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December 14, 1960 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-12-14

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Sir I!a11


Warmer with possible light
rain or snow tomorrow,

Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom


Couneil To Consider
Constitutions Motion
Seasonwein, Trost To Move SGC
Pass Procedures for Documents
Student Government Council will debate tonight on a motion
establishing procedures for the newly-required membership prac-
tices statements from fraternities and sororities.
Interfraternity Council President Jon Trost, '61, and Roger
Seasonwein, '61, will introduce the motion, which outlines under
what conditions SGC, committee on membership or other official
organs of the University may use the information.
Opposing Trost and Seasonwein, Council President John Feld-
kamp, '61, contends that a written letter from the Council revealing

For Paper
At its meeting last night, the
Ann Arbor Human Relations Com-
mission received a statement from
officials of the Ann Arbor News
saying that they "are looking for-
ward to complete elimination of
the use of any qualifying or re-
strictive language in the adver-
tising columns of the News."
These officials, Arthur Gallagher1
and George McCallum, editor-in-M
chief and advertising manager of'
the News respectively, further as-!
sured the Commission that they
are planning to start at once in
educating the users of their ad-
vertising columns "to the end of
eliminating suchadvertising."
The Commission gave its thanks
to the Ann Arbor Direct Action-
Comittee and the local NAACP for{
the parts they played in the effort
to have the News adopt a policy
of prohibiting restrictive language
in its advertising columns.
It also passed unanimously a,
recommendation "that the Ann
Arbor News be commended by the
Commission and informed that the
Commission will watch with in-
terest the progress being made in,
the days ahead."
A further result of last night's
meeting was the acceptance of a
draft of a letter to be sent to the1
Ann Arbor Board of Realtors ex-1
pressing disapproval of a series of
articles which that group had]
placed in the News during Sep-I
tember and October.
These articles were placed in an
effort to arouse opposition to Rule
Nine of the Michigan CorporationI
and Securities Commision which!
prevents realtors from participat-
ing in sales or rentals in which
discriminatory conditions are
specified on the gorunds of race,
color, religion, national origin or
The Commislon said that thej
articles "strired up unnecessary
dissention in the community,
rather than promoting harmony#
and good will," and expressed aI
concern for "the best interest ofj
all the citizens of this community."

the existing procedures


Consider Motion
Student Government Council
will also consider motions to es-
tablish a committee on student
rights and to revise the structure
of international activities. Daily
Editor Thomas Hayden, '61, and
Seasonwein are presenting the for-
mer motion. The proposed Com-
mittee on Student Rights would
have three functions: to serve as
a board of grievance, to investi-
gate and seek to correct Univer-
sity policies and practices, and to
prepare a booklet discussing stu-
dent rights and responsibilities.
The motion notes that existing
machinery deals with violations of
student responsibilities, but "com--
parable machinery designed to
protect and to promote the exer-'
cise of student rights does not
Propose Board End
Brian Glick, '62, present chair-
man of the International Coordi-
nating Board, will propose that
the board be replaced by three
separate committees: the present
International committee, to con-
centrate on providing serviceto
both foreign and American stu-
dents; an International Week
Committee, to coordinate the
Week'~s activities, nationality
clubs and othernrelevant student
organizations; and an Interna-
tional Relations Committee, to in-
crease person-to-person and small
group contact between Americans
and international students.
The SGC Committee on Edu-
cation and Student Welfare will
seek Council approval of a letter
to be sent to the Literary College
Faculty Curriculum Committee.
"The letter suggests four areas
j to investigate as alternatives to
the idea of comprehensive exams,f
and states generally what such
programs can accomplish," com-
mittee chairman Mike Zimmer-
man, '62, said.
To Study Forms
The forms to be investigated
are independent study programs,
detailed research papers, labora-
tory research projects and senior-
level survey courses.
The committee will also move
that SGC co-sponsor the Asia,
'oundation Book Drive with the'
International Student's Associa-
The Foundation, whose purpose
is to strengthen Asian education-
al, cultural, and civic activities'
with private American assistance,3
is collecting American textbooks
for distribution to 18 nations,

De Gaulle
Still Firm
On Stand
PARIS (A) - President Charles
de Gaulle came home last night
from his Algerian tour and an-
nounced he is standing by his
home rule policy for the big North
African territory, despite rioting
there that left 123 dead.
He narrowly missed a new out-
break of rioting by both Algerian
nationalists and 'Frenchmen in
Bone, his takeoff point from Al-
geria. French troops fired on
Frenchmen there for the first
time in five days of violence. Seven
Algerians and two Frenchmen were
"One Policy"
"We have only one policy and
it is necessary to follow it. It is
the good one," the 70-year-old
president told cabinet members
and deputies greeting him at the
At the same time he dispatched
a letter to Louis Joxe, Algerian
affairs minister, saying coopera-
tion between the European and
Moslem communities is essential.
"All that I have just seen and
heard in the course of my inspec-
tion has convinced me of this more
firmly than ever," de Gaulle wrote.
"To assure this cooperation, and
to oppose all whose action tends
to prevent it-this is the policy
of France."
Calls for Review
He sped off to his official resi-
dence behind a motorcade escort
and along streets guarded by more
police. The stubborn leader called
for a full-scale cabinet review
amid reports he plans to fire any
ministers not fully behind his
policies, even though they could
lead to independence for Algeria.
Behind him in Algeria, de Gaulle
had left word for tough treatment
of the leaders in the disorders that
began with anti-de Gaulle riots
by the Europeans and ended in
pro-nationalistriots by the Mos-
lems. Although he never mentioned
the riots while in Algeria, they
are believed to have roused him
to cold anger.
De Gaulle's parting plea to Al-
geria was one foriunderstanding
between Moslems and Europeans.
Zorin Levies
Spy Charge
Soviet Union charged the United
States yesterday with send-
ing U-2 spy planes over rebel-held
areas of Algeria to help the
The United States labeled the
accusation a lie.
Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister
Valerian A. Zorim made the charge
in the United Nations General As-
sembly's political committee, where
he threw Moscow's unqualified
support behind an Asian-African
resolution calling for a UN refer-
endum on self-determination in
The Soviet position was set forth
as Secretary-General Dag Ham-
marskjold came under mounting
pressure from the 46-nation Asian-
African group to speak out on the
latest violence in France's North
African territory.
Francis W. Carpenter, spokes-
man for the United States delega-
tion, issued this statement: "The
Soviet charge that United States
U-2 planes are being used to carry
out reconnaissance in Algeria is a

complete fabrication. We reject it



as 4 2-- mam 4'w -s~n, am

Faculty Like
Proclaim McNamara
Well Fitted for Job;
See New Changes
State officials, members of the
University faculty and members of
the Ann Arbor business commun-
ity all applauded the appointment
of Robert S. McNamara to the
post of Secretary of Defense in
the Kennedy administration.
President-elect John F. Ken-
nedy has made an "outstanding
choice" in picking McNamara for
the position, Gov. G. Mennen
Williams said. This view was also
held by Democratic State Chair-
man Neil Staebler who declared
that McNamara was a man who
would bring a broad vision ot the
problems of defense and economic
Change of Policy
"McNamara's take-over will mark
a change of policy in terms of
defense commitments both here
and abroad," Prof. William R.
Gable of the political science de-
partment said. He expects a less-
ening of inter-service rivalries be-
cause there will probably be "a
better definition of what we want
from each service.
Prof. George A. Peek of the
political science department pre-
dicted that "McNamara will bring
great ability, a new look and fresh
imagination to the post of Secre-
tary of Defense."
Release Stock
Another aspect of the appoint-
ment was brought out by Prof.
Karl A. Lamb of the political sci-
ence department. In explaining the
fact that McNamara will have to
irrevocably give up his stock in
the Ford Motor Co., Prof. Lamb
said that this "points up the need
for a better definition of the term
'conflict of interests'." He said he
hoped Congress would take a new
look at the situation in the com-
ing session.
Members of Alpha Kappa Psi,
business fraternity of which Mc-
Namara is an honorary member,
declared that the new secretary,
who calls himself a "registered Re-
publican," they said, would have
no difficulty in working with the
other members of Kennedy's cabi-
HVS U Vendors
Fined, Jailed
A pair of Michigan State Uni-
versity students has been fined
$95 plus costs and sentenced to 10
days in the Ingham county Jail
for failure to register an assumed
business name with the county
clerk for their food "panic kit"
Jeremiah L. Lynch and Arthur
Harger have pleaded guilty to a{
misdemeanor, Lynch formed Uni-
commerce, Inc., and worked with,
Hlarger in selling "panic kits"-
packages of food for long study
sessions during final examination

--AP Wirephotos
SECRETARY OF DEFENSE--Ford Motor Co. President Robert S. McNamara (left) yesterday
accepted President-elect John F. Kennedy's offer of the position as defense secretary in Kennedy's
cabinet. McNamara gave up his position with Ford, to which he was name only five weeks ago, and
with it monetary gains which have been estimated at more than $1 million.
rton Open Challenge Program





Challenge will open its spring
semester program, the "Challenge
of the Emerging Nations," Feb. 13
with a talk by Sir Hugh Foot,
the last British Governor of Cy-
prus, Brian Glick, '62, Challenge
spokesman has announced.
Foot, who has been Governor
of Jamaica and Chief Secretary,
of Nigeria, will speak on "The
Breakdown of Colonialism and the
Formation of a National Con-
The keynote speech will be fol-
lowed by seven Sunday-afternoon
open meetings. Each meeting will
feature a speaker and two-to-
four-member panel who will dis-
cuss changes in emerging under-
developed areas,
Invites Guests
Challenge is inviting guest
speakers from the faculty of the
University and other schools,'
from United Nations delegations
and embassies to the United
Tentative topics for the meet-
ings are "The Health Revolution
and the Population Explosion";
"Social Change and the Erosion
of Tradition"; "The Role of the
Elites: Intelligentsia, Military and
Traditional"; "Economic Develop-
ment" (with stress on socialist
and capitalist systems); and two
meetings on "The Ideological
One meeting will consider the
Communist - Western democracy
conflict and the second will con-
cern neutralism. The last meeting
topic will be decided later.
Plan Seminars
The Challenge group also plans
to schedule weekly seminars.

Written questions drawn from the
previous Sunday afternoon pro-
gram will be used to guide the
seminar discussion.
Challenge's Colloquium Week-
end will begin April 21. The open-
ing speaker will present a view
of the dynamics of an emerging
nation and wil state the problems
of the United States in formulat-

ing policies toward these coun-
tries. Two or three speakers will
present conflicting opinions con-
cerning American foreign policy
in emerging areas April 22.
The closing speaker April 231
will indicate the roles the Amer-
ican student can play in the de-
velopment of the emerging na-

Universit To'Wait, See'
On Liquor-by-Glass Ruling
The University has adopted a "wait and see" attitude on the
problems which may arise because of the new city ordinance on
liquor-by-the-glass, Dean Walter B. Rea said.
"What the actual results of the new law will be is only a matter
of conjecture. Obviously liquor will-be mores available to more students
than is now the case."
Licensees, however, will be more concerned with observing the
law forbidding liquor purchases by minors, Rea predicted. "A very
strict observance of the law is now kept, and I think it will become
more strict." Although the present "

Leaves Job
With Ford
For Cabinet
President-elect Sees
Ranking Officials
FromLabOr, Farming
WASHINGTON (JP)-President-
elect John F. Kennedy yesterday
persuaded 44-year-old Robert S.
McNamara to give up a $400,000
a-year job as president of Ford
Motor Co. to serve as secretary of
"I came to the conclusion that
personal considerations must be
subordinated to the.best interests
of the United States," McNamara
told reporters after Kennedy an-
nounced that the Ford executive
had agreed to accept the $25,000-
a-year cabinet post.
Both men were smiling as Ken-
nedy-a year younger than Mc-
Namara-made the announcement
from the steps of his red brick
home in the Georgetown section.
They were coatless, although the
temperature was down to about
18 degrees.
Saw 'Sacrifice'
Kennedy said he realized that
McNamara-who became president
of the giant Ford Company only
five years ago-was making a per-
sonal sacrifice. In addition to sur-
rendering a big salary, McNamara
said he will divest himself of big
holdings of Ford stock,
The President-elect chose the
occasion to give a strong sendoff
to his secretary-designate, whom
he said he met for the first time
last Thursday.
Kennedy pledged effective lead-
ership for the nation's all
important military system which
he said will be second to hon
and "so strong It can defend the
Says He's GOP
McNamara-who described him-
self as a registered iepublican
"but I vote as a political indepen-
dent"-was'the fifth of 10 cabinet
appointments to be made so far.
Another may be announced to-
d1ay, it was indicated after a day
which saw high-ranking visiors
from organized labor, agriculture
and other fields shuttle in and oul
of the Kennedy home.
McNamara - a native of San
Francisco and like Kennedy a
Harvard man-was the first Ken-
nedy cabinet selection to be
drawn from industry. The other
four - secretaries of state, com-
merce, interior and welfare. -
are governors, a member of Con-
gress and a foundation official
with experience in government,
Follow Ike's Lead
In picking a motor company
leader to run the immense Defense
Department, with its 40-billion-
dollar-a-year budget, Kennedy
followed the lead of President
Dwight D. Eisenhower, The first
secretary of defense in the Eisen-
hower adminitsration was Charles
4. Wilson, then president of Gen-
eral Motors Corp.
Like GM, Ford does a big con-
tract business with the military.
The secretary-to-be made it
clear he is divesting himself of
24,250 shares of Ford stock and an
option on 30,000 more. In addi-
tion, he said he is disposing of
100 shares of Scott Paper Co. stock.
Blood Drive
To Open Today
Arrangements have been com-
pleted for the Fayette County
"blood drive," which will be held
from 5 to 9 p.m. today and to-

morrow in Lane Hall, Judith Yes-
ner, Grad, said.
Students and townspeople are
being asked to donate a pint of
blood to raise money for the relief
of Negroes in Fayette County,
Tenn., where a boycott by white
merchants has created a food
A Detroit blood bank is send-
ing its mobile unit to Ann Arbor
for the drive. Miss Yesner em-
phasized that the blood bank is a
nonprofit organigation.
c1gIdtA-.+c. ln+mpnn +1 n ca..

Fraternities Outlaw Pranks
Causing injuries, D isfavorBYMCALOI. C
The Fraternity Presidents' Assembly last night took action to
outlaw pledge pranks which cause physical harm or damage to fra-
ternity members or their house and cause public disfavor,
Any such "unified pledge activity" will be construed as a viola-
tion of the Interfraternity Council by-laws if it is referred to the IFC
executive committee by the office'
of then ean of Men, IFC Presi- MORE THAN AID:
dent Jon Trost, '61, said.
The executive committee will
continue to act as .the judicial
agent in trying such infractions, Olr n
Totsi."hemhssosr-Asponsibility of the entire house for
the prank is now, however, spelled
out clearly."
List Responsibilities
The pledge trainer, the pledge
class president and the house
president will be immediately re-
sponsible for the activity,
"The policy covers any action
which is detrimental to the fra-
ternities, Trost added, noting that
"complance does not simply mean
phoning the police and reporting
what is going to happen."
An IFC official explained
committee member, explained
that the committee had consider-
ed banning all pledge pranks but
had decided that "there is a cer-
tnin value to he nined in them."'

student identification card (green
cashier's receipt) is not completely
a satisfactory ID, last year's form
was "more unreliable because it
was so easily falsified by many
students even though it contained
a photograph," he said.
"In terms of conduct, drinking
is the number one problem of
higher education in regard to the
individual and his group," Rea,
said. He hoped the new ordinance
might move student drinking into
"properly supervised places."


ks Greater Use of Language Laboratory

Hodges Sees
For Economy
secretary of commerce said yester-
day he believes the economy will
begin to recover in the spring
from what he called the "slight
easing - off" of the past few
Gov. Luther Hodges of North
Carolina, told that to newsmen
after a six-hour briefing sesion
with the man he will succeed in
January, Secretary of Commerce
Frederick H. Mueller.
But Hodges said he was not
ready to say whether the new
administration should go in for
business-stimulating measures.
He added, however, that if the
Kennedy administration does con-
sider giving business a shot in the
arm, the Commerce Department
should have a voice in making the
Hodges told a news conference
also that he would expect the
commerce department to adminis-
ter any Federal program for aid
to depressed areas.
But he said he believes the major
problem confronting the depart-
ment is that of expanding this
country's foreign trade.
Mueller already has launched an
export epnnsion nrnogrm tn heln

The language laboratory should
be used, not as a teaching aid, but
as a complete teaching device in
itself, Prof. Rand Morton of the
Spanish department says in his
recent publication of "The Lan-
guage Laboratory as a Teaching
Prof. Morton, director of the
language laboratory at the Uni-
versity, with the help of other
linguists and psychologists, is
working on a plan that will take
the student out of the classroom
for his beginning year of a lan-
"The language lab, in its present

progress at his own speed. The
machine, as a private teacher, will
not let the student progress until
each skill has been perfected. It
will "feed back" answers and com-
ments that will aid and encourage
the student in his learning of the
basic skills of hte language.
The average student, by spend-
ing five hours a week with the
LLTM, should know the basic
skills of the language within one
semester, said Prof. Lane. He would
then move to the class room where
he would learn how to use the
No Questioning
While using the LLTM, the stu-
r'. .1. ...: . . _ .. L . . . L . . .. .i. _m .

an ever greater scarcity of profi-
cient instructors.
Language teachers should be
happy with the new system, for
they would be putting their know-
ledge to a better use. Prof. Morton
writes that the instructor would no
longer have to teach the primitive
sounds, but could spend his time
teaching the ideas the language
conveys. He feels that a college
professor should be able to teach
at a college level.
Change Environment
Prof. Morton wants to change
not only the mechanics of the
language teaching system, but al-
so the environment in which the

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