11 r
Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom
Light northerly winds;
hot much change in temperature.
fee Page 4
Off-Campus Housing Discriminatiot
'U' Given
Congress Passes
AEC Funds Bill
The University will get $1.8
million in Atomic Energy Com-
mission funds to construct its new
medium energy cyclotron.
The appropriation was part of
the public works bill finally ap-
proved in the recent session of
Congress and signed Sept. 1 by
President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Construction has already been
started on the $1.1 million North
Campus building that will house
the new machine. The building
comes from state funds, under
the capital outlay bill approved
last spring by the Legislature.
It is lated to be finished next
summer, and the University's me-
dium energy cyclotron, presently
housed in Randall Laboratory, will
also be installed there.
Last April, representatives of
the University and Rep. George
Meader (R-Ann Arbor) approach-
ed the House Appropriations sub-
committee and requested addition
of the cyclotron allocation in the
Atomic Energy Commission bdg-
et. With the aid of subcommittee
chairman Rep. Louis C. Rabaut
(R-Mich.), the cyclotron request
> was added.
The complete public works bill,
which includes the AEC budget,
went to the Senate for endorse-
ment via the Senate Public Works
subcommittee. The Senate ap-
proved the allocation of more
money for the bill than the House
had approved. The bill was screen-
ed by a joint committee this sum-
mer, and passed by Congress.
The new cyclotron will be used
to study heavy particles accelerat-
ed to medium energies. One half
of the appropriation will be used
for instrumentation, consisting of
* a beam preparation system and a
reaction product-analysis device.
Police Trace
Stolen Bikes
Tor Local Man
The Ann Arbor police yester-
day arrested a man who is be-
lieved to have been stealing bi-
cycles for at least the past six
The police are holding four
stolen bikes which were found in
his basement-workshop. The stol-
en bikes were repaired or chang-
ed in his workshop. He then
'would buy new licenses for the
stolen bikes and sell them.
This operation was ended when
a student noticed his bicycle near
the man's residence and notified
the police.
New Policy To Deny
Listing to Offenders
Previously Banned Only Advertising,
Placed No Restriction on Landlords
The University has aimed a blow at discrimination in off-campus
It will deny use of its facilities to landlords who discriminate-
unless they rent to only one or two tenants in their own. home.
The new policy, announced early this month, would forbid use of
University bulletin boards and deny listings in published housing lasts!
in University buildings and lists used by University bureaus concerned
with housing and other units.
Previously, the University had forbidden advertisements bear-
ing discriminatory requirements for tenants, but had done nothing
^ about landlords who practiced de
facto discrimination.
Chronological History
H a l Li Here is the chronological his-
IElects Two SGC Members
Return to 1U'
On Probation
Mark Hall, '63A&D, and Stanley
Lubin, '63E, returned to the Uni-
versity this week "relieved and
pretty happy."
Hall and Lubin, alleged leaders
of last April's food riot-panty raid,
have been allowed to re-enter the
University this fall. Their suspen-
sion was lifted on June 24 in favor
or social probation for the coming
The Faculty Sub-Committee on
Discipline, which had previously
upheld a Joint Judiciary Council
decision for suspension, reversed
the decision after considering
Hall and Lubin's petitions for re-
"In view of what had been ap-
parently exemplary conduct" on
the students part since the April
demonstration, the faculty group
decided "to lift the suspension so
far as it impairs their academic
progress," Prof. John Reed, chair-
man of the group said.
Probationary Measure
The probationary measure in
this case, he said, will bar the
students from living in any type
of University - approved group
housing in the fall semester, hold-
ing office in student activities or
groups and acting in group sports
and team play.
Hall, whose suspension would
have meant a term of service in
the Navy, will retain his Naval
ROTC scholarship and is eligible
for the NROTC summer training
Protest Regulations
The "demonstration" which Hall
and Lubin allegedly led started as
a protest against dress regulations
and quad food. It moved quickly
from the East Quadrangle dining
room to the other quads and fin-
ally ended on the Hill. At Markley
representatives of the Dean of
Men's office talked to Hall and
Lubin who had allegedly intensi-
fied the "demonstration."
tory of the new regulation, as
sketched by Vice-President fort
Student Affairs James A. Lewis.
It began in December, 1959,
when Regents bylaw 2.14, the an-
ti-discrimination regulation, was
passed. The Regents said "The
University shall not discriminate
against any person because of
race, color, religion, creed, nation-
al origin or ancestry.
"Further, it shall work for theI
elimination of discrimination in I
private organizations recognized
by the University and from non-
University sources where students;
and employees of the University
are involved."
Form Committee
A Committee on Discrimination
in Off-Campus Housing was there-
fore organized, including Assistant
Dean of Women Elizabeth D. Dav-
enport, chairman, Assistant Dean
of Men William Cross, Dr. Ralph
Gibson of the Ann Arbor Human
Relations Commission, Ellen Lew-
is, '60, and James Seder, '61. Lewis
was an exofficio member without
... in the final
A committee to receive com-
plaints was organized-it will act
only on written complaints of in-
dividuals discriminated against.
Members include Assistant Dean
of Women Elizabeth A. Leslie, As-
sistant Dean of Men Mark Noff-
singer and Seder. Lewis again is
an ex officio meiber without
Competent Investigators
Complaints will be turned over
to competent investigators, in-
cluding the Ann Arbor Human
Relations Commission and other
interested local groups, who will
return reports.
The University committee will
meet with any landlord shown to
discriminate to attempt to in-
duce him to alter his policies. If
unsuccessful, the committee will
see he is deprived of access to
University facilities.
In the committee's statement of
rationale, written last May, it says
the 'lniversity both as a public
and .. educational institution,
"cannot and will not condone dis-
crimination against an individ-
ual. .
"The University selects students
on the basis of ability and achieve-
ment. Further it attempts to pro-
vide its students with broad op-
See NEW, Page 2
"M' Athletes
Tour Europe
Daily Sports Editor
Bob Webster, gold medalist in
the Olympic platform diving
event, is one of several Michigan
athletes touring Europe this fall,
following their appearance in the
17th Olympiad at Rome.
In total, 11 Michigan athletes
representing five different coun-
tries competed in the Games,
which ended earlier this week.
Webster, the lone gold medalist
from Michigan, staged a brilliant
comeback to win the 10 meter
event for the United States team.
Comeback Victory
The slender California senior1
trailed through most of the pre-
liminary and semi-final dives (he
was ninth at one time) but then
he caught fire and gained on the
field until finally, on the next to
last dive in the finals, he took over
the top position for the first time.
On his final dive, Webster came
through with a real pressure per-
formance and remained a scant .31
of a point ahead of challenging
Gary Tobian to win the gold
Tobian, who had already won
the three meter springboard event
for the U.S. team, finished with
166.25 points to Webster's winning
total of 166.56.
Bronze Medal
Winning a bronze medal for the
United States in the 200 meter
butterfly event was Wolverine
senior Dave Gillanders of Royal
Oak. Gillanders finished third be-
hind Indiana's Mike Troy, who
won the race in the world record
time of 2:12.8. Neville Hayes of
Australia finished second.
Another Michigan swinmer, Bill
Darnton, swam on the United
States 800 meter freestyle relay
team in some of the preliminary
events. However, he did not swim
See 'M', Page 9, Section 2
Employes Ask
Lower Fees
For Children
The University employe union
announced yesterday that it in-
tends to press for lower tuition or;
Student Government Council
members John Feldkamp and
Roger Seasonwein, both '61, were
named to high offices at this
summer's National Students Asso-
ciation Congress.
Meeting in Minneapolis with the
Congress, NSA's National Execu-
tive Council elected Feldkamp
chairman and Seasonwein vice-
chairman. Feldkamp is SGC pres-
The National Executive Council
acts as a board of directors for
NSA, Feldkamp says. It oversees
the organization's officers be-
tween the annual congresses and
prepares the agenda for the con-
It has the power to remove of-
ficers, and to appoint new ones,
and meets at Christmas vacation
time and before and after the na-
tional congresses.
Keep in Touch
It consists of chairmen of NSA's
21 regions and the vice-chairmen
of the 13 largest.
As chairman, Feldkamp says,
one of his jobs is to keep in touch
with NSA's permanent office in
Philadelphia and the national of-I
ficers, acting as a liaison.
As vice-chairman, Seasonwein
will chair the Congress Steering
Committee which handles details
at the Congress. He cannot suc-
ceed Feldkamp automatically,
should Feldkamp be incapacitated.
Regional Director
Seasonwein, who is chairman of
NSA's Michigan region, is also
director of an area including Penn-
sylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, In-
diana and Michigan.
The Congress also named its
national officers, headed by Pres-
ident Richard Rettig.
Rettig, a graduate student from,
the University of Washington,
succeeds Donald A. Hoffman, a
law student at the University of
James Scott, a graduate of Wil-
liams College, was elected to the
International Affairs Vice-Presi-
dency; and Timothy Jenkins, of
Howard University, was named
National Affairs Vice-President.
Don Smith, of the University of
Texas, and Dan Johnston, of West-
mar College, were elected Program
COUNCIL LEADERS-John Feldkamp (left) and Roger Season-
wein were elected chairman and vice-chairman of the National
Executive Council of the National Students Association at the
association's meeting this summer.
WSU Ends Restrictions
On Commiunist Lectures
By The Associated Press
Wayne State University has rescinded its 10-year-old ban against
permitting Communists to make speeches on the campus.
The university, a state-supported institution with about 20,000
students, threw out the ban yesterday by action of its Board of
Governors. The board acted on recommendations of faculty groups.
"We should have policies which permit us to behave as a univer-
sity should behave," said Clarence
B. Hilberry, president of the
university. He said he supported
the policy change in the interest
of academic freedom.
WSU also rejected a proposed
$28-a-year flat tuition increase.
The action had the effect also
of rejecting a proposed salary in-
crease for faculty members.
However, a new sliding fee
schedule was approved. Under this,
the average tuition goes up by
four dollars per year. This puts
WSU's average annual tuition at
$280 a year, almost identical with
tuition costs at the University and
Michigan State University, offi-
cials said.
Final Total
At 24,000
No Effect Expected
From Tuition Boost
Set Last Seiester
Uni9ersity officials predict an-
other record enrollment this year.
Registration is slightly higher
than at this time last year, Ed-
ward G. Groesbeck, director of
the office of registration and rec-
ords, said yesterday.
Groesbeck evpects a total enroll.
ment of more that 24,000, as com-
pared with last semester's enroll-
ment of 23,988.
He declined to give more de-
tailed statistics in order to avoid
general misinterpretation of in-
complete figures. Complete stta-
tistics will be compiled today,
New Enrollment
Roughly one-third of the stu-
dents enrolled will be new to the
Freshman enrollment is estimat-
ed at approximately 3,200. Trans-
fer students are expected to num-
ber approximately 4.500, one-half
of whom will enroll in the Rack-
ham graduate school.
Fee increases (to $280 for In-
state students and $750 for out-
state students) approved late last
semester are not expected to have
any significant effect on Univer-
sity enrollment.
Undergraduate enrollment has
been restricted by limited facilities
rather than by increased fees,
Groesbeck said.
Keeps Place
"Once a student is admitted to
the University, he will not give
up his place. The drawing power
of the University is so great that
fee increases do not greatly af-
fect enrollment,' he added.
The ratio of in-state to out-?
state students will remain two-t-
The 8,540 freshman applications
received last spring were an In-
crease of 25 per cent over the
previous year.
No policy has been set for seri-
ous reduction of out-state stu-
dents because of this rise, Vice-
President for Student Affairs
James A. Lewis said.
Limits Enrollment
"For twc 4 ars now the literary
college has nad to limit its en-
rollment. Each year there has been
a steady increase in the number
of highly qualified students from
Michigan high schools who have
sought admission.
"Other units of the University
are rapidly approaching the time
when pressures for admission will
create new problems which need
study and analysis."
The University has already plan-
ned to undertake a -two-year study
of the value of pre-enrollment ap-
titude and achievement examina-
tions for freshmen applicants.
Says Quality
of Freshmen
Shows Boost
More than one-fourth of all
University sophomores may not
have been admitted to the Class
of 1964on the basis of their high
school work, enrollment figures
seem to indicate.
The number of qualified appli-
cants for this year's freshman
class was 27% higher than last
year's, Prof. Robert Angell, Direc-
Max Lerner Gives Life Goals
ISallade Starts in La
Max Lerner yesterday told in-
coming freshmen "we need a
change in our life goals to reas-
sert our greatness."
Lerner is Professor of American
Civilization at Brandeis Univer-
sity and a syndicated columnist
whose stories appear in The Daily.
He suggested his own list of life
goals to replace the present Amer-,
ican goals of success, money, pow-
er, prestige, security, happiness,
and fun.
He substituted work for success.
U1 one really cares for what he is
doing, neither success nor failure
will matter-and for money, the
things it cannot buy-love and af-
Life force replaced power in hisl
new list. Life force or elan in
Lerner's definition is the one thing
that drives people forward.
Sense of Achievement
He substituted sense of achieve-
stretch their minds and find their
Important Part
These new goals, Lerner suggest-
ed, should play an important part
in the formulation of U.S. nation-
al purpose.
Victory in the struggle the U.S.
is now facing is not certain, Lern-
er said. Americans must work hard
and adjust national goals to ap-
peal to the revolutionary coun-
tries of the world.
The nation needs the direction,
which, Lerner said, is national
purpose, a three-part creation
which should include 'elan, 'elite,'
and 'ethos.'
'Elan' is what gives drive and
impetus to men. This nation,
Lerner charged, has lost this
dynamism which, in the past pro-
duced great leaders to meet great'
crises. It must recapture the ener-
gy it generated during, for in-
stance, the New Deal.
Creative Elite
Lerner's 'elite' is a creative one,
as opposed to C. Wright Mills'
power elite. The creative elite is to
work within the framework of a;
mass-educated society as a spear-:
George Wahr Sallade, Republi-
can -representative from Ann Ar-
bor, yesterday registered as a stu-
dent in the University Law School.
Sallade, who graduated from the
University in 1943 with a major
in political science, began his legal
studies in 1955, shortly after his
first election to the State legis-
lature. Since that time he has
earned 53 hours of credit.
He plans to take 10 hours this
semester, 12 in the spring, and
conclude his program and receive
his degree at the end of next
summer's session.
Took Standard Course
Sallade has followed the same
required schedule as all law stu-
dents, expects to take the Michi-
gan bar examination when his
course is completed, and may even
practice law if he is successful.
Sallade himself suggested the
possibility that he may not suc-
ceed. He pointed out that "law
school is a pretty tough outfit,"
admitted that the circulators
signed some of the petitions before
they were presented to the notary,
but added that "this is a common
practice for most candidates for
public office."
Sallade expects to run for office
again as soon as possible. He ex-
pressed a particular interest in
'U' Requires
New Cards
Some critics say large univer-
sities tend to see students only as
IBM cards-could be true.
The Office of Student Affairs
has announced that the IBM fee
receipt cards will be, for at least
this semester and next, the official
identification cards of the Uni-
w School
the constitutional convention is-
sue, which will go before the
voters on the Nov. 8 ballot in the
form of a referendum to deter-
mine whether a vote shall be
taken in April to decide if a con-
stitutional convention will take
place in the near future.
Sallade affirmed the need for
passage of the November referen-
dum, and expressed confidence
that it would pass. If it does, and
if there is a convention in June,
Sallade says he may run for the
position of delegate from the Ann
Arbor area.
Considering Candidacy
He is also seriously considering
candidacy for some office or ad-
ministrative position in the State}
election, of 1962.
"A background in law makes
one more versatile in politics,"
Sallade said, "but it is not in-
He noted that law training is
helpful in interpretion of legisla-