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January 15, 1961 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-01-15

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Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom


Light rain or snow possible
this evening.



six r.



Sixteen of the nation's - institutions of higher education
robably produce almost one-fourth of all the college teachers in
be country, a recent report finds.
The study, based on data collected in 1955-56 from 17,749
aculty members teaching half-time or more in 284 representative
kmerican institutions, also indicates that, junior colleges excluded,
ne out of every five teachers teaches at his alma mater.
Liberal arts colleges, teachers' colleges, and the, liberal arts
,nd/or education faculties-of 29 representative American univer-
ities were included in the report, based on a study that was
egun under the direction of Dr. Frank Kille, former dean of
:arleton College, now associate commissioner for higher education
n the state of New York.
The sample used included slightly more than a fifth of
he total number of institutions and just over 24 per cent of
he full-time enrollment for fall, 1955, among the total number
f institutions. .
This report on the baccalaureate origins of college faculties

ies College
was prepared ~ by Prof. Allan o. Pfnister, visiting professor of
higher education, for presentation to the Commission on Teacher
Education of the Association of American Colleges at the Asso-
ciation's annual meeting here last week.
"Well over half of the faculty members included in the
study recived their baccalaureate training in universities, and
over third did their undergraduate work in liberal arts colleges.
Most from Northern Midwest
The region of the country contributing the largest group
of teachers out of the total 284 was the region which includes
Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio and Wisconsin. Almost 23
per cent of the faculty members received their baccalaureates
from institutions located in this region.
Further, nearly half of the teachers did their undergraduate
work at' schools enrolling 3,000 or more full-time undergraduate
students. The majority were educated in coeducational institutions.
The University ranked eighth among the "top propucers" of
college teachers, listed irrespective of size of the student bodies,
The University of California and Harvard University were most



productive; following them were the University of Chicago, Colum-
bia University, University of Wisconsin, University of Minnesota
and University of Illinois.
Largest Schools Largest Producers
"The very large institutions," the report says," . . . emerged
the heaviest 'producer,' even when size of undergraduate enroll-
ment is taken into consideration."
Comparing the number of faculty members required at an
institution to the number of college teachers produced, the report
suggests "that contrary to general opinion the smaller institutions
are not contributing graduates to teaching in the same degree
as are the larger institutions."
More Teachers Required
Teachers colleges were found in 1955 to require more teachers
than they had produced up to 'that time, while 137 universities
supplied over one and a half times as many faculty members as
the corresponding institutions in the sample employed. Liberal
arts colleges maintained a balance.

Almost 43 per cent of the faculty members surveyed were
teaching in the same region in which they had received their
baccalaureates, but the principal producing region, which includes
Michigan, was proportionally the largest exporter, with "only
roughly twice as many teachers remaining in the region as might
be expected."
Also, in these institutions with full-time undergraduate en-
rollments of 12,000 or more, more teachers were produced than
Patterns Apply In 1960-61
The report states that, although the figures presented were
compiled in the academic year 1955-56, "the probability that the
patterns herein described apply equally in 1960-61 is quite high.
"If enrollments even begin to approach the dimensions
projected for the next 10, years, present shortages among faculties
will be greatly aggravated," it says. "Accordingly, any insights into~
the sources of college faculties should not only be of interest but
should also be of assistance to administrators as they cope with
the problems of staffing."



Coordinator Predicted

The Legislative Service Bureau
may take the _4ext step in the
campaign to coordinate the finan-
cial goals of Michigan's colleges
and universities, State Rep. Arnett
Engstrom (R-Traverse City) indi-
cated yesterday.
He predicted that the bureau
would appoint a coordinator "to
review budgets sent him by the
universities, and make recom-
mendations upon them."
(The Legislative Service Bureau
operates under authority of the
Legislature and is directed by an
executive board. Rep. Engstrom,
as chairman. of the Ways and
Means Committee of the House
of Representatives, is a member
of the seven-man board.
No Legislation
(The bill creating the bureau
states that it shall "in no way
urge or oppose legislation." Pre-
sumably the recommendations of
the coordinator would be for ac-
tion not yet presented in the form
of legislation.)
"The budgets of the schools will
come out of the bureau in better
shape if the coordinator can get
us more information to work
with," Engstrom said. Last year
when the proposed budgets of the
schools were brought on the floor,
everybody wanted changes be-
cause the budgets weren't ex-
plained to many people.
Engstrom noted that the servee
bureau needed no special permis-
sion to hire the coordinator, but
was empowered by a recommenda-
tion of last year's Legislature to
make the appointment and pay
the new official with regular bu-
reau funds.
Colleges Discuss Plan
"The colleges have talked about
doing the same thing," Engstrom
said. "But for the time being
they (the Michigan Council of
State College Presidents) have
apparently decided not to do it.
"We have no objection to their
Soviet F ight
0 ver Pa11C
Still Mystery
WASHINGTON (AM) - Russia's
mystery rocket in the Pacific-if
it is that-is still a mystery as
far as the United States is con-
Here's the story so far:
Friday night an Air Force ra-
dar station at Shemya Island,
Alaska, reported detecting a mis-
sile-like object streaking out of
Russia's southeastward over the
Pacific Ocean.
Identification Hard
The station said it couldn't tell
whether it was a long range mis-
sile or an attempt at some Soviet
space feat.
Hours later the Pentagon said
there had been no further reports.
Viktor Bazikin, director of the
Moscow Planetarium, snorted that
the whole thing was "pure inven-
tion." No other Russians were
At Palm Beach, Fla., President-
elect John F. Kennedy got a brief-
ing on it yesterday from Vice-
President-elect Lyndon B. John-
son, who in turn had been briefed
by officials during a tour of Cape
Canaveral earlier in the day.
Gives No Details
Press Secretary Pierre Salinger

hiring a coordinator with part of
their existing appropriation, but
I doubt that both our man and
theirs are necessary."
(Pres. Victor Spatheif of Ferris
Institute, president of the council,
reported last week that the coun-
cil was "looking for the right man"
to coordinate the budget requests
of the colleges as an employee of
the schools themselves. Spathelf
described such "voluntary" coor-
dination by the colleges as "su-
perior to a . . . superstructure of
central control.")

Commenting on Gov. John B.
Swainson's bid to form a Council
on Higher Education to review
the problems of the area, Eng-
strom pointed out that "I think
Boyer's committee (the committee
on higher education chaired by
State Rep. -Charles Boyer [R-
Manistee]) has done a fine job. We
should see some recommendations
carried through, and I believe that
our committee (Rep. Engstrom is
a member) can do as good a job
as any new group appointed by
the governor. We have done a lot
of studying in the past."

Russian Reportedly Heads
Latin American Subversion


MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay ( P)-
Informed sources said yesterday
Mihail K. Samilov, a Soviet diplo-
mat ordered out of Uruguay, has
been head of a Communist net-
Stahr Givlsen
Army Pos~t
PALM BEACH, Fla. UP) - Elvis
J. Stahr, Jr., president of West
Virginia University, was named
Secretary of the Army yesterday.
The designation by President-
elect John F. Kennedy completes
the high-level organization of the
incoming administration's Defense
(Stahr will replace Wilbur M.
Brucker, who was graduated from
the University in 1916 with a LL.B.
The announcement came as
Kennedy lunched with Vice Pres-
ident-elect Lyndon B. Johnson,
who brought him'Defense Depart-
ment information on the mysteri-
ous firing of a missile or space
vehicle Friday by the Soviet Un-
Johnson came to Palm Beach
after an early morning briefing at
the satellite and missile station at
Cape Canaveral, Fla. Pierre Sal-
inger, Kennedy's press secretary,
said Johnson was brought up to
date on information available on
the still unexplained object spot-
ted by radar heading for the Pa-
cific. None of the information can
be made public, Salinger said.

work for subversion all over Latin
The first secretary of the Soviet!
embassy, he and Cuban Ambassa-
dor Mario Garcia Inchaustegui
were declared personae non grata
by Uruguay's nine-man govern-
ment council Thursday night and
given until this noon to quit the
The informed sources said Sami-
lov was believed to be an even
more important official than Ser-
gei S. Mihailov, the envoy who has
headed Soviet diplomatic opera-
tions in Montevideo for the last
five years. Mihailov has a staff of
more than 80 persons.
Samilov was described as the
main link between the Kremlin
and Latin American Communist
leaders. He isbelieved to have
been the mastermind of leftist
plots, strikes and riots lately
plaguing Argentina, Brazil and
Chile as well as Uruguay.
The Russians refused to disclose
when he is leaving. .
Garcia is getting out this morn-
ing, headed across the Rio de La
Plata for a brief stay in Buenos
Aires. The Cuban ambassador
asked permission to stay 30 days
in Argentina, but the Argentine
government granted him only
three days. It was reported that
the cultural attache, Juan David'
Posadas, will take charge of the
Cuban embassy temporarily.
The expulsion of both Garcia
and Samilov is attributed to evi-
dence that both actively fomented
street riots in the last few weeks
in support of Cuban Prime Minis-
ter Fidel Castro.

Ike Ends
WASHINGTON (P)-President
Dwight D. Eisenhower, in a new
demonstration of official concern
over the nation's gold problem,
yesterday barred Americans from
hoarding gold abroad.
United States citizens and firms
no longer will be permitted to buy
foreign gold either directly or in-
directly. Those who already own
such gold will have until June 1
to dispose of their holdings.
The surprise move was expect-
ed to help the government's ef-
fort to stem the heavy flow of
gold from the United States. How-
ever, officials declined to be spe-
cific about the, possible effect be-
cause there are no statistics on
the amount of foreign gold owned
by Americans.
Ownership Prohibited
Ever since 1933, Americans have
been prohibited from owning gold
in the United States. Until yes-
terday, they had been able to own
gold abroad so long as they didn't
bring it into the country.
Treasury officials said Eisen-
hower's move was designed to
"tidy up" the gold regulations and
block this loophole. Eisenhower
acted by signing an executive or-
Officials said the question of
gold hoarding abroad has become
significant because of the publi-
city about the gold situation and
increased promotional efforts here
by sellers of foreign gold.
Increased Speculation'
The White House announce-
mentsaid "it is not believed that
a large amount of gold is held
abroad," but Treasury officials
noted reports of increased gold
speculation by Americans in re-
cent weeks.
Most gold buying by Americans
is done in the bullion markets of
Toronto and London. Those who
have bought gold abroad generally
have been speculating on a possi-
ble devaluation of the dollar. The
dollar would be devalued if the
United States raised its official
price of gold-$35 an ounce. Gold
speculators then could cash in.
Although President Eisenhower
and President-elect John F. Ken-
nedy have promised to maintain
the $35 price, talk of possible de-
valuation has increased in the
past six months because of the
steady drop in the United States'
gold supply.





-AP Wirephoto
WARNING AGAINST RIOTS-Six University of Georgia students read a memorandum issued
yesterday threatening those who participate in riots or demonstrations against the integration of
the school with expulsion. The message also warned that fraternities and sororities participating
in such action would lose their chapter charters. The two Negro students are expected to return
Rebels Seize Laotian Army Area



tState Police


VIENTIANE, Laos (AP) - Pro-
Communist forces have captured
Ta Vieng, one of the Laotian
government's main jumping off
points for a mounting offensive
against the strategic Plaine Des
Jarres, usually reliable sources re-
ported yesterday.
Ta Vieng fell late Friday night,
according to the unconfirmed re-
ports, and its capture could sig-
nal a pro-comm'unist drive south
across the narrow waist of Loas
to Paksane, cutting this .jungle
kingdom in half.
Responsible western military ex-
perts said it is impossible to deter-
mine just now whether the attack
is the start of a major Communist
push from strategic Xieng
If paratroop Capt. Kong Le and

Last Period Flurry Gives lcers 4-2 Win

his pro-CQmmunist - Pathet Lao
allies have mounted an offensive
south, they said, it probably has
a limited aim of knocking off
balance the major attack for
which Premier Prince Boun Oum's
regime has been preparing in the
Ta Vieng-Tha Thom area north-
east of Vientiane.
At last reports the government
had from 1,000 to 1,500 troops at
Ta Vieng and an even larger
force massing at Tha Thom. Both
are north of Paksane, on a big
bend of the Mekong River.
Pro-Communist forces captured
Xeng Khouang, with its strategic
complex of airstrips on the Plaine
Des Jarres, in their yearend of-
Oppose Rebels
Far to the west, loyal columns
are striving to clear rebels from
the road between Vientiane, the
administrative capital.
The capture of Ta Vieng also
could be an attempt to knock off
balance the general offensive the
government has been slowly
mountingin the Ta Vieng-Tha
area against the central plain.
A government garrison of 1,000-
1,500 men at Ta Vieng reportedly
fell back 15 miles east to Tha
Thom, practically without putting
up any resistance.
An eyewitness, whose report
could not be confirmed, said the
pro-Communist attack mon dTa
Vieng, was led by an armored car
Con-Con Unit
Meets Here
The constitutional convention
planning committee held its se-
cond meeting in Ann Arbor yester-

and a bulldozer, followed by in-
fantry trucks and artillery.
Ban Xing Khong and Ban Dong,
two villages north of Ta Vieng,
reportedly fell to pro-Communist
forces earlier.-
Senator Sees
Kennedy Plans
On Civil Rights.
Democratic leader Mike Mansfield
said yesterday President - elect
John F. Kennedy should have
ample opportunity to act in the
civil rights field before Congress
considers new legislation.
The Montana Senator said in
an interview it is his belief that
Kennedy plans executive action
far beyond any President Dwight
D. Eisenhower has taken under
existing law.
"I anticipate on the basis of his
campaign statements that the new
President will operate that way,"
Mansfield said. "His success or
lack of success with executive
orders probably will determine
whether he makes any new
recommendations to Congress."_
The Democratic leader said he
feels his party came through a
session-opening dispute over
changing the Senate's filibuster
rule without suffering any lasting
political wounds.
Southern Democratic opponents
of civil rights legislation joined
with Westerners and some Re-
publicans in a 50-46 vote sending
proposed rules changes to the rules
committee which Mansfield heads.
So far as he knows, Mansfield
said. this left no lasting Demo-

Patrol Area
Threaten Students
New Demonstrations
Lead to Suspensions
ATHENS, Ga. () - The Uni-
versity of Georgia announced °a
get-tough policy yesterday de-
signed to prevent further disorder
when the two \egro students re-
turn to the campus for classes
Joseph A. Williams, dean ol
students, warned that "student
attending and taking part in riota
and demonstrations will be sus-
pended and expelled."'
The memorandum to all stu-
dents was issued during a lull
between a riot on the campu
Wednesday night, touched off b3
the .admittance of the Negroes,
and their expected return to-
morrow morning.
Williams also noted that cit
ordinances provide for the arresi
and prosecution of persons hold-
ing parades and mass demon-
strations without permission.
He said members of frateritle
and sororities would Jeopardize
their chapter charters by partici-
pating in demonstrations. He als
said local advisers and natona
headquarters are being asked t
work with students'to enforce lay
and order.
Other precautions, to maintain
order were in evidence in tht
'university city of about 30,000
State police cars were standini
by. Chief E. E. Hardy of the Athen
police reminded students ant
townspeople in a statement tha
obstructing traffic and failure tA
obey a police order were law viola
Warns Townspeople
Hardy urged all townspeople t
stay away from any gatherini
which might develop.
'Prosecutor Marshall Pollocl
said the Clarke County grand jur;
would begin hearings tomorro
into what he called the mob actio
of last Wednesday night.
Attorneys for the two student
said after a telephone conferenc
,with university officials that plan
had been completed for their re
admission. Details were kept con
Neither student has a class un
til 9 a.m.;tomorrow but an at
torney said they will be there bl
8 a.m., the- deadline set inF
federal court order for the uni
versity to lift their suspensions.
Classes were held yesterday, bu
the students who broke the uni
versity's 175-year-old color 'bar
were at their homes in Atlant
65 miles away. Saturday session
are scheduled three times in th
winter quarter.
Asks Removal
Of UN'Is Dayal
golese government yesterday de

Special to The Daily
MINNEAPOLIS-Michigan jammed home three third-period goals
to hand Minnesota its first Western Collegiate Hockey Association
loss, 4-2, before 8,409 rowdy fans at Williams Arena here last night.
The loss dropped the Gophers into second place in the WCHA
behind Denver. Red Berenson broke a 1-1 tie at 2:17 of the third
period to give the Wolverines a lead they never lost.
Bill Kelly made it 3-1 midway through the period setting the
stage for the wildest finish seen in Minnesota in many years.
The Gophers roared right back as Dale Rasmussen picked up
a loose puck 20 feet to the right of, Michigan goalie Dave Butts.
His sharp backhander narrowed the gap to 3-2 with 4:44 to go.
Minnesota Coach John Mariucci, going all out for a tie, pulled
his goalie with two minutes to play, but the strategy backfired
as Berenson picked up his hat trick goal two seconds before the
final buzzer sounded.
The excitement didn't end there, however, as Berenson, in
jubilation, let his stick sail over the boards. The red-head got
a 10-minute misconduct for this endeavor.
Then as the game ended. both teams erupted from their respective


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