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November 12, 1960 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-11-12

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jet Nam Radio Claims


U.S. E

Ngo. Army


STREET SCENE-All seems deceptively quiet on this busy Saigon street. The city yesterday 'was the
scene of a military revolt which deposed Viet Nan's President Ngo Dinh Diem.

USU e 1
In T
States was
south VietI
pressed rew
lations with
said yester
The sour
gist of thei
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The gove
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and existin
basis fors
standing pi
es said. It,
is neededJ
The bish
freedom fo
for religiou
dren in chu
turn of son
church buil
The gov
handed to
of Belgrade
council. He
day and it
the reply w

Seeks PoitialS i
roubled Viet Nam, Laos
GTON (P)-The United
reported seeking rapid off any danger of Communist in-
of political stability in tervention.
Nam yesterday to head The State Department, which
called for a return to public order
and security in South Viet Nam,
also watched with concern a new
military-political flareup in Laos,
STies another southeast Asian country.
nal Ties- 'In Laos, a three-way division
was deepened when an army in-
Church fantry battalion commander went
on the radio to announce he is
ODE M --Yugoslavia's siding with a pro-Western faction.
goernmen- Yuola's Both Laos and South Viet Nam
government has ex- are dependent on the United States
Ldiness for normal re- . d.
ih the Roman Catholic for miiltary and economic aid.
well-informed sources Against Pressure
day. United States policy for years
ces said this was the has been directed toward strength-
government's reply to a ening southeast Asian countries
am submitted recently against pressures and threats from
ncil of Catholic Bish- their Communigt neighbors, Red
China and North Vietnam.
rnment expressed sat- Thus, the United States has a
hat the council recog- heavy stake in the outcome of the
Yugoslav constitution internal struggles.
g law on religion as a United States embassy officials
settlement of all out- in Saigon are understood to have
roblems, reliable sourc- been in touch both with the lead-
added that some time ers of the paratroop batallions
for the normalization which reportedly overthrew Presi-
dent Ngo Dinh Diem in a pre-
hops asked for more da'wn uprising, and with Diem
r the religious press. representatives.
us education of chil- Pressing Line

Lacos Major
Moves Right
VIENTIANE (P)-An army bat-
talion chief announced yesterday
he has cast aside any loyalty to
the neutralist government, rally-
ing instead to the pro-Western
right-wing corner in Laos' hot
political triangle. t
MaJ. Bounpheun Isixiengmay,
chief of the Third Infantry Bat-
talion at Luang Prabang, went on
the radio to say he no longer
recognizes Vientiane authority.
Luang Pratang, the royal capi-
tal of Laos, is to the north. The
rightists are centered in the south
at Savannakhet. Vientiane, where
Premier Prince Souvanna Phou-
ma heads the kingdom's neutralist
government, is located halfway
The Premier went to Luang
Prabang just Thursday for an au-
dience with the monarch.
Phouma was to stay till Sun-
day, but he returned here imme-
diately when he heard a rebellion
was to start in Luang Prabang.
The Premier has been trying to
make peace with the warring
Pathet Lao, a pro-Communist
group headed by his fugitive half-
brother Prince Souvanna Vong.
The rightists are aigned with
the West. A coup replaced their
government in August. They op-
pose any settlement that would
bring the Pathet Lao into a com-
promise government.
Sovlets Caftch
Unknown Fish
LONDON (A Soviet scientists
working in the Pacific havel
brought up a hitherto unknown
species of fish from a depth of
more than 4/2' miles, Moscow ra-
dio reported last night.
The fish had a colorless body
and was completely free of
scales. The absence of light at
that depth, 24,786 feet below the
surface, had influenced the struc-
ture of its eyes. They were jelly-
like and no bigger than a pin
head, the broadcast said.
It added that discovery of the
fish refuted the hypothesis that
there can be no life in the ocean
at depths greater than six kilo-
meters (19,620 feet).

1 011
Loyalists Win
Bloody Battle
For Capital
Premier s Forces
Exploit Rebel Laxity
SAIGON (M)-Forces loyal to
President Ngo Dinh Diem struck
back in Saigon yesterday and
claimed an initial victory in bloody
fighting with insurgents who top-
pled the pro-Western president 24
hours earlier.
A broadcast by Saigon Radio
assertedthe loyalists had recap-
tured key positions~ in this capi-
tal after shooting that lasted for
about 45 minutes.
"We have captured and killed
many insurgent troops who tried
to oppose us," the radio said. "We
have seized about 300 rifles and
mortars at the radio station and
promise to fight until our last
man to restore the peace and se-
cruity under the leadership of
President Ngo Dinh Diem."
Forces Rally
The broadcast claimed other
forces were rallying to Ngo's ban-
ner and hurrying back to Saigon
after hearing his radio appeals
A rebel junta headed by para-
troop Col. Nguyen Chanh Thi led
a lightning pre-dawn'coup against
Ngo Friday and claimed control
of the government after 20 to 30
persons were slain and many
They proclaimed that Ngo, wio
remained in the presidential pal-
ace, had passed the mantle of
power over to the junta, which
would form a new government "to
continue the fight against the
Communists and stop all unfavor-
able propaganda."
Would Preserve
The junta maintained it would
preserve South Viet Nam's ties
with the West, but wanted to end
a f a m i1y dictatorship an
strengthen the struggle against
Communist infiltration,
The reference was to Ngo's
strongman rule with the help of
members of his family.
But the junta maintained a
loose control over this city, not
even bothering to install the usual
curfew that usually follows a pow-
er move in the overthrow of a
Apparently, the followers of
Ngo took advantage of the easy-
going situation. They struck back
at the security guards of the cap-
ital, the military muscle that had
put the junta into power.
Loyal Forces
The city awakened to the rattle
of gunfire. By 10 a.m. the Saigon
Radio was saying that the Presi-
dent's loyal forces were in con-
trol of the station and other ma-
jor points.
The Revolutionary Committee
has set up a secret headquarters
and there was no direct word from
it other than that broadcast in
radio communiques.
The later broadcasts claiming
that forces loyal to Ngo were ral-
lying to his support urged the
people to remain calm, "be in-
telligent" and not listen to the

--AP Wirephoto
RIOTING IN ALGIERS-Armistice Day brought riots to Algiers as European settlers demonstrated
In favor of an all-French Algeria. Police called on army reinforcements to help subdue the rioters
on Rue Michelet, main street of Algiers. The rioters protested recent moves by Premiere de Gaulle
which they think will lead to loss of status for Algerian Europeans.
e Pe
g ia Ue OIe

Electors To With
Votes From Keny
If No Platform S
JACKSON, Miss. (P)-M
pi's unpledged presidentia
tors, still hoping to blo
election of John Kenned
terday agreed not to. cas
eight votes for either maj
The electors met wit]
Ross Barnett at the gov
mansion and discussed t
tional election situation ar
their votes should go.
"We shall not vote foi
candidate for the major
with their present plat
Barnett said in a statemen
ed newsmen after+ the me
"At the moment the v
two large states is so clo
we shall cherish the hope't
iight yet succeed in the
cause for constitutional
Barnett referred to the ui
ed battle for California'
and GOP 'plans for recoup
challenges in Illinois. The;
licans also plan to checkv
other states where the cou
If the emocrats lose
and California, Kennedy'
gin would drop to only 2'
toral votes-just four mor
needed for election. Any So
state then joining Mississ
casting its electoral votes
third man would block th
tion and throw it into the
Barnett's statement did
who the Mississippi elector
support, and Sen. Earl E
Canton, one of the eight e
said no names were discu
the session.
The Governor asked elec
other Southern states--s
whom are not bound by
support the party npmini
reappraise their positions.w
full knowledge that theyI
within their power to joi
us and save their people fr
minent social and cc

ALGIERS (M-French infan-
trymen and riot police last night
finally battled down hot-headed
students who turned a peaceful
armistice day into a bloody riot
against President Charles de
Gaulle's Algerian policy.r
The students sacked the Unit-
ed States Cultural Center, wreck-
ed buses, smashed windows, shout-
ed "Algeria is French" and stoned
police who intervened with tear
Head of USIA
Resigns Post,
Others Follow
WASHINGTON (A') - United
States information chief George
V. Allen, who figured in a cam-
paign dispute over United States
prestige abroad, yesterday led off
the exodus of Eisenhower admin-
istration officials.
President Dwight D. Eisenhow-
er, vacationing at Augusta, ac-
cepted the resignation of the 57-
year-old career diplomat who
served in key cold war posts un-
der both the Truman and Eisen-
hower administrations. t
Eisenhower, who soon will hand
the, Presidency to Democrat John
F. Kennedy, announced he had
accepted several other resigna-
tions, the first of many to come.

They object to de Gaulle's plan
to make this rebellion-torn North
African territory an "Algerian Al-
geria." Although the rioters were
formally disclaimed by the cooler-
headed front for French Algeria,
which represents the diehard Eu-
ropean settlers, they fought en-
About 50 persons-rioters, po-
lice and soldiers--staggered away
from the day's battlefields to get
patched up in aid stations.
Call Troops
The troops were called to help
cordon off an area of five square
city blocks when the rioting broke
out at sundown after an afternoon
lull. The students holed up in
two narrow streets leading off the
Rue Michelet, a main street, and
defied police tear gas bombs.
The riot sent nervous ripples
through the government in Paris,
where de Gaulle and Premier
Michel Debre conferred yesterday
morning. Tight security precau-
tions were clamped on Paris. Po-
lice were out in force. More than
1,200 persons were arrested dur-
ing the day-and released later-
for failing to "move on" at police
Security troops patrolled down-
town Paris. A police helicopter
circled overhead to forestall dem-
onstrations like those in Algiers.
Downtown Plaza
In Oran, west of Algiers, about
50,000 gathered at a downtown
plaza to shout "Algeria is French."

Riot police expertly channeled the
crowds from the main streets
without violence.
The pitched battles in Algiers
involved thousands of students,
although individual skirmishes
were usually limited to a few hun-"
dred at a time. Most appeared to
be teenagers.
Long after sundown the stu-
dent rook-throwing dwindled and
the young men, showing no fear
of arrest, walked up to the sol-
diers and police they had been
stoning and engaged them in de-
S"DeGaulle is letting us down,"
shouted one youth.
After about a half an hour of
this, the students began to strag-
gle home. None was arrested al-
though earlier during the fight-
ing four or five hadbeen hauled
off to police headquarters.

Breakfast Speaker: DR. VINCENT SMITH
"Science and Philosophy: Is coexistence enough?


TALK AT 11:00

urches and for the re-
me of the nationalized
vernment reply was
Archbishop Josip Ujci
who presides over the
left for Rome Wednes-
is believed he carried
with him.

Yugoslavia and the Vatican
severed diplomatic relations in
1952. President Tito's regime
charged Vatican interefence in do-
mestic affairs,
Bowles Wants
'Two Chinas'
LONDON (M-Chester Bowles,
foreign policy adviser to Presi-
dent-elect John F. Kennedy, last
night advocated a "two-China
policy" allowing for an independ-
ent Formosa and an independent
Communist China.
"But I don't think the Pei-
ping government is ready for it
now," Bowles said in an interview
filmed in the United States for
British television. "I think it will
be ready for it soon."
Bowles, often mentioned as a
possibility for Secretary of State,
said he thought the China prob-
lem had been handled "rather1
stupidly" up to now,
He said he regarded China as
possibly more dangerous to West-
ern interests than Russia.
"I think we are beginning to
understand that in the long run
we can only solve this situation
in China. through some kind of
'two-China' policy-that is an in-
dependent Formosa and an inde-
pendent China."

'It was understood these officials
were pressing the United States
line set forth in a State Depart-
ment statement here.
"With regard to the reports'of
the coup d'etat in Saigon," the
State Department said, "we sin-
cerely hope that the situation will
soon be stabilized and public order
and security restored.
"While it appears clear that the
present action is not Communist-
inspired, we are naturally con-,
cerned at any instability in a free
nation bordering on Communist-
held territory."
Declines Comment
Beyond this, press officer Wil-
liam Blair declined any comment,
saying "The situation in Veit Nam
is not clear."
The rebels at Saigon, news dis-
patches said, set up a military re-
gime for the stated purpose of
ending the rule of the Diem fam-
ily and of strengthening the Viet-
namese fight against Communist
Ngo is strongly pro-American.
State Department officials said
privately they had no reason to
believe that the new military'
group would not be pro-American.
One possibility suggested here
was that some kind of accommo-
dation might be made between this
group and Ngo.
Sen. Mike Mansfield D-Mont),
chairman of the Senate Foreign
Relations Subcommittee on the
Far East, said he hoped the
troubles in Viet Nam would be
straightened out and "The merits
and capabilities of President Ngo
will continue to be recognized.'
Mansfield's statement obviously
parallels the thinking in United
States diplomatic quarters.f




Three Hindus, A, B, and C, with their wives, A*, B*, and C*,
buy some objects. Afterwards each finds that the average cost
in rupees of the article he or she has purchased is equal to the
number of his or her purchases. A has purchased 23 more
articles than B* and B has purchased 11 more than A*. Each
husband has spent 63 rupees more than his wife. Who is
married to whom?
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