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January 12, 1961 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-01-12

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"U' To Offer Seminar
Power On Soviet Legal System
ne, did not set off a full-scale $500,000 grant from the PO
BI investigation, FBI chief J. University law school will offer Foundation.
dgar Hoover informed the a seminar on Soviet law for the Research Conducted
Brown and White" recently. first time next semester
In a "letter to the editor" of The seminar, which may be University law faculty have co:
e "Brown and White " Hoover expanded later into a comparative ducted research and teaching
lalmed that "the allegation that analysis of Communist legal sys-foenylanr
he FBI investigated a student tems, will be taught by Prof. Whit- foreign law,
ishing to enter advanced ROTC more Gray, of the Law School, Among the topics covered
courses and seminars are: cor
ecause of his subscription to a Prof. Gray, who spent a month parative property law, the Unit
oviet magazine is completely er- in Russia interviewing Soviet Nations and its specialized age:
)neous." judges and lawyers and visiting ces, legal problems of the Eur
The student, who had claimed law schools, will use English texts pean Economic Community, law
i the October 7 issue of the paper and publications, including a foreign trade and investment, in
iat the subscription set into m- translation and commentary on ternational criminal law, co
on a probe intb his personal life, The Soviet Civil Law Code," parative criminal procedure, ator
ow states that "he thought the originally published at the Uni- ic energy law and comparti
BI was investigating." He ad- versity in 1948. law of business associations.
iit ed he still is not sure what Soviet Seminar
ad happened to his advanced The Soviet seminar is only o e t
.OTC application, of several courses and seminars p a X D elt<
on the comparative international
law fields,o G v r n
-Troup Plans bAitn with the course will To Gve Gram
be Prof. Kazmierz Grzybowski,A,
noted author and scholar in the Alpha Xi Delta announced ye
teats uram a communist legal field, who is doing terday that it will award a gra
research under a Sunderland Fel- uate fellowship in the amount
"Purgatory," by William Butler lowship at the Law School. $1,500 for advanced study in t
eats, will be presented by the The international legal studies field of social service.
eech department at 4:10 pm program at the University has Alpha Xi Delta is a nation
day in Trueblood Aud been greatly expanded since 1954 social sorority founded at Lo
In this verse drama, Yeats ex- when the law school received a bard College 68 years ago.
resses his personal Ideas on the social service, their efforts a
ature of atonement after death. S t focused on the American Child a
o fully realize the potentialities Music School Sets methods of combating juveni
the Irish poet's masterpiece, , delinquency, by working local
e director will attempt a "true Woodwind Concert with Juvenile courts and sc]
tarriage of the arts" in this pro- agencies.
action by accomplishing a unity The music school will present Any graduate of an accredit
effect from all the contribut- a woodwind solo-ensemble recital college or university is eligible
ig elements of production, as a part of the 16th annual mid- apply for the social service fello
In the play, an old man, one western conference on school music ship.
the two living characters, ex- at 9 a.m. Laturday in the Michi- Interested persons may obta
ains that the souls of Purgatory gan Union Ballroom. Numbers by applications at this time fro
iust return to their earthly Bozza, Schumann, Rossini, von Judy Bertolin, '62Ed., at 914 H
abitations until they understand Weber, and Wagner-Shaw, will be St. The deadline for filing aj
ieir transgressions. featured on the program. plicatons is March 1.
(Continued from Page 4) BS, MS, all fields, for jobs in Produc- New Baltimore (Anchor Bay S
tion, Power, Sales, Technology, Various Mich.-Elem.
locations throughout U.S. San Diego, Calif.-All Fields.
ester. Dean Allan F. Smith wll Speak Please contact Bure uof Appts., 4021 TUESDAY, JANUARY 17
r "Random Thoughts on the Rule of Admin., Ext. 3371 for further informs- Battle Creek, Mch.-Eng., Math, S
,w." Informal reception. tion. (nat. & phys), Eng/Soc. Stud.; Sl
Learners, Sp, Corr,; Elementary.
B! 3M. Analysis Seminar: Topic: "The Beginning Mon., Jan. 16, the follow- San Diego, Calif. - Same as above
:hebycheff Problem in Approximate Ing schools will have representatives at THURSDAY, JANUARY 19
tegration" in 246 west Engineering, the Bureau to interview for February Northridge, Calif. (San Fernando Sta
iurs., Jan. 12 at 2:00 p.m. and September 1961. College) - Phys. Educ. Health & Saf
MONDAY, JANUARY 1 ty, Men's PE, Men's PE/Rec., Heal
Madison Heights (Lamphere Schools), & Safety, women's PE, and others.
Mich. - Elem.; Math/SC., Eng/Soc For further information and appoin
Aeronautical and Astronautical Eng- Stud., Girls FE, Art, Ind, Arts, Home mrents contact the Bureau of Appoin
ering Lecture: Dr. John Lumley of Ec. mets483528,Admin. Bldg, NO 3-15:
ae Pennsylvania State University will Et. 489.
eak on "Turbulent Diffusion," Friday,
nuary 13, 4:00 p.m., Room 1504 East.II
ngineering Bldg. orgamzationS m
Doctoral Examination for Herbert - tCi lcemett
sehler, Geology; thesis: "The Penn- Notices
Ivanian and Permian Stratigraphy of Detroit Area Boy Scouts-fred Lei
t Hurfano Park Area, Colorado," Fri- Interviewing TODAY for Men Couns
ey, January 13, 4065 Natural Science or-all types-from 1:30 to 4:55 p.m.
d, at 3:00 p.m. Charman,L .C.e BahA Stud. Group, Meeting, Jan. 12, American Students Information Ser
d :0 mCia .8 p.m., League. ice--Paul F. Kr nicki will talk to I
s*r*-. terested students FRIDAY, JAN.
Christian science Org., Testimony concerning summer work in Europe.
lacement Notices Meeting, Jan.12, 7:30 p.m., Lane Hall, Lake Shore Country Club, Glenc
Fireside Rm. Ill.--Summer openings as Asst. Mg
RSONNEL REQUESTS: a" * Bell Captain, Bell Hop (2), Bus Boy (:
J. L. Hudson Co., Detroit-Grad. Foresters' Club, Meeting, Slide Talk waitress (4), Parlor Mad, Bartendi
gnr. for Delivery & Warehousing Op- by Richard Fowler on his 2 yrs. in Li- PBX Operator, Locker Room Maid.
ation. BS in ME or IE. No exper. req. beria, Jan. 12, 7:30 p.m., 2054 NS. Cof- Summer Placement Service op
it preferred, fee and donuts, Mon. through Thurs. from 1:30 to 4
Mich. Scientific Co., Ann Arbor - *a* - P.M. and Fri. all day, Room D528 SA
veral Lab Technicians for work on La Sociedad Hispanic, Reunion, Pro-
croscope Slides. BS in a Bol. Set. gram: Student Impressions in Mexico
gree not req. with knowledge of ml- with colored slides, Jan. 12, 8 p.m., ,lacement ,
oscope slide making or will consider 3050 PB. Refrescos y baile-vengan to-
rson eager to learn techniques. dos!
Ann Arbor Shop-woman Bookkeep- a * .
to be only girl in office. No acctg. Riding Club, Drill Team Meets, Jan. Seniors and grad. students, plea
>rk. Degree not req. Some exper. pre- 12, 6:50 p.m., WAB. call Bureau of Appointments, Ext. 33
rred. 10 rntervew appts. with the folowna
Argonne Natl. Lab, Argonne Ill. - Sailing Club, work on Boats - Ice- JAN 12, 13-
stdoctoral research appts in engrg., boating, Jan. 12 at 7:45 p.m. & Jan. 14 U.S. Marine Corps-Capt. R. G. Sat
ysical and life sciences for men and at 10 a.m., 537 SAB' will interview all interested male st
OMEN. Applications should be filed * * * dents TODAY and FRIDAY at t:
Feb. 15, Wesley Fdn., Grad. Stud. Fellowship MICH. UNION LOWER LOBBY. Cu
Swift &Co., Chicago - Grad engi- Dinner, followed by ice-skating, Jan. rent vacancies In both ground & avi
ers, ChE, ME, CE, EE, for positions 13, 5:30 p.m., 1st Meth. Church, Pine tion training programs.' Officer Can
res. & dev., processing, construction, Rm. Phone reservations by Thurs date Courses open to seniors; oth
. Also, BS, MS Math, Bus. Adm., noon, programs available for underclassme
atistics for data processing methods, * * * JAN. 17, 18, 19-
d chemists, all degrees, for applied, Young Republican Club, Open Meet- Navy Officer Programs-Men & Wol
sic research. Ing, Jan. 12, 7:30 p.m., Union, Rm. 38 EN: Cdr. Chet Poole & officers of Na
Union Carbide Metals Co., Div. of Speaker: Representative G. E. Bursley, lator Information Team, NAS, Gros
nion Carbide Corp. - Grad, engineers, "The Congo Crisis." ,. lie, Mich., wil be at the MICH. UNIC





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