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January 17, 1961 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-01-17

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Gulek Seeks Stro

Business Sch
)ng U.S. Tie New Degree
linal and Yet Turkey is also helping her- By PHILIP SHERMAN
ook over self, he said. "The new constitu- The business administration
aent and tion, when finished, should pro- school will put into effect a new
duce a strong government allied set of under graduate degree re-
he Con- solidly with the United States." quirements next semester, more for
adequate - the purpose of definition than
will be because of any policy change.
a "great Reviews P ln The new requirements will ap-
elopment ply to students entering the
By Physician school next semester and there-
ee factors Assistant Dean Samuel R. An-
to stimu- For Insurance derson explains that the new re-
.increase quirements spell out in detail the
se of ex- A health insurance plan spon- non-business academic experience
e import- sored by Washington physicians the school will require. Previously,
ion. is a workable means of providing the school asked only that stu-
nost im- extensive medical coverage Prof. dents have a well-rounded edu-
id. "The Robert J. Lampman, of the Univer- cational background, without spec-
lieves in sity of Wisconsin economics de- ifying exactly what this meant.
operation partment, said here yesterday. Lng-Standing Policy
which, in Prof. Lampman found the plan,
eign in- now run by the Medical Service The changes are part of, long
between Corporation, unique both for its standing faculty policy, Anderson
w-how is physician sponsorship and its ex- says. They were not made in re-
imulating tended benefits which cover not sponse to two foundation reports,
onlyhosita cae bu oficeandissued last year, that madea list
only hospital care but office and of recommendations for business
and de- home visits also. educatioi, including strengthened
United Basing his conclusions on a liberal arts requirements.
id added survey of workers in a Kind At least 60 hours in. non-busi-
gral part County, Wash., factory, where a ness courses will be required, under
eaty Or- union contract provided optional the 'new plan, These include the
any new health insurance to workers- witht-
the alli- the company, Prof. Lampman said
that the plan covered about 51 COLLEGE ROUNDUP:
the only per cent of the worker's medical"
'ree world costs.ou ss t a
emcracy. More Medical Care Youths Atta
key is a The holders had the option of
intenance extending the plan to cover theirIt
aint the whole families with thecompany r ve Starts
of this, bearing about half the average
the larg- preum of $15 per month.
Europe. Though they did use more medi- By MELINDA BERRY
consider- cal care with the insurance, Prof. AUSTIN-Two youths were ar -
it Turkey Lampman said that "when out- rested after allegedly shoving,
the com- patient care is included, the hos- pushing, and spitting on Univer-
pital care drops." sity of Texas picketers and tear-
: is im- He also said that users felt ing up their anti-segregation signs
his aid is "quite favorably" toward the plan in front of two theaters.
, Gulek though most "did not care or The violence occurred on the
he inter, know whether the plan was spon- fourth night of picketing against
s as well sored by physicians, a private in- the segregation policies of the
ong mili- surance company, or, as many theaters. Volunteers and members
and the thought, their county government." of the Students for Direct Ac-
s to the "Most people," he said, "were tion had carried on stand-in dem-
1 by aid- interested and mildly favorable to onstrations at the two theaters
the main features of the plan." since mid-November.
Ninety per cent of the physi- At present the picketers are on
cians in the county subscribed two-hour shifts of the skeleton
c S to the plan, Prof. Lampman said, crews to give more students a
and on 'the average its subscribers chance to study for finals
constituted 15-20 per cent of their ,
practice.oEVANSTON-A three-day drive
lity ~Prof. Lampman contrasted at- tocLlctAASTshoes forea Negroes ie
titudes toward the plan. "Medical Ftoct Coes for N eg n
pepeviwteplna akn ayette County, Tenn., began
prueoplevyewhedn'plan aakindThursday, headed by a North-
structure of charity and don't want it ex- western University graduate. Mrs.
panded into the upper income David Hillman of Evanston.
rch must brackets," he said. "Unions, em- The drive is being sponsored un-
"neglect- ployers, and other groups sub- der the auspices of a recently or-
sion doc- scribing view it as a kind of in- ganized Chicago group, the Emer-
for surane Workable Plan gency Relief Committee for Fay-
ette County,
rch must "It's a workable plan but it's The group is sending medical
or exclu- not going to expand except as supplies, food, and clothing to the
a middle pressure from outside organiza- approximately 21,000 Negroes in
tions force it to. The medical the area who are allegedly barred
usly the profession is not yet organiza- from buying supplies in stores
y of sin- tionally oriented. Doctors want to there.
thieved a maintain the status quo." Mrs. Hillman invited Northwest-
said. He added that specialists dis- ern students to participate in the
a place liked the plan more than any drive, particularly with contribu-
etic mes- other group of doctors. Surgeons, tions of shoes, which she said are
a uncom- and radioligists were most op- "particularly needed,"
s conven- posed to it. General practitioners,
obstetricians and pediatricians EUGENE-A grant of $7,000
Christian favored the plan the most of any
u will lose group of doctors. was recently awarded the Univer-
and gain The county surveyed had a sity of Oregon by the Carnegie
will be population of 800,000 of which al- Corporation of New York for sup-
inclusive. most 25 per cent held insurance port of their honors college.
where we under this arrangement. The Medi- The grant is for a three-year
we are cal Service Corp., the actual in- period with $23,500 available for
surance agent, is also associated .1960-61, $46,500 for the 1961-62
iy with a Medical Service Bureau academic year, and $27,500 for the
popular," which acts as representative of 1962-63 academic year'
"common doctors' interest even though the This support will be in the form
company is run by doctors. of hiring extra staff members so
bout this The plan has been in operation that part of the present staff can
S "st Tsince 1917. be released to spend more time in
nf ormity the college. Funds will also be used

to strengthen the counselling and
fetthe * r JFJ "a., advisory programs of the college,
"hlate the e a te testing program,
tndne* * *
tnigious or- - ,.t'G a u ton PORT-AU-PRINCE-About 1,-
lAe 000 students of Haiti University
Two Americans and a Japanese are scheduled to return to classes
university president will receive today but are being implored by
"" honorary degrees Saturday at the "clandestine" organizers to stay
University's mid-year graduation home in protest against the gov-
O01 exercises. ernment, the New York Times re-
Receiving degrees will be main ports.
speaker Chester Bowles, incoming The university has been closed
. United States undersecretary of since the start of a student strike
tud. Guild, state; Minoru Yamasaki, a Mich- last November. The students are
"Reigion: igan architect; and Nobumoto protesting against social stagna-
ion?", Jan. Ohama, president of Japan's Wa- tion and economic deterioration
seda University, in general as well as against a
mm. of the Bowles' citation for the doctor series of decrees that placed the
isitions for of laws degree notes that he has university directly under state con-
spoken above partisan bitterness, trol.
n.interview extending friendship touching the There is no doubt that many
normally common interest in a better of the students will stay home.
C through- world,
from the
he requsi- Ohama will be cited for his con-
tribution to the educational world, The trouble with house p
r and Ygmasaki will receive a doc- con tell which parties wil
, Jan, s' ftor of architecture degree, noting
that he may "be the forerunner of
union fo1- a general movement to adapt the
., chapel; maueo i
,, e mley art to the measure
Church. of man.

ool To Set
S tandards
basic English composition re'quire-
ment, in addition to two semesters
of economic principles and mathe-
matics through college algebra and
plane analytic geometry.
Also required are completion of
three of these four groups: nine
hours minimum of humanities
and/or philosophy; nine hours
minimum of social sciences other
than economics; eight hours
minimum of natural science lab-
oratory courses; fourth semester
proficiency in one foreign lan-
Easier Task
Both students and admissions
officers will have an easier task
now because the requirements are
in specific detail, Anderson says.
So far, the new requirement
have had no definable effect on
applications, and Anderson is op-
tomistic about a long-run trend
for more applications and admis-
sions as a result of the new re-
Information about the new pro-
gram has been handled mostly by
existing counseling facilities, An-
derson said. There has been little
difficulty in explaining the new

Board Discusses Graduate Housi!

ck Picketers;
for Fayette
How many will do so, and their
ability to resist cajoling and so-
cial pressure from the govern-
ment, will determine whether
President Francois Duvalier can
survive still another challenge to
his authorization rule.
In the face of this challenge,
the Duvalier government has chos-
en an approach that is unusual
for Haiti. Instead of parading its
force and jailing those suspected
of opposition, the government has
lifted the curfew and helped or-
ganize pre-Lenten carnival cele-
brations, It has tried to give the
impression that all is normal and
that students who boycott will
only boycott themselves out of
valuable places at the university.
(Copyright 1981, The New York Times)
ADC Approves
Dorm Drives
For Fayette
Assembly Dormitory Council
yesterday unanimously approved a
request from Roger Seasonwein,
'61, to place containers in dormi-
tories for contributions of food
and clothing for Negroes in Fay-
ette County, Tenn.
Seasonwein, who spoke for Voice
political party, said the containers
would probably be placed in the
dormitories during the last days
of the examination period.
ADC also voted to allow the
Studeht Book Exchange to pickup
used books in Alice Lloyd and
Mary Markley Halls during the
exam period so that students will
not have to carry the books to
campus to turn them in.
The representatives heard a re-
quest from Irving J. Stolberg, re-
gional executive of World Univer-
sity Service, that ADC consider
helping toward WUS fund rais-
ing projects at the University. No
discussion was held but the re-
quest may be considered at a
future meeting.
Avis Lee Mandee, '63, reported
on a League Executive Council'
meeting. She said the League's
Interviewing a n d Nominating
Committee wishes to encourage in-
dependent women to petition for
League positions. In the past, she
said, petitioners have been almost
exclusively affiliates.
The representatives voted unan-
imously to accept a formal state-
ment of the policy of the ADC Ed-
ucation Committee presented by
committee chairman, Amy Band,
'62. The statement reads:
"The purpose of the Education
Committee of the Assembly Asso-
ciation of Independent.Women is
the creation of a more educational
and more enjoyable atmosphere
for the independent women of the




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parties is...you never
ll end up playing housel


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