See editorial page
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Sunny and
f a little warner.k
Vol. LXXVIII, No. 32-S Ann Arbor, Michigan, Tuesday, June 18, 1968 Ten Cents
Six Pages
bans discrimination
appointed by faculty
-Associated Press
Renault workers vote to return
Paisauto workiers
vote to end walkout
PARIS k-Workers at the Renault auto plants, who have
resisted the back to work movement after France's nation-
wide general strike, voted overwhelmingly to end their hold-
out yesterday.
The action followed the fall Sunday of the Sorbonne,
symbol of the French student revolt, after a month's occu-
The Communist-led General Confederation of Labor had
urged approval of a new contract that will give employes
The Faculty Assembly yesterday
appointed the nine man Classified
Research Committee, suggested
h4st January by the Elderfield Re-
port on Classified Research.,
The new committee is expected
to begin immediately formulating
procedures for screening new Uni-
versity research contracts to en-
sure they remain within the lim-
its of the Elderfield Report.
The Elderfield Report was a
response to last year's controversy
over the acceptabilityof classified
and war research at the Univer-
The University is currently en-
gaged in about $9.7 million of
classified defense department con-!
tracts, including a $1 million coun-
ter-insurgency project in Thai-
The Senate Advisory Commit-
tee on University Affairs (SACUA
presented the slate of nominees
from diverse areas of the Uni-
versity to the Assembly, follow-
ing the guidelines of the Elder-
field Report, according to Prof.
Irving R. Copi, chairman of the
Assembly and SACUA.
Also in line with the report, the
committee members represent the
"moderate" position on classified
research, said Copi. The faculty
had been sharply divided on the
question of classified research at
the ,University.
A motion from SACUA was in-
troduced proposing the additionof
a tenth committee member se-
lected from research personnel
who are members of the Senate.
This appointment would be of one
year in duration and would act
to ;"allay the fears of research
personnel that all their programs
would be eliminated out of hand,"
said Copi.
The motion was defeated on the?
grounds that since views radical-
ly opposed to classified research
were not, represented on the corn-
mittee, views implicitly favoring
classified research should not bei
represented either.
Members of the committee are:
Prof. William W. Coon of then
medical school, chairman; Prof.
E. L. Kelly of the psychology de-v
partment; Prof. Otto Laporte of c
the physics department; Prof.Y
Warren Miller of the political sci-
ence department; Prof. Johnv
Pedley of the classical studies de-v
partment; Prof. Joseph Rowe ofn
the engineering school; Prof.f
Fredrick Sparrow of the botany,
department; Prof. William Stub-s
bins of the music school; and
Prof. Joseph Yamagiwa of thec
Japanese department. c
The group compose one of As-c
sembly's permanent standing corn- ]
sale, rental
-Daily-Andy Sacks
f Exam week pressure
If it were the fall or winter term, you might think ydu were seeing just another case of mental
exhaustion. But it's the spring term, and the hectic pressure preceding final examinations during
the rest of the regular academic year is absent. Even the UGLI, the serious summer scholar is apt
to succumb to a snooze while awaiting for the sun to come out.
Coaches start neW obs
r a i s e s of about
12 per
C a 'm ,an
p tsters
avert jailS
ple's Campaign demonstrators
briefly blocked entrances to the
Department of Agriculture yester-
day, but a leader moved in quick-
ly to call off the protest before
any arrests were made.
"We're not ready for mass jail-
ing," Hosea Williams told the
group of 75 to 100 persons. "Maybe
4 we will be ready tomorrow."
The protesters, soaked by rain,
blocked all entrances of the de-,
partment's big headquarters build-
ing for about one hour after they
were rebuffed in a demand to see
Secretary of Agriculture Orville L.
Williams said the protest would
be enlarged today.
Meanwhile, District of Colum-
bia officials announced about 4,300
police and National Guardsmen
will be on hand during tomor-
row's mass demonstration sup-
porting the Poor People's Cam-
Army units in the capital area
will be on alert.
The "National Solidarity Day"
demonstration, patterned after the
1963 civil rights march on Wash-
ington, is expected to draw at least
$25,000 persons from throughout
the nation.
In another development, a group
of welfare mothers participating
in the campaign conducted hear-
ing at which they fired questions
and objections at top welfare de-
partment officials.
The key witness, according to
the protesters, was to have been
Rep. Wilbur D. Mills D-Ark.),
chairman of the House Ways and
Means Committee, but he didn't
Leaders pledged they would re-
new demonstrations against him.
The welfare mothers generally
repeated their complaints about
restrictions and demanded admin-
istration efforts to repeal them.
Peter Edelman, legislative as-
sistant to the late Sen. Robert
F. Kennedy, told the hearing he be-
lieves the administration did not
make a full-scale attempt to de-
Forbids private,
public inequities
WASHINGTON (y - The Supreme Court ruled yesterday
that discrimination in all housing sales and rentals is illegal
and suggested that Congress has the power to strike at any
other "relic of slavery."
The 7-2 decision held that an 1866 post-Civil War law es-
tablishes an absolute ban on racial discrimination in the
sale or rental of property, private or public.
Beyond that, Justice Potter Stewart's written opinion
could be interpreted as a green light for Congress to act
The vote virtually coincided
with a statement by a student or-
ganization that it would halt
street fighting because it recog-
nized "that the students alone
cannot continue the battle with-
out support."
Students battled the police
again in the Latin Quarter Sun-
day night after the authorities
had forced out its last 150 occu-
The fighting involved hit-arid-
run skirmishes by bands of stu-
dents . But the police did not let
them establish any fixed positions
during three hours of battle and
chased thm off the main boule-
The National Students Union
(UNEF) made its declaration of
peaceful intentions, barring fur-
ther "provocation," while police
hygiene squads began cleaning
up what they said was an "inde-
scribable mess" in the Sorbonne.
Classes are expected to resume
in a week.
Plainclothes policemen contin-
ued a search of the university's
corridors, lecture rooms and base-
ment for revolutionary docu-
ments and possible arms.,
A communique issued by UNEF
accused the government of "seek-
ing to provoke incidents through
alleged "ferocious repression."
The statement said that au-
thorities "are seekingddemonstra-
'tions which could line up the
population against the students.
In a radio interview, Premier
Georges Pompidou put in a new
plug for a massive government
majority in legislative elections
beginning next Sunday.
only with such a majority,
Pompidou said, can necessary re-
forms be made in universities and
other sectors of French society.
Board hears
hours report
The Board of Governors of Uni-
versity residence halls will receive
a report today on the experiment-
al elimination of women's hours
which was begun last semester.
The report, prepared from a
survey taken by the Institute for
Social Research, will also examine
the University's new policy of stu-
dent regulation of dormitory visit-
ation hours for members of the
opposite sex.'.
The University Athletic Depart-
ment in cooperation with the Ann
Arbor _ Recreation Department
will provide University sports fa-
cilities and coaches for a summer
youth athletic clinic.
As part of the program the Uni-
versity's practice football fields,
varsity baseball diamond, Intra-I
mural Building, and five softball
fields will be. available to Ann
Arbor youth, nine through 19
years of age.
In addition, Michigan football'
coach Bump Elliott, basketball
coach Dave Strack and head
coaches in three other sports will
personally conduct the practice
sessions and drills.
Cutler's appoilntment
elicits cool reaction
Students and student leaders
reacted with surprise yesterday
to news that Vice President for
Student Affairs Richard L. Cutler
will stay with the University in a
newly-created vice presidency.
"Frankly, I'm amazed," said
S t u d e n t Government Council
member Michael Davis, Grad. "I
can think of no better way to
undermine the new vice president
for student services, no better way
of deepening student distrust of
Fleming, and no better way to
assure Cutler continued personal
grief," he said.
Howeveruadministrators and
some faculty have praised Cutler
highly during his tenure as vice
One Regent expressed the be-
lief that friction between students
and Cutler4 has been the result
of unfortunate circumstances.
"The same thing would have
happened to ayone in that Job,"
thevRegent said.
Another SGC member,. Gal
Rubin, '70, expressed "regret
we'll still have to put up with his
As: Vice President for Student
Affairs since 1964, Cutler has
been at odds with student leaders
on a number of occasions.
Originally a student favorite
for the vice presidential post, Cut-
ler later broke with student lead-
ers over a campus movement to
create a University bookstore
when he submitted an adverse re-
criticized by student leadersfor
an attempt to discipline three
members of the University chap-
ter of Students for a Democratic
Society who participated in a
demonstration against a visiting
Navy admiral.
Recently Cutler has been in-
volved in a controversy over the
implementation of a report by the
Hatcher Commission on the Stu-
dent Role in Decision-Making.
, .
4 }}
Don Canham, University Ath- sports, other facilities, and hope-
letic director and one of the pro- fully more athletes," Canham
gram's originators says, "It's al- pointed out.
ways bothered me that the high Coach Moby Benedict will con-
schools around the country close duct the first program, a baseball
up their athletic facilities during clinic beginning June 24 and run-,
the summer vacation." ning until June 28.
"This program will not only Track fundamentals will be
give the kids a place to partici- taught by Assistant Coach Dave
pate in sports, but also the expert Martin at the outdoor track at
teachers to help the boys improve Ferry Field. At the end of the
their abilities." track clinic, the department will
The program is similar to a sponsor a field day.
summer clinic held every year at See ELLIOTT, Page 6
the University of Oregon. How-
ever, Canham points out, the Ore-
gon clinics are fund-raising en-S
terprises for the athletic depart- S u en voter'
The idea for the clinic program '
developed in three different sec- status studied
tors of the community - the Uni-
versity administration, the Uni- State assistant attorney general
versity athletic department, and Wallaceaandornn c
the city government. yesterday that his office would
Last May, City Administrator soon submit a brief concerning
Guy Larcom asked President Rob- the constitutionality of a state
ben Fleming for additional rec- statute outlining voting require-
reational facilities during the ments for students.
summer. Washtenaw C I r c u I t Judge
In a meeting with Larcom, James R. Breakey, Jr., requested
Canham introduced the idea of the brief in connection with a
a coach's clinic for Ann Arbor suit filed by eight University stu-
youths and was directed to work dents who were previously denied
on the project along with Charles the right to register as voters in
Oxley, director of the Ann Ar- Ann Arbor.
bor recreation department. The students are contesting a
The program this summer is on section of the state statute which
an experimental basis. "If we get says an elector cannot gain or
a good response, we'll try to ex- lose residency while a university
nand the proiect to involve other student.
against any form of econom-<
ic discrimination that is based
on race.
The source of such authority,
the majority suggested, is tle
power given by Congress in the
13th Amendment banning slavery.
"At the Very least," Stewart
wrote, "the freedom that Congress
is empowered to secure under the
13th Amendment includes the
freedom to buy whatever a white
man can buy, the right to live
wherever a white man can
Sen. Walter E. Mondale (D-
Minn.), chief sponsor of the,
open-housing provisions in the
1968 civil rights act, said the
court's ruling is "particularly sig-
nificant because it reaches the
sale' of residences by individual
homeowners whether they use the
services of real estate brokrs or
The civil rights: act exempted
individual homeowners fromth
ban on discrimination if they
handle the sale or rental of their
property themselves.
In yesterday's ruling, Stewart
said the 1866 law and the civil
rights act of 1968 were in sharp
For instance, he said, the Re-
construction statute deals only
with racial discrimination and
not w I t h discrimination on
grounds of religion or national
Moreover, he said, the 1866
law does not deal specifically with
discrimination in the provision
of services or facilities in connec-
tion with the sale or rental of a
The result, Harlan said in his.
dissenting opinion, is extending
the coverage of federal open-
housing laws "far beyond that
which Congress in its wisdom
chose to provide in the Civil
Rights Act of 1968."
The court also agreed to rule
on the constitutionality of a New
York law that prohibits burning
of the American flag.
The American Civil Liberties
Union contends the law, similar
to those on the books in all states
and the District of Columbia,
unconstitutionally abridges "free
verbal 'and symbolic speech."
A "symbolic speech" argument
was used to attack the constitu-
tionality of the 1965 federal law
that makes it a crime to burn
or otherwise. mutilate a draft
card, but the court rejected this
view last month when it upheld
that law.'
Ask 'U'
to delay
auto rules
Ann Arbor City Council voted
6-4 lastnight to ask the Univer-
sity Regents to refrain from alter-
ing students driving regulations
until a "definite physical and fi-
narmzial plan" for treating the in-
crease in vehicles is agreed upon.
The vote followed debate over a
report of the joint University-
City Committee on Student Ve-
hicle Regulations.
The report recommends rez-ov-
ing, the driving restrictions :rom
the sophomore and junior classes.
The report, which was com-
pleted June 10, will be formally
submitted to the Regents at their
regular June meeting this Thurs-
day. It includes a minor~ity report
by Prof. Leonard Greenbaum, as-
sistant director of the Michigan
Memorial-Phoenix Project, which
urges a removal of driving re-
strictions from all students.
Councilman Brian Connelley,
voicing support for 'the motion,
said he did not agree with the
report's conclusion that there
would be no significant impact
on city parking and traffic if the
restrictions were 'emoved.
The report states "the incre-
ment of increase of student auto-
mobiles if the restrictions were
relaxed down to the freshman
level is estimated at 600. The im-
pact of this increase would' be
primarily in terms of a parking
and vehicle storage problem. The
implications for traffic movement
will not be of major concern."
The report goes on to say that
existing University and city re-
sources could accommodate any
initial need for parking and
John Feldkamp who opposed
the motion felt that the University
and the city as two different par-
ties cannot deteimine each other's
"The city does not determine
University, regulation of student
driving just as the University does
not determine city ordinances con-
cerning parking and' traffic," he
I "AA V.- V.-i- - --- ,
CEO bh
The Children's Community
School lost a crucial $11,250 fed-
eral grant Sunday when the
tWashtenaw County Citizens Com-
mittee for Economic Opportunity
refused to act as legal interme-
diary for the funds. A federal
agency cannot givemoney direct-
ly to a private school.
Yesterday was the deadline for
submission of funding proposals
to the Chicago regional Office of
Economic Opportunity.
There is apparently no other
way to transmit the funds, said
Miss Laurel Schiffer of the Mich-
igan OEO.
"We were shocked," said Bill
Ayers, director of the school.
"CEO wna not being asked to
ocks grant to'
'Kids Community'
The CEO's refusal to act as in-
termediary followed more than
an hour of debate as members of
the audience criticized the school
for its "non-directed approach"
and other unspecified practices.
I The refusal motion termed the
school "too controversial."
Critics of the school included
Mrs. Albert Wheeler, Ezra Rowry,
chairman of Ann Arbor CORE,
and Miss Evelyn Moore of the
Ann Arbor Public Schools.
CEO chairman Dr. Albert
Wheeler voted against the funding
to break a deadlock of three in
favor, three opposed and three ab-
Wheeler gave several reasons for
his vote. "We had no information
about the application until Thurs-
av . Pridv latw eek" he aid.
parent, disagreed with both
Wheeler's anld the others' criti-
"I can't see how they could
have refused," he said. "This is
an opportunity to look at dif-
ferent ways of education, better
conditions for learning. These
comments have no data to back
them up."
"We'll be in horrible shape
without the money," said Com-J
munity staff members, who will
meet tonight to decide what al-
ternate funding is possible.
Miss Schiffer said the school
was chosen because parents, many
of the poor people, run it. Tuition
is not charged; parents pay what
they can afford, if anything.
"A lot of what went on was a
distortion of the truth." Ayers