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December 01, 1960 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-12-01

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Author Discusses 'Man of Distinction'


to be orgaiuzeu in my county.
"I felt inclined to oppose the p D. EAST
council, contending that we had , . . "man of distinction"
sufficient bigots without organ-
izing them." I received my first threat of a
To make known his opposition to beating. The unidentified gentle-
the council, East ran a full-page man was nice about it; he was just
advertisement satirizing the goals going to knock my brains out ...
of the council. nothing really serious. Anyway, it
The keynote speaker of the or- would have been quite a feat, con-
ganizational meeting of this coun- sidering that other callers had
cil "denounced the advertisment said that I didn't have a brain
which I had so generously donated in my head."
finally throwing it to the floor Now when he is stopped on the
with the statement that he was street and asked: "Are you P. D.
going to cancel his subscription East?" he has learned "to keep
to my paper. my mouth shut except to say: 'No,
"Trying to be of service to a I'm sorry. I'm God, but I've got
subscriber, I checked my files the my eye on that fellow.'"
next day and found that his name Considers Unpledged Votes
had been dropped from the list Cosid e igd Votes
some nine months before for non- As for the eight unpledged
payment. I felt it only fair to electoral votes of Mississippi, East
report this fact in the following says, "The fact is, at this moment,
issue of the paper."we're split over how to cast our
issue oftte p a e." teig ht v otes. -
Took Strike Stand "One faction in the state wants
East achieved further "distinc- them cast for Jeff Davis; another
tion" when he took an unpopular group insists on casting the votes
stand in a telephone strike and for John C. Calhoun. Off the re-
a matter having to do with the cord, I suspect the compromise
rights of property owners. candidate will be Jubliation T.
"It was during the strike that Cornpone," East said.
CCNY Council Takes Action
To Curb Student News papers.

Plan Survey
Of Students
On Courses
Students in the literary college
will be asked Tuesday and Wed-
nesday to complete forms which
will evaluate their courses and
The survey is planned about
every third semester by a facul-
ty committee on student opinion
of courses and teaching, and ad-
ministered by the instructors
through student monitors, who
distribute, supervise and collect
the forms in each class.
The purpose of the poll, ex-
pressed In a letter to the student
monitors, is "to bring about more
effective instruction and to give
students an opportunity to assess
their own educational progress
and objectives," with the empha-
sis on the latter.
Questions Listed
The five questions to be an-
swered by the students are:
1) What do you think are the
objectives of this course?
2) What is your judgment as
to the value of this course in your
education? Please point out both
Its contributions and its deficien-
3) To what extent did you learn
to think clearly in the area cov-
ered by this course?
4) On the basis of your experi-
ence in this course and assuming
you have the time and oppor-
tunity either in college or later,
do you think you would be in-
clined to pursue interests in this
area? Explain.
Course Improvements
5) Keeping in mind that the
returns from this questionnaire
will be used by the instructor in
the process of improving 'his
teaching, please mention any oth-
er aspects of the course or in-
structor (such as, for example,
clarity of presentation) not cov-
ered in previous questions, wnich
you consider to be especially good
or p3oor, and offer any suggestions
which you have for the improve-
ment of the course.
Students are asked not to sign
their names, and participation is
entirely voluntary. The complet-
ed questionnaires for each course
will become available to the in-
structor only after his grades
have been turned in,
To Present Play
'Aria Da Capo'
The speech department will
present "Aria Da Capo," a one-
act play by Edna St. Vincent Mil-
lay dealing with man's inability
to communicate with his fellow
man, at 4:10 p.m. today in True-
blood Aud. Admission is free.


NORMAN Okla. (UPS) - The
University of Oklahoma board of
regents' subcommittee on military
training (ROTC) recommended
that the university continue its
compulsory ROTC program at the
November regents' meeting.
The final decision of the regents
will be delayed until December.
Armed wit'h letters, statistics
and official statements, Jed John-
son, student senate president, pre-
sented an hour and a half research
report stating the case for volun-
tary ROTC.


TODAY 4:10 P.M. Dept. of Speech
Edna St. Vincent Miallay



Trueblood Auditorium

Frieze Building

No Admission Charge


Americans Committed to World Responsibility




4:15 to 5:00 P.M.



S.G.C. CinemaC~'uiI4
TONIGHT and FRIDAY at 7 and 9:45 SATURDAY and SUNDAY at 7 and 9



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