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May 25, 1968 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1968-05-25

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Saturday, May 25, 1968


Page Three


Saturday, May 25, 1968 THE MiCHIGAN DAILY Page Three

Lindsay seeks Oregon backing
for Rockefeller write-in vote

Huong submits



By The Associated Press
PORTLAND, Ore. - New York
Mayor John V. Lindsay appealed
yesterday to Oregon Republicans
for thousands of write-in votes to
promote the cause of Gov. Nel-
son Rockefeller in Tuesday's Pres-
idential primary.
Lindsay said Rockefeller's na-
tional organization began with
his campaign mission to Portland
and to Oregon university cam-
He said if the New York gove-
ernor can claim 10 per cent of the
Oregon vote it would be "very
useful" in the Rockefeller effort
to win the nomination.
But the battle was only of per-
centages, with promoters of Rock-

efeller and the organization of
another absentee, California Gov.
Ronald Reagan, acknowledging
Nixon would win easily.
A Nixon lieutenant said the
goal of the former vice president
is to outpoll the combined total
of Reagan and Rockefeller.
He said Nixon has been advised
there is no doubt this majority
can be attained. In past prima-
ries, the Nixon showing has sur-
passed announced goals. In the
Nebraska primary he gathered 70
per cent of the votes:
Kennedy strategy
Meanwhile,on the Democratic
side, one would never know Sen.
Robert F. Kennedy is running
against Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy
in the Oregon Presidential pri-
The New York Democrat is ig-
noring the Minnesota Democrat
and turning his campaign guns
exclusively on Vice President
Hubert H. Humphrey.
- ~ -~,
- f

And he is escalating his anti-
Humphrey attack each day.
For a candidate who has won
three primaries, Kennedy's organ-
ization appears less than su-
premely confident as the May 28
Oregon balloting approaches.
His increasing attention to
Humphrey is largely a result of
public opinion polls, including his
own, that show a combined John-
son-Humphrey vote close to his
Kennedy is telling the public
if he loses here, Humphrey's
chances for the Presidential nom-
ination would be greatly en-
While McCarthy is the only
Democrat openly campaigning
against Kennedy, the New Yorker
is paying him no attention. He
hopes by this approach to avoid
hard feelings and woo the support
of McCarthy supporters should
McCarthy drop out of contention. S
Since coming into Oregon, whose
politics the Kennedy machine
seems to find inscrutable, Ken-
nedy has daily and with mount-
ing vigor denounced Humphrey's
"politics of happiness and joy."
Thursday be attempted, before
apparently baffled or uninterest- jo
ed audiences around Portland, to of
heap some blame on Humphrey br
for the failure of an emergency prc
employment bill, co-sponsored by pr
Kennedy, to pass the Senate.' r

s. 'Vietnamese leader names
Buddhist, southern majority
SAIGON (M--Premier-designate Tran Van Huong sub-
mitted his new cabinet to President Nguyen Van Thieu yes-
terday, informed sources reported.
The list had a majority of Buddhists and Vietnamese of
southern origin, informants said.
This was regarded as a setback for the minority of refu-
gees from North Vietnam, many of them Roman Catholics,
who have long played a dominant role in the regime.
Huong has been engaged in intensive backstage bar-
gaining for the past week. He was placed under heavy pres-
sure by Vice President Nguyen Cao Ky and some of the
leading generals, many of northern origin.
Five of the 17 ministers reportedly were holdovers from
the' outgoing government of Premier Nguyen Vany Loc, who
like Ky opposes negotiations -_ __

-Associated Press

Humphrey grabs votes in Kansas City

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Crime bill

faces battle

2,000 rooms
serving men,
women& families
" Coffee shop & cafeteria
Near the loop, museums,
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Sgle: $3.40 to $9.00
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HHH on the farm
KANSAS CITY-The country is
so wrapped up in problems of
She cities it is paying too little
attention to an equally serious
crisis in rural areas, Vice Presi-
dent Hubert H. Humphrey de-
clared last night.
Humphrey said, "We make a
great mistake when we recognize
the cities' problems as a crisis, be-
cause they are concentrated, and
then pay too little attention to
the equally acute scattered crisis
in rural America."
He contended one big reason
for city strife is that nearly eight
million persons have migrated
from rural areas to urban centers
in the last 17 years, because they
couldn't earn a decent living on
farms or in snall towns.
"You and I are in two busi-
nesses where it doesn't pay to cry
over spilt milk," the Vice Presi-
dent quipped, "although there
seem to be quite a few spilt milk
politicians doing a lot of thatI
kind of crying right now."


r controversy left in the wake
the Senate's passage of a
oad crime control bill is over
ovisions aimed at undoing Su-
eme Court decisions on police
lerrogation and holding of sus-
By decisive margins, the Sen-
e went on record in favor of re-
rsing the court's decisions.
However, it was uncertain how
such of it will become law.
The bill still faces House con-
deration, and contains provi-
ons strongly opposed by Presi-
nt Johnson and Chairman
manuel Celler (D-N.Y.), of the
fluential House Judiciary Com-,
ittee. Already, there is specula-
on Johnson would veto such a
The prime concern of Johnson,
eller and other opponents in-
lves the proposed controls on
e Supreme Court. Some oppo-
ents say constitutional questions
e raised by sections authorizing
lice wiretapping and electronic
arveillance or "bugging" of sus-
Celler has said he would rather
ave no bill at all than accept
e Senate provisions designed to
ndo Supreme Court decisions.

The court rulings principally atI
issue are the Mallory, Miranda
and Wade cases.
These decisions bar unnecessary1
delay between a suspect's arrestl
and arraignment, require a sus-
pect be advised of his right to re-
main silent and to have counsel
present during police question-
ing. They also make line-up iden-
tifications inadmissible in evi-
dence unless a suspect was per-
mitted to have counsel present.
The bill would make eyewitness1
identifications of a defendant ad-
missible in federal court trials as;
well as any confession that the
trial judge determined was given.
These provisions do not apply'
to trials in state courts so that,
in the opinion of key senators in-

what it would be on the public
unless something is done.
"Let this situation accumulate,"
he said, "and you are going to
have serious thinking about limit-
ing the tenure of judges."
A constitutional amendmentI
would be required to end the life-
time appointment of Supreme
Court justices and other federal
The bill, passed after three
weeks of Senate debate, also pro-
vides for federal grants to im-
prove local law enforcement, au-
thorizes wiretapping by police un-
der court orders, and bans inter-
state mail order sales of handguns.

with the enemy. Huong favors
the U.S. North Vietnamese
talks in Paris.
Some of the reported changes
suggested that Ky and the gen-
erals failed to impose their will
on the new premier.
The new information minister,
Ton That Thien, was a news-
paper owner whose paper was
suppressed while Ky was premier.
The paper had editorials against
the government.
The new foreign minister re-
portedly was Tran Chanh Tranh,
information minister under the
late president Ngo Dinh Diem.
Thanh was a follower of Presi-
dent Ho Chi Minh of North Viet-
nam in the years immediately
after the end of World War II.
There was much haggling dur-
ing the week over the ministry
responsible for the government's
rural pacification -program.

hits plans
or revolt
Secretary of State Dean Acheson
accused Britain and the United
States yesterday of conspiring to
overthrow the government of Rho-
"This is barefaced aggression,
unprovoked and unjustified by a
single legal or moral principle," he
"The United States is engaged
in a national conspiracy, insti-
gated by Britain, and blessed by
the United Nations" to overthrow
the Rhodesian government, he
The viciousness of the substitu-
tion of the subjective conception
of justice for law in these in-
stances," he said, "is both provide
means for collective aggression,
both degrade international ad-
judication and both depart from
the basic conception of inter-
national law."
Acheson said Rhodesia's decision
to progressively extend the voting
franchise to Africans but to stop
short of majority rule "was not
everyone's cup of tea."
But, he said, "neither was it
everyone's business, nor was it
apartheid. It was a matter relat-
ing solely to the internal affairs
of Rhodesia-in which the United
Nations was forbidden by its
charter to meddle-and to the
political relation between Rho-
desia and the United Kingdom.

Rain causes floodi0ng

" T1

volved in the debate, state and
local police would still be bound 1in e S1irre

by the Supreme Court's rulings.
After passage of the crime bill
Thursday night, by a 72-4 vote,
Sen. Robert P. Griffin (R-Mich.),
said he has no doubt that the
court, if it wishes, could easily
reconcile the provisions adopted
by the Senate with its past deci-
sions. }
Griffin said Congress had ;hown
great restraint and patience so
far in the exercise of its powers.
He emphasized the striking from
the bill provisions that would have
stripped the court of jurisdiction
to review or reverse any confes-
sions or lineup identifications up-
held by a state court.
But Griffin said that in any
confrontation with the Supreme
Court, Congress has other powers.
He said Congress can determine
by law the number of justices on
the court and also their salaries,
although the salary of a sitting
justice may not be reduced.
Senate Republican Leader Ev-
erett M. Dirksen of Illinois told
reporters yesterday he doesn't
know what the impact would be
on the court but that he knows

--- - ,

WASHINGTON U l-Heavy rain
that left Resurrection City, U.S.A.,
deep in mud yesterday forced
leaders of the Poor People's Cam-
paign to evacuate temporarily
some of the shantytown residents.
The Rev. Jesse Jackson, Resur-
rection City manager, said space
for 2,000 of the camp's 2,400 resi-
dents was found in nearby church-
es and homes if needed.
Plans called for evacuation of
'women and children first. By
noon, at least one busload had
left the camp.
Jackson described the condi-
tions as "rather deplorable." The
mud is four to five inches thick,
he said.
He also said there is a need
for more temporary accpmmoda-
tions outside the camp area to
house inhabitants until conditions
Jackson said demostrators would
return to Capitol Hill where 18
were arrested Thursday in the
first group arrest since the cam-
paign began. He also said a pray-
er vigil would be mounted at the
Department of Agriculture.
The department was the first
A nrn rn~oII

etion City
government agency to respond to
the campaign when Secretary Or-
ville L. Freeman promised Thurs-
day to expand federal food pro-
Abernathy, who declined to call
the shantytown a disaster area,
reaffirmed the determination of
the marchers to stay until they
get action. He also said he was
unfortunate he was not with the
demonstrators arrested Thursday.
"I have made it clear that I am
not going to be a leader that sends
people to jail," he said, but one
who "leads people to jail."

8in,) kA


Noon Luncheon .. 25c
Speaker: Henry Wallace, Community
Systems Foundation:

-Associated Press
Evacuating shanties for dryer homes nearby

for the duration of the Spock-Coffin trial:
12:15 followed by a vigil demonstration
at the draft board.
We Invite All to Join Us


.Xixley Kfttfe
laughing and loving in the new romantic comedy...

Research Committee
8 P.M., Sun., May 26
2nd Floor SAB
Executive Committee
7 P.M., Mon., May 27
)_ ''I' ce'

Racism Committee
7 P.M., Tues., May 28
2nd Floor SAB
Orientation Committee
Contact Julia
Wrigley, 665-2846

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