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November 29, 1960 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-11-29

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Group Meets To Discuss
Integration Technique

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Over 40 persons met in Ann
Arbor Friday and Saturday to ex-
plore the techniques of non-violent
direct action against discrimina-
tion, a leader of the workshop
reported yesterday.
Mrs. John Talayco said that the
group heard an address by Gerald
Bullock, one of the founders of
the Congress on Racial Equality,
on Friday nikht. His topic was
"The Dynamics of Direct Action,"
and dealt with the implications
of segregation for Negroes and
means by which such segregation
could be ended.
A second resource participant
was Gladys Harrington, chairman
of the New York CORE.
Hold Discussions
An addition to the address by
Bullock, the group held discus-
sions on the philosophy and tech-
niques of direct action, capping the
theoretical treatment with a num-
ber of actual projects in the field.
Several facilities were tested
directly for any discriminatory
Watt To Lecture
On Policy Making
Donald C. Watt of the London
School of Economics will lecture
on "The United States and the
British Foreign Policy Making
Elite, 1896-1956" at 4:15 p.m. to-
day in the Rackham Amp
The economist's speech is spon-
sored by the history department
and will be open to the general

pocies of whicn they mght be
guilty, with what Mrs. Talayco
termed "a marked degree of suc-
cess." Some installations believed
to have practiced discrimination in
the past admitted Negroes Satur-
day, she explained.
Subsequent Steps
The testing of facilities for bias
is the first step in the direct ac-
tion technique, leaders of the
workshop noted.
Subsequent steps include dis-
cussions of policy changes with
persons involved, appeal to the
public for support, and publicizing.
of the policies through leaflets
and pickets. If these steps are not
sufficient to cause a change of
policy then direct action in the
form of sit-ins nay be called for.
Recess Prank
Blocks Cars
A pile of bicycles and logs greet-
ed motorists at Washtenaw Ave.
south of S. University Ave. the
night before Thanksgiving vaca-
City police have complained to
University officials that members
of a fraternity obstructed traffic:
as a prank, and replaced the heap
after patrolmen had cleared it

(Continued from Page 4)
November 30, 1960 Union Ballroom
Constituents' Time to be Designated
Minutes of previous meeting.
Officer Reports: President, Letters,
Adoption of. Rules (motion); Exec.
Vice President, Appointments, Regional
Executive Committee Representative,
Announcement of Coming Appoint-
ments; Adm. Vice President; Treasurer.
Standing Committees: Recognitions
Committee, Temporary Recognition of
Michigan of Students Committed to
World Responsibility.
Special Business: Constitutions of
Fraternities and Sororities.
New Business
Members and Constituents' Time
Events Tuesday
Woodwind Quintet: Nelson Hauen-
flute, Florian Mueller, oboe, Albert Lu-
coni, clarinet, Louis Stout, French horn,
and Lewis Cooper, bassoon, will be
heard in a concert on Tues., Nov. 29,
8:30 p.m. at Rackham Lecture Hall. The
ensemble will perform compositions by
Mozart, Danzo, Aliabyev, Milhaud, Jon-
gen,, and Bassett. Open to the public.
Lecture: "The Automobile Age in
Japan," by Dr. Susumu Kobe, Waseda
University, Tokyo, on Tues., Nov. 29
at 8 p.m. in the Assembly Hall, Rackham
Lecture: Donald C. Watt, London
School of Economics, will speak on
"The United States and the British
Foreign Policy Making Elite, 1896-1956,"
Tues., Nov. 29, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre. Open to the public.
The Science Research Club Lecture,
"Progress & the Scientific Atmosphere"
by Dr. Peter J. W. Debye on T'ues., Nov.
29, at 8:00 p.m. in the Rackham Amphi-.
theatre. The public is cordially invited.
TODAY: Seminar on the Sikh Reli-
gion, led by Santokh Singh Anant, 'of.
ficer of the Sikh Diwan Society, and
Research assistant, Department of Psy-
chology. 4:15 p.m., Tues., Nov. 29, Lane
Hall. Open to any studients.
Engineering Mechanics Seminar: Tue.,
Nov. 29, at 4:00 p.m. in Room 311 West
Engineering. Dr. Sydney Chapman, Sr.
Research Scientist, Institute of Science
and Technology, will speak on "The
Northern Lights and the Space Around
the Eearth." Coffee in 201 West
Engineering at 3:30 .p.m.
Events Wednesday
Composers Forum: Compositions by
students Arthur Hunkins, Carl Alexius,
Jerry Bilik and Roger Reynolds, willy
be heard in a recital on Wed., Nov. 30,
at 8:30 p.m. in Aud. A Angell Hall. The
compositions will be performed by so-
loists and instrumental ensembles. Open
to the public.
Biological Chemistry Colloquium: Dr.
Robert K. Crane, Department of Bio-

logical Chemistry, Washington Univer-
sity, School of Medicine, St. Louis, Mo.,
on "Some Aspects of the Mechanism of
Intestial Absorption of .Sugars" in
M6423 Medical Science Bldg at 3:30 p.m.
Wed., Nov. 30, Coffee in M5410 at 3:00
Botanical Seminar: Don V. Baxter,
Prof. of Forest Pathology, will speak
on "Fungus Patterns of the Alaska
Wilderness" (with motion pictures)
Wed.~ Nov. 30 at 4:15 p.m. 1139 NS. Re-
freshments at 4 p.m.
Doctoral Examination for Harry Clop-
ton Dillingham, Sociology; thesis: "Oc-
cupationali Bureaucratization, Denomi n-
ational Structure, and Religious Vitali-
ty," Wed., Nov. 30, 5609 Haven Hall, at
3:00 p.m. Chairman, 0. E. Swanson.
Placement Notices
The following schools t have listed
teaching vacancies for now and Sep-
Franklin Park, IIl (Leyden Comm.
H.S)-Instrumental Music (Band) /
English, (available at the present time)
Buchanan, Mich.: Guidance Counsel-
ors (available in September).
For any additional information con-
tact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528
Adm. Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489.
* Beginning Tues., Nov. 29. the fol-
lowing schools will have representatives
at the Bureau to interview for Feb-
ruary and September vacancies.
TUES., NOV. 29-
Birmingham, Mich. - Elem. Elem.
Type A; Speech Corr., Jr. HS Eng.. HS
French, Spanish.
East Roockwood, Mich. Gibralter
Selhs.) - Elem. (3, 4, & 5th Grades):
Elem. PE (Woman); Jr. HS Sci/Math or
Elem. or Soc. Stud/Math; Ment. Ret.
THURS., DEC. 1--
6Royal Oak, Mich. -- Elem. (K-6), Elem.
Vocal, Elem. Ment. Ret.; Speech Corr;
Jr. HS Librarian; Jr. & Sr. HS Coun-
For any additional information and
appointments contact the Bureau of
Appointments. 3528 Admin. Bldg., NO
3-1511, Ext. 489.
INTERVIEWVS - Seniors & grad stu-
dents, please call Bureau of Appoint-
ments, Ext. 3371, for interview appoint-
ments with the following:
NOV. 29-
Internal Revenue Service, Detroit -
Selective interviews for positions of
Revenue Agent - accounting major;
Revenue Officer - any major: and
Special Agent - Bus. Admin., or Econ.,
Law, Educ., Criminology & Accounting
Travelers Insurance Co., Hartford,
Conn, Detroit & offices throughout
the U.S. - All kinds of insurance &
various bonds. Men & WOMEN .-
Liberal Arts or Bus. Ad., for Actuarial,
Claims, Sales & Service, Underwriting
or Admin. On-the-job TRAINING.
NOV. 30--
U.s. Dept. of Labor, Wash. D.C., &
throughout U.S. - will interview men
& WOMEN; B.B.A. or B.A. in Econ.,
Pol. Sci., History - for programs in
Economics, Labor Mgmt., Training,

Several motorists who
collided with the objects
complaints with the policet
Police refused to say
fraternities are involved.






:y food...thrifty prices
W. Stadium Blvd.

beginning TOMORROW


Personnel, Public Admin, Statistics &
Investigation. Intensive initial TRAIN-
ING for college grads who are appoint-
ed through Management Intern pro-
gram of FSEE.
DEC. 1-
McGraw Hill Publishing Co., N. Y. -
interviewing mhen for editorial positions
with business & tech. magazines; Busi-
ness Week, Chem. Engrg., Textile
World, etc. On-the-job TRAINING pro-
grams on various magazines covering
professional writing, interviewing, edit-
ing, production & sales. Grads in Lib-
eral Arts, Econ., Science, or Bus. Ad.
U1.S. Public Health, Detroit-TRAIN-
ING for seniors or alumni; males under
age 30, B.A. degree for following posi-
tions - Public Health Advisor, Com-
municable Disease Investigator"& Inter-
viewer. Duties include: work with
planning & conducting community
surveys, interviews with infected pa-
tients to elicit pertinent data for In-
vestigatIon; arranging for referral,
treatment, etc.
DEC. 2-
Project Matterhorn, Princeton Univ.,
N. J. - Men with B.S., M.S. or Ph.D.
in Physics, U. S. citizens only, for R.
& D., and Engineering Design at For-
restal Research Center. Project is part
of the Sherwood Project on control of
the thermonuclear power of the H
bomb for peace time purposes.
Marshall Field' & Co., Chicago-Im-
mediate opening for WOMAN grad as
writer trainee in publicity, special
events dept. Should have B.A. in Eng-
lish, speech, or journalism, with some
writing experience in advertising, news-
paper, or radio-television.
Argus Cameras, Ann Arbor-Currently
seeking recent grad with B.B.A. in
Accounting for position as Supervisor
in Accounts Payable Dept. Preference
given ,to men with military obligations
already fulfilled.
J. I. Case Co., Racine, Wis. - Im-
mediate opening for qualified grad as
Product & Market Engineer in Agri-
cultural & Industrial Equipment Mfg.
Co. Experience in construction equip-
ment field necessary.
U.S. Railroad Retirement Board -
Chicago - Openings for college grad:
B.A. In Math as Actuary B.A. with
training in statistics & social sciences
as Analytical Statistician; any B.A. for
TRAINING as Claims Examiner. Must
passIFed. Service Entrance Exam to
Michigan Civil Service has Training
Programs, for careers in a variety of
fields for college grads. The application
deadline has been EXTENDED TO DEC.
California Civil Service - Two im-
mediate openings in San Bernardino
CountyPlanning Dept. for recent grad-
uate City Planners; 0-2 yrs. experience.
Eli Lilly & Co., Indianapolis &
Greenfield, Ind.-Opportunities for a'
Ph.D. Plant Physiologist: Animal Phy-
siologist (Ph.D.); Statistician (Ph.D.)
for marketing managegent; Organic
Chemist (B.S., man or woman) - and
a Pharmacist (M.S.) for Corn States
Labs., Omaha. -- through March '61.
Litton Industries, Electronics Div.,
Woodland Hills, Calif., - announced
graduate Study-Work Fellowships for
recent grads with B.S. in electronics-
oriented engineering, science or math.
Programs at U.C.L.A. and U.S.C. U.S.
citizens only
Please contact Bureau of Appoint-
ments, Room 4021 Admin. Bldg., Ext.
3371 for further information.
Dec. 7 and 8 - Detroit Civil Service
will interview students interested in
summer jobs in the Detroit area.
Examinations for these jobs will be
given during Christmas vacation.
The Summer Placement Service is
open Monday through Thursday from
1:30 to 4:55 p.m., and all day Friday.
The following part-time jobs are
available. Applications for these jobs
can be made in the Non-Academic
Personnel Office, 1020 Admin. Bldg.,
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to
12:30 p.m.
Employers desirous of hiring part-
tim e or temporary employees should
cdntact Bill Wenrich at NO 3-1551, ext.
Students desiring miscellaneous jobs
should consult the bulletin board in
Room 1020, daily.
32-Psychological subjects (hours to be
3-Experienced meat cutters.
5-Salesmen (prefer upperclass or
graduate students commission
8-Psychological subjects ifor one, two
hour period)
3-Rooms in exchange for light house-
3-Steno-typists (morning hours only)
11-Psychological subjects (21 or over,
for drug experiments)
7-Psychological subjects (for one, two
hour period)
3-Girls for light housework (hours to
be arranged)
4-Waitresses (3-4 evenings per week,
hours to be arranged)

W10 t(K)THE
Starting Saturday
A&) He9 TH~f
r ,(


Guild House
4:30 to 6:00 P.M.

524 Thompson



When Jim Boardman took his B.S. in Elec-
trical Engineering at Colorado State, there was
one idea uppermost in his mind. He wanted a
job in which he could work his way into man-
agement via the engineering route. As he puts f
it, "I didn't want to stick with straight engi- i
neering all my life."
After talking to eight other organizations p
Jim joined The Mountain States Telephone & t
Telegraph Company. He soon got the kind of
action he was looking for.n
His first assignment: How best to improve a
widely scattered rural telephone service all over
Colorado-a sticky engineering challenge. ie
was n avn afree hand tn work out his nwn nrn- a

Six months later, Jim turned in his recom-
mendations. His plan was accepted.
Next stop: Colorado Springs. Here Jim
worked out a plan to expand telephone facilities
or this burgeoning community. This plan, too,
s now in operation,
Today, at 24, Jim has an important role in
planning where, how much, and what kind of
elephone service is needed in the Denver area.
Here's how Jim puts it: "We get tough assign-
ments-but we also have the freedom to take hold
and do a job. I think the future here is unlimited.
f a man wants to do it-it's there to be done."
If you're a guy who can "Find the answer-
%nd brin it h ack"--n'l want to aet with a com'-


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