep

-Associated Press

Marines dive for cover

Brandt crosses
wall for talks
Meets East German Soviet envoy;
allies consider Berlin travel han
BERLIN (M--West German Foreign Minister Willy Brandt
made an unannounced visit to East Berlin yesterday and
talked with the Soviet ambassador to East Germany. Pre-
sumably they discussed the new, Soviet-approved East Ger-
man restrictions on travel to West Berlin.
The foreign ministry in Bonn said Brandt was invited to
the country house of Soviet Ambassador Pyotr Abrassimov
near Berlin and the two talked over "questions of interest>
to both sides." It did not



y fighting extradition

LONDON () - Conservative
peers narrowly defeated a Labor
0 government order banning all
trade with breakaway Rhodesia
last night, but by doing so they
placed in jeopardy the existence
of the ancient House of Lords.
The Conservative victory was by
a mere nine out of 377 votes cast.
Some 193 Conservatives voted
against 184 Laborites, Liberals
and independents.
Actually under the complex
British system, the vote does not
stop the Labor government order
to impose trade and other sanc-
tions against the white minority
regime of Prime Minister Ian
Smith in Rhodesia.
By rejecting Prime Minister
Harold Wilson's Rhodesia policy,
the Lords confronted the nation
with a constitutional issue of the
utmost gravity.

As Wilson's ministers had
warned, it involves the future ex-
istence of the non-elected upper
chamber itself.
Only Monday the House of
Commons-whose 630 members
have to run for election-en-
dorsed the policy. Now, inevita-
bly, a formal move by Laborites in
the House of Commons calling for
the abolition of the House of
Lords seems sure to gather mo-
In the wake of the vote, one
former Conservative legislator,
Humphrey Berkeley, urged the
Wilson government to overhaul
the House of Lords at once. Spe-
cifically he proposed the abolition
of the heriditary principles which
allows some peers, simply because
they are their fathers' sons, to
speak and vote in the upper

(R) - James Earl Ray
gal fight yesterday
adition to the United
ce the charge of as-
the Rev. Dr. Martin
g Jr.
ear-old escaped con-
ently in well-guarded
his British lawyer
n's Bow Street Court
h time as possible to
the extradition hear-
ank Milton gave him
7, the date he set for
to begin.
.eys representing the
es presented their ex-
quest to Milton, Ray
sby, the British law-'
ng Ray, told Milton
s much time as possi-
are, but Milton said,

he thought it "highly desirable
that an early date be fixed."
They compromised on the June 27
An American lawyer is due in
London later this week to dis-
cuss preparation of Ray's de-
fense if he is extradicted to Ten-
nessee to stand trial. King, was
slain in Memphis April 4.
The lawyer is Arthur J. Hanes,
former mayor of Birmingham,
Ala., a segregationist who de-
fended three men accused of
murdering Viola Gregg Luizzo, a
civil rights worker, in Alabama
three years ago.
Hanes told newsmen in Bir-
mingham he was telephoned by
Ray's court-appointed London at-
torneys and then received a hand-
written letter signed "R. G.
Sneyd" asking him to handle the
case. Ramon George Sneyd is the

name under which Ray was ar-
rested at London Airport June 8,
carrying a forged Canadian pass-
port and a loaded gun.
Ray is still held by the British
on passport and gun charges, but
British police agreed to defer con-
sideration of these until the ex-
tradition hearing ends. If Ray is
extradicted, the charges proba-
bly will be dropped.
The British attorneys repre-
senting the United States said
they would produce a fingerprint
expert at the extradition hearing,
presumably to testify on Ray's
identity. The rest of the hearing,
which will probably last one day,
is expected to be taken up with
a review of the case against Ray.
If Milton grants extradition,
Ray could still appeal to the High
Court and then the House of
Lords. Such appeals usually are
based on the argument that the
case against the defendant is a
political one. British extradition
law forbids surrender of suspects
in political cases.
This was Ray's second routine
hearing at the Bow Street Court,
and for the second time it was
packed with policemen.
At least 100 London uniformed
and plain-clothes police were as-
signed to guard duties. Two dozen
of them were in the courtroom.
Many more lined the corridors
through which Ray had to pass
from the police station cells next

Brandt had flown to West Ber-
lin earlier in the day, apparent-
ly to try his own approach to
easing the travel restrictions and
taxes clamped on the surrounded
city. He had discussed Berlin
problems with Abrassimov once
before, when he was mayor of
West Berlin.
The foreign ministry announce-
ment referred to Abrassimov as a
"member of the Central Commit-
tee of the Communist party of the
Soviet Union," apparently stress-
ing the unofficial connection be-
tween Brandt and Abrassimov,
since West Germany does not rec-
ognize East Germany.
In Bonn, it became evident that
the two parties in West Ger-
many's government coalition were
split over how to handle the East
German move to deny West Ger-
many its claimed sovereignty over
West Berlin.
Brandt's Social Democratic par-
ty told its Christian Democratic
partners that it was against in-
sisting that the restrictions be
lifeted as a condition for signing
the proposed international treaty
to curb the spread of nuclear wea-
pons. There had been reports that
some government leaders favored
such a stand.
Before leaving for East Berlin,
Brandt met for 45 minutes with
Mayor Klaus Schuetz, presuma-
bly to discuss a West German
government declaration on the
situation to be delivered tomor-
row in Bonn.
Schuetz and other Allied and
West German officials conducted
a flurry of meetings during the
day in an effort to agree on a
stand. Informed sources said re-
taliatory restrictions might be
imposed on East German travel to
the United States, Britain and
In Brussels, the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization C o u n c i l
heard a report on Berlin from the
three Western allies and consid-
ered means to oppose the visa
requirements, increased transit
fees and freight costs that East
Germany announced last week.
East Germany apparently had
Soviet backing for the move caus-
ing allied protest.

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By The Associated Press
The United States, the Soviet
Union and Britain made identical
pledges in the Security Council
Monday to go to the aid of non-
nuclear countries under attack or
threat of nuclear attack.
V.S. Ambassador Arthur , J.
Goldberg, Soviet Deputy Foreign
Minister Vasily V. Kuznetsov and
Lord Caradon of Britain made the
declarations of intention for their
countries, pledging to seek im-
mediate action in the Council to
provide aid to the non-nuclear
They did so in a followup to
the approval by the 124-nation
General Assembly last Wednesday
of the treaty to ban further
spread of nuclear weapons.
Goldberg, Kuznetsov and Car-
adon appealed to the council to

approve a resolution submitted by
them welcoming the assurances,
and thus to further bulwark the
treaty when it comes into effect
after ratification by the three
powers and 40 other signers.
subcommittee, spurred by the as-
sassination of Sen. Robert F. Ken-
nedy, endorsed yesterday the
broad ban on mail order sales of
rifles and shotguns that Congress
spurned only days before his
The longtime legiam in the
Senate broke on a 9-0 subcom-
mittee vote forwarding the bill
to the full Judiciary Committee.
which is expected to approve it
today, opening the way for
prompt action on the Senate

World news roundup

end strike
PARIS (P-More than 100,006
striking metal workers returned to
their jobs yesterday and cars be-
gan rolling off Renault assembly
lines. President Charles de Gaul-
le's government readied subsidies
for a major export drive to ease
the economic strain of the month-
long wave of strikes.
The police remained in occu-
pation of the Sorbonne. Students
still held the medicine and science
buildings and the school of fine
arts and political science.
Renault, with 68,000 workers,
reported its day shift back at
work normally. The government-
run company exports 39 per cent
of its production and is a big
earner of foreign currency for
Workers were voting on a strike
settlement at the Berliet truck
factory, another big exporter, in
Thirty thousand strikers went
back to work in the St. Nazaire,
Bordeaux and La Seyne shipyards.
Those at Nantes and in Brit-
tany were still out.
In Lyon workers at the Berliet
truck factory, another big ex-
porter, chose by a margin of 47
votes to remains on strike. Only
slightly more than half of the
plant's 8,222 workers voted. They
divided 2,104 for the strike, 2,057
The revival of work in the au-
tomotive and shipyard segments
of the economy came on the 28th
anniversady of De Gaulle's ap-
peal from London, as command-
ing general of the Free French
forces in World War II, for
French resistance to the German
A huge tricolor hung from the
Arch of Triumph.
Red, white and blue leaflets
distributed along the Champs
Elysees said: "Once again France
is threatened . .. . . The choice
is yours. Support Gen. de Gaulle."
That was a bid for backing of
Gaullist candidates against Com-
munist and other leftist rivals in
the election of a new National
Assembly June 23 and 30.
De Gaullle, in dissolving the old
assembly May 30, charged that
"totalitarian communism" was
trying to take over the nation.
Political informants said Fi-
nance Minister Maurice Couve
de Murville has prepared a long
list of concessions to export firms
for approval by the Cabinet,
which is to meet today with De
The aim is to persuade more
firms to export instead of sell-
ing at home and to invest more
money in plant improvement and
enlargement of production facili-
The concessions were said to
include tax rebates on exports, re-
duced interest on credits needed
to underwrite expuort orders and
governfent guarantees against
price changes because of rising
labor or raw material costs prior
to completion of an export deal.
The sources said the measures
are to be temporary, limited to
six months. For this reason, the
administration expects no diffi-
culty from France's five Common
Market partners or charges of
unfair practices from members
of the General Agreement on Tar-
iffs and Trade.

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