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May 21, 1968 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1968-05-21

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See editorial page


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Chance of rain,
clearing tonight.


Vol. LXXVII, No. 5-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan, Tuesday, May 21, 1968

Ten Cents

Six Pages

Massive strike brings
France near standstill
F Crisis. threate
Gaullist regime
PARIS - A massive strike in-
volving millions flooded across
France yesterday in a grassroots:
- upheaval that plunged the nation
into a state of near paralysis and
threatened the foundations of
Charles de Gaulle's 10-year-old
Fifth Republic.
Nearly six million of the na-
Stion's 16 million member work
force were idle and 250 factories
were forced to close down. Coal
mines in the provinces, air fields
n P .. and seaports came to a standstilL
A monumental traffic jam
choked Paris. Commuters resort-
ed to automobiles because trains,
subways and buses were strike-
w bound.
Taxi drivers voted to strike to-
morrow,thereby cutting, off all
public transport.
FGarbage piled up in the streets;
garbagemen have been out since
Housewives descended on shops
4 to stock up on foodstuffs.
Some tourists were stranded.
a The stock market plunged.
a £Thousands lined up at banks to
make withdrawals in the fear the
4 g See related story, Page 3

Jury selection slows Spock,


BOSTON 0") - A 12-man
jury was selected in federal
court yesterday to try Dr. Ben-
jamin Spock on charges of
counseling American youth to
avoid the draft.
The defense argued in vain
that women were discriminated
against on the panel.
The internationally - known
baby doctor went on trial with
four other defendants associat-
ed with him in the anti-war
movement. Peace demonstra-
tors marched outside the court-
house, but not in large num-
Spock's lawyer, Leonard Bou-
din, questioned court clerk
Russell Peck about the makeup
of the list of jury prospects -

which included 91 men and
nine women.
"It makes me look like a
misogynist," Peck remarked
wryly, but he said the dispar-
ity came about through hap-
penstance, not design.
Only one woman from the
master list actually made the
jury box. A housewife, she was
vetoed by the government with-
out any reason being offered.
The government also dis-
missed a second woman who
was called briefly as a prospec-
tive alternate juror.
Boudin asked that the list be
thrown out, and a ne' one
drawn up.
District Judge Francis J. W.
Ford, a crusty, 85-year-old jur-
ist, denied Boudin's motion.

Ford previously had ex-
plained that in Massachusetts
women are not required to
serve on juries, although they
are eligible for duties if they
so desire. After the argument
over the jury list, the 12th-
floor court room was cleared of
spectators to make room for
the prospective jurors, and the
process of selecting the trial
panel got underway.
Judge Ford ordered the jury
locked up for the duration of
the trial.
Spock is on trial with Yale
Chaplain William Sloane Coffin
Jr.; Michael Ferber, graduate
student at Harvard; Mitchell
Goodman, 44, of New York, an
author and teacher; and Mar-
cus Raskin, 33, co-director of

the Institute for Policy Studies
in Washington.
They are charged with con-
spiring to "counsel, aid and
abet" young men to refuse or
evade military service and con-
spiring to interrupt the induc-
tion process at draft centers
across the country.
The maximum penalty upon
conviction :is five years in
prison and $10,000 in fines for
each defendant.
The five defendants sat out-
side the rail within Judge.
Ford's courtroom. Inside, the
well of the court was filled
with nearly a score of lawyer
and court attaches.
The 85-regular seats in the
courtroom were filled with spec-
tators. Some of the spectators

in trial
were youths wearing insignia of
anti-draft movements. A num-
ber of others were women.
Outside the federal court-
house in downtown Boston,
about 50 marchers paraded at
the outset of the trial, some
with placards reading "Peace
Now." They were not permitted
inside the courthouse itself.
The turnout was small com-
pared to the 200 picketers who
demonstrated Jan. 29 when
Spock and the other defendants
pleaded innocent at their ar-
During a recess, Spock chat-
ted vith women news repre-
sentatives about his world
famed book, "Baby and Child
Care." He declined to discuss
the case itself.


to hear
st, ease

First war
suit taken
WASHINGTON 01) - The Su-
preme Court agreed yesterday to
decide if draft boards can punish
Vietnam War protesters by speed-
ing their induction into the armed
The case will be the first draft-
related suit that the cdirt has
agreed to hear during the course
of the war.
The issue was brought to the
court by James J. Oestereich, a
divinity student who lost his draft
See related story, Page 3


-Associated Press

Upstairs and down at Paris airport
Underground press
e a
under investigation
Ann Arbor Pioneer High School administrators continue
jL to play a cat and niouse game with a group of students who
wrote and published "US," an underground newspaper which
was met with violent reactions last week for "foul" language
and criticisms of the school.
"The leaders haven't been found yet," said Dr. Scott
Westerman, Ann Arbor superintendent of schools.
"I'm not fully certain there will be action against the
leaders," Westerman added. "We have talked with some stu-
dents who distributed the papers."
Approximately 1000 copies of the original issue were
confiscated because of a school rule which stipulates that no
"materials may be distributed

walkouts would spread to the fi-
nancial sector.
The runs on currency forced a
temporary closing of the Paris
branch of the First National City.
Bank of New York. Officials said
the bank had run out of cash but
that more was on the way.
Late in the day major trade
4unions at the Bank of France
called an unlimited strike to be-
gin today.
Workers' demands varied from
place to place, but all were based
on economics. In most cases the
strikers want higher pay, a shorter
work week and earlier retirement.
The three major trade union
federations, apparently satisfied
to let the grassroots movement
spread on its own, refrained from
any general strike call and thus
avoided any break with President
de Gaulle, who broke off his visit
to Romania Saturday to face the
crisis at home.
Opposition political leaders con-
ferred with trade union feaders in
preparation for an all out bid in
the National Assembly today to
oust de Gaulle's government. An
assembly debate on an opposition
motion of censure of the govern-
ment is to end with a vote tomor-
row night or early Thursday.
De Gaulle remained at Elysee
Palace, silent in the face of the
gravest threat yet posed to his

MSU editors
The senior editors of the Mich-
igan State News will ask the Stu-
dent-Faculty Judiciary to recon-
sider the appointment of Edward.
Brill as editor-in-chief.
* The editors recomiended Law-
rence Werner, managing editor,
for the position. However, on May
14, the State News-Wolverine Ad-
visory Board rejected the editors'
recommendation and appointed
The advisory board gave no
' reasons or criteria for their deci-
sion, said Eric Pianin, executive
editor of the News. "We're probing
to find the reasons behind their
The editor-in-chief is usually
selected by the advisory board
upon the recommendation of the
senior editors.
Of the three voting senior edit-
ors, two recommended Werner
and the other selected Brill.
At stake in the controversy is
the relationship between the sen-
for editors and the advisory board.
The board was formed this winter
upon the recommendation of a
faculty-student committee on,
academic freedom.
"The advisory board has not
followed the letter or the spirit
of the report," Pianin continued.
"in this matter they have prac-
ticed a highly irregular proce-

without the permission of the
administration. About 3000'

-Associated Press
Dr. and Mrs. Spock leave Federal Court
Boston trial begins
amidst 'uncertainty'
Prof. Joseph Sax of the Law School is presently in Boston
to observe the Spock-Coffin trial. His analyses of the court-
room situation will continue to be published in The Daily until
the completion of the trial.
Special to The Daily
BOSTON-The trial of Dr. Spock, the Rev. Mr. Coffin, and
the three other men charged with violations of Selective Service
laws began yesterday in confusion and uncertainty, but meaning
slowly emerged as the day wore on.
Spectators and press representatives began to arrive as early
as 7:30 a.m. for the trial, which was to begin at 10 a.m., but burly
U.S. marshals kept the overflow crowd in the halls until the ap-
pointed hour. The trial began unspectacularly, with defendants'
challenge to the jury selection process, the claim being made that
women were being systematically excluded from the jury panel.
In fact, the panel of 100 contained only nine women. Judge
Francis Ford denied defendants' challenge, and the rest of the
day was taken up in selecting a panel of 12 jurors and three alter-
Both the prosecution and the defense used their challenges
with seeming purposefulness. The government excluded all the
women called, the single Negro on the panel, and all men who
seemed to be of draft age. The defense did its best to get rid of
retirees and as many of the blue collar workers as they could.
By 4 p.m., the jury had been chosen. It consisted principally
of men in their middle and upper thirties, with an emphasis on
those who might be expected to think for themselves-the self-
employed, an architect, company supervisors, foremen, and tech-
The trial will reconvene today at 10 a.m., when the serious
business of proving the government's case is expected to begin.

exemption after turning in his
draft card and was reclassified 1-A
and scheduled for induction.
The American Civil Liberties
Union, in bringing Oestereich's
appeal to the court, said speeding
the induction of war protesters
violates the constitutionally-pro-
tected right to dissent.
The director of Selective Serv-
ice, Lt. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey,
recommended to local draft boards
last October that induction of war
protesters be speeded up.
Solicitor General Erwin N.
Griswold had told the court that
reclassification for not carrying
a draft card is authorized by Se-
lective Service law.
However, Griswold said minis-
terial students are entitled to ex-
emption under the law and he
questioned the authority of draft
boards to disregard this.
The solicitor general suggested
that the 22-year-old Cheyenne,
Wyo., man be given a hearing in
a federal court in his home state.
The Supreme Court decided in-
stead to take the issue on itself,
giving no amplification of its po-
sition at this point.
A student at Andover-Newton
Theological School, Newton Cen-
tre, Mass., Oestereich was one of
357 war protesters who turned in
draft cards at the Justice Depart-
ment Oct. 20, 1967. Another 298
were returned the next day dur-
ing a demonstration at the
Melvin L. Wulf, ACLU legal di-
rector, said in the appeal he knew
of at least 49 cases of protesters
who have been declared delin-
quent and that there undoubtedly


copies were printed. He conferred with Interior Min-
While one school official said ister Christian Fouchet on main-
"a few" students had been ques- tenance of public order and with
tioned, students involved esti- Social Affairs Minister Jean-
mated the number at 30. Marcel Jeanneney. Later he called
The administration may not in Defense Minister Pierre Mess-
have long to wait for the identities mer.
of the group. Representatives of No public statements were made
US said the writers will identify after any of the meetings.
Ithemselves in the paper's next Surprisingly few disorders have
edition which will appear soon. been reported from anywhere in
No one seems to be sure what the country although the strike
will happen when the paper reap- wave was close to being the worst
pears. One school official said he i living memory far worse than
would not "speculate." Wester- i iigmmrfrwreta
man said only that he "wished the sit-in strike movement of 1936,
they wouldn't attempt another which brought in the Popular
issue." Front government of Leon Blum.
OPTIMIST The workers' upheaval grew out
of a student revolt last week over
Some efforts have been made to conditions in the French educa-
have the writers of US express tional system.
their views in the Optimist, the
school paper, which is subject to
the censorship of an adviser.
"We don't really object to the
Optimist, but to ;the lack of free-
dom of speech," a spokesman for
the paper said.C
can explain ourselves," he con-
He added that if any attempt
is made to arrest or expel the stu- Ann Arbor driving is like doir
dents, the American Civil Liber- tease. You have to bump and g
ties Union will enter the case. anywhere.
The students' grievances in- Beset by a multitude of one-w
elude suspensions ("enforced va- confusing signs, expensive parki
cations") as punishment, "en- ruthless metermaids, and merndl
couraged grade - grubbing," a men, Ann Arbor drivers face coun
"better-never-than-late" attend- every time they drive.
ance policy, discrimination against One sophomore new to the I
black students, and the student driving circuit explains, "Drivin
government's lack of power.- main rule - GO. It doesn't ma
COMPLAINTS around you. Just go!"
"Some of the complaints are A Detroit truck driger who o
well made," Westerman said. face the traffic on his bi-monthl

-Daily-Richard Lee
Vigil for a doctor
About 40 people picketed the Ann Arbor draft board yesterday to
demonstrate support for Rev. Coffin and Dr. Spock, who face
trial for counseling draft dodgers. The ad hoc group will conduct
a vigil every Monday for the duration of the trial.
Coumi U3 start S,
disciplinary action
NEW YORK (M--Columbia University says it has started
disciplinary action agaiist students accused of taking part
in campus disturbances over the past several weeks.
Henry S. Coleman, acting dean of Columbia College, a
unit of the university, said Sunday about 25 letters had been
sent to students of that college telling them:
"You are charged with participating in the recent dem-
onstrations which started on April 23, 1968."
The students were given deadlines running from this
afternoon through Friday tot

are more.



ng a strip
rind to get
way streets,
ng ramps~
ess police-
ntless perils
Ann Arbor
g has one
atter who's
rnly has to
y Ann Ar-

Bumps and grinds


car this term says her worst problem is
finding where to put it. "Every place is so
damned restricted," she complains.
A first semester senior adds the parking
difficulty is "incredible." "The structures
are too expensive," he continues.
But one-way streets are the biggest gripe.
One Ann Arbor cabdriver who has been
chauffeuring luggage-laden coeds to and
from the Union since 1925 says there are
"too many one-*ay streets and half the
people don't know where they're going, any-
He says he's sure Ann Arbor is the only
city in the U.S. which has a one way street

are 24 possible conflict points (areas where
accidents can occur).
There are only 11 possible accident areas
at an intersection of a one-way street and
a two-way street, he says. The number of
conflict points is reduced to six at an inter-
section of two one-way streets.
In addition to supposedly reducing the
chances for accidents, Robbins says the one-
way streets were designed to eliminate
through traffic, hence the State - Liberty -
Thompson - William loop.
"According to our statistics, 87 per cent
of State Street traffic is through traffic,"
Robbins says.

appear at the dean's office or
face suspension.
The letters were the first of
more than 500 expected to be sent
to student protesters in the next
few weeks.
Mark Rudd, 20-year-old Co-
lumbia College junior from Ma-
plewood, N.J., leader of the Stu-
dents for a Democratic Society,
a major dissenter group, was one
of those getting a letter this
Coleman said that no final dis-
ciplinary action would be taken}
until pending criminalbcharges
against students have been re-
According to Columbia records.
524 of its students were arrested
on charges of criminal trespass
or resisting arrest on April 30,
when 1,000 city police cleared the
five buildings held by protesters.
Of those arrested, the university
said, 239 were from Columbia Col-
lege, the undergraduate liberal
arts school. Of the 121 persons
arrested Saturday during a dem-

Miriani faces
fine, prison
fo t ax charge
DETROIT ,R?) - Louis C. Miri-
ani, 73-year-old . city councilman
and former Detroit mayor, faces
possible imprisonment of 20 years
and a fine of $40,000 on his U.S,
District Court conviction yester-
bay of income tX vasion.
A jury of eight women and four
men convicted Mirlani on four
counts after deliberating 5 hours
and 45 minutes. Judge Charles G.
Neese of Knoxville, Tenn., who
presided, said Miriani would be
sentenced Aug. 10.
Miriani's attorneys said the
conviction will be appealed.
The government contended
Miriani underestimated his in-
enmp by 9261.11n0from 1959

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