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November 20, 1960 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-11-20

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Clash with
Seat for



- .

U S.
'Deputy Zorin
Says Russia

State Seeks Court Aetion on Injuction

NEW ORLEANS (P)-Belabored
by legal and riotous strife in New
Orieans over integration of public
schools, Louisiana began a week-
end breather yesterday.
In a legal move yesterday at-
torneys for the legislature filed a
motion in federal court to have
an injunction suit against the
parish school board remanded
from federal court to state dis-
trict court.
The maneuver was overshadow-
ed by issues already before fed-
eral court. In Montgomery, Chief
Judge Richard T. Rives of the
United States Fifth Circuit Court
of Appeals said there would be
no ruling until after the weekend.
Considering Issues
A three-judge federal court had
under advisement three issues:
1) A plea by the Orleans Parish;
(county) school board that feder-
ally ordered integration be set
aside until the state and federal
governments can settle their dif-
ferences in the courts.l
2) A motion filed by the feder-
al government to enjoin state and7
local officials from interfering
with carrying out of integration
orders. '
3) Motions asking the court to


Begin Talks
On Defense
PALM BEACH (MP)-- President-
elect John F. Kennedy yesterday
began Pentagon reorganization
talks with the goal of saving tax-
payers some money while gearing
the nation's military might more
closely to the nuclear-space age.
TAe talks were with Sen. Stuart
Symington (D-Mo) whom - Ken-
nedy asked to study and report
on how to streamline the Defense
Shakeup Possible
What Symington told a news
conference yesterday and what
Kennedy said during the campaign
about economy and modernization
of the Pentagon presaged possible
recommendations for a far-reach-
ing shakeup in the defense es-
Symington told a news con-
ference afterward- that the Penta-
gon organization still is based
fundamentally on World War II
ideas, although there have been
three major technological revolu-
tions in national defense since
that war.
Studying Structure

give the board full control over
schools and to keep the state from
interfering with the federal order
to integrate.
01 Stage Crucial
Litigation reached a crucial
stage on the eve of a week's holi-
day in the state's school system.
State teachers' conventions, seg-
Alaska Vote
JUNEAU (A) - Vice-President
Richard M. Nixon clinched Alas-
ka's presidential electoral votes
today as counting of absentee bal-
lots gave him a steadily mounting
With more than half of the
state's approximately 5,000 ab-
sentee votes tallied Nixon had
picked up another 295 and stretch-
ed his margin over Democratic
President-elect John F. Kennedy
to 953.
At this point Nixon's over-all
total in the surprising upset was
29,390. Kennedy's 28,437.

regated, will take up the first
three days of next week, followed
by the usual Thanksgiving week-
end holiday.
Orleans Parish Superintendent
James F. Redmond said he was
hopeful of making some arrange-
ments to meet next Wednesday's
payroll, but bankers were reluc-
tant to make loans until the
courts decide who runs the
Senator Comments
"From a practical point of
view," school board attorney Sam-
uel I. Rosenberg told the federal
tribunal Friday, "the board is
reaching a point that regardless
of the orders of this court, we
soon will be inable to operate."
Underscoring Rosenberg's com-
ment was a statement by state
Sen. Howard Jones that the Leg-
islature next week will transfer
$1.5 million in school operating
funds to state-chartered banks.
Predict China
To Test .Bomb
LONDON () --- Red China will
explode its first atomic bomb late
in 1961, the Sunday Times re-
ported today.
The newspaper said the explo-
sion will be at least as large as
one of France's Sahara Desert
The report was attributed to
intelligence sources in Tokyo. -
There was evidence the Red
Chinese had revised their pro-
gram which formerlyscheduled
production of Asia's first atomicf
bomb by the end of 1962. Reportst
claimed this had now been speededr
up by 12 months under a secret,
priority directive of the Chinesei

Stands Firm,
Assembly To Meet
In Special Session
Soviet Union unleashed a bitte:
attack on the United States yester-
day in an effort to bar a General
Assembly seat to Congo President
Joseph Kasavubu.
But Western diplomats remained
confident that the Assembly would
vote in his favor.
Valerian A. Zorin, Soviet deput3
foreign minister, told the Assembly
his country would not be bound
by any decision upholding a re.
commendation of the Assembly's
credentials committee that a dele-
gation headed by Kasavubu be
given the vacant Congo seat.
Special Session
The Assembly met in specia
session on the question, but ad-
journed until tomorrow without
reaching any decision. It still must
hear a long list of speakers before
reaching the voting stage,
Zorin called Kasavubu a puppet
of the United States and attempts
to seat him in the Assembly "an
indecent farce."
"The whole history of the inter-
national crisis in the Congo is one
of direct interference in the affairs
of that country by the United
States and the NATO powers," he
said. "It is an interference in
which the United Nations com-
mand and the Secretary-General
unfortunately became a cd-par-
Success Uncertain
Almost overshadowing the As-
sembly debate itself was specula-
toin on the chances of success for
the 15-nation Asian-African con-
ciliation commission which is due
in the Congo at the end of next
week to see what can be done
about resolving political rivalries.



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s Symington is head of a five-mai
- committee studying the defens
structure. Although Kennedy'
staff had announced Symingtox
would bring his report along yes
1 terday, the senator said it won'
- be finished before the end of th
month. He said there is disagree
ment on some point but the com
mittee is trying for unanimity.
Thus the Kennedy-Symingto
discussions were in the nature o
informal, preliminary talks.
Symington in the past has talke
in terms of saving $5 billion t{
$10 billion a year by reorganizing
the Defense Department.
Advocates Efficiency
And while Kennedy spoke during
the presidential campaign of ai
emergency increase of $2.5 billion
to $3 billion in arm spending, h
also said increased efficiency it
the administrative end of thing,
could save money.
As the Democratic presidentia
nominee, he said In a speech
mdrafted for the American Legion
Convention in Miami a month
ago that "the Pentagon should
be reshuffled in accordance with
the logic of modern weapons
systems and technology." He said
there is duplication of functions
with 39 separate Pentagon offices
and this must be wiped away.
Symington said his committee
hopes to give recognition in its
report to "the importance of arms
control not only in other depart-
ments of the government, like
state, for example, but also in the
military itself."
Ikeda Seeks
Clear Mandate
From Voters.
TOKYO () - Japan's voters
have their say today on conser-
vati~'e Prime Minister Hayato
Ikeda's appeal for a mandate
against neutralism in the cold
war and in favor of the military
alliance with the United States.
Ikeda's Liberal-Democratic (con-
servative) party is heavily favored
over the left-wing Socialists.
The balloting provides the first
major test of sentiment on the
turbulent events that jarred world
confidence in Japan's young
democracy - street rioting that
forced cancellation of President
Dwight D. Eisenhower's visit in
June and the assassination of
Socialist party leader Inejiro Asa-
numa last month.
To gain the mandate Ikeda is
seeking, the conservatives have
to win big and exceed their tradi-
tional postwar 2-to-i margin over
the leftist opposition.

n Puce on Communist strategy -
e whether to take a harder line
against the West and force the
n issue on such problems as West Warm
it r Winter
t -T
Expects Stable fashions
- -
D ollar V alue P by
PARIS ()-Raymond J. Saul- KAYSER
Slie r, chairman of President LINGERIE
Dwight D. Eisenhower's,\ Council
0 of Economic Advisers, said yester-
g day that no one should expect
devaluation of the American dol-
g Saulnier, speaking at the Uni-'I
a versity of Paris, also said he felt
a the United States economy was
e in a "very good position to re-
a sume an advance which has char-
S acterized it over the years."
Saulnier said he was not claim-
1 ing there had been no recent de-
cline in the United States econo-
a my.
a "But," he said, "there has been
3 nothing which could properly be One of the warmest fashions for dormitory and bedtime
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