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June 04, 1968 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1968-06-04

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Lw 43~iau


Light wind, little chance
of rain.,

See editora page

Vol. LXXVIII, No. 23-S Ann Arbor, Mich gan Tuesday, June 4, 1968 Ten Cents

Eight Pages

Cutler prepared to accept
proposed bylaw revisions



May recomimend
camps-wide C,
SGC ratification
Vice President for Student Af-
fairs Richard Cutler said yester-
day he is ready to bring to the
Regents a form of the controver-
sial University Council bylaw which
includes concessions to students in
the two major areas of contention.
Cutler said he is ready to rec-
ommend that the jurisdiction of
the University Council (UC), a
proposed tri-partite rule making
body, be extended to the entire
University community.,;
In an earlier draft of the pro-'
posed bylaw, UC would have made
rules for students only.
The bylaw is an attempt to im-
plement a portion of the Hatcher
Commission Report. The docu-
ment recommended that the juris-
diction of UC include the entire
University community.
The other concession involves
a section of Cutler's original by-
law proposal which would have al-
lowed the Regents to ratify a UC-
passed rule if either Student
Government Council or Faculty
Assembly had failed to ratify it
after 45 days.
The Hatcher Commission Re-
port would have required SGC
and Faculty Assembly to ratify
any UC legislation before it could
go ihto effect. The commission
made no provision for a stale-
Cutler said he is ready to pre-
sent a form of the bylaw to the
Regents which does not include
such a time limit. p
However, the vice president
noted he "couldn't recommend"
that the Regents accept the by-
law in this form because he is
"operating under a Regental di-
rective to make sure a stalemate
does not occur."
Cutler emphasized that he
would not send the bylaw to the
Regents with the proposed chan-
ges unless the ad hoc group asks
im to make that step.



high school;
'martial law'
Students suspended.
Mst r
forpassing leaflt
About 20 policemen patroled the grounds and corridors
of Ann Arbor High School yesterday to prevent a recurrence
of the racial violence which closed the school Wednesday and
Friday last week.
About 30 members of the University chapter of Students
for a Democratic Society picketed at the school's main en-
trances .to protest the presence of police at the high school
and to support the demands'
of black students for reforms.ITE

-Daily-Jay L. Cassidy
Draft 'Abolitionists'
Marching from the Diag to the Ann Arbor draft board, a handful
of University students yesterday took part in the weekly anti-
draft demonstrations in support of Dr. Spock and others who
are on trial in Boston for purportedly encouraging draft dodging.
Spock trial:

SDS MEMBER Eric Chester confronts Ann Arbor Police Chief Walter Krasn
of Schools Scott Westerman yesterday at Ann Arbor High School. SDS memb
students to protest the expulsion of a student for distributing draft resistane
RFKgve-n tigt 4

special To The Daily
By the time court was ad-
journed yesterdayuafternoon,
defendants William Sloane
Coffin and Michael Ferber had
completed their defenses and
Mitchell Goodman was on the
witness stand. Thus by the be-
ginning of this third week of
the trial the defense strategy
is well established.
Essentially it consists of two
elements. First, that the de-
fendants can hardly be viewed
as co-conspirators since they
either did not know each other
at all prior to or during the
time when the conspiracy was
allegedly carried qn, or at best
had the most casual sort of
passing acquaintance. The sec-
ond line of defense is that the
defendants never counseled or
encouraged draft age men to
resist, but merely approved and
gave moral and symbolic sup-'
port to those who had already
made their own independent
decision to resist the draft.
From the evidence presented
thus far, it appears that there
were essentially two lines of
separate activity which con-
verged in the October 20 draft
card turn-in at the Justice De-
partment. The first was the ac-
tivity of the Resistance, a
movement of draft age men,
some of whom had decided to
burn and others to turn in
their draft cards to the gov-
ernment. The other activity
was the decision of various per-
sons too old to be drafted them-
selves that they should show
their support of the Resist-
ance people by abandoning the
draft cards at the Justice De-
partment. Except for Michael
Ferber, who is admittedly of
draft age and a member of the
Resistance group, there has
been no evidence that any of
the other defendants organ-
ized or planned or promoted
the October 16 draft card turn-
in at Boston's Arlington Street
Church, or those which took,
place on that date in other
parts of the country. And ex-
cept for Coffin, who claims
without dispute that he was
simply invited by Resistance
members to speak at the Ar-
lington Street Church cere-
mony after the planning was
done by them wholly on their
own the other defendants ap-
pear to have had no part in
that phase of the events.
At the same time that the
Resistance vwas planning its
activities, at least some of the
other defendants - Goodman
and Coffin - had learned of
those plans and had some con-
versations leading to the idea

tober 16, that he collected
some draft cards there, and
that he there met Ferber for
the first time and had some
casual conversation with him
about the October 20 plans to
go to the Justice Department.
Thus far, the relationship of
Raskin and Dr. Spock to these
events is imperceivable. Wheth-
er the foregoing activities,
loosely connected as they are,
will be enough to show a con-
spiracy is obviously one of the
central questions in the case.
In any event, the prosecutor is
going farther and the bulk of
his cross-examination has been
an effort to show that the de-
fendants' actions and speeches
necessarily implied an urging
to young men - of whom
some must obviously have been
undecided - to turn in their
draft cards and thereby to be-
gin severing themselves from
the Selective Service System.
In short, while conspiracy is
the charge of the indictment,
the government has been play-
ing most strongly the theme of
It is this prosecution strategy
which has created one of the
central ironies of the case. As
the government has repeated-
ly emphasized it seems very
odd that persons feeling as
strongly about the war as the
defendants do would speak so
movingly and forcefully with-
out any intent of bringing
young men around to their way
of thinking. The defendants'
answer to this charge is that
they did not want any young
man to do more than make up
his own mind. No doubt they
are perfectly sincere in this
disclaimer but the prosecutor
is putting rather a different
question: whether they could
have begn without the intent
that their views and prestige
would not become a significant
factor in the decision making
process for some uncommitted
draft age men.
The irony is that the defend-
ants are defending themselves
by claiming that they merely
engaged in talk and supported
action for those who were al-
ready committed. Yet in other
contexts one would certainly
think of the defendants as peQ-
ple who wanted "to do some-
thing about the war, not Just
talk about it."
The government is trying to
hang them on their own sin-
cerity and deep feeling, and it
seems thus far to be doing a
pretty effective job. There is
something oddly contradictory
about the exceedingly modest
goals the defendants are claim-
ing for themselves and the ex-


California pri

The aa hoc committee is ex-
pected to meet again Thursday at
which time it will consider a new
draft of the UC bylaw written by
students and released yesterday.
The student's version of the by-
law has been completely rewritten
from and includes at least two
major substantive changes from
Cutler's original bylaw draft.
The students' proposal would
allow UC to pass a regulation only
with majority vote which in-
cluded the ballot of at least one
student and one faculty member..
In addition, this proposal would
allow either SGC or Faculty As-
sembly to disaffirm a regulation it
had already passed.
Cutler specifically noted yes-
terday that he could not accept
widespread changes in the bylawsI
if they were proposed by only an
ad hoc group.
Cutler's decision is apparently
the result of discussions last week
with an ad hoc group of student
and faculty leaders who all but
unanimously opposed Cutler's
original bylaw proposal in the two
Last week student members of
the/ group proposed an alterna-
tive form of the bylaw. This docu-
See CUTLER, Page 2
'Copi adnnl#o,
for county

The protesting group Included
members of the Committee on
New Politics and People Against
School officials backed up by
plain clothes policemen enforced
a declaration by Principal Nicho-
las Schreiber of "partial martial
Two students were suspended
for allegedly violating Schreiber's
discipline directive by distributing
leaflets without approval by the.
appropriate authorities.
Superintendent of Schools W.
Scott Westerman, who earlier
threatened to file suit for a court
injunction against the pickets, last
-Daily-Thomas R. Copi night said a suit has not been
ay and Superintendent filed and that school board attor-
bers joined high school ney Roscoe Bonisteel Jr. is "in-
mrs oine hih scool vestigating alternatives."
e leaflets. Eric Chester, Grad, an SDS
<leader, said the organization
would contest an injunction, and
that the protesters would return
today to continue picketing the
He also said the protesters will
picket and pass out leaflets at the
,e a d school board meeting at 8 p.m.
tomorrow night.
Schreiber issued a statement to
the students yesterday morning
threatening to suspend anyone
"involved in a boycott of classes,
demonstrations, entering classes
of rioting in Negro dis- or areas in which they have no
official business, wandering about
dy proposes to rebuild corridors while classes are in ses-
bilitate slums while Mc- sion, distributing literature with-
advocates moving slum out the approval of the proper
to the suburbs where, authorities, and verbal threats or
they would be closer to physical violence, defiance of
rtunities. authority. .."
thy called Kennedy's PO'- Two students were suspended
approach to the aparth- for allegedly violating the rule
ofpracal seegat Inagainst distribution of "unauth-
of racial segregation in orized material" on school
rica. grounds. Bairj Donabedian, jun-
s estimate that 67 per bor, and Greg Fox, senior, were
the state os .9 million found handing out leaflets asking
ould turn out for the high school students to attend
Democratic contest, a yesterday's march on the draft
les Times poll gave Ken- .board.
er cent, McCarthy 31 per . The exact terms of the suspen-
i an uncommitted dele- sions have not been determined.
headed"yAtt.Gen One of the students, Donabe-
C. Lynch 15 per cent dian, indicated he has consulted
per cent undecided. Th' with members of the American
te originall ncfided Civil Liberties Union on possible
President Johnseon f legal action.
llsaid undecided voters Six to eight students were suts-
i the Democraticr pended last Wednesday for par-
s was an assessment wie- ticipating in fights inside halls
Kennedy and McCarthy and classrooms.
s agreedy The picketing began just before
Sagr ebthe start of classes. Students filed
otes collected by the into the building, bypassing the
ate are expected to be pickets who carried signs reading
to the account of Vice "Stop War Against Kids," and
Hubert H. Humphrey. ~"Students, Not Prisoners."
rey publicly disavowed; See POLICE, Page 2
See RFK, Page 2

By The Associated Press
LOS ANGELES - Sens. Robert
Robert F. Kennedy and Eugene
J. McCarthy ended their cam-
paign for today's Democratic
presidential primary with charges
against each other.
Cheered by a state poll giving
him an edge over McCarthy, Ken-
nedy whirled through a strenuous
13-hour swing through California.
McCarthy, who in previous pri-
maries has run better than polls


predicted he would, followed a
measured pace in last-day rep-
sonal campaigning. He leaned
heavily on television, in appealing
for ballot support.
Despite Kennedy's announced
effort to keep bitterness out of
the campaigning, he was so in-
censed by a McCarthy statement
that he fired back hotly.
McCarthy has been trying to
make a major issue out of his
differences with Kennedy over the

Hatcher report nears
approval by SACUA

and reha
he says,
job oppoi
sition an
eid policy
South Af
cent of
voters w
In the
Los Ange
nedy 36 p
cent, and
gation sla
with 18 x
Lynch sla
to back F
The po
would sw
sults. This
which the
The v
Lynch sl

at' AAH
The assignment of police force
to Ann Arbor High School yester-
day culminated two weeks of
growing racial tension between
a primarily white staff and stu-
dent body and the school's 125
black students who have been
pressing for sweeping reforms.
The rcial friction had re-
mained sibmerged untI late May
when the school's administration
distributed a curriculum question-
aire only to black students.
The survey was conducted In
response to charges that the high
school was forcing blacks into
the "general curriculum" rather
than the study program for col-
lege bound students.
Threatening to boydott classes
in protest against the question-
aire, the black students quickly
formed an ad hoc organization to
draft demands for reforms. This
group contained nearly every
black student in the school and
was set up within the structure
of the youth council of the
To avert the class boycott and
expected violence, the school's ad-
ministration agreed to hold a
"tell off" where all students
could voice grievances against the
school staff. Classes were called
off Monday, May 27, and volun-
tary meetings were held bet'ween
faculty and interested students.
For three hours that morning
black students listed demands
and voiced charges of racism and
discrimination In the school's aca-
demic, athletic and extracurricu-
lar activities.
Black students listed 21 de-
mands includIn the dismissal of
faculty members found guilty of
bigotry, the prohibition of police
officers from assignment to the
campus, a well defined grievance
procedure for students and a
number of other major reforms.
White students at the school
joined the meeting in the after-
noon and both groups continued
to voice grievances and discuss
the black demands.
Faculty members were careful-
ly instructed by the school's ad-
ministration not to respond ver-
bally to the students' comments.
Meeting separately later In the
day, the schools' white students
See BLACKS, Page 2
Warhol shot,
critically hurt
NEW YORK A) - Andy War-
hol, pop artist and underground
film producer, was shot and
wounded critically yesterday by
a woman in his Manhattan office.
The woman, who identified her
self to Warhol's secretary as an
actress who appeared in one of
Warhol's underground movies,
walked out of the sixth floor of-
fice near Union Square. She was
sought by police.
An English art gallery owner,
Mario Amaya, who was visiting
Warhol, was also wounded.
Warhol was shot In the abdo-
men and Amaya in the chest with
a small caliber gun. olice said.

The Senate Advisory Committee
on University Affairs (SACUA)
met with President Robben W.
Fleming last week and discussed
possible means of implementing
the report of the Hatcher Com-1
mission on the Role of Students in
Although no definite conclu-
sions regarding the report were
unces bid
" Sheriff,

David M. Copi, '68L, announced
yesterday that he will seek the
Democratic nomination for Sher-
iff of Washtenaw County. Copi
will face incumbent Sheriff Dou-
glas Harvey in the August 3 pri-
mary, although neither candidate
has filed petition with the County
Clerk's Office.
In making his announcement,
Copi said, "I am a candidate for
the Democratic nomination for
sheriff because I believe that the
citizens of Washtenaw County
neither want nor deserve Sheriff
Harvey for another four years."
Copi, Second Ward Democratic
Chairman and a member of the
Executive Board of the Ann Arbor
City Democratic Party, is report-
edly backed by the Washtenaw
County Democratic Committee, of
which he is also a member.

the most important law enforce-
ment agency'in the county. If the
rights and liberties of citizens
are to be preserved and if the
legitimate concept of law and
order is to merit respect, that of-
fice must be administered with
restraint and professionalism. In-
stead, the people of the county
have been burdened for the past
four years by what amounts to
petty despotism.
Copi said that Harvey "has
chosen to rely upon methods dis-
credited a generation ago."
"His stubborn insistence upon
retention of the-. incorrigible cell
and his arbitrary use of of it re-
veal much about the sheriff. So'
does his union-busting approach
to the deputies' association, in
direct violation of state law."
"I voted for Sheriff Harvey in
1964, but I must now actively
oppose him. If we are to maintain

reached, Prof. Irving R. Copi of
the philosophy department, chair-
man of SACUA said he felt that
"With a little good will on all
sides, it shouldn't be too difficult
to make adoption of the report
acceptable to all concerned; fac-
ulty, students and administration."
SACUA will meet with Fleming
again on Thursday, when, accord-
ing to Prof. Ben L. Yablonky of
the journalism department, secre-
tary of SACUA, specific recomin
mendations of SGC, SACUA, the
Hatcher Commission, President'
Fleming and others will be con-
"The problem of adoption is
a complex one with some areas of
honest disagreement. I don't think
SACUA is going to provide the
final plan for implementation, but
I think SACUA will be able to
make a contribution toward final
adoption. SACUA is very anxious
to see an early implementation of
the report," said Yablonky.
Copi and Prof. Robert L.
Knauss of the law school, a
SACUA member, have been meet-
ing with Vice President for Stu-
dent Affairs Richard L. Cutler
and SGC President M i c h a e l
Koeneke concerning implementa-
tion of the report's section on the
University judicial system and
other areas.
However Yablonky doubted that
even with all the recommenda-
tions and consultations a proposal
for implementation of the report
could be finalized on Thursday.-l
SACUA held its second apnual
12 hour session Sunday. Copi
characterized the meeting as ex-
hausting, but added that a great


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