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January 10, 1961 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-01-10

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Pl Algeria

Rebels Near Laotian Capital
NGa PRABANG, Laos (A) -
immunist rebel forces seem
closing in toward this royal
n capital from the north
governmenthforces maneu- ->
ra drive that officers say
e aimed at the adjacent
s des Jarres from the south.'
ajor attack by one or the
appears perhaps a week

(A dispatch from Vientiane said
an army patrol was reported am-
bushed by rebels on a road to
Luang Prabang. Radio Peiping
broadcast a report that pro-Com-
munist forces are "tightening their
encirclement of Luang Prabang"
and have won control of vast
areas of the province of the same
Evidence Ample
There is ample evidence at
Paksane and at Tha Thom that
Premier Prince Boun Oum's pro-
Western regime is finally gather-
ing its forces for the offensive it
has promised against pro-Com-
munist paratroop Capt. Kong Le
and his Pathet Lao guerrilla al-
Paksane is on the Mekong Riv-
er 70 miles northeast of Vien-
tiane, the administrative capital
from which Kong Le was driven
in mid-December. Tha Thom is
40 miles north of Paksane and a
like distance southeast of the reb-
ed-held Plaine des Jarres, a stra-
tegic central plateau.
Battalions Ready
Tho Thom apparently will be
one of the government's main
jumping off points. Two battalions
are already there and a third is
expected soon. Government para-
troops are converging from Pak-
sane, Vientiane and the surround-
ing countryside.

-Ar wirepnoto
Oum of Laos views the Russian-made artillery shell, said to have
been taken from Communist rebel forces. The shell is a part of a
display of captured arms in the capital at Vientiane.
,U.S. Crrie'r E ntrBa
At Naval Base in Cuba
HAVANA M--The United States aircraft carrier Franklin D.
Roosevelt sailed into Guantanamo Bay yesterday setting off new
Cuban charges of imminent invasion from the north.
A high official said all Cuba is under the equivalent of martial
The semiofficial newspaper Revolucion accused the United States

Cut Margin
Of Approva
Vote of Confidence
Surpasses Prediction
ALGIERS ( -- President
Charles de Gaulle's policy of self-
determination for Algeria rode to
victory on a wave of fear, hope
and despairs
A 75.25 per cent "yes" ballot
among those voting in France and
a surprising 65.4 per cent among
those voting in Algeria assured
him sufficient backing to press
ahead with his program.
Massive abstentions cut the
over-all approval ratio to 54 per
cent of the eligible voters in
France and Algeria. De Gaulle
had said abstentions would be
considered no votes, but Elysee
Palace sources in Paris called the
results from Sunday's referendum
Asked Approval
The referendum simply asked
for approval or rejection of de
Gaulle's Algerian policy. But now
de Gaulle is free to go ahead with
his plan to let Algerians govern
themselves in local affairs through
a new executive and parliamen-
tary assemblies.
Only when the six-year-old Al-
gerian nationalist rebellion against
French rule ends will Algerians
vote again to decide their own
future-independence either in-
side or outside the French com-
The 65.4 per cent "yes" vote in
Algeria surpassed the most opti-
mistic official expectations for the'
territory, even though 1.75 million
of nearly 45 million registered
voters failed to cast ballots.
Follow Directions
Most Moslems who voted yes
followed the directions of the
French Army, which once again
proved it effectively controls vast
portions of the Algerian interior.
Some Moslems, however, voted yes
in the hope that this time de
Gaulle, armed with the country's
approval, will end the bloody re-
bellion by negotiating with the
rebel leadership.
Expect Negotiations
The eyes of Algeria now turn to
Paris and Tunis, expecting some
contact between the French and
rebel leadership. It appears at the
moment that only negotiations can
bring an end to hostilities which
over the past six years have
claimed nearly 200,000 lives. To
most Europeans and army offi-
cers, negotiation would mean a
victory for the rebellion.
The Europeans have abandoned
hope that the army will help them
maintain a French Algeria. The
referendum demonstrated the ar-
my's loyalty to the government,
regardless of the feelings of a
number of officers.

gout Group
Of Strikers
In Belgium
BRUSSELS () - About 25,000
demonstrators were routed by po-
lice tear gas in Charleroi yester-
day after stoning a jail and a
Catholic newspaper office.
Another 200 workers fought po-
lice in Mons.'
The government ordered 2,000
more troops from its 40,000-man
force in West Germany as the So-
cialist-led strike against Premier
Gaston Eyskens' austerity pro-
gram entered its 21st day. This
swelled tO 5,900 the number re-
called from NATO duty in the
A no-surrender call came from
Andre Renard, 'one of the strike
leaders, at a rally of 20,000 work-
ers in the industrial and coal mine
center of La Louviere. ,
No Compromise
"We will accept no compromise
until the austerity bill is with-
drawn, he declared.
Eyskens has said his program
of higher taxes and curtailed so-
cial ' services must be carried
through to offset revenues lost
when the Congo became inde-
Apparently calling for some sort
of a political settlement, Renard
told the rally: "We are asking
the Socialist (party) leadership to
open the fight's second front. It
is up to the leadership to deter-
mine the means of doing so."
The government, determined to
crack down on violence, studied
reports that sabotage is increas-
Pleads for Discipline.
The violence in Charleroi,
where support for the strike is
strong, came after Socialist Un-
ion leader Arthur Gailly pleaded
for discipline. He was booed and
the crowd ran to the jail and
smashed its windows.
The strike movement was still
going strong in the south and east
where the Socialists are powerful.
In private industry there was little
striking in the northern and west-
ern -parts of Belgium.
Kennedy Plans,
New Meeting
With President
By The Associated Press
CAMBRIDGE--Pres zent - elect
John F. Kennedy will confer
again with President Dwight D.
Eisenhower at the White House,
Jan. 19, the day before the Ken-
nedy inauguration.
Kennedy's press secretary Pierre
Salinger said yesterday the gen-
eral purpose of the meeting is
the "furtherance of the transi-
,Arrangements for the new meet-
ing were initiated by Kennedy
through Clark Clifford, his lai-
son representative with the ad-
Speaking to the Massachusetts
Legislature last night Kennedy
promised his administration will
be mortgaged to no group-eco-
nomic, racial or political.
In his first formal speech as
president-elect, Kennedy return-
ed repeatedly to the themes of
independence and integrity, of
"honor mortgaged to no single in-
dividual or group."

CAMBRIDGE (M)-A sweeping
shakeup of the federal tax: struc-
ture was recommended yesterday,
to the incoming national admin-
President-elect John F. Kenne-
dy received a secret report from a
task force on taxation headed by

Seek To Oust Two Delegates
In Puerto Rico Legislature
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (a)-The Puerto Rican Legislature opened
last night with a move in both houses by the majority and minority
parties to unseat Christian Action Party delegates, who are backed by
the Roman Catholic Church.
Observers feel the move by majority Popular Democrats and
minority Island Republicans may renew the bitter church-state con-

flict that exploded before last No-
vember's elections.
The maneuvering almost over-
shadowed another motion, intro-
duced by Republicans in both
House and Senate, to strongly con-
deznn the Cuban regime of Pre-
mier Fidel Castro as a means of
Communist penetration in the
Western Hemisphere.
Express Regret
The condemnation also express-
ed regret -over Castro's attitude
toward the United States, with
which Puerto Rico is associated
as an island commonwealth.
In an effort to oust Christian
Action Sen. Mario Davila and
Rep. Jose Feliu Pesquera, the two
big parties claimed fraud at the
polls got them into office.,
The Christian Action Party won
only 51,000 votes in the election
and thus failed to qualify as a
full-fledged political party. Da-
vila and Feliu were declared elect-
ed, however, by direct vote.
' . Declared Fraud
The unseating motion came
after Chief Justice Luis Negron.
Fernandez of the Puerto Rican
Supreme Court declared there
may be cause for 'further inves-
tigation into fraudulent voting
charges. He made his decision ear-
lier in the day after studying
complaints for weeks.
Wiley Asks Power
To Stop Passports
Alexander J. Wiley (R-Wis), yes-
terday introduced a bill to author-
ize the Secretary of State to deny
a passport to anyone who know-
ingly advances ahe Communist
The measure is a new effort to
restore to the secretary of state
authority to deny passports to
persons considered to be subver-

World News,
By The Associated Press
LONDON-Prime Minister Hay-
alto Ikeda of Japan has initiated
informal exchanges with Prime
Minister Harold Macmillan in the
hope of arranging an early visit
by the British leader to Japan.
Government informants report-
ed yesterday Macmillan has signi-
fied his desire and intention to
undertake the journey to Tokyo
and other Asian capitals but that
the uncertain International' out-
look has made it impossible to
enter any firm arrangements on
a date for the visit.
* *'*
MOSCOW-Britain and the So-
viet Union signed an agreement
today to increase cultural, scien-
tific and tourist exchanges in 1961
but made no progress on ending
the jamming of British broad-
Georgi A. Zhukov, chairman of
the Soviet committee forcultural
relations with foreign countries,
said Soviet jamming would cease
if the BBC stops "anti-Soviet

Harvard law Professor Stanley S.
Just enough of the scope of
the report was disclosed to hint'
strongly that it recommends se-'
lective cuts in both corporate and
individual income taxes, but corn-

pensating tightening up in
areas which now get
Basic Tax Reform
One entire section of tl
port, press secretary Pierr
inger said, "relates to a pi
of basic tax reform with r
to income, estate and giftt
.The brief sunmmaryS
gave reporters gathered nee
Harvard yard also spoke of
measures designed to pr
economic growth" by encou
private capital.
This sounded like a n
mendation for changes it
whi'ch, some businessmen
plani, now discourage the
ment of busi~ness profits Ir
plant equipment. The handl
reserves and depreciation
be involved.
Crackdowns Asked
But recommendations for
downs were suggested by &
headings in the summpary
spoke of dealing with
abuses and inequities existi
der the income tax," anot:
strengthened enforcement a
c'easing the effectiveness
come tax laws.
Another said the suggeste
sic reforms would be aimed
"elimination of lessening of
ing - tax preferences cor
with .appropriate reductio
tax rates.
The task force also appa
prepared material to help th
administration decide ,wh
position should be on tax
ures originating in Congress
Hagerty Accept
Executive Posit
NEW YORK (P)-White
Press Secretary James C. H
ty yesterday said he had ac
the post of vice-presider
charge of news, special even
.public affairs for the Am
Broadcasting Co.
Hagerty's announcement
shortly after the White
said President Dwight D.
hower had accepted Ha
resignation, efective Jan. 20
the President leaves office.

Tax ExpertsAdvise Reforn

of mining Guantanamo Bay, site o
_ 71

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" Contact lens fluid sold
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of the United States naval base in
eastern Cuba. It said also that
large quantities of medicine were
being unloaded at the base.
Despite denials from United
States officials at Guantanamo,
--last United States foothold in
Cuba-of any aggressive intent,
Prime Minister Fidel Castro's ra-
dios and newspapers kept up the
invasion warnings of the past 10,
Revolucion said the carrier
Roosevelt would be incorporated
with various destroyers into a
combat unit to be stationed in the
area. The United States Navy said
the carrier was just there on a
refresher training mission long
Maj. Raul Castro, defense min-
Ister and younger brother of the
prime minister, is believed to be
in personal command of Cuban
forces in Oriente province, where
Guantanamo is located,
United States spokesmen in
Guantanamo said current sea ma-
neuvers and visits of fleet units to
Guantanama were planned months
ago and merely coincided with
Castro's nationwide anti-invasion

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