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November 13, 1960 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-11-13

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c l e AtOlgatt Batty

Counselor, Student, Modern University

to the

Seventy-Pirst Year
tth Rill Prevai"
orials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staf writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

, NOVEMBER 13, 1960


tudent Dupes,' Adult 'atriots'
And the Communist Menae

fIS MONTH'S COPY of Nation's Business
'eatures an article, eptited "New Commu-
Plot Points Up Need to Develop Knowledge
Americanism," which adds more intensity,
ot profundity, to the recurring worry over
rimunist infiltration of student action cir-
ithough Nation's Business, FBI chief J. Ed-
Hoover, members of the House Committee
Un-American Activities and other men,
ups and journals of similar "Save America"
inatlons would indignantly disagree, one
soundly and legitimately argue that their
i-Red phobia seriously undermines, rather
,; preserves, the ideals of a democratic
% EXCERPT from the article reads: "The
plot against young Americans is as subtle
it is sinister. Communists know that the
rwhelmng -majority of U.S. teen-agers and
ege students are patriotic and would not be
nerable to direct appeals from the party it-
They concentrate instead on undermining
gion, love of country and the competitive
Senterprise system.
The resolution on youth adopted by the
erican Communist Party at its latest con-
tion leaves no doubt about its aim. 'Our par-
pation in (young American's) struggles will
p unite youth against the enemy 'of all-
iopoly capital,' it declares. The implication
business, whose future employes' attitudes
at stake, is obvious."
MAJOR PORTION of the article centers
on the still-controversial turbulence in San
ncmsco May 13 when a student-police con-
( ended in beatings and hosings. The stu-
ts had been protesting the hearings of the
ise Committee on Un-American Activities,
a Nation's Business article, like Hoover,
ms the student demonstrations were Com-
nist Instigated.'
kuch allegations are indicative of a threaten-
American malaise which exposes itself in
*os, related, ways:
-Harry S. Truman calls the southern sit-
-The Saturday Evening Post, in a July edi-
Wl entitled "Those Mobs Are Part of the
imlin's Master Plan," links student uprisings
und the world and the San Francisco dem-
tration as part of a vast, well-organized
spiracy. It claims that the student news-
er at the University of California even
ited directions for the riots, so the students
ld function in unity.
loover, in alliance with the House Commit-
publishes his report on "Communist Tar-
-Youth," which again wraps together stu-
it demonstrations around the world as Com-
n'st inspired. Most of Hoover's report deals
h the San Francisco action, in which he
ues that the poor students were duped.
-The House Committee begins national cir-
ation of a nicely-edited film of the San
nclsco demonstrations, showing how all the
'r students were fooled by Red agitators.
Implication: That if one human being agrees
n partially with another human being, they
St agree on everything else or are even mem-
s of the same organization. To illustrate,
Hoover's terms, if American Citizen X and
nimunist X believe mass action is a legiti-
te means to work towards civil rights, then
Izen X is either a Communist dupe or an
ual Party member. Or if St'udent X and

Communist X oppose the House Committee,
then the student is an obvious Red.
Such confusion of positions is alarming. Not
even Hoover seems capable of recognizing that
in opposing the House Committee or segrega-
tion, the Communist and the democrat are
not necessarily working for the same thing.
The Communist may be seeking the fastest
means to a social upheaval, while the student
is seeking recognition of the intrinsic value
of free speech and equal opportunity.
N.\OT ONLY is such confusion alarming, but
it is a tremendously serious threat to the
preservation of a democratic social order, since
it tends to inhibit both freedom of action and
of speechs We once believed this country, and
all the institutions therein, could only be pre-
served by the free tension of ideas:
"Congress shall make no law respecting
an establishment of religion, or prohibit-
ing the free exercise thereof; of abridging,
the freedom of speech, or of the press; or
the right of the people peaceably to assem-
ble and to petition for a redress of
But the words of the 18th century are hardly
heeded today by the men who babble about
preserving "The American Way of Life." In-
stead their conept of preservation has in-
volved the use of force in the case of the
South, innuendo by congressional investigat-
ing committees, and sometimes the blatant,
public accusation, as in the case of student
editor Peter Steinberg who has been called
Communist-oriented by the President of City
College of New York.
THE NET RESULT of such charges is not
the annihilation of the Communist Dragon,
but unfortunate perpetuation of our badly-
formulated alternatives: As we set in opposi-
tion fre enterprise vs. welfare statism, nuclear
disarmament vs. nuclear war, so we also tend
to polarize the American Way of Life with
Atheistic, Materialistic Communism, when in
fact no such distinctions exist. Nor do they
contribute to the health of a society supposed-
ly premised on the belief in honest appraisal,
analysis and consensus.
If Hoover and the American people would
look more closely at the San Francisco inci-
dent, they might find something of greater
significance than a simple Communist plot.
They might discover what the student "dupes"
in California really think of their alleged in-
spirer, Communist Archie Brown, or their al-
leged infiltrator, 18-year old Douglas Wachter
-joking songs are sung about boisterous, long-
shoreman Brown ("House Committee come to
town, so we turned to Archie Brown . . .),
and Wachter has little, if any, influence among
the several students who planned and led the
May 13 demonstration.
IN OTHER WORDS, Hoover and other Amer-
icans might find, instead of subversive
dupes, young men and women fed up with
repressive police, legislative and judicial tactics
cloaked by the banner of Anti-Communism.
They might find young men and women who
honestly believe that where the public is sov-
ereign, it must have free access to all opinions
which will allow it to exercise such sovereignty
with some measure of wisdom.
In fact, Hoover and others might be forced
to re-evaluate their simplistic question of who's
a dupe and who's a patriot.

(EDITOR'S NOTE--Following
is the third article in The
Daily's series on "The Univer-
sity's Greatest Needs." Dr. Orlin
is a lecturer in Ancient Near
Eastern History and Assistant
Chairman of the Freshman-
Sophomore faculty counselors.)
NO contemporary institution
has changed so much while
attempting to resist change as
has the American university.
The pressures upon it are le-
gion and require no elaboration
here; the so-called 'population
explosion,' the increasing de-
mands of a society which would
claim greater practical services
from its schools, the prolifera-
tion of courses, even disciplines,
within the traditional curricula
-all these have had their un-
settling influences upon the
modern university.
That image of harmony and
singularity of educational pur-
pose presented by the academic
community usually conceals im-
portant divisions of viewpoint
about the proper aims of a
university education and the
methods best suited to the
realization of those aims.
* *
so much with the maladies of
the modern university, with the
pressures on it from without
and from within which have
contributed to its present rath-
er frenetic state of existence,
as with their effects upon the
contemporary student, who be-
lieves rather uncritically that
any program of studies will
eventually lead him to the best
that a higher education has to
offer. In an age of bigger and
better slogans we are urged to
"educate for industrial leader-
ship," or "educate for the sci-
entific society of the future," or
"educate for successful living in
the Nuclear Age," or what you
And nowhere can the effects
of these competing claims be
more vividly seen than in the
confusion of the young man or
woman who seeks guidance in
the counseling offices of his
WHAT IS REAL to the con-
temporary student is the urge
toward material success, the
kind of success upon which our
society places highest value, and
which usually can be achieved
after the student has developed
a proficiency within a speciali-
zation leading to commercial,
industrial, or other applied pro-
fessional activity. What is not
real to him is the concept of
an education which, far from
merely being identified with a
specialty, or 'major,' in fact
ought to reach beyond it, to
shape character and impart

ethical, historical and aesthetic
dimensions to one's life.
All too rarely these days do
we find the student who is
willing to accept the notion that
a successful education is not
necessarily a successful prac-
tically-oriented education; and
even rarer is the young man or
woman who would eschew prac-
tical considerations entirely and
take his chances with life 'q
they come.
* * *
NOW THIS IS NOT to argue
against specialization, of course,
nor against the idea that one
should commit one's self whole-
heartedly and enthusiastically
to the subject one loves, what-
ever it is.
It is rather to argue that de-
spite the immediate attractions
of career preparation, there still
must be accepted a scheme of
value which places certain
types of courses and disciplines
ahead of others if the proper
objects of higher education, as
traditionally understood, are to
be achieved. No e l a b o r a t e
scheme of counting credit hours
for graduation should obscure
the view that a university edu-
cation is not the product of
often indiscriminately and ar-
bitrarily chosen courses, but
rather must be carefully de-
velopmental in form.
It must lead the student to
an ultimately humane view of
of experience because I believe
deeply that without an under-
standing and appreciation of
man's struggle to- rise to the
height of his potentialities -
which alone leads us to view his
greatness as well as his falli-
bility-we should diminish in
ourselves, and thereby in the
society in which we live, those
qualities of courage and com-
passion upon which men in all
ages haxe relied for civilized
We should also diminish in
ourselves the strength of the
moral and the aesthetic senses,
without the fine functioning of
which life becomes essentially
crude and utilitarian in those
areas where taste, vision and
imagination should reign.
As I understand it, a liberal
education ought to invest the
student with a view of life,
drawn from the best observa-
tions and productions of past
and present scholars and ar-
tists, which will enable him
to reach reasoned understand-
ing of fundamental truths, and
prepare him fairly to evaluate
the scientific and cultural con-
tributions of past ages as well
as furnish him with an ethical
basis for his judgments.

acquisition of techniques which
prepare a student for a career,
this concept would pass beyond
to insist upon the developpent
of spiritual and moral values
without which the preservation
of our culture and our civiliza-
tion cannot be maintained.'
To the student who finds
himself at present so circum-
scribed by the requirements of
a career specialization that
sufficient time for the pursuit
of liberalizing subjects cannot
be found, the import of my re-
marks must rankle.
Yet I must point out that
the competition of ideas about
what constitutes a proper edu-
cation within the modern uni-
versity illustrates nothing so
much more than that our own
civilization is in the throes of
an increasingly bitter cultural
C. P. Snow, has pointedly de-
scribed "the Two Cultures"
which pervade our present civ-
ilization-the Literary Culture
and the Scientific Culture, to
which may perhaps be added
the Industrial sub-Culture.
One need not accept every
conclusion to which 'S n o w
comes, as indeed I do not, to
be aware that the goals-as
certainly the languages - of
these co-existing cultures de-
part from each other with in-
creasing rapidity. Therefore it
is not surprising that the uni-
versity, a microcosm of the cul-
ture which surrounds it, should
find itself to be one more bat-
tleground in the struggle.

modern university will ever in
the future offer its students the
best education it can until it
retreats from what seems to
me to be a headlong rush to-
ward ever-greater specializa-
tions and insularity within its
colleges and departments.
It has from time to time
made headway against these'
tendencies. Most encouraging is
the awareness by professional
schools of engineering, business
and medicine, to name but a
few types all over the country,
that their students ought to
have more non-specialized, lib-
eral education.
Yet for the present the plight'
of the, contemporary. student,
and of his counselor, re main.
* * **-
I BELIEVE that if the uni-
versity must bear its institu-
tional inertia, it must tall upon
the student to make an edu-
cational breakthrough by him-
He does not read enough, by
far, at the present time.'
He sees too few art exhibits,
hears too little music, contents
himself with mediocre conver-
sation and alas, often seems
more anti-intellectual than the
Above all, he must reject in-
sularity in his own view of edu-
It is just as regrettable that
the student of literature does,
not know what a machine tool
is as that the engineer not
know what a literary symbol is
just as! regrettable that a stu-
dent of philosophy not under-
stand the workings of the Se-
curities Exchange as for the\
business student not to be'
aware of Plato.
new synthesis through which
the followers of all university
curricula can discern an image
of what should be common to
all in educated life.
And here the counselor in
each college can make his
greatest contribution: To lead
his students toward a view of
the complete education, whe'e
the parts do not obscure the
whole, and where the whole is
a true synthesis of all the best
that a university can and ought
to give.
It means challenging the stu-
dent to debate his own concep-
tion of an education, and chal-
lenging him to account for his
choice of courses, as well as
making him realize that once
the best and most lasting edu-
cation is sought, the search
becomes a moral one as well as
an intellectual one.
The end is not the mere ac-
quisition of information, but a
vision of life,


Slanted ..,
To The Editor:
WOULD LIKE to comment on
Michael Burns'' article on the
campaign at the University. As
an. entity, thought Mr. Burns ex-
pressed very good thoughts, but,
in referring to the Young Repub-
licans' holding certain beliefs, I
believe Mr. Burns overstepped his
First, an article on the news
pages, or any page aside from the
editorial page, should not contain
the writer's opinion. Mr. Burns
freely expressed his opinion as to
the beliefs of the YR's concerning
Vice-President Nixon's chances on
this campus. He offers -no .ei-
dence to support this opinion aside
from his casual acceptance of
* * *
SECOND, THE ITEM itself is
not ompletely true as any intelli-
gent reader could establish by
checking into the facts.
Third and finally, the entire
concept of The Daily seems to be
one of slanting 'news items to suit
the editors' fancy. If a newspaper
is to be truly a news paper, it must
give unbiased reports of all news-
worthy items, and not attempt to
publicize one important item and
-neglect an equally important- item.
Throughout the election campaign
this policy of favoring one party
was extremely evident. Editorial
comment and opinions should not
be reserved for the editorial page
and should not be. printed on the
top of the front page.
-Harry Doerr, '64
obtained information relating to
the Young Republicans from M-
Kenna, president of the YR's.)
Pr-esuming.. .
To The Editor:
IT IS MY BELIEF that political
superstition has disappeared
from American society. Obviously
M. Olinick, author of the article
"Chain Reaction?" (Nov. 10) does
not believe as I do. I can n4t un-
derstand how any intelligent stu-
dent can believe that President-
Elect Kennedy is doomed to die
in office on the basis of the un-
fortunate pattern of the past. Cer-
tainly M. Olinick's observations
are unusual and make for interest-
ing reading, but his conclusion is
highly presumptuous.
-Karen Pailey, '64
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer--
sity of, Michigan for which the
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITT N form to
Room 3519 Administraion Building,
before 2 p.m. two days preceding
General Notices
President and Mrs. Hatcher will hold
open house for students at their home
Wed., Nov. 16 from 4:00 to 600 p.m.
Midyear Graduation Exercises will be
held Sat. Jan. 21, 11, in 1i1l Ad.
Puther notice will follow.
February teacher's certificate can-
didates: All requirements for the
teacher's certificate must be com-
pletedrby December 1. These require-
ments include the teacher's oath, the
health statement, and the Bureau of
Appointments material, The oath
should be taken as soon as possible
in room 1439 U.E.S. The office is open
from 8-12 and ,1:30-4:30.
"An Evening With Burgess Meredth.'
starring actor and director urg.n
Merdith and Broadway stars ancy.
Wickwire, Basil Langton, Tom Clancy
and Pauline Flanigan will be presented
Thursday, 8:30 p.m. in Hill Aud. The
program will consist of abridged ver-
sions of recent Broadway hits, in-
cluding "The Thurber Carnival,"
"Ulysses in Nighttown," "Under Milk-

wood" and "Winterset." Tickets will
be on sale tomorrow through Thurs-
day 10 a.m.-5 p.m. at the Aud. box
office. Students are offered a 30%
reduction on all tickets,
Events Monday
Linguistics Club meeting on Mon.,
Nov. 14, at 7:30 p.m. in the Rackham
Amphitheater. Prof. Albert Marck-
wardt, Director, English, Language In-
stitute, will speak on "Professional
Opportunities for Linguists."
Faculty Lecture-Recital: John Flower,
pianist and Asst. Dean of the School
of Music, will present the ninth in
a series of lecture-recitals on Johann
Sebastian Bach's Well-Tempered Cla-
vier, on Mon., Nov. 14, 4:15 p.m. in
Aud. A, Angelli Hall,
Philosophy Lecture, Nov. 14, 8 p.m.
2203 Angell Hail. Prof. Nelson Goodman,
The University of Pennsylvania, will
present "About 'About'".'
Archaeological Lecture: "Kiln Sites of
Kyushu and Their Wares," by Millard
.R ogers, Associate Director, Seattle
Art Museum. Mon., Nov. 14, 4:10 p.m.
Aud. B, Angell Hall.
Psychology Colloquim cancelled. Due
to illness in his family, Dr. Rollo May's
lecture at the Psychology Colloquium
on Mon., Nov. 14, has been cancelled.
Engineering Mechanics Seminar,
Mon., Nov. 14, at 4:00 p.m. in Room
30.5 West Engineering Bldg-. Prof. S. K,
Clark will speak on "Elastic Properties
of Orthotropic Materials." Coffee in 201
West Engineering at 3:30 p.m.
Doctoral Examination for Peter Kun-
stadter, Anthropology; thesis: "Culture
Change, Social Structure, and Health
Behavior : A Quantitative Study of
Clinic Use among the Apaches of the
Mescalero Reservation." Mon., Nov. 14,
1406 Mason Hall, Chairman, J. N.

Soviet, Chinese Communists Head for Showdown

On the Mornin After

)NESDAY morning, which is when this is
ing written, is much too early to analyze
xplain how it all happened and why. The
is certainly close enough to justify all the
h so publicly displayed by Dr. Gallup and
her pollsters who have to defy death and
ction by crawling out to the very end of
rng distance limb.
fill be some time before even the most ex-
.f our correspondents will be able to tell
y, for example, religion played so small a
n the South, and how it is that the old
ands of American progressivism in the
sippi Valley were so conservative.
the post-mortems, fascinating and in-
ive as they are sure to be, do not alter the
hat the outcome is decisive. Kennedy is
utably the President-elect. Although the
ar vote was very close, the closest, I be-
since the first election of Grover Cleve-
there is nothing ambiguous about Ken-
majority. Like Cleveland, who was a
President, he has a clear mandate to
take what he has promised to do.
MYSELF, I believe that the country is
er and that the future is better because

stronger of the American parties at all levels of
The Democrats, of whom millions followed
Eisenhower, liked Eisenhower and stood in awe
of his great personal popularity. This enabled
President Eisenhower to worry along with a
Democratic Congress. But there was no chance
that Nixon could have done the same. In the
eyes of too many Democrats he committed too
many unforgivable wrongs by impugning the
loyalty of their leaders. The magnanimity and
the charity of the Democrats would have been
strained to the breaking point. A narrow win
by Nixon would have inaugurated an era of
severe political, economic, and sectarian bit-
KENNEDY's WIN promises, on the other
hand, to bring on a period of effective gov-
ernment. For while the Democratic majority
in Congress are not united, with Kennedy in
the White House, with Johnson as the Vice-
President, and with Sam Rayburn as the Speak-
er, the new Administration will certainly be
able to form effective working majorities over
and above the Democratic reactionaries and

Associated Press News Analyst
COMMUNISM'S family quarrel
may spell danger for Nikita
World Communist leaders gath-
er in Moscow this week for a
fateful meeting at which the
Kremlin's argument with the Red
Chinese may be heading for a
showdown. Indications are that
the Red Chinese object bitterly
to what seems to them a Krem-
lin attempt to use them to ad-
vance Soviet policy aims.
There is a strong hint of even-
tual peril to Khrushchev's position
as world Communism's leader in
any suggestion that he cannot
keep the Red Chinese in line.
'* * *
ED CHINESE annoyance with
the Kremlin is becoming more
obvious. New clues appear in a
long article in the Peiping news-
paper Red Flag, devoted to sum-
marizing Mao Tze-Tung's views on
revolution, war and peace.
*, * * .
ONCE AGAIN the Chinese par-
ty is being annoyed by the Krem-
lin. This time, the Kremlin ap-
pears to be attempting to dic-
tate to Peiping, to hold Peiping
in line, to keep the Chinese from
rocking the boat and spoiling
Khrushchev's program for ex-
panding Communism by means of
a "peaceful coexistence" offensive.
In a word, Moscow is holding
a checkrein on Peiping. It is in-
hibiting Peiping from adventures
which Moscow might consider
It is notable, for example, that
Khrushchev used the word "stu-
pid" to describe Red Chinese pres-
sure in the direction of India's
borders. The Chinese, by Khrush-
chev's standards, are over-impa-
tient to expand Communism by
reckless means which could lead
to nuclear war.
But a break between Red China
and the Soviet Communist party,
should it become obvious to the
outside world, would have the
most serious consequences for the
world Communist movement.
* * *

who assisted Mao in rebuffing
Moscow diction years ago.
The Red Flag article contends
that "the, practice of confining
revolutionary struggles to legal
struggles and the practice of com-
pletely refraining from carrying
out practicable necessary legal
struggles" both are wrong in
Mao's view. Mao, it said, con-
tends consistently that revolution-
ary parties "should seize all op-
portunities . , . at all times."

"Now, With Just Another Small Switch -"

seizure of power by force of arms
-should be kept in mind, Khrush-
chev contends, and used only in
the most favorable of circum-
stances. That is, Khrushchev has
wanted to avoid the danger of
war. The Chinese hold that is all
nonsense, and indicate a belief
that Khrushchev is sacrificing
many an opportunity to advance
Communism by aggressive means.
A spate of rumors about a Mos-

cow move aganist Khrushchev
may have some connection with
the Mao-Kremlin quarrel.
The rumors originated in Vien-
na. The Red Chinese could have
started these reports in movement,
or there may even have been some
inspirations for them from the
"anti-party" exile, V. M. Molotov,
now in Vienna as a Soviet repre-
sentative of an -atomic energy


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