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November 18, 1960 - Image 1

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Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom

VOL. LXXL No. 52



Legislator Modifies Threat
Of Curtailing WSU Funds,

State Senator Elmer R. Porter
(R-Blissfield) modified his threat
to block state appropriations for
Wayne State University yesterday.
WSU officials announced that
they would talk to Senator Porter
in an attempt to clear up "misun-
Porter said he would not use his

one vote on the senate appropria-
tions committee, of which he is
chairman, to block funds for WSU
"because I think I can get results
without it.
"I'm in no position to take the
stand that I won't give them any
money. That would be foolish."
The original promise that
"Wayne State University will be

Educator Berelson Defends
Specialized Graduate Study
Prof. Bernard Berelson defended the nation's "healthy" graduate
schools against critics who see overspecialization, lowering standards,
and faculty preparation at yesterday's opening session of the four-
teenth Annual Conference on Higher Education.
The optimistic report was based on a recently published four-
year study of graduate education in the United States, and vigorously
defended the place of specialized research training.
He termed the position that graduates should have more ability
in teaching a "market research argument." At present, only 20 per

w !+ E'

...refuses discussion

LANSING WP)-Paul D. Bagwell,
defeated Republican candidate for
governor, said yesterday he would
be willing to sit down with Gov.-
elect John B. Swainson and talk
over Michigan's governmental
Swainson. without actually say-
ing so, politely turned him down.
"I am well aware of the prob-
lems facing Michigan and I am
formulating specific programs to-
ward their solution," he said after
learning of Bagwell's offer.
Repeats Willingness
Swainson, who is acting gover-
nor in the absence of Gov. G.
Mennen Williams, repeated his
willingness to "renew cordial rela-
tions" with Bagwell.
The GOP candidate said in a
statement that he believed the
political margin in Michigan was
'"to narrow for either party to
claim the right to dictate the
terms of solutions to our prob-
"Political war over our prob-
lems will accomplish nothing ex-
cept further damage to Michigan's
reputation," he said.
Record Turnout
Swainson beat Bagwell by about
40,000 votes in a record election
turnout of some 3,250,000 voters.
Two of the state's most pressing
problems, he said, are its financial
ailments and need for constitu-
tional reform.
Soviet Leader
Opens School
For Aliens
MOSCOW (P)-Premier Nikita S.
Khrushchev formally opened a
Soviet university for foreign stu-
dents yesterday, joking with them
about catching the bug of Com-
The Soviet leader alsp assailed
Western education before Soviet
officials, foreign diplomats and the
students from 59 Asian, African
and Latin American nations in the
Hall of Columns-scene of the
Francis Gary Powers U-2 spy trial
three months ago-for ceremonies
inaugurating the Peoples Friend-
ship University.
He gave as the Soviet Union's
snle nunrns in creating suh a

'cent of doctoral graduates go into
teaching at the undergraduate
Lists Employers
In fact, the largest employers of
such graduates are private cor-
porations, he said. Also, the
government takes more graduates
than the top ten universities put
together do.
Thus, he felt that critics don't
realize the "market" which grad-
uate schools are serving.
As far as special training in
college teaching is concerned,
"until some hard evidence is in,
I would prefer the selection of
doctoral graduates who are in-
terested in the field."
He listed a number of recom-
mendations short of "pedagogical
methods courses" to improve the
situation, including:
1. Teaching experience for all
Ph.D. candidates, which would be
useful in learning subject matter
as well as providing experience for
future professors.
2. Supervision of such teaching.
Vary Assignments
3. Including various assignments
in such teaching, and not just
menial introductory courses.
4. Limiting the amount of teach-
ing a student does.
5. Offering a non-credit course
in the goals and problems of
liberal arts teaching.
He documented the decentraliza-
tion of graduate teaching and the
lowering of the average quality
of instruction by citing that in the
1920's 60 per cent of graduate
degrees were granted by the top
ten graduate schools, whereas to-
day the number has slipped to
34 per cent.
Quality Not Affected
"But, the addition of second-
class doctorates does not affect
the quality or the prestige of the
first-class doctorate. No one is
fooled by a tag unless he wants
to be." -
He also discussed the decreasing
prestige and importance of the
master's degree. "The diversity of
the present situation bothers those
who want a degree to mean only
one thing.",
Some masters degrees are ter-
minal, professional certificates,
and they will eventually have
little meaning as a research.
academic degree for scholars.
He thinks that the supply of
graduates is not as small as many
current writers have indicated, but
since many graduates continue to
teach where they received their
degrees, the universities are in a
better position than the small,
private colleges.
"If everyone is to get college
education, we must pay in average
quality. If we are to have know-
ledge, we must pay the price of
specialization. If we are to have
diversity in education, we must
pay by having ipany standards,"
he concluded.
Give Lundstedt
Sven Lundstedt has been ap-
pointed assistant director of the
Foundation for Research on Hu-
man Behavior, its trustees an-
nounced yesterday.
Lundstedt, 34 years old, re-
ceived a doctorate in psychology
and eduation from the University
of Chicago in 1955 and a master's
dPm. ~ i a n - &"A ,,,1,1., ... rw

hard put to find further Michigan
tax dollars for its support as long
as the Board of Governors permit
Communist speakers to appear on
campus" was disclosed Wednesday
by Ann Byerlein.
Miss Byerlein is leader of a
group of petitioners demanding
that WSU reinstate its ban on
Communist lecturers. She ap-
peared before the WSU governing
board two days ago with 62,651
signatures supporting her claims
and other "evidence" which in-
cluded Porter's statement which
he had mailed to her last month.
Expians Letter
"I meant that if they are going
to permit Communist speakers
there it might be very hard for
them to get increased appropria-
tions," Porter explained yesterday.
WSU's President Clarence B.
Hilberry said Porter had tele-
phoned him after the meeting and
assured the president that he was
in favor of the university's policy.
Hilberry said that Porter was
"concerned" that persons would be
allowed on campus to preach vio-
lent overthrow of the government.
Assures Prevention
"Nothing could be farther from
the truth," Hilberry said. "All the
safeguards have, been set up to
prevent propaganda of any kind
being preached."
Prof. Sheridan Baker of the
University's English department
labelled the whole situation "dis-
tressing and disappointing." It is
certainly sad to see men who
think they are being loyal citi-
zens so misunderstand the bases
of democracy.".
Stresses Freedom
Stressing the Jeffersonian con-
cept of an open exchange of con-
flicting ideas, Prof. Baker said,
"We must preserve the freedom
for any idea to be held and publi-
cized. We need to be doubly cer-
tain that we do not restrict free
speech even when it is of ideas op-
posite to ours. Only by free and
open debate will the false be
known and the truth recognized."
Prof. Baker, who was president
of the last Michigan Conference
of the American Association of
University Professors, took issue
with Porter. "Whenever an outside
agency attempts to dictate a uni-
versity policy, that's when truth
and reason fly out the window."
'WSU Situation
Leads Voice
T o Take Stand
At its meeting last night,' the
Voice Party unanimously passed
the following resolution concern-
ing-academic freedom on campus
and at Wayne State University.
"Voice is concerned with possi-
ble infringement of academic
freedom which might result at
Wayne State 'University. Further,
since the University of Michigan
is subject to possible pressures
from the same public and legisla-
ture groups, Voice is concerned
with the condition of the Univer-
sity on this campus.
"Therefore, Voice mandates its
operations committee to investi-
gate 1) the procedures by which
Voice might support the Board of
bovernors' action, 2) the proced-
uses by which Voice can protect
and Improve the general cordi-
tion of academic freedom at the

SGC Motion
Gains Favor
Of Panhel
In a straw vote taken yesterday,
Panhellenic association indicated
its support of the Student Govern-
ment Council motion concerning
membership restrictions in fra-
'ternities and sororities, Panhel
President Barbara Greenberg, '61,
said last night.
The support was not unanimous,
however. Several sorority presi-
dents voied concern over possible
misuse of the Council's delegated
power. "What if SGC five years
from now should want to abolish
the Greek system entirely? Would
they use this information against
us?" one president asked.
"This is a unique campus be-
cause it has both a strong in-
dependent system and a strong af-
filiate system, yet neither is try-
ing to crush the other. The com-
mittee wants to work with
chapters here to free them from
national discriminatory policies,"
Miss Greenberg said.
Last Resort
"If the committee finds that
your national organization has a
discrimination policy, they will
encourage you to press for a
more autonomy regarding national
rulings. Revoking University re-
cognition is absolutely the last
Another speaker feared that
SGC connections with thedUnited
States National Student Associa-
tion might cause the Council to
use membership restriction in-
formation unwisely. She wondered
if SGC President John Feldkamp,
as President of the NSA Executive
Committee, would be obliged to
carry out on this campus what-
ever policies NSA adopts.
"If in giving membership in-
formation to the committee the
fraternities and sororities ob-
viously do not tell the whole truth,
what happens then?" She feared
that the committee might force
organizations to pledge certain
persons to prove their good faith,
and claimed that this has hap-
pened on other campuses.
"NSA is called radical by some
colleges, and perhaps the officers
here would try to employ quick
methods instead of the present
good faith approach."
Explains Policy
Feldkamp pointed out that NSA
has no policy on constitutions, but
only asks that bias clauses con-
cerning racial and religious factors
be removed by whatever means
"SGC is the only University
agency that can govern recogni-
tion of sororities," he emphasized.
"NSA has no views on constitu-
tions or how to deal with the or-
Miss Greenberg noted that none
of the objections concerned the
elimination of discrimination it-
self, or even the value of giving
membership information to the
present SGC committee. "If the
only objection is that future Coun-
cils might disturb the present co-
operative, good faith approach,
then I am greatly encouraged."
Historian To Talk
On Civil Liberty
Prof. Henry Steele Commager
of the history department of Am-
herst College of Columbia Univer-
sity will speak in the Challenge
Colloquium at 6:30 p.m. today in
Rackham Lecture Hall.
The lecture will be one In a se-
ries on the "Challenge of Civil
Liberties" presented here this se-


Back Southern Alli

Cuba Rejects
U.S. Protest
Over 'trial f
HAVANA (iP) -- Cuba rejected
yesterday a United States embas-
sy note protesting what the em-
bassy called the Romah circus $
trial and execution of three Amer-
icans seized with an anti-Castro
invasion band.
A Cuban reply warned that any k
future invaders "who are not left
on the field of battle mixing their$
blood with the dust of our land
will face the same revolutionary
The note from Acting Foreign
Minister Carlos Olivares was de-
livered to Daniel M. Braddock, ;
United States charge d'affaires.
Cuban Foreign Minister Raul Roa
is currently at the United Nations
session in New York and United
States Ambassador Philip Bonsa
was recalled to Washington a few
weeks ago.
Condemns Treatment
Braddock had condemned as in-
human and indiscriminatory the
manner in which the three Amer-
icans were put to death after
their seizure last month.
The three set out from Miami
and were caught after the rebel
group landed on the northeast
Cuban coast Oct. 15. They made
rapid court appearances and were
stood before firing squads.
Olivares said the executed
Americans had every guarantee
that "summary justice provides REMV
in any part of the world." troo
Minister Replies remi
As for the charge of inhuman adm
treatment, the acting foreign min- the
ister said he must point out that the
the complaint came "from a na-
tion where lynching is common
and where such cases occur as AFT
that of Mr. Chessman (Caryl -
Chessman, sent to a California
gas chamber last spring after al- 13
most 13 years of legal battle)."
The United States protest is
"both arbitrary and gross," Oli-
vares said.
"Today in Cuba the people
themselves rule . . . and in their
name we demand from the gov-
ernment you represent the respect De
required by international law," he that t]
added. ten pe
of the
Democrats g7oT
by sol
Meet, Huntbysl
President-elect John F. Kennedy New
hunted deer for the first time e
yesterday, shot two-and held abolitiC
open-air discussions with Sen. favor
Lyndon B. Johnson on farm and state f
other problems facing the new of per
administration. dustria
Kennedy issued a formal state- up ia
ment that he and Johnson had culture
"a long and profitable discussion ouple
of plans and programs for our ad- during
ministration." sible fo
Voicing a belief that Johnson Desr
will be the "most effective vice- growt
president in history, Kennedy said of the
they will confer again early in cent c

Burney Sees Doctor Shortage

Dr. Leroy Burney, United States
surgeon general, predicted last
night that it would be impossible
to maintain the current ratio of
doctors to patients without in-
creased federal aid to medical
Speaking at a meeting of the
medical school Galen Society, Dr.
Burney said "The country must
graduate 50 per cent more physi-
cians in 1975 than it does today if
the number of doctors is to keep
up with the rising population. To-
day one out of every six physicians
licensed comes from a foreign
medical school; with our superi-
ority in material resources we
.... 9 _ ,, o+r_ .in2- .-hx- - s.- - f.

in medical school construction and
I see no way of catching up soon.
"There were 600 unfilled teach-
ing positions in medical schools
last year. Because of the competi-
tion from private practise and
government and industrial re-
search jobs, it is increasingly diffi-
cult to get enough qualified pro-
"There is also a shortage of
students. Many medical schools
have difficulty filling their fresh-
man classes, and students who are
admitted are often of inferior
quality. The stiff competition from
mathematics and natural sciences
such as physics and chemistry,
which was lacking thirty years
n 1i,..., man v anntiial meical

"The federal government has
spent $30 million a year for the
last three years in funds for medi-
cal school construction, expansion
and renovation. These funds are
matched by money from local gov-
Legislation Unlikely
"There are National Health In-
stitute grants for research, and 100
career research fellowships have
been established. But Congress
isn't likely to offer financial aid
to medical students in the near
future. Government financial sup-
port of interns is even less prob-
"In order to get sufficient federal
and local support for medical
schnns adAngdntsit wi iill he

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