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November 29, 1960 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-11-29

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MAN i/ kI(tikn

B asketball,,


To Opeu
By DAVE ANDREWS -a-enst r. ,


Party Time
NCE UPON A TIME ther-e was a bunch of kids that played.
together, Of course there are always bunches of kids that play
gether, but this particular group that lived in one corner of
wn always had a lot of fun when they played.
A few years ago, a banker in another part of town happened1
notice this particular bunch of kids. Now this banker was famous
Iover town for his kids' parties. Every year a little after Christmas
0 gave a big party for the kids in town. All of the other people
town made donations to it and many of them even came to the'
,rty itself and had fun with the kids.
Now obviously, there wasn't room at this banker's home for all
the kids in town, so only one from each corner of town was
tvited and that one brought back lots of goodies for all his friends.
And as we said, he happened to notice this particular bunch;
kids a few years ago. He had occasionally invited soie of their
arents to the party when they were young, but had never done
But he finally decided that this was an exceptionally deserving
inch of kids and decided that one of them would be a regular guest
his annual party. So he told them that he would reserve a place
the table for them during every holiday season, if they would
gree to send one of their happy group to the party to collect all
e candy and presents for the rest.
As you would expect, the kids acted normally and accepted the
vitation. Things went along smoothly like this for a few years,
ith one of the neighborhood gang going to the annual party and
etting the presents for the rest. And every year the lucky kid that
ot to pick up the goodies was a hero to the rest of his gang.
* * *
[IHENTHINGS STARTED to change. The old gang started to
develop a little dissension. One or two of the kids' parents decided
bey didn't really need the presents and since they should be studying
nyway, told their kids to try and stop the agreement with the
Others in the gang resented the fact that only about half the
ads ever had a chance to go to the party.
And when one day the bunch of kids was evenly split on whether
r not to keep their deal with the banker, they decided to make it
voluntary proposition-none of them HAD to go, but any of them
OULD go-if the banker invited him personally. (He would still
ave to divy up the goodies thoughr)
,Now this wasn't a very gracious thing for the kids to do in
Lew of how hospitable the banker had been in the past. But when
Lie next year rolled around, the banker showed that he could
orgive and forget by asking one of the kids from the old gang again.
In fact, this year the kid he asked was one of those that had
barted the talk against going to the party regularly. The banker
.ad even passed over a number of other kids in town that were
iterested in the party to invite this member of the old gang.
' OW THIS KIND action on the part of the banker encouraged many
of the kids in the gang to think that maybe this year's lucky
arty-goer might change his mind and help them get an agreement
rom the banker again. They knew that if they didn't have an
greement, some day the banker might not ask one of them and
.obody would have any goodies.
But they were wrong. This year the invited member of the gang
raciously accepted the invitation. But in the same breath he told
be rest of the kids that he woudn't help them go to the party in
he future!
And that's the situation now. The rest of the gang can't under-
and why their old friend doesn't want everyone to have a chance
4 go to parties, but is glad to go himself.
Well, Minnesota? How about it? Why did you vote to accept the
tose Bowl bid and on the same day vote to continue opposition
o a contractual agreement between the Big Ten and the Rose Bowl
The rest of us kids in this corner of town would like a chance
a go to a party someday at the banker's big house over on Pasadena
NFL Standings
W L TPet. Pts. OP W L T Pct. Pts. OP
Baltimore 6 3 0 .667 260 170 Philadelphia 8 1 0 .889 242 185
Chicago 5 3 1 .625 181 180 Cleveland 5 3 1 .625 245 167
Green Bay 5 4 0 .556 243 175 New York 5 3 1 .625 189 179
San Francisco 5 4 0 .556 151 175 St. Louis 5 4 1 .556 244 203
Detroit 4 5 0 .444 160 183 Pittsburgh 4 5 1 .444-206 216
Los Angeles 3 5 1 .375 227 236 Washington 1 6 2 .143 131 227
Daas . 0 1 0 .000 132 315
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Basketball Coach Dave Strack'
can only "look up" for this year's
squad after last season's disap-
pointing record of four wins and
19 losses, with only one of the
victories coming in the conference.
Strack has already mentioned
that two of last year's problems,
lack of depth and height, will be
somewhat prevalent again this
year, but only competition will tell
the story.
The first-year coach has only
13 eligible ball players to work
with, including four from the foot-
ball team, and the opening game
wiht Vanderbilt is only three days
Tallest Player
Tallest player on the squad is
67" Tom Cole, a sophomore from
Springfield, Ill., who may lack
the necessary beef to scramble
under the boards with some of the
Big Ten giants like Walt Bellamy
of Indiana.
An encouraging note is that
Strack will be able to choose his
starting five from a group that
includes seven men who started at
one time or another last year, plus
four promising sophomores yet to
be tested in action. The upper
classmen include seniors Dick
Donley (6'5") and captain John
Tidwell, holder of the Michigan
one-game and season scoring rec-
ords; junior guards Jon Hall and
Steve Schoenherr, and forwards
Charlie Higgs, Bob Brown and
Scott Maentz.
The latter two have been prac-
ticing only a few days following
the completion of the football sea-
son, but should add some of the
necessary beef that lanky centers
Cole and Donley lack.
Could Help
"Brown and Maentz could help
us a great deal, both because of
last year's experience and their
size, but it takes -time and hard
work to develop basketball legs,"
said Strack. "It's a tough transi-
tion to make from the gridiron to
the court, but we hope they can do
so quickly."
Two other football players also
have reported, 6' Syl Jankowski
and 6'3" George Ginger, a strong
204 pounder. This should add to
the somewhat thin bench.
Sophomore Hopefuls
The sophomore group, in addi-
tion to Cole, includes 6'4" Don
Petroff, a rugged looking 210-
pounder from East Detroit, Tom
Eveland, a 5'10" guard from Li-
vonia, and Joe Mameth, a 5'11"
back court man.
In discussing the team, Strack
said that Tidwell undoubtedly is
the key to thehoffensive attack,
".. but the other boys have to
take up the slack this season,
which was a major factor contrib-
uting to last year's poor record."
Strack said that Tidwell will
probably play both guard and for-
ward, alternating to suit the needs
of the team.
Different Style
After about five weeks of prac-
tice, Strack has developed a "slight-
ly different style" for this year.
"We will have to work for the
good shot and utilize the fast
break only when the opportunity
presents itself," he said.
"We are going to be a 'smart
team' since we don't have the
members and strength of some of
iour opponents. The boys have been
working hard on what they do well
in trying to perfect their indi-
vidual performances."

Unknown and untested but Itch-,
ing for game competition, Michi-
gan's hockey team plunges into
the roughest schedule in its his-
tory when Toronto comes to town
for a two-game set Friday and
Following the Toronto series,
Coach Al Renfrew will have just
one short week to prepare his Wol-
verines for the Western Inter-
collegiate Hockey League opener,
also at home against North Da-
As of yet, Renfrew said, the
Wolverines are still unsettled as to
who will play where and with
whom. "We've got too many cen-
ters," he added.
Fast and Experienced
One thing, however, is sure;
Michigan will put a fast and ex-
perienced team on the ice against
the Canadians. Ten lettermen re-
turn and along with the addition
of several promising sophomores,
the Wolverines may well surprise.
Captain Dale McDonald heads
the list of five lettermen forwards.
He is ablely supported by Gordon
"Red" Berenson, Joe Lunghamer,
Al Hinnegan, and Carl White. Pat
Cushing, who lettered two years
ago, also returns, along with Pat
Kelly and Denny Rhode to add
strength to the Wolverines' front
Back on defense will be John

Palenstein, -Bernie Nielson, and I
Tom Wilson, and Jim Coyle will bel
back in the nets for a while but7
faces a challenge from sophomorei
Dave Butts.
Good Sophs
Other sophomores will fill the
spots left by the graduation of
Hockey tickets will go on sale,
Friday morning from 9 a.m. to
4:30 p.m. at the Athletic Ad-
ministration Building. They willj
also be available at the Coli-
seum from 5:30 p.m. until game 3
time. Tickets this year are $1.50
for general admission and $2.00
for reserved. Tickets for stu-
dents and University employees
are $1.00.
forwards Bob White, Steve Bo-
chen, and Gary Mattson, and cap-
tain and outstanding defenseman
Bobby Watt.
Larry Babcock, John McGonigal,
and Tom Pendlebury are expected
to see action as forwards while
Don Rodgers is expected to
strengthen the defense.,
Last year after a strong start,
the Wolverines faltered in league
play and finished the season with
a 7-11 mark good for fifth place
in the league. They were 12-12
In an early poll of coaches,
Michigan was picked to finish

fourth in the tough WIHL behind
Denver, Michigan Tech, and North
Dakota. Last weekend the Huskies
and the Sioux got a jump on the
rest of the teams when they split
a pair of games at Grand Forks.
The NoDaks took the opener Fri-
day, 6-4, but Tech rebounded with
a startling 8-1 triumph Saturday.
League Play
Michigan, following the Toronto
series, swings into' 24 consecutive
league games, encountering all of
the other teams four times in
home and home arrangements.
The complete schedule follows:
16-North Dakota away
17-North Dakota away
19-Colo.. Col. away
20-Col. CoI. away
22-Denver away
23-Denver away
13-Minnesota away
14-Minnesota away
Feb. 3-Mich. State away
24-Michigan Tech away
25-Michigan Tech away
Mar. 3-Mich. State away
10-11--Western League Playoff
16-17-18-NCAA Tournament Denver

HOCKEY CAPTAIN-Dale McDonald will lead the Michigan
hockey team into action this Friday night when the Wolverines
open the season against Toronto in the Coliseum. Coach Al
Renfrew's squad will be looking to improve last years fifth place
finish in league play.
Bellino AwEard Winner;
Aiston SignslNew Pact

By The Associated Press
PHILADELPHIA-Navy halfback
Joe Bellino yesterday was named
the outstanding college football
player in the nation by the Max-
well Football Club.
Bellino, who set a new Annapo-
lis record of 110 points and gained
834 yards in 10 games, led the
Middies to a 9-1 season and a bid
to the Orange Bowl next Jan. 2.
The 22-year-old first classman
will receive the award-in honor
of Robert (Tiny) Maxwell, former
football official and sports editor
here Feb. 6. The Maxwell Club
also honors a pro player of the
year to be named later.
Bellino is the 24th player to be
selected by the club since its in-
ception. Last year's winner was
Penn State's Richie Lucas.
LOUISVILLE - Walter Alston
last night agreed to a new one-
year contract to manage the Los
Angeles Dodgers.
It will be his eighth one-year

term. Alston has won three Na-
tional League pennants and two
World Series.
E. J. Bavasi, Dodger vice-presi-
dent and general manager, an-
nounced Alston's rehiring at a club
organization meeting.
NEW YORK - The New York
Yankees, continuing their push in
the bonus market, yesterday signed
Charlie Payne, 19, right-handed
pitcher from Hyattsville, Mo., and
George Washington University.
The amount of the bonus was not
Factory authorized sales and serv-
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Incorrect information was
given in J. B. Towne's cloth-
ing advertisement 'of the
November 23 issue of the
Daily. The words "'Palm
Beach" tuxedos were not
intended to be included.

AFL Standings

Houston 8
Boston 5
New York 5
Buffalo 4
Los Angeles 7
Dallas 5
Oakland 5
Denver 4

L T Pet. Pts. OP
3 0 .727 311 217
6 0 .455 251 240
6 0 .455 278 294
6 1 .400 228 234
L T Pt. Pts. OP
4 0 .636 241 243
6 0 .455 280 246
6 0 .455 226 306
6 1 .400 239 274

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Residence Hails "A" volleyball
Van Tyne 4. Allen Rumsey 0
Huber 4, Michigan 2
Wenley 4, Hinsdale 1
Winchell 4, Greene 0
layden 4, Anderson 0
}Williams 4, Taylor 3
Comberg 4, Scott 2
Kelsey 4, Chicago 0
Adams 4, Strauss 2
Residence fHails "B" Volleyball
Huber 4, Hinsdale 0
Gomberg 4, Lloyd 0
Kelsey 4, Reeves 0
Wiychell4, Michigan 0
Wenley 4, Greene 0
O)ther Games
Sigma Phil Epsilon 4, Delta Upsilon 2



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