Ber Pa e4 t
Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom
Light snow
Possible Means of Implementation
Also Subject of Disagreement
Following early Thursday morning passage of a new regulation
on acquiring membership selection information, Student Government
Council members were still debating over which SGC functions the
regulation is designed to faclitat.
Nor were they fully agreed n the mechanics of implementation.
SOC President John Feldkamp, '61, said the motion replaces a
regulation which requires the organizations to file ther constitutions
with the deans. "We, not the deans, need the information, because
we are the ones who recognize student organizations," he said.
Feldkamp contends that the information is to facilitate SC's
function of recognition, rather than to implement the membership
a lection committee's work. "We
could have passed this before the
RN ir membership selection committee
ew e even formed. The area of mem-
bershipis part of recognition, but
A. Change, p. 11 (to replace we don't recognize solely on the
(2) requirement for filing con- basis of membership practices."
stitution with the Dean's Of- Daily Editor Thomas Hayden,'61,
fice) to read: indicated that Feldkamp's position
"File with the University (in was relevant, but too arbitrary.
the Office of the Vice-Presi- Involves Two Issues
dent for Student Affairs) a "Two issues are involved and it
statement which lists all cur- does little good at this date to
rent rules, regulations, policies, claim that only one is present.
written or oral agreements, or Feldkamp is wise to point out that
any other written or unwritten SGC has now taken responsibility
criteria which in any way af- for the placement of fraternity
feet the selection of members. and sorority constitutions, a func-
Accompanying such shall be the tion formerly handled by the
group's interpretation of those deans' offices. This is significant
provisions as to their ability to because it implies a growing re-
comply with the University sponsibility on the part of the
Regulation on Membership. At Council, and because the rest of
no time, shall the content of the University is trusting in that
this. statement or the accom- responsibility.
panying interpretation be made "But on the other hand, mem-
public without the permission bership selection in fraternities
of the proper local and nation- and sororities has also become an
al authorities of the organiza- issue-the Council has written a
tions involved." regulation on membership selec-
B. Addition, p. 12. tion, and now is going to be re-
"All fraternities and sororities ceiving some of the material it
shall file with the University will need to implement the regu-
(in the Office of the Vice-Pres- lation."
ident for Student Affairs) a With regard to the question of
statement which lists all cur- implementing the regulation, Ad-
rent rules, regulations, policies, ministrative Vice-President Rich-
written or oral agreements, or ard Nohl, '62BAd., said he is un-
any other written or unwritten able to favor the whole regulation
criteria which in any way af- until he more fully understands
fect the selection of members, the purposes and procedures under
Accompanying such shall be which the regulation will be used.
the group's interpretation of To Discuss Amendments
these provisions as to their abil- The amendment of procedure
ity to comply with the Univer- which will be discussed next week
sity Regulation on Member- outlines some terms under which
ship. At no time, shall the con-S
tent of this statement or the SGC, the membership practices
accompanying interpretation committee, the vice-president for
be made public without the per- student affairs and other related
mission of the proper local and bodies may use the information
national authorities of the or- from fraternities and sororities.
ganizations involved." Nohl indicated that he is dis-
satisfied with the motion as it now
Economic Experts Optiistic
On U.S. Business Conditions
"The United States, with respect to gold, is far better off thani
many people think it is," Raymond Rogers, professor of banking atI
New York University said last night.
He said that due to the decreasing importance of gold, "moneyr
managmeent" will solve the real problem, the international balanceI
of payments. He discouraged devaluation of the dollar because "we
cannot afford a loss of foreign
Grand Valley
Seeks Loan
Of Official
The board in control of the
infant Grand Valley State College
yesterday set up an administrative
body calling for a member to be
'loaned' to it by the University,
while University officials express-
ed surprise at the proposal.
The new group, which was voted
into existence by a regular meet-
ing of the board in control in
Muskegon, will consist of 5 mem-
bers, Besides the University,
Michigan State and Wayne State
Universities and Grand Rapids
Junior College are asked by yes-
terday's vote to lend members to
the body. The fifth member, al-
ready appointed by the board in
control, is Prof. Chris A DeYoung,
retired dean of the graduate
rschool at Illinois State Normal
While L. William Seidman,
chairman of the board, reiterated
his statements that the University
had agreed to supply his school
with an expert who could handle
the numerous problems besetting
the Grand Valley college, Univer-
sity officials offered the following
Niehuss Not Asked
(1) Vice-president and dean of
faculties Marvin L. Niehuss said he
would be glad to help the new
school, but so far he hadn't been
(2) Dean of state-wide educa-
tion Harold Dorr said he didn't
known of any intentions by the
Grand Valley group to establish
the new committee, and added
that there was apparently some
confusion over whether or not the
University had committed itself
to giving a faculty member to the
(3) Prof. Algo D. Henderson of
the education school, director of
the center for the study ofkhigher
education, said he had talked in-
formally with members of the
board, but no definite decision had
been reached.
Wishes School Success.
(4) University president Harlan
Hatcher said he wished the new
school success, but added that he
had not discussed the 'loan' of
a faculty member.-
MSU president John F. Hannah
said last night that he had agreed
to lend a faculty member to the
new college, but added that it was
his understanding the arrange-
ment was to be for temporary
part-time help, and not full-time
help, as the board in control had
announced. He added that he had
not known that Wayne University;
had also been asked to lend per-
sonnel to the Grand Valley board.i
To Vacate Honors Post
Prof. Robert C. Angell of the
sociology department, director of
the honors program since its in-
ception in 1957, said yesterday he
will not reassume the position
after his leave from the University
next semester.
Roger B. Heyns, dean of the
literary college, said a successor
has not been selected and may not
be for some time. "It would be
wrong to rush to make an appoint-
ment as important as this is," he
The honors program, now in its
fourth year, has expanded from
the original 87 freshmen in 1957
Pair Asked
To Meeting
Prof. Samuel Hayes of the eco-
nomics department said last night
that he had invited Alan and
Judith Guskin, Grads., leaders of
Americans Committed to World
Responsibility, to attend a foreign
policy workshop with him in
Washington next week.
The Guskins indicated they
would accept the invitation.
The workshop, which will deal
with "Foreign Aid for the Sixties,"
is sponsored by the National Con-
ference for International Social
and Economic Development. This
organization was formed by some
of the men who were involved in
the development of the original
Point Four program, Prof. Hayes
Prof. Hayes said that the stu-
dents might have the opportunity
to meet Prof. Maurice Albertson
of Colorado State University. Prof.
Albertson was recently appointed
by the International Cooperation
Administration to conduct a study
of the problems and possibilities
of a youth corps.
This study was authorized by
the Heuss amendment to the Mu-
tual Security Act passed by Con-
gress last summer.
The ICA suggested to Prof. Al-1
bertson that he contact Prof.
Hayes, who has been working on
a similar study at the request of
President-elect John F. Kennedy:
and has much experience in pro-1
grams of technical assistance.
Prof. Albertson plans to submit
lists of questions related to a
youth corps to student groups for
study and discussion.
The campus ACWR, independ-
ently, has already begun to set
up such groups to consider whicht
geographical area a youth corps
should serve, as well as the is-<
sues and problems involved.,
to 788 in all four classes, about mission to the program have been
10 per cent of the total literary raised somewhat. He predicted
college enrollment. that standards would continue to
Desires To Teach tighten as the number of appli-
Prof. Angell expressed a desire cants increase, although the pro-
to devote more time to teaching gram itself will also grow gradu-
and research, but said that the ally.
job had been "an enriching ex-
"He has done a superb job,"
Dean Heyns said. "Nobody could
have done it as successfully; the R
college is indebted to him for the
devotion and wisdom with which
he has handled the program."
Dean Heyns pointed out that
when the program was set up it
was understood that the director-.
ship would be rotational on a
three- or four-year basis.
Carry on Tradition .
"The problem now is to find
someone who will carry on the fine
tradition established by Prof. An- ~
gell," he said. "Many of those
qualified to fill the bill are already
occupied in important ways."
Prof. Angell pointed out that, PROF. ROBERT C. ANGELL
in order to keep the honors en-. . ..resigns post
rollment down, standards for ad-
NSA Blasts Louisiana,
Evasio ofsItegration.
The United States National Student Association has issued a
statement to the governor and legislature of Louisiana condemning
attempts to evade integration of public schools there.
"The statement is in line with the NSA policy on discrimination,"
John Feldkamp,''61, chairman of the Executive Committee of NSA
said. The statement, which was released by NSA President Richard
A. Rettig, reads:
"The United States National Student Association condemns the
action of the Governor and Legislature of the State of Louisiana for
their flagrant attempts to defy the 3
1954 decision of the United States color or economic circumstance,
Supreme Court; to defy the 1960 especially as the realization of
order of the United States 5th that opportunity is consonant with
District Court of Appeals; to defy the decision of the United States
the wishes of the Mayor, School Supreme Court decision of 1954."
Board and many citizens of the
City of New Orleans; to prevent
the peacefuldesegregation of the
New Orleans public schools in
compliance with the law and there
courts; to exploit the hatred, fear und rive
and prejudice of the citizens of
Louisiana by deliberately misusing
the legislative process. For IN egroes
"USNSA commends the School
Board of New Orleans for their By JOHN ROBERTS
courageous action in keeping open The student Human Relations
the public school in the face of Board last night tentatively ap-
threatened reprisals from the proved a plan to raise money for
State Legislature. The United Fayette County, Tenn. through the
States National Student Associa- sale of donated blood.
tion further reaffirms its support As outlined by James Seder, '61,
of equal opportunity for all stu- and Judith Yesner, Grad., the
dents regardless of race, creed, "blood drive" would be conducted
confidence which would cause a
run on our national reserve."
Allies 'Competitors'
Our foreign aid program has so
assisted free world nations that
"they have become competitors"
in international trade, Prof. Rog-
ers continued. "If we do not trade
with the other countries of the
free world, Russia will."
Prof. Rogers spoke to a study
conference of over 200 Michigan
bankers, sponsored by the Michi-
gan Banker's Association and the
business administration school.
Predicts Decline
Prof. Paul W. McCracken of the
business administration school,
speaking earlier to the same group,
predicted a continued decline in
business conditions through the
first quarter of 1961, although the
current recession will probably
prove "somewhat milder" than the
one in 1958.
Continued Prison
Asked for Pacifist
By The Associated Press
Atty. Gen. Louis C. Wyman
yesterday asked a superior court
judge to cancel Willard Uphaus'
Adams-Jordan Wins in Recount
At 1:30,a.m. IQC President
Dan Rosemergy, '61Ed, said
the decision was still in
doubt. He wil meet with the
three Judges tomorrow, when
they will recount the scores,
which are presently under
lock and key.
The combined choir from Adams
and Jordan houses was finally de-
clared winner of the Inter-Quad-
rangle Council-Assembly Sing last
night, after an error in the judges'
totals had been corrected.
The combined choir from Chi-
cago and Butler houses had been
presented the first place trophy at
the competition, but when the er-
ror in the addition of the scores
was discovered later in the eve-
ning, it was dropped to second
Tony Walters, '63E, president of
Chicago House, speaking for James
Frazier, '62, director of the Chi-
cago-Butler choir, said, "We relin-
quish our second place award in
view of the poor manner in which
the Judging of this Sing has been
hatlp ,"
'Alm i-i