Kasavu bu Delegation
-AP Wirephoto
CONGO CHIEFTAN-Mwanta Nava (left), ruler of 1,500,000 Congolese in rebellious Katanga
province, says, as he watches his son-in-law try on a football helmet, that he dislikes that sport
because people can get hurt while playing. As his country's leaders fought for and won seating in
the UN, Navu, on a State Department tour of America, visited St. Petersburg, Florida.
U S. Blocks
Soviet Stall
On Proposal
Group Rejects Plan
To Adjourn Debate
United States won last night in its
efforts to push a resolution
through the United Nations As-
sembly's credentials committee
recommending the seating of a
Congo delegation headed by Presi-
dent Joseph Kasavubu.
Only the Soviet Union opposed
the United States resolution, ap-
proved by a votle of 6 to 1.
The vote came as the climax to
a stubborn battle by the Soviet
Union, the United Arab Republic
and Morocco to have the nine-na-
tion committee adjourn without
taking any action.
Three Nations Abstain
Just before the vote Morocco
and the United Arab Republic de-
clared they would not take part.
They said they opposed any action
in view of the decision by the UN
General Assembly Wednesday
night to suspend consideration of
the Congo question until a 15-na-
tion Asian - African Conciliation
Commission tries to resolve rival-
ries between political factions in
the Congo.
New Zealand, Spain, the Philip-
pines, Costa Rica and Haiti voted
for the United States resolution.
Those nations enabled the
United States to beat back moves
to keep Kasavubu waiting in the
wings indefinitely as head of the
Congo's delegation in the Assem-
Moves Defeated
They defeated Soviet - Arab
moves at both the morning and
afternoon sessions of the commit-
tee for adjournment.
United States delegate James
W. Barco, who introduced the res-
olution, told a reporter after the
vote the United States hoped to
get assembly consideration of the
committee's report fairly early.
This was the sequence of events
in the committee:
1. The committee rejected a
motion submitted by the United
Arab Republic and supported by
the Soviet Union for adjournment
of the debate.
2. The committee approved a
motion by the United States to
take up immediately the question
of considering the Congo creden-
3. Then Barco submitted his
formal resolution calling on the
committee to recommend approv-
al of the delegation headed by
Job Figures
For Month
Found ,Low
WASHINGTON ()-Unemploy-
ment took an unexpected turn
for the worse in October, moving
past 3.5 million.
It may be headed toward a re-
cession-type level of more than 5
million in January.
The gloomy facts came out of-
ficially yesterday in the Labor
Department's regular monthly
jobs report-one the administra-
tion has been charged with sup-
pressing until after the election
for political purposes.
George Meany, president of the
AFL-CIO, said last week the num-
ber of jobless in October went
past 6 per cent of the total work
force and called this a serious
danger point for the economy.
The Washington Post later re-
ported the October figures would
show a rise of about 200,000 in
unemployment. Both these fig-
ures were borne out in yesterday's
Labor Department release.
President Dwight D. Eisenhow-
er personally announced over-all
job totals before their normal re-
lease time just prior to the 1954,
1956 and 1958 elections. The data
in those years showed the normal
upturn in employment.
Seymour Wolf bein, deputy as-
sistant secretary of labor, said
the job and jobless totals always
are completed by the Census Bu-
reau around the first of any month
covering the preceding month.
Theirannouncement is regularly
held up until around the 10th of.
the month for combined public
release with other Labor Depart-
ment statistics.
Wolfbein said that if only sea-
sonal.factors prevail, without im-
provement in business conditions,
the idle total will increase month
by month and hit a level of about
5,250,000 in January.
Ballots Cast
By Absentees
Still Uncounted
NEW YORK (P) - Possibly as
many as a half-million absentee
votes in Tuesday's presidential
election haven't been counted yet.
Theoretically they could put
Vice - President Richard Nixon
ahead of President-elect John F.
Kennedy in the popular vote.-
They also could change the elec-
toral vote margin between the two
men--either increasing it or de-
creasing it. On the basis of present
election tallies they could not take1
the presidential victory away from
U.S. Backs Korea
UN Membership-
United States yesterday strongly
backed membership in the United
Nations for Korea.
FRANKFURT, Germany (p) -
West Germany took its first step
yesterday to help ease pressure
on the dollar.
More moves seemed just around
the corner.
The federal bank cut the dis-
count rate from 5 to 4 per cent
in an effort to check the flow of
foreign exchange into the country,
West Germany had been under
mounting criticism for its tight
money policy which attracted cap-
ital from countries with lower
interest rates.
The action, taken after United
States urging at the last :World
Bank meeting in Washington, con-
flicted with the anti-inflationary
policy pursued by Economics Min-
ister Ludwig Erhard. Erhard fears
that the West German economic
boom may still get out of hand.
Balance Deteriorating
The United States, faced with
a rapidly deterorating balance of
payments, bluntly told the Ger-
mans that something must be
done about the situation. West
German gold and foreign ex-
change reserves have climbed an-
nually by some $2 billion-reach-
ing a record high of $7,378 bil-
Ike A gr ees
On Meetng
AUGUSTA, Ga. (AP) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower reported
yesterday he would be delighted
to meet with President-Elect John
F. Kennedy anytime his successor
Buttheir initial face-to-face
talk seemed likely to be delayed
until sometime after Thanksgiving
White House aides said it was
up to Kennedy to pick the time.
They noted that both Eisenhower
and Kennedy needtd to rest for a
while from the rigors of the cam-
Eisenhower started the first full
day of his golfing vacation by dis-
closing he has offered Kennedy
a 71-day headstart in learning
of the problems the Democratic
administration will face when it
takes over Jan. 20.
The President, who seemed
bitterly disappointed yesterday at
Vice-President Nixon's defeat, said
he would welcome advance con-
sultations between members of
Kennedy's "new frontiers" team
and all Eisenhower cabinet de-;
partments and agencies.
In mid-afternoon, he swiftly
approved Kennedy's choice of
Clark Clifford, a Truman admins-
tration official, as chief liaisonI
officer in arranging such meet-
Eisenhower knows Clifford, aides
said, and believes he can work
smoothly with him in arranging
a transfer of government duties
to the Kennedy administration.
Eisenhower named his chief
White House staff aide, Gen. Wil-
ton B. Persons, as the man who
will direct the liaison operation on
all levels.
lion last month-while America's
reserves have dropped by $4 bil-
lion a year.
Plans are also maturing to al-
locate three billion marks ($714
million) in aid for underdevelop-
ed countries. Half of this amount
would be raised by German in-
Polaris Shot
Navy successfully launched an ad-
vanced Polaris missile on a record
1,600-mile flight yesterday and
scored a significant breakthrough
in its program to increase the
range of the submarine weapon.
Germans Cut Discount Rate
dustry to contribute to the d
velopment of African-Asian cot
tries. The stepped-up aid progra
also followed American urging b
United States officials are r
portedly critical because of hi
interest rates.
To Discuss Problem
This difference and a third mo
to bring relief to the Americ
balance' of payments situation
to be discussed by Bonn and tc
ranking Washington officials d
in West Germany later t
The visitors, Secretary of I
Treasury Robert B. Anderson a
Undersecretary of State Doug
Dillon, are also expected to bri
up the subject of increased We
German contributions to t
North Atlantic Treaty Organiz
Papal Note
John XXIII cabled congratula-
tions yesterday to Sen. John F.
Kennedy, the first Roman Catholic
elected president of the United
At the same time the Pontiff
expressed his good wishes "to the
beloved American people."
Aside from the papal message-
which the Vatican press office
said followed Vatican routine of
recent years-there was no official
comment here on Kennedy's elec-
The Pontiff's brief message did
not mention Kennedy's Catholi-
cism. The Vatican press office said
a virtually identical mesage was'
sent by the late Pope Pius XII
when Eisenhower was elected
President of the United States.
L'Osservatore Romano, as it did
throughout the campaign in the
United States, continued to shun
any expression of opinion on the{
rise of a Roman Catholic to the
highest office of the pre-domin-
antly Protestant United States.
Yet, it was evident the Vatican
was pleased.
Raimondo Manzini, editor of the
Vatican newspaper, in a statement
to an Italian news agency, pointed
out that "a very large share" of
America's Protestant population
supported Kennedy. Catholics, he
said, "were naturally profoundly
pleased" that it was now establish-
ed in principle that "a son of the
Catholic Church can attain the
American presidency."
Project officials, pleased with The upkeep of United State
the result of the new model's mai- troops in Germany means a dral
den flight, reported the missile of between $300 and $400 millio
achieved all test objectives in annually on American reserves.:I
streaking 300 miles farther than is believed now that the We,
any previous Polaris. Range and Germans will be asked to cor
accuracy were not vital goals of tribute to a joint NATO fund I
this initial test, finance overseas troops.
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