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December 01, 1960 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-12-01

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113a ti4

Partly cloudy, cooler tonight,
with some snow.

See Page 4

Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom


Leftist Students
Rebel in Caracas
Rioters Entrenched at University;
Army Moves To Subdue Rebellion
CARACAS (M) - Die-hard leftist students rebelling against theA
government of President Romulo Betancourt opened fire yesterday
on troops trying to oust them from entrenched positions inside
Caracas University.
One student was killed and at least two others were wounded in
the fighting.
The university had been spared previous police interventionr
because of its status'as a traditional academic sanctuary.
Snipers Harass
Snipers from their stronghold in the unfinished pharmacy school

had kept harassing loyal army1
In Rosario


,ops that came into range. The
students seized the building at the
beginning of the outbreak against
Betancourt last Friday. The gun
battle broke out when the Presi-
dent ordered the university eva-
cuated and the leftist defied
national guard troops. Some ob-
servers said the students appeared
to be armed with machine guns.
Apparently only the traditional
Latin American respect. for uni-
versities and churches as places
of refuge and asylum prevented
Betancourt from acting earlier
to meet the persistent student

Peronists struck at the big indus-
trial city of Rosario and in the
oli fields of northern Argentina
yesterday but were crushed, the
government announced.
An army communique said four
persons were killed in a sharp pre-'
dawn attack on the guard house
of the 11th Infantry Regiment at
Rosario. Witnesses said at least
ten were killed and 50 wounded.
The attack was led by Miguel
Angel Iniguez, an ousted general
from the days of Dictator Juan
D. Peron, who fled in the dark-
ness leaving one of his lieutenants
dead. The other three slain were
members of the Rosario regi-
33 Captured
The army said the attack was
staged by 40 well-armed men and
that 33 were captured. Other re-
ports said there were 150 in the
attacking band that launched the
raid about 1 a.m.
At the same time, a small band
tried to storm the San Lorenzo
Army Arsenal near Rosario but
was repulsed, official sources
While the uprising at Rosario
was in progress. terrorist bombs
damaged railway and communica-
tions systems around Buenos
.Attack Oil Towns
Several hours after the Rosario
attacks were . beaten off, other
Peronist bands in the far north-
ern reaches of Salta province
moved in on the oil towns of Tar-
tagal and Vespuclo.
They cut railway and telephone
lines leading south to Salta, the
provincial capital in an appar-
ent attempt to strike a blow at
President Arturo Frondizi's eco-
nomic program. This calls in part
for development of Argentina's
small oil industry to cut down on
oil imports and help preserve
dwindling foreign currency re-
Reports from Salta said armed
civilians backing Peron took over
the state oil monopoly offices at
Vespucio along with oil installa-
At Tartagal, 20 miles north of
Vespucio, thq rebels seized the
airport and one police station, In-
terior Minister Alfredo Vitolo
He said that loyal army units
easi'y repulsed the rebels at Tar-
After conferring with Frondizi,
Vitolo told reporters the presi-
dent had talked with all the pro-
vincial governors and that condi-
Wins ,were again normal every-
Vitolo said the rebel uprising
was "mainly Peronist in aspect,"
but added his information was
still Incomplete. The army com-
munique said the Rosario upris-
ing was staged by "a totalitarian
organization called Peronismo."
There was no evidence that the
Communists, who often side with
the Peronists, were involved.
rondizi easily rode out the
latest storm because the military
stood by him.
Will Not Demand
Eichmann's Death
LOS ANGELES (P)-Israel's At-
torney General was quoted yester-
day as saying he will not demand

Ask Withdrawal
The university council which
runs the university also told the
students to leave the building and
closed the school. The council said
the action was taken to get the
university out of the violence. +
The President has charged that
communists are behind the student
The holdout students had been+
receiving aid from other left wing
colleagues in the university. These
latter students did not attend
classes yesterday and gunfire
ceased for a time. Rioters, however,
set two buses afire and tried to
burn another.
Repel Attack
At another trouble sPot in Cara-
cus, centering in the western slum
district around Miguel Caro High
School, government troops used
tear gas and armed cars to repel
an attempt by rioters to storm
a police station.
Betancourt summoned 60 top
armed forces officers to a con-:
ference at the presidential palace.
The President has had the support
of the army since he took office
in 1958.
Rifle-carrying, steel helmeted
police were posted around some
Caracas banks where employes had
posted signs threatening a strike.
A leader of the central labor
organization had warned about the
possibility of some illegal strikes
which he said might be called as
part of the general agitation
against Betancourt,
Fear War Plot
WASHINGTON (A) -Venezuela
yesterday formally charged the
Dominican Republic with plotting
to attack it.
The Dominican government im-
mediately termed the charge false.
The charge and denial were
made at an emergency meeting of
the Organization of American
The Interamerican Peace Com-
mittee met afterwards to hear a
Venezuelan request for an investi-
gating committee.

T' To Open
Newly Built
The University will dedicate its
new $1.25 million Pharmacy Re-
search Building today.
The structure on Church Street,
which is for faculty and graduate
research use, is the first University
building built exclusively for phar-
maceutical research.
With the new building, the
pharmacy college will be able to
carry out a "gradual planned ex-
pansion" of research and eventu-
ally to double its capacity ,for
graduate students. Both under-
takings will require an increase in
faculty and funds, Dean Tom D.
Rowe says,- warning that neither
will occur overnight.
Acute Shortage
At present, there is an acute
shortage of pharmacists on all
levels, he explains, but the phar-t
macy college has accepted only 25
per cent of qualified graduate ap-
plicants because of lack of space.
"Individual research is an essen-
tial part of this post-graduate
traning and we have simply lacked
the facilities for this phase of
their eduaction."
Rowe will preside at the dedica-
tion, which includes a luncheon
speech by University President{
Harlan Hatcher on "The Emerging
Higher Higher Education." Offici-
als of the American Council on
Pharmaceutical Education, the
Pharmaceutical Manufacturers As-
sociation and the National Insti-
tutes of Health will speak at a
10 a.m. open meeting in Rackham
Amphitheatre; there will be an
afternoon tour for the more-than-
100 guests.
Public Open House
A public open house is slated
for 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday.
Funds for the building have come
from the federal government, the
pharmaceutical industry alumni
and friends of the University. The
$340,000 grant by the National
Institutes of Health is the largest
sum ever given to a pharmacy
college by a federal agency.
The building has mostly small
laboratories: the first three floors
are equipped for work in product
development, while the top floor is
to be devoted to pharmacognosy,
which Rowe says, is the study of
drugs derived from plants.
The University facility will be
one of only three or four in the
nation which will work extensively
in this area. Pharmacognosy is an
ancient science that has been
eclipsed until recently by study of
drugs made from chemicals.
Student Government Council last
night gave temporary recognition
to Americans Committed to World
The organization's spokesman
will be Alan Guskin, Grad. Guskin
said the group will try to show the
American student he can have a
voice in United States foreign af-
This aim will be implemented by
study groups on the developing
countries, a lecture series, and
pressure groups which will attempt
to influence legislation.
Prof. Samuel Hayes of the eco-
nomic department will be the
group's faculty advisor.


CourtSets Integration

. .. party pep-talk

'Keep Aetive'
Tells Pary
"The most vital periodfor a
party is when interest is at its
lowest ebb," Democratic State
Chairman Neil Staebler said last
night to about 20 Young Demo-
crats in a round table discussion
at the Michigan Union.
Staebler said that the Demo-
cratic organization must keep ac-
tive between elections to keep up
with the rival party and to meet
the continued needs of the public
for their informational and con-
tact services.
The party that does the best
"homework" has won elections, he
said. The Democrats work the year
around in Michigan while the Re-
publicans rely on a last minute
burst of publicity, such as the
last minute charges of President-
elect John F. Kennedy's lack of
interest in his committees in
Congress and the last minute Rule
Nine charges.
Republicans Learning
The Republicans have been
learning, however. In the last two
elections they had paid organiz-
ers, he conceded. This is good, he
said, as political competition
makes both parties become better
representatives of the people.
The party services the public
by providing information on the
Legislature and allowing more
people to participate in organized
politics. The party and its mem-
bers refine ideas as they work and
each member becomes more in-
formed, thus politics fulfills the
individual's need as well as that
of the Legislature.
Specifically the party must fill
vacancies, keep pressures on leg-
islation, educate the public on
non-controversial issues, search
out, choose and train candidates
and keep the machine in good
repair, all in the time between
Prizes Not Great
On vacancy filling, he remark-
ed that "The actual prizes in
politics are not very great, espe-
cially the financial rewards.
He warned that constant public
pressure and interest was the only
way to pass a bill in the Legisla-
ture saying, "If political parties
weren't pressed by the public
probably nothing would happen,
if they are forced into a commit-
ment, then things happen."
Precinct delegates are very im-
portant to the party machine,
they are both the grass roots and
the ultimate controlling factor in
the party.

NEW ORLEANS (M) - Federal
judges hammered down all Loui-
siana barriers to school integra-
tion yesterday, then approved a
12-year stairstep plan of integra-
tion for Dallas public schools.
Bitter demonstrations by New
Orleans housewives, trying to
block white children from attend-
ing integrated schools, grew in
scope and intensity.
Police had to protect one moth-
er whose child is one of two still
attending William Frantz School..
Against this background of
violent feelings, the United States
Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in
New Orleans stamped its approv-
al on a plan that in its original
form called for desegregation of
the first grade in Dallas in Sep-
tember, 1961.
It calls for the addition of an-
other grade each year until all 12
elementary and secondary grades
have been integrated.
Not Approve
And, the appeals court added:
"We do not mean to approve the
stair-step plan insofar as it post-
pones full integration."
In Baton Rouge, state legisla-
tors set the stage for a possible
statewide private school system.
Within hours after yesterday's
court ruling nailing down contin-
uation of school integration, the
House received a bill to set up a
brand new system of grants-in-
aid to enable school children to
attend private schools.
Boycott Tightened
The boycott of integrated New
Orleans schools tightened, leav-
ing the four six-year-old Negro
girls virtually in segregation for
the third day this week. Only two
white girls attended William
Frantz; none McDonogh No. 19
Under this public tension, three
federal judges stood firm, order-
ing integration to proceed as de-

creed by a United States district
In so doing, the judges leveled
the barrier of interposition - a
theory under which the state
places its sovereignty between the
federal government and the peo-
"The conclusion is clear," read
the judges' unanimous 5,000 word
ruling, "that interposition is not
a constitutional doctrine."
At the same time Dollars Anony-

mous-a private move to honor
the New Orleans schools superin-
tendent-flooded James F. Red-
mond with greenbacks in un-
marked envelopes.
Donors want the mailed bills to
pay the November salary with-
held by an angry Legislature.
Redmond said he was "touched"
by the move. However, he said he
thought his salary would be forth-
coming soon and asked that the
campaign stop.




Flint Branch Paper's Head
Desires No Reinstatement
Michael Stewart, deposed editor of the student newspaper at the
University's Flint branch, said last night that he had "no desire to be
Over a hundred persons - nearly half of the school's enrollment
- had signed petitions urging that Stewart be restored to the editorial
staff of The Word. But he pointed out that this had no legal force

Debate Bills
In Louisin
BATON ROUGE (P)-Louisiana
legislative leaders yesterday intro-
duced two bills to aid private
schools, setting the stage for a
possible statewide private system
to preserve racial segregation.
The bills were the first of the
current special session that dealt
specifically with private schools.
Rep. Risley Triche, a floor
leader for Gov. Jimmie H. Davis,
said one bill would authorize
grant-in-aid payments to parents
who prefer to send their children
to private, nonsectarian, nonprofit
The other bill would require of-
ficers of any educational coopera-
tive organized under provisions of
a 1958 law to furnish bond, as
established by the state board of
education, before receiving grant-
in-aid payments.


Member ship

and that, additionally, he did not
wish to be further associated with
the paper.-
Stewart was suspended from his
position Oct. 10 for alleged viola-
tions of policy. Prof. Edward Cal-
ver, faculty advisor and member
of the Flint College Publications
Board, charged that Stewart had
published unsigned editorials of
an "injudicious" nature, without
consulting other members of the
five-man editorial staff. These
practices violated the procedure
agreed upon by the staff itself, and
constituted grounds for Stewart's
Stewart said, however, that these
rules were not written and not
stressed. Both of the violations for
which he was removed had been
committed by other editors on
several occasions, he added.
Stewart said that the objection-
able material had been neither
approved or disapproved by the
rest of the staff. "The Word" is
a small mimeographed weekly, put
out by each ofrthe five in turn.
"Off-week" editors are supposed
to come in and edit material for
content, but they neglected to do
this, Stewart said. ,
The paper as it appeared Oct. 7
contained one political commen-
tary on the religious issue, heavily
pro-Democratic, and attacks on
a new library and the school's
electronic carillon. "The whole
tone of the paper, rather than any
one article," was offensive to the
college publications board, Stewart
The board, consisting of student
representatives and Prof. Calver,
advised action against Stewart.
Prof. Calver determined the extent
of that action, and dismissed
The removal was approved by
the four other editors of The
Word, Prof. Calver said. Neverthe-
less, a petition asking that Stewart
be reinstated was circulated and
gained considerable support.

Gold Talks
WASHINGTON () - Secretary
of the Treasury Robert B. Ander-
son has been stung by criticism
of his gold-dollar drain talks with
West German officials and feels
his side of the story hasn't been
given a public hearing.
Anderson hasn't discussed last
week's negotiations publicly. How-
ever, a fairly complete account of
the sessions, and the events pre-
ceding them, now can be pieced
This chronology, which is un-
derstood to reflect the treasury
chief's view, directly challenges
major criticisms aimed at his mis-
sion to Bonn.
No Surprise
-Anderson did not surprise the
West Germans with his proposal
that they pay $6001 million to
cover the amount the United
States spends in their country each
year to naintain United States
He brought up the subject with
them two months before the ne-
gotiations and, through diplo-
matic channels, reaffirmed several
times later his intention to deal
with this question.,
-The secretary was not in-
sensitive to West German objec-
tions that payment of troop costs
would hurt the Adenauer govern-
ment politically by reviving mem-
ories of occupation days.
Suggests Fund
Because he was aware of this,
Anderson did not ask West Ger-
many to pay troop costs directly,
Instead, he suggested a special
fund be set up in the United
States Treasury, to which West
Germany could make contribu-
tions indirectly offsetting the
troop cost.
-None of the alternative West
German suggestions for helping
the United States with its gold-
dollar problem was rejected
However, Anderson took a show-
me attitude toward these, ques-
tioning whetPer they would offei
adequate long-term help. The
West German proposals now are
the subject of continuing nego-
-The United Statesembassy
in Bonn and officials here whc
wwere directly concerned were
brought in on the planning of
the talks and were kept informed
The exact nature of Anderson'.
proposal on troop costs has nevei
been disclosed.

Hadley Asks,
More Time
For Study
Three -Amenidments
Placed on Motion
At Special Session
Student Government Counc
failed.to take action on the mo-
tion to acquire information or
membership practices last nigIt
but general sentiment among
Council members was in favor of
James Hadley, '61, in movingtU
postpone a vote another week, sai
that the Council needed mor
time to digest the informatior
and campus sentiment it had re-
ceived. He thought it would b
unwise to vote with Interfrater-
nity Council President Jon Trost
'61, not present.
Amend Motion
The motion which will be up fo
a vote next week contains threi
new amendments passed at las
night's special constitutents' meet
ing in the Union Ballroom.
It now reads:
"A. Change in University Regu
lations, page 11:
"File with the University in th
Office of the Vice-President fo
Student Affairs a statement whic]
lists all current rules, regulation
written or oral agreements, o
any other written or unwritte
criteria of the organization whic]
affect in any way the selection o
"B. Additional University Beg
ulations, page 12:. ,
"All fraternities and sororitie
must file with the University I
the Office of the Vice-Presiden
for Student Affairs a state
ment which lists all curren
terpretation which lists all curren
rules, regulations, written or un
written agreements, or any othe
written or unwritten criteria c
the organization which affect i
any way the selection of member
"Accompanying such shall b
the group's interpretation of thes
provisions as to their ability t
comply with the University Regu
lation and Membership."
In the case of both A and B, th
statements "shall at no time b
made public without the permi
sion of the proper national an
local authorities of the organiza
tion concerned."
Constituents Speak
Constituents spoke at sever
points in the meeting. Althoug
none took advantage of the fir
opportunity, before Council Inen
bers had debated at all, the cori
stituents expressed opinions free
as the amendments were con
Early discussion centered aroun
a motion by Daily Editor Thom
Hayden, '61, to outline moi
clearly the information require
in statements from fraternitie
and sororities. Previously, ti
motion had required them to "f1
. a statement which lists a
rules, regulations, and explicit (
implied agreements of the ogar
ization which directly or indirec
ly affect the selection of members
During' constituents' time Bet
Underwood, '61, asked for clari
cation of the section stating, ' A
companyng (the-s t at e menV
should be the group's interprets
tion of these provisions . "
Council President John Fe
kamp, '61, explained that a grot
was not compelled to submit a
interpretation. Subsequently ar
otherpconstituent suggested thi
the interpretation ought to 1

A motio by Roger Seasonweb:
'61 to substitute "shall" fc
"should" in that section passe

SRC Director Evaluates Jewish Vote

In their mass support of the Democratic Party, and high degree
of political involvement, Jews form America's most homogeneous
sociological group, Prof. Philip E. Converse, a director of Survey
Research Center told a Hillel Foundation audience last night.
Basing his address, "How Jews Vote," on data gathered by SRC
during studies of elections since 1952, Prof. Converse reported that
approximately 80 per cent of all Jews interviewed consider themselves
Five per cent report that they are independents and the remain-
ing 15 per cent call themselves Republicans.
Use Control Group
But since Jews occupy a distinct position in American society,
having a disproportionately high degree of urbanism, education, and
economic well-being, the obtained statistics were compiled with a
gentile group of similar characteristics.
It was thus found that the Jewish voting pattern was not merely
a function of the ethnic group's peculiar sociological level.
Amrw hr t a , nn,,vi" .rnte rnnlv 3 2 , r.cnt w. rDmo.

Jews differ sharply from the rest of a "drab" electorate due to
their adherence to an ideology-an overall structure on which they
can base specific deoisions.
Express Liberalism
Overwhelmingly, this is an ideology of liberalism and interna-
tionalism, the sociologist indicated. Thus Roosevelt's "broad humani-
tarianism" and sympathy for the Jewish world crisis caused by
Hitler, helped make him a Jewish hero.
But unlike other minority groups who also followed the Democrats
after the depression, Jews have stuck with the party.
Those who defected from the Democratic ranks in '52 and '56
were the kind of people who may have considered Eisenhower as the
savious of the Allies or were impressed by his good family life, the
sociologist added.
Have Reference Point
But Jews have an external frame of reference and "will resist
transient, short-term, superficial tides.
"Those who know least, float and do not affix themselves to a

Adds Provision
He then moved to add
motion the following state
"At no time sha'll the cont
these statements be made
without the permission c
proper national and local of
of .the organizations concer
He said SOC wa trying
up a confidential file and
to say so specifically. After
discusinn nut- the necess

Two Chairs StolenI

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