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June 13, 1968 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1968-06-13

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Thursday, June

13, 1968


Page Three

Thursday, June 13, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three

Viet Cong fliers threaten..
heavier Saigon bombing
SAIGON ()-The Viet Cong
has passed the word by leaflets
that the shelling of Saigon will
be intensified within a week,
Vietnamese sources said yester-
There was no way of telling
te r gin whether the threat will be carried
out or whether this was part of
a psychological campaign to keep
PARIS (P) - The United ned and directed by North Viet- the city of three million on edge.
States warned North Vietnam namese generals," and that the But no military men doubted
yesterday that shelling Saigon attacks were carried out with the capability of the communists
could have "the nost serious North Vietnamese rockets and 'to continue firing their rockets
consequences" for the Vietnam mortars. from hideouts near the capital
peace talks, and that "the pros- The North Vietnamese, he and then fleeing before any coun-
pects for progress" now are lar- said, responded to U.S. restraint teraction can be taken.
gely in the hands of Hanoi. in limiting the bombing of the Rockets have hit the city on
In the give-and-take session, North since March 31 by in- 24 days since the Communists be-
the eighth in this first month tensifying their own "military, gan a new offensive May 5.
of the conference, the United subversive and terrorist efforts RADIO REPORTS
States demanded that North in the south." Some substance to the Vietnam-
Vietnam "recognize the reai- "We have been unable to de- ese reports was given by Hanoi
ties of the situation" and be tect any sign of any restraint radio. It said the Central Commit-
prepared to make some gesture on North Vietnam's part," Har- tee of the National Liberation
toward peace. riman said. "This intensifica- Front called on its forces to
There was no visible progress tion by North Vietnam creates launch "continued attacks and
at the session, which lasted 3 serious doubts that completely generalized uprisings to win total
hours and 50 minutes. For the stopping the bombing of the victory."
second time, a week-long recess North would evoke acts of good The latest attack, 10 rounds of
was agreed on. at the insistence faith on the North Vietnamese 122mm rockets that struck the
* of the North" Vietnamese. side." Tan Son Nhiut air, base area on
Ambassador W. Averell Har- Harriman warned that "if the northern outskirts early yes-'
riman, the chief U.S. negoti- our restraint continue to be terday, increased the atmosphere
ator, bore down on the shelling met with escalation, inflexibili- of fear in Saigon.
issue, and said this was not -ty, bellicose statements and The attack killed four and
"conducive to progress" in the evasions, ono cannot make wounded 26 persons, including two
preliminary peace talks here. progress toward an honorable Americans.
"I have stated before the peace." In politics, Vice President
views of my government con- Responding to Harriman's Nguyen Cao Ky resigned as head
cerning these terrorist attacks attack on the bombardment of of South Vietnam's Self-Defense
upon Saigon," Harriman told Saigon, Thuy protested "calum- Committee, set up to arm and give
the chief Hanoi delegate, Xuan nies against the South Vietnam some military training to village
Thuy. "Today I want sto be sure liberation forces," and added groups.
you understand that this is a that "as long as the United Ky sent his letter of resignation
situation which could have the States continue its aggression to President Nguyen Van Thieu,
most serious consequences for against South Vietnam, the who has been gaining in the pow-
these talks." people of South Vietnam will er struggle between the two by re-
Thuy did agree to "take un- resist. placing high officials loyal to the
der advisement" a U.S. propo- He said that if, as Harriman vice president.
sal to halt the propaganda as- said, the Americans were dis- Thieu appointed his own man,
pects of the postsession state- posed to stop the bombardment Tran Van Huong, as premier May
ments, and to give a reply at an at an appropriate moment, 17 to succeed Premier Nguyen Van
"appropriate moment" "then what time, what circum- Loc, a Ky supporter. ,
William J. Jorden, the U.S. stances are more appropriate Ky recently has participated in
spokesman, said he could not than the present, while the no government activities, remain-
judge whether this represented official conversations between ing at the seaside town of Nha
progress, but that it was the the representatives of the gov- Trang.
first time the Hanoi side had ernments of the Democratic
agreed to study the American Republic of Vietnam and the 'EXODUS
proposal. United States have lasted near- More and more residents were
Harriman vigorously con- ly a month? itaking precautions against the
demned the North Vietnamese / "If these official conversa- rockets that have hit Saigon
for the attacks on Saigon. He tions continue not to progress, since the enemy launched a new,
said "high-ranking defectors the American side must assume offensive.
have informed the public that the full and entire responsibili- Still other Vietnamese were re-
the current offensive was plan- ty for this." ported to have left the capital
for Vung Taun, a seaside city 40'
mniles southeast of Saigon, or
other areas considered safer.
A government spokesman re-
ported 433 persons had been kill-
FOR MAXI M U PAY M W . . . ed and 3,660 wounded in enemy
ground attacks and shellings in
taigoni from May 5 through June
a it s to

Johnson pledges
to end arms race


UN General Assembly approves
ban on spread of nuclear weapons
UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (R) - President Johnson, in a
surprise appearance before the United Nations General As-
sembly yesterday, pledged that the United States will press
all efforts to end the nuclear arms race.
The President delivered a U.S. plea for advances in dis-
armament minutes after the 124-nation assembly endorsed
by an overwhelming majority the U.S.-Soviet, draft treaty to
ban the spread of nuclear weapons.
He called the action of the assembly "the most im-
portant international agreement in the field of disarma-
ment since the nuclear age

-Associated Press
Search for the enemy goes on in Saigon ruins
,McCarthy may oppose HHH

By The Associated Press
Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy held
out the possibility of a post-
convention split yesterday by say-
ing it would be "very difficult" for
him to back Vice President Hubert
H. Humphrey if Humphrey main-
tains his support of U.S. Vietnam
At the same time, McCarthy
told a crowded nevs conference
that he still feels differences on
Vietnaffi and other issues can be
worked out within the Democratic
party and that he has no inten-
tion of leading a third party
Resuming his presidential cam-
paign a week after the assassina-
tion of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy,
the Minnesota senator said he
doubts the accuracy of tabulations
showing Humphrey well in the
lead in terms of firni delegate
strength for the party's August
nominating convention.
"I don't think these counts are
accurate," he said. "I don't think
the degelates have really made up
their minds yet."
McCarthy said his efforts from
now on in\ what he termed "a
limited campaign" will be directed
at delegates and at party office-
holders, both as to the issues and
"what candidate is best likely to

be able to carry those issues to the
At the same time, Gov. Nelson
A. Rockefeller directed an all-
out appeal to American voters
yesterday in the hope of creating
enough popular pressure to over-
come the delegate advantage of
Richard M. Nixon at the Repub-
lican nominating convention.
The governor also hoped, aides
said, to show the men with votes
at the Convention that he can
pick up support from former Ken-
nedy followers.
Meanwhile Nixon won 22 addi-
tional Republican convention
delegates Tuesday night in the Il-
linois primary election.
The returns on the Democratic
side showed 26 of the chosen dele-
gates were uncommitted, 2 were
for Humphrey, 1 was for Mc-
Carthy, and 1 was for Mayor
Richard J. Daley of Chicago.
Daley, the party boss, was among
the uncommitted.
Nixon had 298 delegates votes
of the 667 required for the GOI
presidential nomination in a list-
ing June 5 that placed him in the
In this state, Gov. George Rom-
ney, who urged for months that
Republican governors unite early
,behind one presidential candidate,
is doing precisely the opposite
now by keeping Michigan's dele-
gation uncommitted.
Romney is determined to hold
the bulk of the state's 48 votes
away from either Nixon or Rocke-
feeler for the present.
The object, he says, is to await
developments, candidate state-
ments on major issues and pre-
convention polls.
Humphrey and Nixon were the
real victors at the Texas political
conventions Tuesday.
Gov. John Connally, who has
not committed himself but is be-
lieved to favor Humphrey's presi-
dential nomination, was chosen
the favorite son at the state
Democratic convention in Dallas.
Republicans, meeting .simulta-
neously Tuesday,.- backed Sen.
John Tower as a favorite son and
most delegates were reported

leaning toward Richard M. Nixon
as toe GOP presidential nominee.
In Tennessee, George C. Wal-
lace raised mon'ey and roused
cheers for his third party presi-
dential bid as he opened a South-
ern campaign tour.
Wallace got a roaring reception
at a rally in Memphis yesterday
as he fired away at Republicans,
Democrats, bureaucrats, the Su-
preme Court, militants, activists,
Communists, President Charles de
Gaulle and what he called pseu-
He got perhaps his biggest ova-
tion when he came out strong
against communism.
Wallace said the U.S. Supreme
Court had ruled that Communists
could work in defense plants.
"If you elect me president," he
said, "I tell you what I'm going
to do. I'm going to take every
Communist out of every defense
plant in Tennessee."

began" at the end of World
War II.
Then, looking forward to future
progress in disarmament, the
President pledged that the United
States shall "as a major nuclear
weapon power, promptly and vig-
orously pursue negotiations on ef-
fective measures to halt the nu-
'clear arms race and to reduce ex-
isting nuclear arsenals."
Specifically, the P r e si d e n t
pledged that the United States
would begin "early discussions on
the limitation of strategic offen-
sive and defensive nuclear wea-
pons systems."1
In his prepared text he said;this
would take place in the 17-nation
disarmament committee in Geneva
but this part was not in the
speech he delivered. There was
no immediate explanation for the
It was in Geneva that the U.S.-
Soviet treaty to ban the spread
of nuclear weapons was worked
out in months of negotations.
Britain took part in the treaty
drafting, and joined the United
States and the Soviet Union in
urging its endorsement by the
United Nations.
France, also a nuclear power,
stayed aloof from the Geneva
talks, and abstained in the as-
sembly voteon the resolution
commending the treaty. Commu-
nist China, the fifth nuclear pow-
er, but not represented here, has
assailed the treaty as a U.S.-So-
viet plot aimed at establishing a
nuclear monopoly.
Under the prevailing tight se-
curity, there was. little advance.
notice that Johnson would come
to the United Nations.

Ray extraditio'n may
continue for months

e on Berlin
LONDON (R) The -United
States, Britain and France de-
nounced last night Communist
East Germany's new taxes and re-
strictions on West German travel
and ,commerce with West Berlin.
They said they, would take up
the matter with the Soviet Union.
In Bonn, the West German ab-
inet decided to increase subsidies
to the isolated city and make up
economic losses it suffers from
what some Germans considered
the biggest threat to the city's
economy since' the 11-month Ber-
lin blockade in 1948-49.
The East German measures, ap-
parently approved by the Soviet
Union, drew protests from both
leftist and conservative students
in West Berlin.
Red flag-waving leftists were
turned back by East Berlin border
guards when they tried to deliver
a note to Communist officials, ac-
cusing them of replacing "Social-
ist politics with bureaucratic stip-
Some 2,500 conservative stu-
dents marched on the four-power
Air Safety Control Center with a
resolution demanding "decisive
steps for the maintenance of our
freedom" from the West.
The statement by the Western
World War II allies, whose sectors
of occupation make up West Ber-
lin, called the East German mea-
sures "contrary to long standing
international agreements and
practice" and tending to "deepen
the division of Germany and of
Britain's Foreign Office said
the three would make "any appro-
priate representations to the So-
viet government which shares with
them the responsibility not only
for unhindered Berlin access but
also for an ultimate solution 'of
the German problem."
A simila statement was issued
in Washington.
Earlier, West German Chancel-
lor Kurt George Kiesinger met in
Bonn with the U.S., British and
French ambassadors to discuss a
unified political approach toward
the measures announced 24 hours
before by Communist East Ger-
The regulations require for the
first time that West Germans nold
passports and visas for train, road
and water travel between West
Germany and West Berlin, which
is entirely surrounded by Com-
munist territory.
A family of four driving to West
Berlin now pays a $1.25 -fee. The
new regulations would add anoth-
er $10.
A 20-ton truck load would cost
an added $33.60 and a 400-ton
barge would pay another $100.
The Bonn government estimated
the new taxes and visa fees would
total more than $185 million
The squeeze was seen as another
Communist move to deny West
Germany its claimed sovereignty
in West Berlin.

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LONDON (P)-Scotland Yard
delved yesterday into thg myste-
ries of James Earl Ray's stay in
Britain as U.S. officials worked on
their case for the extradition of
the man accused of killing the
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Extradition proceedings could
last two months if the 40-year-old
escaped convict fights all the way
through the British courts.
As a first step, American au-
thorities have obtained a provi-
sional British warrant charging
Ray with the murder of King in
Memphis, Tenn.
A State Department spokesman
in Washington said documents to
support the extradition request
"will be transmitted to London
Ray has been traced to two
London hotels between May 28
and his arrest Saturday, but there
is. an unexplained gap of about

10 days, starting May 17 when he
left Lisbon.
FBI agents were understood to
be working with Scotland Yard
detectives, but British police are
doing the spadework since the
FBI has no legal authority in for-
eign countries.
Police on both. sides of the At-
lantic are trying to untangle
Ray's travels, which took him to
Canada, Britain and Portugal af-
ter King was shot April 4.
Ray was transferred Tuesday to
a maximum security cell in
Wandsworth Prison because Brix-
ton Jail on London's South Side,
was not considered secure enough.
The British police are holding
Ray on charges of using a forged
passport and carrying a loaded
gun. On Scotland Yard's records
he is officially listed as Ramon
George Sneyd, the name on his
Canadian passport.
U.S. officlals have not tried to
question Ray to avoid legal com-
plications resulting from Supreme
Court decisions in recent years.
And now that he has been char-
ged under British law, Scotland
Yard cannot interrogate him out-
side a courtroom.
While British police were trying
to ascertain whether Ray had any
contacts in London, detectives in
*roronto were searching for a
'short blond man who reportedly
came looking for Ray in a room-
ing house three or four days after
the suspect flew to London.

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