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November 09, 1960 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-11-09

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"It's Interesting To See What They're
Doing In The United States"

~Ij 1udggauo faitj
Seventy-First Year
Truth" WUilPrevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.


4 ,i

International Spirit:
P ersonal Participation



Off- and On-Campus Issues
Legitimate SGC Concerns

E CURRENT campaign for the five vacant
seats on Student Government Council has
roduced a series of contradictions over the
etivities and goals of SGC.
Most of the candidates reflect the nation-
vide reaction to student government going
eyond the campus. The most obvious example
s the Kerr directives to the student govern-
nent at Berkeley. On the University campus,
oo, this reaction is evident.
The candidates proclaim that SGC should
ot go off-campus to talk about issues, that
3GC should content itself with University prob-
ems because here the SGC represents some
ort of consensus of opinion. Here is the first
;GC REPRESENTS a concensus of opinion
on the campus in University affairs as well
a off-campus affairs. The council as it is pre-
ently established does not represent specific
roups but attempts to have members who re-
resent a wide range of opinions. Since no
pecific campus district or group is represented,
he opinions on the council are just as irrele-
ant to campus affairs as to non-campus
ffairs. This leads to a second contradiction.
Many of the candidates show a distrust of
he students on SGC handling on-campus
ssues, especially membership restrictions in
ffiliate organizations, curriculum changes, a
egent's by-law against speakers who attack
nother, God, country or the University. A
onsensus of opinion in these areas if fine, the
andidates say, but SGC should not be able to
egislate in these areas. They should not be
ble to investigate fraternity and sorority
onstitutions, to attend Regents' meetings, or
o recommend changes to the steering and
irriculum committees on behalf of the entire
tudent body. The second contradiction raises
question: what good is student government
fit is powerless to act?
ACCORDING to this view, the students have
the right to express their opinions but
lave little right and are not trusted to expedite
r initiate or act on their opinions. If this is

true, then SGC need not exist. The University
could survive quite ably without a student
government body. This would probably cause
the administration some hardship, since SGC
does save the University the bother of calen-
daring groups ,and catering to the students.
It appears, however, that the administration
believes that SGC can go beyond these "time-
saving bonds." On the other hand I, personally,
wonder what the administration must think
about the efforts of student government, having
seen many many student leaders come and go
over the past decade or two or three.
It is up to the students to take advantage,
of toleration on the part of the University
and stretch it to its fullest extent. It is false
to assume in a time when many 18 year olds
are clamoring for a vote in national affairs
that they should not be able or responsible
enough to handle the affairs of their con-
temporaries on campus or comment in the
name of their contemporaries in national is-
sues which concern the student, such as sit-ins
and the National Defense Education Act.
IF THE representative opinion of the students
cannot be expressed in these areas, it is
futile to think that in three more years this
generation of students will entrust their futures
to an organization (the United States House
of Representatives) in which they are repre-
sented by one man who also serves approxi-
mately 400 thousand people. SGC has 11
representatives for 25 thousand.
The reactionary views of several of the SGC
candidates are attempts to do away with all
the "liberal" progress made in the past few
years. It would be far better for the candidates
to adhere to ideals which would allow SGC to
continue to legislate in student affairs, since
this is the purpose of SGC on the campus, and
to comment in off-campus affairs, since the
students are concerned in national affairs. In
foreign countries it is the students who are the
most politically aware and who act accordingly.
in the United States the students, who appear
to care, do nothing to expound their views.

-r -
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To The Editor:
H E group that our letter of .
October 21st started has grown
large and is enthusiastic. With
the formation of a group, there
are always questions about the
original spirit of the movement.
We would like to take these few
moments to express our commit-
ment in its most vital and im-
portant form.
We are both completely com-
mitted to serving abroad. Like-
wise, we are completely commit-
ted to serving here. But we are
committed to an ideal that is'
greater than both of these-man's
relationship to man.
We ' believe that the major
fault at the present time, is that'
man forgets what. he is, he for-'
gets who his fellow men are, he
forgets that we are all equal in
rights, he forgets that we are all
people with wills, with desires,
with pride and with a will to'
create. He fails to see that others
have a way of life which must be
respected. He fails to see that his
development is depeindent upon
the development of others-indi-
vidually and nationally.
* * *

ment cannot be found in the ship-
ment of machines and experts,
abroad. It is to be found in aid.
through relationship, through per-
sonal participation in the prob-
lems and the needs of the people
of the world. We feel that this
kind of help will lead to greater
understanding, to greater respect
for others. 'It will enable us to
grow as well as enable other
countries to grow. It is the spirit

of man which dominates this
world and not the spirit of eco-
nomics; it is the spirit of man's
relationship to man and not the
spirit of man's relationship to ma-
chines which enables man to real-
ize his potentialities.
The movement, we both believe,
is founded in this spirit. It is
founded on each and every per-
son's responsibility to every other
person. We must not forget our
responsibility' at home; we must
not forget our- responsibility
abroad. Those who go abroad are
striving for peace through person-
al participation those who stay
in the United States must strive
so that we can offer the world's
people new inspiration for their
own freedom-no 'matter what
form it may take.
We feel that the spirit of this
generation will not be silent; it
will replace silence-not with talk
-but with action.
-Judith and Alan Guskin.
To The Editor:
IT would appear that our dis-
tinguished emeritus professor,
W. A. Paton, has a greater capa-
city for analyzing the balance
sheets of commerce than those
of world affairs.
Paton: We shouldn't try to run
other people's lives: We may not
be smart enough; even if we are,
the other fellow prefers to make
his own decisions; anyone who
thinks otherwise is fuzzy minded
and overcorfident. Comment: To-
tally irrelevant, since the meth-
od of world responsibility in ac-
tion is to cooperate with those
making their own decisions to-
wards the goal of the reasonable
fulfillment of indigenous objec-
PATON: The Communists are
prepared (without justification)
to care for the world's welfare.
Comment: Totally false. On any
substantial grounds, the Commu-
nists have not shown themselves
willing to take on the job. Token
aid and propaganda-encouraging
assistance in somewhat greater
amounts have been granted (us-
ually loaned) to carefully select-
ed countries for the hoped-for
political consequences involved.
But the Communists are far to
shrewd to build economic and so-
cial strength where weakness and
half-fulfilled national goals will
better suit Communist purposes.
Paton: Africans, Latin Ameri-
cans and others do not like to
be referred to as "backward and
"underdeveloped." Further, these
people may have some good ideas
and ways of life, oven if they
don't have the products of our
industrial society. Comment: I
agree, except that the material
culture of industrial society is be-
ginning to change traditional ways
of life in the developing areas
almost as much as it did to ours,
and for much the same reasons of
high purpose for human better-
-Richard L. Park

Rule Nine and, Freedom of Choice

A Peace Army

ALONG WITH ALL the plans for dealing with
the farm problem, the older people, health
security, the employment problem, the gold
rush, I see that one of the Presidential can-
didates has finally come through with a plan
for sending American students abroad. It was
about time. And it is a mark of the imaginative
boldness of Kennedy and his brain trust that
while Nixon was talking of the sound dollar,
Kennedy was talking of a youth peace corps.
As it happens, in a number of speeches
across the country ever since I came back
from India I have talked about a "peace army"
of American college graduates. Doubtless others
have been doing it too. It is in the air.
I got my own notion from William James'
classic essay "The Moral Equivalent of War."
James grappled there with the age-old problem
of the destructive streak in all of us, young
as well as old. He proposed, as a way of re-
channeling this warlike current of energy into
a constructive direction, a youth peace army
which would tussle with danger in nature and
would build community projects under diffi-
cult conditions. Franklin Roosevelt adopted
one aspect of this idea in his CCC camps.
OF EVERYTHING I SAW among the Asian
university students, and especially after the
anti-American student riots in Japan, it struck
me that the American people had hot found
an effective way of reaching the young in-
tellectuals in foreign countries with a true
picture of what American civilization is like.
There are honorable and exciting exceptions,
but most Americans traveling abroad are either
old or rich or tired or power-obsessed or smug
and provincial. Besides, they nibble at the
country they travel in, and taste a bit of its
surface, but they don't dig in deep.
In its struggle with the Communist world
on the battleground of ideals, the democratic
world has no idea-fighters to parallel the Com-
munist Parties in every country, no under-
ground, no disciplined leaders trained in
guerrilla tactics, no idea-system to export as
a propaganda weapon-by its nature a demo-
cracy cannot have these.
I asked myself what the American demo-
cracy does have, and the answer was clear.
It has young people who at their best are the
living documentation of what America is like
at its best. Why not send them abroad as a
peace army, to study and live, to learn and help
at whatever they can set their hands to?
t5 u a

What makes this the more important is the
fact that the new Communist strategy,
especially in the newly liberated nation-states,
is to use the student and intellectual class as,
their leverage for gaining power. They no
longer stress the industrial and peasant masses
as their revolutionary carriers, but have re-
placed them by students and professors. It is
exactly these whom the democratic world must
reach, through students and professors of its
own who will identify themselves with their
brothers abroad.
WHERE I DIFFER from Sen. Kennedy's pro-
posal, in my own thinking, is on two
First, I think it is dangerous to put the
plan in terms of an alternative to military
service. You are dealing here with inflammable
stuff-the hope for life and the fear of death,
the resentment that the less privileged bear
toward the more privileged. The boys and
girls in the peace corps will be among the
brightest and most talented in the nation, but
also among the best educated. Don't set them
aside as a privileged caste to replace the draft
by something which, however, arduous, will
look soft to the envious.
My second objection is linked with the first.
Why do this under government auspices,
whether under the International Cooperation
Agency or any other government bureau? If
you do it thus you run inevitably into an excited
Communist propadanda campaign, charging
that America is sending soldiers abroad who
are disguised as student technicians but are
In reality spies and propagandists. Within this
frame the students might do more harm than
good to the Democratic cause.
In the end the U. S. government may have
to foot the bill by subsidies, but the shaping
guidance of the plan at its inception should
not come from any government agency. Let it
come from the big private foundations, like
the Ford Foundation, which have already done
so much good work in cultural and technical
exchanges. Let the foundations plan and run
the plan, let the students and graduates who
enroll be volunteers who get nothing from it
except trdvel and toil and the chance to learn
and be useful-and the feeling that they are
part of their era and the shapers of their
H AVING EXPRESSED these minor dissents,
let me add that the large framework of
Kennedy's plan is sound. It is cheering to
know that Kennedy is not content merely
with pointing out the ineffectiveness of the

Editorial Director
WITH SO MUCH slanted, mis-
leading and inaccurate pub-
licity in circulation concerning
the Michigan Corporation and
Commission's Rule 9, it's high.
time the issue be clarified.
The rule applies only to real
estate brokers, forbidding them to
discriminate because of race, color,
religion, national origin or an-
cestry in their licensed dealings
with the public. It was to be effec-
tive Aug. 14 as an amendment to
the commission's Real Estate Rules
and Regulations, but three Lan-
sing brokers, acting on behalf
of the Michigan Real Estate As-
sociation, obtained a temporary
circuit court injunction on Sept.
7 restraining the commission from
putting Rule 9 into effect.
* * *
NO DATE HAS been set for
further hearings, and parties sup-
porting and opposing the rule have
flooded the - public with various
forms of advertisement for their
respective positions for some weeks
now. Real estate brokers are pan-
icking, anticipating a drop in busi-
ness if the rule is enforced. Civil
rights advocates, whose vocal re-
action to the hearings on the
Grosse Pointe point system pres-
sured for a more explicit and
comprehensive ruling, have re-
doubled their efforts to secure the
enforcement of Rule 9.
The controversial ruling was
added under this preamble:
Any broker or salesman who
fails or neglects to abide by
the following rules and regu-
lations adopted by the Michi-
gan Corporation and Securi-
ties Commision shall be pre-
sumed to be guilty of unfair
* * *
RULE 9 READS as follows:
A broker or salesman, acting
individually or jointly with
others, shall not refuse to sell
or offer for sale, or to buy or
offer to buy, or to appraise,
or to list, or to negotiate the
purchase, sale, exchange or
mortgage of real estate, or to
negotiate for the construction
of buildings thereon, or t9
lease or offer for lease, or to\
rent or offer for rent, any real
estate or the improvements
thereon, or any other service
performed as broker or sales-
man, because of the race,
color, religion, national origin
or ancestry of any person or
A broker or salesman, act-
ing individually or jointly with
others, shall not refuse to sell
or offer to buy, or to lease or
offer for lease, or to negotiate
the purchase, sale or exchange
of a business, business oppor-
tunity, or the good will of an
existing business, or any other
service performed as broker
or salesman, because of the
race, color, religion, national
origin or ancestry of any per-
son or persons.
The hearings which preceded
Corporation and Securties Com-
missioner Lawrence Gubow's form-
ulation of Rule 9 concerned the
Grosse Pointe scandal, in which
a court case brought to light a
screening process whereby pro-
spective residents were rated on
such characteristics as "typically
American" descent wv of livin

local papers paid for by the Ann
Arbor Board of Realtors seem to
deliberately misstate the 'Ruling's
implications, clouding the issue
One headed, "Here's What Rule
9 REALLY Means to You," de-
clares, "In an attempt to dictate
bias out of existence, the Michi-
gan Corporation and Securities
Commissioner, Lawrence Gubow
... has taken away some of your
God-given, and what ought to be'
inalienable legal, rights."
The first threatened right listed
is the right "to dispose of your
private property as you see fit."
Rule 9, it continues, forbids you
the assistance of a licensed real
estate broker if you choose to limit
the sale, rental or release of your
property according to race, reli-
gion or national origin. How this
interferes with the right of pri-
vate property remains unclear.
Home owners are not restricted in
what they may do with their pro-
perty by Rule 9, but in how they
do it. If they choose to discri-
minate, it is true, they must do
it in person, not through state-
licensed brokers. But the only ser-
vice of a licensed broker denied
under Rule 9 is that of implement-

ing the property owner's discri-
mination on bases of race, color,
creed etc. Does denial of this
"service" constitute interference
with property rights?
The second right mentioned is
"to be governed by laws enacted
by a legislature whose members
you have helped to elect." But
since the precise way in which
Rule 9 "governs" the individual
property owner, is never pinned
down, this statement is at best
grafts the editorial policy- and
press creed of a Grand Rapids
Negro newsaper onto excerpts
from a radio editorial asking for
better Negro housing in Grand
Rapids, and concludes that "what
Rule 9 really does is take away
everyone's Freedom of Choice."
This tactic aroused distaste from
readers, who pointed out in a
letter to the editor that the net
effect of the ruling would be to
provide the property owner with
a wider range of prospective
clients by leaving them feel to deal
with whomever they chose. His
broker would be obliged to report
all bona fide offers to the seller,
whose right to consider or refuse
any offer is unquestioned.
Nor would the property owner

be forbidden the services of a
broker if he saw fit to discrimi-
nate. He would not be able to
instruct the broker to repect of-
fers on the basis of race, religion,
color and so forth-this decision
would rest with hii. How does this'
limit freedom of choice?
the ruling was drawn up in good
faith, and will penalize only the
few real estate brokers who ex-
ploit bias in the name" of the state.
In the bias question, Rule 9 makes
no attempt tolegislate morality,
but leaves the burden of choice
more with the individual citizen
than ever,
The state should not explicitly
or implicitly condone discrimina-
tion, as the -Constitution is cur-
rently interpreted. It should not.
license real estate brokers to -
among other services-take care
of the ,customer's discrimination
for him.
The realtors who have paid so
much for advertisments that mis-
represent the actual issue show
bad faith. They are attempting to
show a clean side of their dirty
linen to the public and urge them
to assent that the garment doesn't
need to be washed at all, and that
nobody has the right to make
them wash it.

D AI L Y, FII A LT - . . - , r .. . . , r -. . : , . v ; , :r -, , - . , - " , . , . .. ^s x " . ; : OFFI CI AL BULLET;.I N c .:: + ? ". ~ c s a ;

(Continued from Page 2)
Four Concert on Thursday Night at
Hill Aud.:
An error has been made in timing
the concert and you are urgently re-
quested to be present for duty at 7:00
pm., as the concert will start at 8:00
p.m. instead of 8:30 p.m. as originally
tFacuity, College of Literature, Science
and the Arts:
Midsemester reports are due Fri.,
Nov. 11, for those students whose
standing at midsemester is "D" or
The green report cards for fresh-
men and sophomores should be sent to
white report cards for juniors and
seniors to the Counselors Office for
Juniors and Seniors, 1223 Angell Hall.
students not registered in this Col-
lege but who elected L.S. & A. c'urses
should be reported to the school or
college in which they are registered.
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for DROPPING
Fri., Nov. 11. A course may be dropped
only with the permission of the classi-
fier after conference with the instrue-
The final day for REMOVAL OF IN-
COMPLETES will be Fri., Nov. 11. Pe-
titions for extension of time must be
on file in the Recorder's Office on or
before Fri., Nov. 11
International Student and Family
Exchange: Open Wed., 7:30-9 p.m. and
Thurs., 9:30-11 a.m. Every week at the
Madelon Pound House, 1024 Hill St.,
Coats and sweaters for men and wom-
en. Infants equipment and clothing.
These are available for all foreign stu-
dients and families needing the above
Events Thursday
On Thurs., Nov. 10 at 4:10 p.m.. the
Department of speech will present
"Orphee" by Jean Cocteau in the
Arena Theatre, Frieze Bldg. Admission
will be free.
Faculty Recital; Oliver Edel, Prof of
Vioonmell nd Chambe. Mican

nomials, their norm asymptotics, and
expansion theory." Meeting is in 246
West Engineering, Thurs, Nov. 10, at
2:00 p.m.
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics:
Dr. G. P. Patil will speak on, "Prob-
ability Proofs of Certain Mathematical
Identities," 'Thurs., Nov. 10, in 3021
A. H. at 4:00 p.m.
Communication Sciences Colloquium:
Dr. E. J. McCluskey, Jr., Princeton
University, will speak on "Hazards
in Logic Circuits" at 4:15 p.m., Thurs.,
Nov. 10, in 2402 Mason Hall.
Doctoral Examination for Alan Hart-
ley Molof, Civil Engineering; thesis:
"A Study of Oxidation-Reduction Po-
tentials Applied to Sewage Sludge Di-
gestion," Thurs., Nov. 10, 307 West En-
gineering Bldg., at 3:00 p.m. Chairman,
J. A. Borchardt.
Placement Notices
The following school has listed
teaching vacancies for February, 1961.
Saginaw, Mich.-H.S. German with
Russian or Spanish.
For any additional information con-
tact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528
Admin. Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489.
NOV. 14-15-16--
Atten: ALL WOMEN students---Come'
to the PANEL DISCUSSION 4:00 p.m.,
Mon., Nov. 14 at the Undergrad. Li-
brary, Multipurpose Room & learn
about career opportunities in Admin.,
Personnel, Purchasing, Communication,
etc. with the Armed Forces in the U.S.
or Overseas. Representatives of the 4
branches of the Military Services; Air
Force, Army, Marines & Navy, will also
be available in the Student Activities
Bldg. Lobby next week, Mon., Tveg. &
Wed. from 10:00 to 4:00 to talk with
college women interested in the Of-
ficer Candidate Program. No appoint-
ments are necessary.
Please call the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, Rm. 4021 Admin. Bldg., Ext.
3371 for further information.
Culligan, Inc., . Northbrook, Ill.-Op-
portunity as Systems and Procedures
Analyst. Graduate with major in Bus.
Admin., Management or Indust. Engr.;
two years minimum industrial experi-

gineer. age 25-40, all degrees in Ch.E.
for Process Development Dept., 3)
Product Mgr., age 30-40, B.S. degree; 4)
Customer Serv. Engr. with B.S. in Tex.
Engr. or Mfgr.
New York State Banking Dept., N.Y.C.
2 yrs., beginning July 1, 1961 for col-
lege grads, any major, who have in-
terest & ability in banking. Must be
residents of New York, N.J. or Conn.
Application deadline Jan. 3, '61. Vari-
ous locations in N.Y. State.
Please contact Bureau of Appoint-
ments, Rm. 4021 Admin. Bldg., Ext.
3371 for further details.
VIEWS-Nov. 10, 11, 14, 15-
128H W. Eng. Bldg., Ext. 2182. Attn.:,
Seniors and Grad students (1961 can-
Air Products, Inc., Engrg., Mfg., &
I & M Gas Div.; Allentown, Pa. and.
Nationwide, Nov. 11--All Degrees: Ch.E.,
E.M., Instru., & M.E. B.S.-MS.:C.E.,
E E. B.S.: E. Math & E. Physics. Des.,
Res. & Dev., Sales, Prod., Process, Proj-
ect Engrg.
Control Data Corp., Minneapolis,
Minn., Nov. 11-All Degrees: E.E., Math
& Physics. Both Men & Women. Des.,
R. & D., Sales, Field Service Trainee
Eagle-Picher Co., Entire Corporation,
Nov. 11 (p.mA-B.S.: Applied Mechan-
ics, Ch.E., I.E., M.E. & Met. Des., R.
& D., Sales & Prod.
General Dynamics Corp., Stromberg
Carlson Div., Rochester, N.Y., Nov. 11--
-All Degrees: E.E. & Instru. M.S.: M.k.
Both Men & Women. Des., R. & D., &
Adv. Dev. ,
Rochester Gas & Electric Corp., Cen-
tral Office, Rochester, New York, Nov.
11-B.S.: Ch.E., E.E., I.E. & M.E,. Also
Summer Employment: Must live in
Rochester or vicinity. Des., R. & D..
Sales & Production.
Sinclair Research Labs., Inc., Tulsa,
Okla., Nov. 11-M.S.-Ph.D.: Ch.E., E.
Physics, Phys. Chem., Physics & Math.
M.S.: Geology & M.E. it. & D.
Sylvania Electric Products, Inc., En-
tire Corporation, Nov. 11-All Degrees:
Ch.E., E.E., & Met., Chem., Physics &
Math. B.S.: E. Math, E. Physics & I.E.
& Science. Both Men & Women. Des.,
R, & D., Sales & Prod.
Union / Carbide Nuclear Co., Oak
Ridge, Tenn., & Paducah, Ky., Nov. 10,
& 11 (a.m)-All Degrees: Ch.E., E.E.,
M.E., Met. - Nuclear. B.S.: E. Physics.
February graduates. Both Men & Wo-

Sperry Rand Corp., Remington Rand
Univac, Minn., Pa., Conn., Nov. 14 & 15
-All Degrees: E.E. M.S.-Ph.D.: Physics
& Math. February graduates. Both Men
& Women. Des., R.. & D., Prod. & Pro-
gramming, & Elec. computing.,
Wagner Electric Corp., Detroit, Mich.,
Nov. 14-B.S.-M.S.: E.M. & Auto Engrg.
Bell Telephone System, Principal Ci-
ties in Mirwestern States, Nov. 14 &
15-B.S.-M.S.: Ch.E.. C.E., E.E., E.M.,
I.E. & M.E. B.S.: Science. Des., Res _
& Dev., Production.
Ford Motor Co., Aeronutronic Div.,
Nov. 14-A.E., E.E., E.M., M.E. Prof.:
Applied Mechanics. M.S.-Ph.D.: Instrt-
men., Phys. Chem.; Physics, Math, I.E.
& Met. B.S.: E. Physics. Both Men &
Women. Summer Employment: Ph.D.
candidates in Phys. Chem., Physics &
Math. Rt. & D.
General Dynamics Corp., Atomic Di-
vision, San Diego, Calif., Nov. 14 -
M.S.-Ph.D.: Ch.E., E.E., M.E., Met., &
Nuclear. Summer Employment: Grad-
uate students only. Few openings for
non-citizens. Both Men & Women. R.
& D.
Kimberly-Clark Corp., General Offices
& All Mills, Nov. 14-All Degrees: Ch.E.
BS.-M.S.: I.E. B.S.: C.E., E.E. & M.E.
M.S.: Instrumentation. Des., R. & D.,
Prod. & Mfg. Mgmt.
Latrobe StMel Co., Latrobe, Pa., Nov.
14-B.S.: Met. R. & D., & Production.
Litton Industries, Electron Tube Div;,
San Carlos, Calif., Nov. 14-All Degrees:
E.E. Both Men & Womnen.R. & D., Des.
& Production. W;
The following part-time jobs are
available. Applications for these Jobs
can be made in the Non-Academic
Personnel Office, 1020 Adrnin. Bldg.,
during the following -hours: Mon.
through Fri., :00 a.m. to.12:30 p.m.
Employers desirous of hiring part-
time or temporary employees should
contact Bill Wenrich, Part-time Em-
ployer Interviewer, at NO 3-1511, ext.
Students desiring miscellaneous jobs
should consult the bulletin board in
Room 1020, daily.
3-Waiters (meal and evening hours).
3-Cab drivers (evenings and week-
ends, must be 21 or over, commis-

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