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December 08, 1960 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-12-08

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Z aii4

Continuing snow flurries
through Friday.

se* rage

Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom









* *

* * * *


Proposal Carri

Legislature. Votes Sales Tax Increase


14-3 Margi

State Adds
One Per Cent
To 'Use Tax
Boost To Contribute
Annual $120 Million
To Ailing Treasury
LANSING-The state legislature
pushed through a one per cent
increase in the sales tax during a
special six-hour session yesterday
as a first step in relieving Michi-
gan's long-standing fiscal prob-
Combined with a one cent in-
crease in the complementary three
cent use tax, the new increase will
bring $120 million a year into the
state's ailing general fund..
The measures are to go into
effect immediately after they re-
ceive Gov. G. Mennen Williams'
signature. The Governor has said
that he will sign the bills im-
mediately after their passage.
Joins Other States
Three other states - Penniyl-
vania, Washington, and California,
now have four per cent sales taxes.
The Senate approved the bill
by a 20-13 margin with two Re-
publicans in opposition and one
Democrat voting in the affirma-
The two proposals passed through
the house 82-23 with all opposition
coming from Democrats who have
opposed the increase in favor of'
an income tax.
Rep. Allison Green (R-Kings-
ton), house majority leader, indi-
cated that an income tax will not
be needed if expenditures are cut,
a move which Green favors.
Any reforms could be made
*'piecemeal," he said. "A Constitu-
tional convention would be a waste
of public time and money."
Opposes Tax
Sen. Lynn 0. Francis (R-Mid-
land), Senate majority leader, op-
posed an income tax on the
grounds that it "would set up a
new vehicle of collecting taxes.
Look what happened to the fed-
eral income tax-it started at one
per cent and has been abused.
"Im unwilling to be pushed into
socialism. The government which
governs least, governs best," Fran-
csis said.
- Sen. Philip Rahoi (D-Iron Moun-
tain), complained bitterly of the
tax burden placed on the low-in-
come citizen. He paralleled the
tax discontent among Michigan
citizens with the recent upheavals
in Latin America and Africa and
warned that "the day of reckoning
will come."'
Favors Tax
Sen. Lewis G. Christman (R-Ann
Arbor), indicated that he favored
a flat-rate income tax but that
he would "fight to the death" any
graduated tax.
"The only way you can produce
a citizen is to have him participate
in government ... and the way
is to make him pay for it," Christ-
man said.
Prof. John P. White of the poli-
tical science department agreed
with professional studies which
have indicated that the sales tax
increase will not be adequate to
cover Michigan's needs.
To Ask Capital
For Education
The state administration plans
to request capital outlay building
programs for universities from the

Legislature Governor-elect John
B. Swainson revealed in an inter-
view yesterday.

Sgree U.S.
In Slunmp
WASHINGTON (-) - Three
non - government economists
agreed yesterday the country was
in a recession but said it was too
early to tell how severe it would
Two government economists
appearing on the same panel at
a congressional hearing shied
away from the word "recession"
as emotion-laden.
But they said the nation's econ-
omy was in a downturn or at
least a sluggish condition.
Sen. Paul H. Douglas, (D-Ill),
chairman of the Senate-House
economic committee conducting
the hearings, drew from one gov-
ernment witness agreement that
unemployment might top 51/ mil-
lion in January.
This official, deputy assistant
secretary of Labor Seymour L.
Wolfbein, said that if the present
6.4 per cent seasonally adjusted
rate of unemployment continues,
the jobless total will be 5,200,000
in January as compared with 3,-
579,000 in October.
But Douglas pointed out that
unemployment insurance applica-
tions have been going up, indicat-
ing that the 6.4 per cent figure
will increase.
Wolfbein said this. was quite
possible and that, if so, the 5%/
million total mentioned by Doug-
las for midwinter could come
The other government witness,
Louis J. Paradiso, chief statisti-
cian of the office of business eco-
nomics of the Commerce Depart-
ment, said that "at the present
time no major forces are in sight
to provide the upward thrust
for resumption of economic
'U' opsList
In Private Aid
The University ranks first in
the nation among major public
institutions of higher education
in total voluntary gift support,
a New York research firm said
According to a study of "Public
Higher Education and Voluntary
Support," the University received
$11,684,503 in 1958-59.
The University also ranks first
in gifts received from individuals
other than alumni, with $2,497,963
from this source.

-A Wirephoto
AMID THE OPPOSITION-Democratic Governor-elect John B. Swainson confers with Republican
leaders in the state senate. Left to right are Sen. Frank D. Beadle (R-St. Clair), Swainson, Sen. Carle-
ton H. Morris (R-Kalamazoo), Sen. John Minnema (R-Traverse City), and Sen. Almer R. Porter

Porter Gets
New Support
Against WSU
Refuses Comment
On University Policy
LANSING-Sen. Elmer R. Por-
ter's (R-Blissfield) campaign to
reinstate a communist speaker ban
at Wayne State University gath-
ered support at yesterday's special
session of the state legislature.
Reaffirming his original stand,
Porter, who is chairman of the
powerful Senate appropriations
committee, said that "Wayne will
have trouble getting any funds
above their appropriations of last
year if their policies do not
change." ,
"I never change my mind . .
unless proven wrong," he added.
When asked if he desired a ban
on all Communist speakers at the
University, Porter said "I talk
about one school at a time."
Rep. Allison Green (R-Kings-
ton), chairman of the House sup-
plies and expenditures committee,
charged that "Wayne State is nuts
to allow Communists to speak.
"The problem is that Wayne
has a lot of liberals on their
board." Michigan and Michigan
State governing bodies have, a-
general policy which does not al-
low Communists, Green indicated.
"If a bill came up to have bans
at the other Universities, I would
vote for it," he said.
"I'm beginning to get a little
suspicious about the universities
and their left-wing approach, and
a lot of others think that way
too," Senate majority leader Lynne
0. Francis (R-Midland) warned.
Sen. Lewis G. Christman (R-
Ann Arbor) favored a "properly
controlled" policy which would
provide for an address by some-
one "well-versed in the principles
of democracy" to follow immedi-
ately after any speech by a Com-
But if a relaxed speaker policy
is "to let some commie come in
and talk, the hell with him," he

Hammarskjo d Warns
Against UN Retreat*
UNITED NATIONS (AP-Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold
warned the United Nations Security Council last night that the Con-
go would be plunged into chaos and anarchy if UN forces are with-
"Everything would crumble," Hammarskjold said in a vigorous
defense of the UN role in the turbulent African republic.
Replying to Soviet criticism that he was a tool of Western im-
perialism, the Secretary-General said he found it difficult to believe

Membership Selection Informati
To Be Required of Social Group
Student Government Council voted 14-3 last night o
motion toacquire membership practices information
fraternities and sororities.
The vote was Assembly President Myra Goines, '61,
hellenic President Barbara Greenberg, '61, Administr
Vice-President James Hadley, '61,'Treasurer Per Hansor
League President Sue Kennedy, '61, Union President 1
Morton, '61, Philip Power, spec, Arthur Rosent
'62, Roger Seasonwein, '61, M. A. Hyder Shah, grad., I
Fraternity Council President Jon Trost, '61, Mary Wh
'61, and President John Feld- "
kamp, '61, for, and Richard'
Nohl, '61BAd., Dennis Shafer,
'62, Inter-Quad Council Presi-
dent Daniel Rosemergy, '61Ed. j
Shafer left the meeting before
the vote was taken, and his proxy
vote was cast by temporary chair-
man Hanson.

To Oppose
Gov, John Patterson said yester-
day the disorders in Little Rock
and New Orleans are nothing com-
pared to what may happen in
Alabama if efforts are made to
integrate schools here.
He told a news conference there
will be no way to avoid trouble
"if the federal government con-
tinues its present approach."
He said the people in Alabama
"might as well make up their
minds that they're going to have
to go to private schools or shut
down the schools" if the federal
government attempts to desegre-
gate them,
"I'll be one of the first ones
stirring up trouble," the Governor
declared, but he emphasized he
will not tolerate mob violence if

Haber Chosen
For Position
On Connittee
William Haber, of the economics
department, has 'been named to
President-elect John F. Kennedy's
depressed area study committee,
Sen. Philip A. Hart (D-Mich) said
Hart issued a statement express-
ing delight at the appointment,
which was revealed to Hart's office
by a Kennedy aide.
"Today," Hart said,-"there are
a number of areas of substantial
labor surplus in Michigan and it
is important that proposals to
meet this problem be ready for
the new administration when it
takes office.

that anyone would ask for liqui-
dation of the UN Congo operation
"in view of the possible conse-
quences of such a move at the
present juncture."
He spoke at a resumed session
of the council after the introduc-
tion of rival East-West resolutions
on how to deal with the arrest of
deposed Premier Patrice Lumum-
"'What is now laid at the door-
step of the United Nations as a
failure is the failure of the politi-
cal leaders of the Congo and of
its people to take advantage of
the unparalleled international as-
sistance for the creation of nor-
mal political life within the
country," he declared.
"These are harsh words, and I
hesitate to pronounce them, but
I do believe that this organization
is too often and too easily used
as a whipping horse by those who
wish to unburden themselves of
their own responsibilities."

Castro Directs Fighting
in Clash Against Rebels
HAVANA (P)-Gunfighting was reported again yesterday be-
tween anti-Castro forces and government militiamen in central Cuba.
Unconfirmed reports said 16 militiamen were killed in the clashes
and that Prime Minister Fidel Castro and his brother, Raul Castro,
Cuban armed forces minister, had gone to the area to direct the
operation against the rebels. Insurgents also were reported stepping
up their guerrilla warfare in the Escambray Mountains of South
: central Las Villas province. The
Cuban armed forces press bureau
had no comments on any of the

Rosemary claimed that there
were two kinds of discrimination
at issue: "I uphold the right of
a private organization such as a
fraternity or sorority to select
its membership as it pleases.
"I am against discrimination by
race or religion, but contend it is
a problem of changing attitudes.
This regulation doesn't do that. If
an organization gives us a false
statement we've missed it entirely
and no attitudes are changed."
Richard Nohl, '61, said that he
objected to passing the main mo-
tion before the procdures for
handling it had been clarified and
"I agree with the motion, but
I'm in no hurrry to pass it. I want
to vote on it with all procedures
A motion on procedures for ac-
cess to and handling of the state-
ments was postponed until next
Jon Trost, '61, noted that the
procedural motion was a separate
issue from the main question to
acquire statements from fraterni-
ties and sororities.
"Certainly what will happen to
the statements is a valid question,
and one which will affect the reti-
cence of groups to turn in their
statements. But it should not be
an amendment to the motion."
Council President John Feld-1
kamp; '61, yielded the chair to,
Executive Vice-President Per Han-
son, '61, for discussion of the is-1
sue, as he had originally introduc-1
ed the motion.l
"I am in favor of this motion,
because I dislike the old one,"I
Feldkamp said.
"If SGC has the power of re-
cognition, the materials needed
for that process ought to be ina
the Council's hands, not in the
Deans' offices."
Rosemergy also commented, "I
am on this Council, to protect the
right of private organizations to
choose members as they please.
We have no business telling pri-
vate groups how to select their,
"I am on the Council to
protect the right of fraternities
and sororities not to discriminate.
Many of these groups do not want
to do so, but are forced to do so
by their national organizations,"
Miss Wheeler said.
Service Clu'b
o T ake Overc
Bus Operation
Alpha Phi Omega won approval
last night to take over Willopoli-
tan bus service this Christmasg
from Student Government Coun-
The Council will appropriater
$200 for the project, but any
profit will be turned back to SGC.

Paraguay an
Tells View
Of U.S. Aid
Cuba is proof that Sou
America need not fear Uni
States sanction of Commun
policies in the area," said Ju
Carlos Mendonca of Paraguay
last night's Student Governmi
Council meeting.
He, is surprised that there h
been none,.and explained t]
the United States lacks interest
protecting+ democratic individui
partiesand countries. Hence
mocracies are being trodden do
by dictatorships.
He said that the United Sta
should do something to guaran
the protection of democracy, be:
careful to discriminate betwi
friends and enemies,
"The principle of non-intervi
tion should be revised," he stre
ed. "Non-intervention is inhumi
it is abandoning nations to.
forces of destruction."
If one nation is Communist,
automatically becomes the inter
of others. "Being nationalistic
now international."'
"The United States has be
charged with aiding dictator
he continued. "Economic aid wh
is directly controlled, not mana
ed by officials of dictators wo
prevent this."
But he thinks that we plan
too much in economic terms
cause we believe that communi
depends on the poor people
developing countries.
"But the United States sho
also look at political developmen
because th~e struggle with cot
munism is primarily one of idea
The two facets he stressed
increase exchange of knowledge
the interchange of young pea
and distribution of serious Ame
can publications.
Training Students
At present, Moscow is train

...economic aid


Greenberg Lauds Sorority Li fe
At two mass rush meetings yes-
terday, Panhellenic Association
President Barbara Greenberg, '61,
told serious - faced prospective
rushees that affiliated living of-
fers opportunities for leadership,
service and friendship.
She spoke of the warmth and
co-operation of girls working to-
gether planning sorority functions
such as teas, community projects,a
Spring Weekend floats and other
challenging activities."
Miss Greenberg emphasized that
sororities further the academic y
aims of the University by en-
couraging high scholastic goals,
faculty teas and study dates.
Dean Elizabeth Leslie urged that
girls in choosing a sorority con-

Central Cuba was the scene two
months ago of a mass trial of in-
surgents captured by Castro
forces. Castro claimed at the time
to have wiped out the resistance
by the execution of five rebels
and prison sentences for another
The reports reaching here said
the 16 government militiamen
were killed in fighting along the
Matanzas-Las Villas provincial
border. Another report said anti-
Castro forces willed a militiaman
who denounced his father and
sweetheart as counter revolution-
The capital of Matanzas prov-
ince is about 50 miles east of Ha-
Reports purporting to details of
a mass defection by a Castro ar-
my unit in Western Cuba also
were circulating here.

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