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January 04, 1961 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-01-04

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Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom

:43 IMF

A few snow flurries;
warmer on Thursday

See page 4


:I, No. 74










senate Debates
ilibuster Ruling
Majority May Decide New Rules
To Control Speeches, Nixon Says
WASHINGTON () -- The Democratic-controlled 87th Congress
ivened yesterday and immediately fell into a row over the Senate's
ti-filibuster rule.
Barely had the preliminaries been disposed of for a session that
.st grapple with a wide range of domestic and cold war problems
en dual moves were launched to cut down the vote margin needed
control marathon speechmaking.
The filibuster weapon has been used most frequently by Southern-
against civil rights legislation, although it has also been employed
senators from other areas in a variety of situations.
Democrats Battle
House Democrats squared off for a battle of their own. Led by

Swainson Sees Fiscal, Social Reform

aker Sam Rayburn of Texas, t]
r +.S1er
o Conidcer

,hey are out to break up a conserva-
tive coalition in the rules commit-
tee, which directs the flow of
legislation to the floor.
The opening round in the Sen-
ate filibuster row ended with Vice
President Richard M. Nixon hold-
ing that the members have a right
to adopt new rules tomorrow by
a majority vote. That opinion is
subject to an appeal to the full
The first move in a fight that
may occupy the Senate for several
days at least was made by Sen.
Clinton P. Anderson, (D-N.M.),
who proposed that the votes of
three-fifths or 60 of the Senate's
100 members be sufficient to clamp
a time limit on debate

Gov. John B. Swainson told his
Lansing inauguration day audi-
ence that his administration will
be dedicated to new fiscal and
social reforms in the interests of
a "greater Michigan."
"Michigan needs tax revision
. . . revision that is fair, equitable
and adequate," Swainson assert-
ed in taking the gubernatorial
oath Sunday.
"We must modify our interre-
lated state and local tax struc-
tures, basing such modification on
business and individual abilities to
Swainson emphasized the need
for constant improvement of the'
state's educational facilities and l
the need of securing "the right of
equality of opportunity to all
The 35 year-old governor com-
mitted himself to vigorous action
to "build on the basic economic
vitality of Michigan."
He pledged "a program to pro-
vide more jobs by attracting new
industries--by diversifying our in-
dustrial base-and by strengthen-
ing existing business and indus-
The administration will seek
"new concepts and approaches in
the very important field of the
aging," and elimination of dis-
crimination as is demanded by
both "moral well-being and eco-
nomic necessity."
Ex-Gov. G. Mennen Williams
heard the accomplishments of his
six-term reign praised by outgo-
ing Democratic state chairman
Neil Staebler as significant for
advancement of the "spiritual" as
well as the material.
Staebler said Swainson has
"the same opportunity for great-
ness" and predicted that he willj
achieve it.,
IST Director


Demands Exceed
t. .
Tolerable Limits
-Castro Claims Embassy Harbors
Spies; Orders Staff Reduced To 11
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-The United States last night broke off
diplomatic relations with the Cuban government of Fidel
Castro's reaction to the break was: "Cuba is alert."
President Dwight D. Eisenhower gave as the reason for
the break an ultimatum de Ivered by Cuba yesterday morn-
ing. Cuba ordered the United States Embassy staff cut to, 11,
declaring that the embassy harbored spies directing counter-
revolutionary activities. The staff has recently numbered 87,
having been cut in the past six months from about 120.
Kennedy Informed
President-elect John F. Kennedy was informed of the de-
cision to break relations with Cuba before it was announced.
His press secretary, Pierret

Student Government Council will
consider the operating procedures
of the committee on membership
in student organizations tonight.
The proposed procedures specify
that any individual, or the com-
mittee itself, may make com-
plaints. Also, no member would be
permitted to vote on a question
in which he has "a direct interest
other than the general public in-
terest, or any question involving
his own conduct."
Except in such conflict of in-
terest situations, all members
would be required to vote yes or
nio on all questions.p
Resolution Proposed
A proposed resolution concern-
ing condemnation of the House
Un-American Activities Committee
movie, "Operation Abolition," will
also come before the Council. The
movie, which was shown at a re-
cent meeting of the Political Is-
sues Club, concerns the student
demonstrations in San Francisco
last May.
According to the resolution, the
film incorrectly indicates that the
participating students became vio-
lent, and that the demonstrations
were Communist-led. It is sub-
stantially the same as a resolu-
tion passed by the National Ex-'
ecutive Committee of the United
States National Student Associa-
tion last Friday in Ann Arbor.
The film was made by the House
Committee from newsreel films'
owned by television stations in the
San Francisco area. HUAC sub-
poenaed all of the newsreels and
is evidently still in possession of
Asks Film Release
The proposed SGC resolution,
like the NSA one, requests that
the television stations make avail-
able their complete films of the
demonstrations to show the al-
leged misrepresentations of "Op-
eration Abolition."
The education and student wel-
fare committee of SGC will offer
a letter representing the Council's
opinion on comprehensives in the
literary college for approval, and a
revised motion to establish a stu-
dent rights committee will be in-
One revision in the student
rights committee motion changes
it from a "board of grievance" to
a "hearing board." The proposed
committee's obligation to publish
a booklet about student rights and
responsibilities next fall- has also
been eliminated.
Steel Industry
'To old Talks
sentative of the steel industry and
the head of the steelworkers un
ion will meet in Washington to-
mnrnw to see what can he done

'. '-Daily-David Giltrow
INAUGURATION-Governor John B. Swainson gave his inaugural address Sunday. In it the new
governor pledged that his administration will pursue the goals of education of the state's youth,
aid to the aged, strengthening of Michigan's economy and fiscal reform. He also praised the 12
year administration of former Governor G. Mennen Williams.
NSA Acts on Cuban, Sit-In Motions

Rule Criticized
The present rule requires a two-
thirds majority of all senators
present and voting. Critics have
contended this is virtually impos-
sible to muster.
Anderson's move was followed
quickly by a substitute proposal
that a simple majority vote of 51
be enough to invoke a time limit.
This came with the bipartisan,
sponsorship of Sens. Hubert H.'
Humphery, (D-Minn), and Thom-
as H. Kuchel, (D-Calif).
Humphrey is the new assistant
majority leader, succeeding Sen.
Mike Mansfield, (D-Mont), who
moved up to Democratic floor
leader. Kuchel was reinstalled as
assistant minority leader.
Need Unanimity
Both proposals needed unani-
imous consent to be considered at
yesterday's session, and an ob-
jection blocking this came from
Sen. Richard B. Russell, (D-Ga).
Russell thus resumed his role of
quarterback for southern senators
who oppose any change in the de-
bate limit rule.
This set off a series of parlia-
mentary maneuvers during which
Nixon held informally that the
Senate may adopt a new anti-
filibuster rule by majority vote
on the first legislative day of the
new session.
Russell argued that a two-thirds
vote would be required to change
the rules.
The Georgia senator obtained a.
ruling from Nixon that amend-
ments could be offered to pro-
posed rule changes. Nixon said,
however, that unrelated amend-
ments would require advance no-
tice in writing.
In a 21-hour opening day ses-
sion, the House went on to adopt
the same rules it has followed in
the past. This meant the Demo-
cratic leadership has given up,
for the time being at least, any
idea of adding more liberals to
the rules committee by enlarging
its membership.
Pealy To Run'
Against Creal

r. onr iiu11uiig
Plans for a new $3.2 million
building to house the headquarters
of the University's Institute of
Science and Technology will be
ready in February and the con-
tracts will be let this summer,
Prof. Joseph Boyd, Institute di-
rector, told the December Regent's
meeting in a progress report.
The report, which was prepared
for then-Gov. G. Mennen Williams
earlier last year, covered the broad
programs and plans of the IST,
and their diversity came in for
criticism from Regent Frederick
Matthaei of Ann Arbor.
Matthaei questioned the wisdom
of attempting to embark upon the
manifold areas of experimentation
outlined in the report. He said it
was impossible to accomplish all
that had been presented to the
Regents in terms of both person-
nel and finances.
"Is it not possible that we nar-
row the objectives and have some
competent group such as this (the
Regents) to whom the Institute
will be accountable?" he queried.
By more selectivity, the IST
could "evade disappointment in
the long-run," save funds and ac-
complish satisfactory results in the
selected programs.
Regent Donald Thurber of De-
troit asked if Matthaei thought
Michigan industries were dissatis-
fied with the University's research
programs, to which Matthaei re-
plied in the negative.
"All I'm saying is that we have
a better chance of going further
if we concentrate on specific re-
search instead of covering the
waterfront," he explained.
Ralph Sawyer, vice - president
for research, said proposed pro-
jects were carefully considered by
IST officials before being ap-
Prof. Boyd defended the broad
realm of research and said that
a negative answer in a research

The National Executive Com-
mittee of the National Student As-
sociation. meeting in the Michigan
Union during Christmas vacation,
passed resolutions on Cuba, the
Atlanta Southern Non-Violent Co-
ordinating Committee, and a film
dealing with the May, 1960 student
demonstrations against the House
Un-American Activities Committee
in San Francisco.
The film, "Operation Abolition,"
was prepared with the cooperation
of the House Committee from
newsreels and is being distributed
throughout the nation.
In its resolution regarding the
film, the NEC, composed of the
national officers and regional
chairmen and vice-chairmen of
the Association, declares it to be
"an effort to falsely accuse mem-
bers of the academic community
of subversive activity and to deny
students the freedom of political
activity," and "requests the tele-
vision stations from whom the
films were taken to make avail-
able their complete films of the
MSU Planning
Medical School
The MSU Board of Trustees last
month approved a plan to pro-
ceed with a study that will lead
to establishment of an Institute
of Biology and Medicine, in ef-
fect a two-year non-clinical med-I
ical school.
Graduates of the prospective
institute could enter regular four-
year medical schools as juniors.

The NEC also asks distribution
of the resolution and "mandates
the officers to conduct an extensive
campaign to refute the false im-
pression of this film and to negate
the dangerous myths it creates
and perpetuates."
The resolution also states that
student participants, magazine ar-
ticles and a member of the HUAC's
investigation staff have said that
the film contains distortions,
"The intent of the film is to
leave the definite impression that:
acts of violence were perpetuated
by the students; the students were
used as tools by Communist party
4U' To Build
Ne Garage
Construction of a new $900,000
parking structure on Thompson
Street at Jefferson Avenue will
begin in late summer or early fall,
Wilbur Pierpont, vice-president for
finance and construction told the
Regents at their December meet-
ing. .
The structure will hold 600 cars,
at a cost of approximately $1,500
to $1,600 per car, and will have
outlets on Thompson and Division
The purpose of the structure
will be to relieve the parking prob-
members of conferencesheld at
the Michigan Union.
He also announced that another
University parking structure on
South Thayer Street will be
started in the spring.

members to subvert the United
States government; and student
demonstrations in general are sus-
pect regardless of their origin and
the principle to which they are di-
rected," the resolution says.
Terminates Membership
The NEC also voted to terminate
its membership In the Southern
Non - Violent Coordinating Com-
mittee, a group formed to coordi-
nate protests against forms of ra-
cial discrimination, because "the
process followed in the establish-
ment of this relationship" was
thought to be in violation of the
Association's constitution, which
stipulates that membership affilia-
tion must be approved by the Con-
The resolution urges, however,
"that the National Office cooper-
ate in every way possible (short of
membership) with the SNCC," and
that affiliation be established by
the 14th Congress of the USNSA
as speedily as constitutional pro-
cedures allow. 4
A substitute motion, mandating
the national officers to retain their
membership position but restrain
from the voting process, was de-
Affirms Endorsement
The NEC reiterated its endorse-
ment of "Latin American students'
struggle for democratic universi ty
reform," but said USNSA "regards
with deep regret the recent limita-
tions upon academic freedom."
"Recently, the tradition of strict
university autonomy has been 'vio-
lated and a new tradition set up
by which academic freedom is re-
stricted by the requisite that the
political beliefs of the faculty
agree with those of the existing
regime," the resolution says.

Salinger, said in Palm Beach,
Fla., that Kennedy would
have no comment.
Americans Protected
Acting Cuban Foreign Minister
Carlos Olivares said in a state-
ment to the press that "every kind
of facility" will be offered Ameri-
cans in accordance with what he
called Cuba's policy of respect for
human rights and adhesion to in-
ternational customs.
The United States Embassy,
however, urged all Americans to
leave Cuba immediately.
The President's statement, is-
sued at 8:30 pm. yesterday, said
in part:
"Our friendship to the Cuban
people is not affected. It is my
hope and my coviction that in
the not too distant future it will
be possible for the historic friend-
ship between us once again to find
its reflection in normal relations.
Six Latin American govern-
ments have broken off relations
See earlier story, page 3.
with the Castro regime. They are
the Dominican Republic, Para-
guay, Nicaragua, Haiti, Guate-
male and Peru,
Second U.S. Break
The United States broke off re-
lations with the Dominican Re-
public last August after the for-
eign ministers of the Organiza-
tion of American States voted to
do so.
There has been talk that the
hemisphere might join in a di-
lomatic quarantine of the Castro
Report Asks
Area Action
"The bill is already drafted that
President-elect John F. Kennedy
will introduce to Congress to im-
plement many of the recommenda-
tions of the Depressed Area Study
Committee," Prof. William Haber
of the economics department and a
member of the committee said
The committee recommended
action on the relief of personal
hardship in the areas of food, 'un-
employment compensation, general
assistance and emergency public
works programs. In addition they
recommended development of long
term opportunities through area
development legislation, federal
procurement, the development of
human resources, physical re-.
sources and other special induce-
ments, a study of special regional
development problems and a study
for the prevention of distressed
Senator Paul H. Douglas (D-Ill)
chairman of the Study Committee,
noted the most important areas
for action at a joint press con-
ference with Kennedy Monday. He
called first for immediate action
by the executive branch to double
the surplus foods distributed to
depressed areas.
He mentioned second the need
for passage by Congress of an area
redevelopment bill, twice vetoed
by President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower. This bill would provide
$369 million, $300 million of which

Dilom atic,
Break Causes.
White ,House decision breaking
diplomatic relations with Cuba
came as an abrupt surprise at the
UN last night on the eve of a Se-
curity Council hearing on the
Castro contention that a United
States attack is imminent.
:Before the announcement of the
Eisenhower decision to break with
Castro the United States delega-
tions here had been reported
drafting a tough speech replying
to the Cuban charges.
An American spokesman ca
the Cuban charges ae la test in
a series of lies."
United States Ambassador
James J. Wadsworth is expected
to take this line before the Coun-
Cuban Ambassador Raul Roar
was in New York to present the
Cuban case to the 11-nation
Council. Similar Cuban charges
were' considered by the Council
last summer and are pending in
the recessed General Assembl
which reconvenes March 7.
There was no word whether any
member of the Council would sub-
mit a resolution on the Cuban
complaint. Cuba is not a member
of the Council and, therefore,
cannot submit its own resolution.
The Soviet Union is' the only
member expected to give full sup-
port to the Cuban charges.
Roa submitted his complaint in
a letter to the Council president
Saturday. It said the United
States "is aout to perpetrate,
within a few hours, direct mill-
tary aggression against the gov-
ernment and peopleof Cuba."
Diplomatic Tie
To Continue
OTTAWA (P) - Canada's rela-
tions with Cuba wil contine un-
interrupted, despite the United
States decision to break diplo-
matic contact, government sources
said last night.
No formal statement was ex-
pected from the Canadian gov-
A foreign office source said
Canada has had little diplomatic
business to transact in the past
with Cuba, and no diplomatic dif-
ficulties with the government of
Fidel Castro.
Canada's chief business with
Cuba in recent weeks has been
in connection with trade, but gov-
ernment officials'imphasized that
commercial business between the
two countries is private trade with
Canadian manufacturers and sup-
The foreign office source also
noted that Cuba's relations have
been generally good with Britain
and'France, and other countries.
Three Americans.

Resolution Hits Daily Cal Action

Mrs. Dorothee Strauss Pealy, the
first woman to run for mayor in
Ann Arbor, announced her can-
didacy on the Democratic ticket'
Monday, the last day for taking
out petitions.
Her opponent is the incumbant"
Republican mayor Cecil 0. Creal.
Mrs. Pealy, whose husband is
Prof. Robert H. Pealy of the politi-
cal science department and assis-
tant director of the Institute for

The assertion of student govern-
ment control over the Daily Cali-
forian, student newspaper at Uni-
versity of California-Berkeley, was
the subject of a resolution passed
by the December National Execu-
tive Committee session of the
United States National Student
Association in Ann Arbor last
This body declared that USNSA
regards the action of the Execu-
tive Committee of the Associated
Students of the University of Cali-
fornia in changing the nature of
its control of the paper from de

In a special resolution, the NEC
reaffirmed its stand in favor of
desegregation and the student sit-
in movement in the South. The
National Affairs Vice-President
was mandated to support the
broadening of the movement into
the area of theatre discrimination
by the circulation of background
material and encouragement of
participation by member schools
and by other activities.
Further, the NEC took action on
a series of regulations issued by
the Regents of the University of
California specifying in part that
"no literature may be distributed
free o nld in nnnection with

in literature free or sold in con-
nection with meetings or events
on campus. These views will be
communicated to the regents.
The NEC reaffirmed support
of the Point IV Youth Corps and
noted progress of study mandated
by Congress and student en-
thusiasm. Further, the NEC asked
the International Affairs Vice-
President to explore the possibility
of organizing a National Student
Conference on Youth Service pro-
grams abroad and securing funds
for its implementation..
Japan Motion
The NEC passed a resolution
with regard to the demonstrations

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