"Some Day That Thing's Gonna Blow Up In My Face"
Seventy-First Year
Truth Will Preva"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
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Overlooking Orchestra,
'Mikado' Tremendous
HE GILBERT and Sullivan Society has done it again. Not only did
they give a most excellent performance of "The Mikado," but they
did standing battle with the orchestra at regular intervals-and won.
An overenthusiastic brass. section, ragged strings, and generally
substandard quality playing plagued the orchestra but, though the
prinucipals at times were drowned out by the low horns, the chorus
retaliated to drown out the orchestra-and better the performance.
AY, NOVEMBER 11, 1960
Philosophical History
Of the Youth Peace Corps
T HE NEWLY-FORMED Americans Commit-
ted to World Responsibility group on this
campus received its inspiration from recent
speeches by President-elect John Kennedy and
Rep. Chester Bowles.
These two men have subsequently been given
credit for giving birth to the whole idea of a
peace corps. A glimpse at American history
and philosophical trends shows, however, that
the idea is far from new.
William James advanced the idea while
speaking to the Universal Peace Congress in
Boston in 1904. He later elaborated on the idea
of conscription for peaceful service in an essay
entitled "The Moral Equivalent of War."
rTUESDAY WAS a busy day.
Vice-President Nixon spent a mysterious'
hour or so relaxing in Tijuana, Mexico. Senator
Kennedy sent word to his father that it was
finally all right for the elder Kennedy to
return to the states from a filial-imposed
Riveria vacation.
Down south, H. V. H. Sekyi tried to observe
the Democratic process at its roots, the voting
booth. Sekyi is an embassy secretary from
Ghana who was one of the foreign envoys in-
vited by our President to observe Election Day
1960. Unfortunately, however, Sekyi chose the
somewhat illicit city of Atlanta, Georgia
around which to look. He is a Negro.
He was shoved out of a polling place by,
two burly men who purported to be sheriff's
deputies. He had been invited inside by the
poll manager,but now he was told that "his
kind" should stay from such institutions as
the free and non-arbitrary vote.
Atlanta's mayor informed Sekyi that there
existed a law against non-voters in polling
places and commented (Associated press re-
ports) "They would probably have run me out."
As Georgia's police officials mulled over
tle idea of jailing Sekyi, Nixon reaffirmed the
prestige of the United States and cited the
fact that "The Eisenhower Administration has
not yielded a single inch of free soil to our
Why must It always be a whimper?
H ENVISIONED a service corps in which
which young people would serve for a num-
ber of years, doing peaceful, constructive work
for the nation. Whatever virtue there might be
in the rigors of military life (this is 1904, re-
member; when wars were fought on horseback)
would be instilled in the peace army by its
military-type discipline.
To a remarkable extent, this idea was put
into practice by Franklin D. Roosevelt, who
developed the Civilian Conservation Corps. Boys
in the corps worked constructively for the
government under a military discipline sys-
ten Its effect might be stated as James en-
visioned the purpose of his corps: "Our gilded
youth would be drafted off, according to their
choice, to get the childishness knocked out of
them, and to come back into society with
healthier sympathies and soberer ideas."
Granted, the new peace corps plan involvesj
service outside of our national boundaries,
not right in the United States as the CCC did.
Yet its theoretical basis and its goals appear
to be the same at James'.
THE FOLLOWING statement from James
might be made of the new peace corps plan :
"Such a conscription, with the state of public
opinion that would have required it, and the
many moral fruits it would bear, would pre-
serve in the midst of a pacific civilization the
manly virtues which the military party is so
afraid of seeing disappear in peace. We should
get toughness without callousness, authority
with as little criminal cruelty as possible, and
painful work done cheerily because the duty
is temporary, and threatens not, as now, to
degrade the whole remainder of one's life.
I speak of the 'moral equivalent' of war. So far,
war has been the only force that can disci-
pline a whole community, and until an equiva-
lent discipline is organized, I believe that war
must have its way. But I have no serious doubt
that the ordinary prides and shames of so-
cial man, once developed to a certain intensity,
are capable of organizing such a moral equiva-
lent as I have sketched ....It is but a question
of time, of skillful propagandism, and of opin-
ion-making men seizing historic opportunities."
John Kennedy, Chester Bowles and the
ACWR members may be such men.
The cast presents a most Angli-
cised portrayal of Japan, making
the show delightfully Gilbert and
Sullivan. Backed up by a set
which is exquisite in its simplicity,
the production rolls along with
gales of laughter and merry pat-
IN THE LEAD, Tom Jennings
overplays the part of Ko-Ko, who
has been condemned to death for
flirting, then is reprieved and
raised to the rank of Lord High
Executioner. However, his overplay
only serves to heighten the merri-
ment, especially as he proposes,
somewhat melodramatically, to
Katisha, an unbelievably ugly lady.
Katisha, well brought to life by
Kay Gardner, is the albatross of
the Japanese Royal Court, and the
Mikado (Carl Schurr), ruler of
Japan, wished her off on his son,'
Nanki-Poo (Jerry Hales), who
promptly assumed the disguise of
a second trombone and fled.
S* *
EASILY THE most delightful
character is Mike Robbins, in
the person of Pooh-Bah, Lord
High Everything else. Blatant and
boisterous he openly declares him-
self "a most distinguished person"
and evokes howls of laughter and
ripples of applause from start to
However, the rather obscure sup-
porting player, Pish-Tush, a noble-
man played by Julius Myers, comes
close to stealing the show in the
opening scene as he clowns with
Pooh-Bah and Ko-Ko. His per-
formance is that of a natural Gil-
bertian actor-a rare man indeed.
S* *
THE ROMANTIC leads, Yum-
Yum, ward of Ko-Ko played by
Jeanne Lucas, and Nanki - Poo,
come across well to round out the
An intricate tangle of "crime
and punishment" couldn't be a
happier story. It's time well spent.
-Michael Harrah
T HE STUDENTS of several
Colombian universities have
gone on strike, in order to
strengthen the following demands:
complete autonomy of the univer-
sities without the participation of
persons outside them, a more com-
prehensive share for students in
the leadership of the universities,
and a higher budget for education
anchored in the Constitution.
At the University of the Atlan-
tic, the striking students had by
,mid-September accomplished that
the number of student represen-
tatives on the University Council
was increased and a commission
of the National Association of
Universities was named to re-
organize the university set-upand
reform the statutes. The students
said they were willing to end the
strike as soon as the special dele-
gate of the National Association
of Universities arrived, who is to
assume the university's leader-
THE STRIKE AT the National
University of Bogota, in the course
of which the students also put
on demonstrations without police
interference, resulted by the end
of August in the resignation of
the Rector. A committee of stu-
dents and Members of Parliament
was formed after a conference
with the president of Columbia,
which is to work out .the bases
for a proposal for university re-
form. Herein the various goals are
to be take into consideration, and
the universities are to be given
--Student Mirror
Electoral College System Imprecise
Associated Press News Analyst
IN THE EARLY morning hours
of Wednesday, during the period
of the "Nixon rush" in the vote
counting, on paper, a possibility
that the final decision might lie
in the hands of 14 men in Mis-
sissippi and Alabama. ,
These were the unpledged elec-
tors who were being held in re-
serve for just such an opportunity.
They represented anti-Kennedy
If neither candidate had been
able to obtain a majority from
the other states, Nixon would al-
most certainly have been elected.
lating the electoral college in such
situations, created by the right
of the states to control their own
election procedure, has often been
Voice Gains Support
Big Ten Mock Election
THE BIG TEN mock election set a precedent
in reporting procedures for the Daily Cardi-
nal, and in the process made the election much
more meaningful to readers. Instead of know-
ing just the results here the next morning, stu-
dents at the university could read about and
compare them with every Big Ten school hold-
ing a similar election.
The Big Ten schools exchanged their results
by means of a conference telephone call, in
which all the editors got on the line at the
same time and reported their results to those
listening. The co-ordinated election on the var-
ious campuses and the conference call after-
wards was arranged by the University of Illi-
nois' Daily Illini and the Illinois Student Sen-
ate. These two groups, and especially Ray
Cohen, mock election chairman at Illinois, de-
serve many thanks.
Many interesting, and perhaps significant
sidelights were gleaned during the conference
call. For instance, two schools-Michigan State
University and Purdue University-did not hold
their scheduled mock elections because of ap-
parent student apathy at both schools and
restrictions imposed by the administration at
Purdue. At MSU the Young Republicans and
the Young Democrats originally planned to co-
operate in sponsoring the election, much as they
did at Wisconsin in working with the Union
Forum committee. But when the time came, not
enough of the young politicians turned out to
man the ballot boxes, so no vote could be held.
AT PURDUE the student government voted
to have a combined national and state mock
election, as we did here, but the school's ad-
ministration then ruled out having the state
election, for reasons which we on this campus
will never understand. (Any results would
stray from bi-partisanship, which a state-sup-
ported institution has to maintain, they must
have reasoned ) So plans for a presidential
vote alone were made, only to have the ad-
ministration rule then that no polling places
could be set up on campus: (This would en-
courage on-campus campaigning, officials stat-
ed.) Still wanting a mock vote, the campus
Young Republicans and Young Democrats of-
fered to take ballots around to living units so
students could stil vote, but apathy set in, and
7Tr+#ri tJ w+ J4t4
when the time came, not enough of the two
groups' members showed up to do the job.
At the University of Minnesota, the student
newspaper long ago decided that they didn't
want to sponsor any mock election because they
believed the student body would be too apathet-
ic to make it successful. So there was no offi-
cial mock vote on that campus either.
ALTHOUGH the University of Illinois went
through with their vote as planned, the
Young Democrats on the campus refused to
co-operate in the plans because write-in votes
were allowed, thus giving Adlai Stevenson's
supporters a chance to lessen the number of
vote for Kennedy. The Illinois voters did give
Stevenson 64 votes, but it surely seems like a
small reason for the Young Democrats to with-
draw their support.
A very interesting observation at several
campuses was that the mock election turn-
out far outdid any previous turnouts for elec-
tions on campus, including those in which stu-
dent officers were chosen. Illinois and North-
western were outstanding examples of this, as
well as our own university. Our previous high
vote for a mock presidential election was 4,780
(excluding write-ins) in 1956; this year we had
7,072 (including write-ins). The record for an
all-campus election was 3,965 in the spring of
1959. (Last April's vote of 3,949 nearly equaled
that record, however).
A NUMBER of ballots here on which the stu-
dents voted in an unexpected way were
commented on by election officials. Although
the extent bf the occurrences could not be
definitely stated, there were many Kennedy-
Kuehn ballots, suggesting that some staunch
Republicans remained loyal to Republican
Kuehn but switched to Kennedy because of-
perhaps-even stronger religious loyalties. Of-
ficials also remarked that out-of-state stu-
dents, using ballots of different color than in-
state students, favored Kennedy over Nixon.
Who really won the election? We tend to
agree with Bill Whitford, chairman of the
Young Democrats, who said that Kennedy
gained a victory because the number of votes
cast for him was 9.1 percentage points higher
than those for Stevenson in 1956. This is a
substantial increase, and it might indicate that
Kennedy has enough strength to carry the
national election next week.
To the Editor:
cent SGC election whether the
Council should concern itself with
so-called off-campus isues or stay
introspective and deal with only
local administrative topics.
The election of the three Voice.
candidates is a clear indication
that the council can feel free to
deal with issues beyond the con-
fines of the University campus.
Implied also in the election of
Bartlett, Power and Wheeler is
the voters' expectation that Voice
will provide students with inform-
ed and mature consideration on
important issues which will come
before the Council and the student
body. We can assure the voters
that our chief interest is not in
getting members elected to the
Council but is to provide a chan-
nel for students to express their
desire for more responsibility and
participation in those issues and
areas which are of concern to
students. We will accept criticism
and suggestion to achieve this end.
Our elected Council members will
always be accessible and avail-
able for receiving student con-
* S *
menting its platform will be clearly
made known to interested students.
The strong showing in the elec-
tion indicates that the Voice plat-
form and the individual Voice
candidates' platforms were ap-
proved and accepted.
Student Government Council for
the first time has an organized
channel for student thought and
concern based on the tenets of
the academic way of thinking-
objectivity, educated action and
the pursuit of new goals after
old ones are attained.
-David Giltrow
Chairman of Voice
Salesman .. .
To the Editor:
her excellent article on "Rule
9." It is high time the press of
Michigan presented the true story
about this administrative ruling.
Mr. William Leudders, the Detroit
Real Estate Board, the Michigan
Real Estate Board must be made
to realize that their scandalous
public relations campaign to rid
the state of Michigan of freedom*
for all without reservations is not
being tolerated by the citizens
of Michigan. Their attempts to in-
jure Mr. Gubow and all the citi-
zens of Michigan should be squel-
ched at the earliest opportunity.
* * *
AQ £ Trdu.m1wn v~ln aea
outs of a group of self-interested
individuals seeking only greater
-LeRoy Helman, '64
If Drafted. ...
To The Editor:
letter sent by me to the draft
board declining to submit to in-
duction Into the armed forces on
October 25th. The Board's order
not only requires that I interrupt
my education and terminate my
job, but also jeopardizes my wife's
education and personal well being.
I will not accept this,
** *
I WILL PROVE my stand in a
Court of Law.
Mr. Charles D. Howks, et al.
Local Board No. 90
553 So. Lake Ave.
Pasadena, Calif.
Because I consider your tac-
tics oppressive and' therefore,
immoral, be informed that
with regard to your "order"
demanding that I report for
induction into the Armed
Forces of the United States
of America on Tuesday, Octo-
ber 25, 1960: I WON'T.
Be also informed that I am
prepared to face any action
brought by you or your cohorts
in a Court of Law.
1 swear this on my integrity
as a human being.
Make of this what you will,
-Bruce Atwater Staller
argued in connection with the ef-4
ficacy of the whole arrangement.
Contributing to the argument has
been the fact that there have been
minority presidents, through vic-
tories in the electoral college with-
out a majority of the popular
The electoral college system was
established originally because of
two major factors i the minds of
the country's early leaders.
Controlling, perhaps, was the
feeling that the people as a whole
could not know the candidates
under the conditions of communi-
cation in those days, and would
be better off to delegate their
authority to representatives at
home whom they would trust to
act for them in choosing a presi-
* * *
PRESENT, ALSO, was the feel-
ing among the gentry who made
the rules in those times that direct
election by the common people
was a little too revolutionary -
even in a revolutionary country.
The system actually was a hand-
me-down from the ancient Ger-
man practice of having kings
elected by the princes of the var-
ious states.
The idea of direct popular
election, involving federal con-
trol of presidential voting, has
never taken hold.
There have been repeated sug-
gestions, however, for making the
electoral vote more representative
of situations within individual
* * *
THIS TIME we have the case of
Illinois, where Kennedy got 27
electoral votes through a majority
of only about 5,500 out of about
4,750,000. Under proportional re-
presentation in the electoral col-
lege, which many suggest, Nixon
would have gotten 13 of those
As this is written there are still
enough precincts to report and
absentee votes to be counted to
give Nixon an over-all popular
majority. Even the electoral vote
of some states-but not enough--
could be changed.
In such situations, the electoral
college as it stands is not a precise
instrument for recording the
popular vote.
-Daily-Larry vanic.
1 1
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The Oaily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Building,
before 2 p.m. two days preceding
General Notices
School of Music Honors Program: Ap-
plications now are being received for
the second semester, 1960-1961. Forms
are available in the School of Music
office. Deadline for receipt of applica-
tions, and supporting recommenda-
tions, by the Honors Council, Wed.,
Nov. 23.
Faculty, College of Literature, science
and the Arts:
Midsemester reports are due Fri.,
Nov. 11, for those students whose
standing at midsemester is "D" or
The green report cards for fresh-
men and sophomores should be sent to
the Counselors Office for Freshmen
and Sophomores, 1213 Angell Hall;
white report cards for juniors and
seniors to the Counselors Office for
Juniors and Seniors, 1223 AngellHall.
Students not registered In this Col-
lege but who elected L.S. & A. courses
should be reported to the school or
college In which they are registered.
February teacher's certificate candi-
dates: All requrements for the teacher's
certificate must be completed by Dec. 1.
These requirements include the teach-
er's oath, the health statement, and
cial events have been approved for the
coming week-end. Social chairmen are
reminded that requests for approval for
social events are due in the Office of
Student Affairs not later than.12 noon
on Tuesday prior to the event.
Nov. 11-Chi Omega, Chicago House,
Couzens Hall, Fletcher Hall, Kappa
Kappa Gamma, Phi Delta Phi, Prescott
Nov. 12-Acadia, Alpha Epsilon Pi,
Alpha Sigma Phi, Anderson House, Beta
Theta PigChi Phi, Chi Psi, Delta Phi
Epsilon, Delta Sigma Delta, Deta Tan
Delta, Delta Upsilon, Gomberg House,
Gilbert & Sullivan Society, Hayden
House, Huber House, Kappa Sigma,
Lambda Chi Alpha, Lloyd House, Nu
SigmaNu, Phi Alpha Kappa, Phi Delta
Phi, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa Psi,
Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Kappa Tau, Phi
Rho Sigma, Pi Beta Phi, Pi Lambda
Phi, Psi Upsilon, Allen Rumsey House,
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Delta Tau,
Sigma Nu, Tau Keppa Epsilon, Theta
Delta Chi, Tau Delta Phi, Taylor-Betsy
Barbour, Zeta Beta Tau, Zeta Psi, Wen-
ley House, Wenley House.
Elective registrations for upperclass
women and graduates only concludes
Monday and Tuesday of next week. The
following special courses and regular
service classes are available by regis-
tering at the class.
At the Women's Athletic Building:
Bowling, 9:20 to 10:10 Mon. and Wed.;
Exercising, 4:15 to 4:45 Mon. and Wed.;
Riding I, Mon. and Wed., 4:20-5:10,
Tues. and Thurs., 3:20-4:20; Riding II,
English saddle, Mon. and Wed., 3:20-
4:40. Thirty-six dollar fee.
At the Pool: Diving, Mon. and Wed.,
1:20 to 2:20; Swimming, Wed. only,
11'f a ~n.t 2(M wmmini TT-TL Irii.
H; h