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November 09, 1960 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-11-09

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cials To Review



Proposed 'U' Budget
Administrators To Meet in Lansing
With New State.Budget Examiners
University administrators go to Lansing today to discuss the
University's $41 million appropriation request with state officials.
"It 'will be an informal, informational session to acquaint the
new budget examiners with our request," Vice-President for Univer-
sity Relations Lyle M. Nelson said.
University President Harlan Hatcher, Vice-Presidlent and Dean
of Faculties M(arvin L. Niehuss and Vice-President for Business and
Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont-will attend the session.
Contemplated enrollment increases, wage and salary increases
and a proposed increase of 125 faculty members will be considered.
e This meeting and formal hearings




C PIC SpeakerI
Tells of Negro
Voting1c PlighJLt
Gathering on election night to
discuss the problems of disen-
franchised Southern Negroes, a
small group of students meeting
under the auspices of tlhe Politi-
cal Issues Club heard some first-
hand evidence from a former In-
structor at Tuskegee Institute.
Singer Buchanan, Grad, detail-
ed his unsuccessful attempts to
register as a voter in Macon
County, Ala., and concluded:
"rI -keep trying the legal way,
and if I can't do it that way, there
will come other ways."
"I really feel sorry for the vote
registrars in Tuskegee because
they see complete annihilation in
the pressure to vote," he said.
"They are making a last ditch
The Negro population of the
county (numerically superior)
keeps trying to register-90 per
cent of those rejected hold univer-
sity degrees, he declared. Buchan-
an himself has failed to qualify as
a voter because of "illiteracy."
First Problem
"When a Negro in Macon Coun-
ty wants to register, the first
problem is finding the registrars
in session. Then we are asked to
take certain tests, such as repeat-
ing the preamble to the Constitu-
tion, which I had to do," he said.
Most of the would-be Negro
voters, after completing such rig-
orous testing, never receive any1
reply from the registrars, accord-
ing to a news film entitled "Re-
port from Alabama" shown at the
"But the whole broad problem
is not purely a Southern one,"
Buchanan pointed out. "I had an
awful time finding a place to live
in Ann Arbor-and money was
no problem.
No One Answer
"Yet it's important to remem-
ber that what can be done in one
town, cannot be done in another.
I don't think there's one answer."
Offering one possible solution to
the problem, William Livant,
Grad, PIC member who addressed
the meeting, suggested that pres-
sure from the people for civil
rights must be levied against the
"At a time when most people are
laying down their political initia-
tive for another four years, it is
our job to pick it up, by pressing
for the right to vote for all citi-
zens," he declared. "The pot must
begin to boil before Congress

later in the year are conducted by
the budget division of the state
administration department as part
of the routine processing of 'ap-
propriationrequests from all state
Budget Division
The recommendation of the
budget division goes to the gover-
nor who, after further considera-
tion, presents his program to the
Legislature when it convenes in
The $41 million for 1961-82 re-
quested by the Regents at their
last meeting set a new record for
the University,
At that time, President Hatcher
said the request, based on an esti-
mated increase in enrollment of
771 to 1,271, had been carefully
studied and reduced to minimum
levels before being considered by
the Regents.
State Responsibility
But he also pointed out that the
University shares with the state
administration and the Legisla-
ture the responsibility for main-
taining its "position of eminence
in American higher education."
To this end, this year's appro-
priation request emphasizes "pro-
tection of present faculty" by ask-
ing for funds sufficient to pro-
vide widespread merit increases
and enlargement of the faculty by
Navy B.ases.
LONDON OM - The United
States agreed unconditionally yes-
terday to quit the major part of
its five base areas in the British
West Indies, but said it hopes to
stay on in some considered essen-
tial to Western defense.
At the same time American del-
egates to a three-sided confer-
ence joined Britali in promising
economic aid to the West Indies
after that emerging common-
wealth state becomes independ-
A communique issued after a
five-day conference said all three
parties accepted the "basic prin-
ciple that the West Indies, when
independent, would have the right
to form its own alliances and to
conclude such agreements as it
thought fit regarding military
bases on its soil."
The announcement thus spelled
a drastic revision of the historic
1941 agreement between Sir Win-
ston Churchill and the late Pres-
ident Franklin Roosevelt. Under
this, Britain gave the Americans
base rights , in the West Indies
until the year 2040 in return for
50 used destroyers and other mil-
itary equipment at a crucial time
in the war against the Nazis.
The five bases are one each in
Antigua, Jamaica and Santa Lu-
cia and two in Trinidad.

Asks Seat
For Self
President Joseph Kasavubu de-
livered a dramatic appeal to the
United. Nations General Assembly
yesterday for immediate seating
of a delegation headed by himself
and representing all factions- in
his chaotic African republic.
But Kasavubu was denounced
immediately by Ismael Tour e of
Guinea, who charged that the
Congo leader's trip here was spon-
sored by colonialist and imperial-
ist powers. Guinea is one of eight
Asia-African nations supporting a
proposal that Assemblydrecogni-
tion be given, a rival delegation
representing deposed Premier Pa-
trice Lumumba.
"His speech was drafte
Paris and Brussels," Toure declar-
ed. "We know who was behind
this trip and that the aim was'
not honorable. This hoodwinks no
Soviet deputy foreign minister
Valerian A. Zorin assailed Kasa-
vubu,-the United States, Belgium
and Secretary-General Dag Ham-
marskjold in a wide-ranging
speech that wound up the after-
noon session,
XKasavubu Used
Zorin said Kasavubu was being
used by colonialists, and that
Lumumba was the only legally-
elected representative of the Con-
golese people.
The Congolese leader took the
rostrum at the outset of debate
which had been postponed 24 hours
in order to permit him to speak.
He declared that only the chief
of state has the right to nominate
the Congo's representatives to the
The African leader entered the
Assembly from a room behind the
rostrum, and returned there after
his 15-minute speech. The Congo's
seat in the Assembly remained va-
cant-as it has been during all
sessions of this Assembly.
Credentials Group
Kasavubu appealed to the cre-
dentials committee, which has not
yet reported on which Congo fac-
tion should be seated, "to exam-
ine without delay" the credentials
of his delegation,
He said his delegation included
representatives of rebellious Ka-
tanga and Kasai provinces, and
declared "this gives you an idea
of the unity I have gathered
around me."


Rd,11 c

State Names
New Cultural
Plan Aims To Attract
Educated Personnel
Governor G. Mennen Williams
yesterday named a 68-member
cultural commission for the state.
Williams sees improving culture
as a way to attract highly-
educated scientific and technolo-,
gical personnel for industry in
the state.
Wayne State University vice-
president William Birenbaum, is
chairman of the committee, which
is supposed to "determine-the pro-
per role for the government of
the state in encouraging and as-
sisting in the full expresion of our
Choreographer Agnes DeMille
and composer Aaron Copeland
have consented to serve as con-
sultants to the commission, along
with Lloyd Goodrich, director of
the Whitney Museum of Art in
New York.
"We are well known for auto-
mobiles and for our scientific and4
cultural strength, but it is often
overlooked that Michigan stands
among the leaders in the country
in the number of creators in the
arts and scholars in the arts we
possess," Birenbaum said.
The state should seriously con-
sider providing financial support
for cultural institutions, he said,
adding that while the commissiori
will have to study the existing
situation, as long as he is chair-
man "this will not be just a
study commission."
Birenbaum also claimed Michi-
gan will be pioneering in having
the government assume a role in
cultural development, and that
this committee could be the be-
ginning of a ntional pattern of
cultural development groups.

-Daily-Henry Yee
SGC ELECTION-Approximately 2,000 students went to the polls in yesterday's first round of the
Student Governninet Council election. The bad weather apparently held the total down, though the
figure was somewhat higher than the first-day return of last semester's balloting.
Communists Gain in Elctior.



G'Sell Says.
Rain Cause
Of Vote La;
Two Thousand Vc
On First Day To I
Last Spring's Low
A stretch of bad afters
weather apparently held down
total vote as the first day of
dent Government Council ba
ing drew to a temporary halt
About 2,000 students vi
elections director Richard G'
'63, estimated, with almost th
fourths casting their ballots
fore 1 p.m., when the bad wea
The weather outlook for ti
is little better than yesterday
ernoon, with rain, snow and
teimperatures predicted.
G'Sell says today's total
actually have exceeded the'
thousand figure. In any cas
ought to exceed last semen
1,850, which was a record loN
year ago, about 2,000 voted oi
first day's balloting.
Thirteen candidates are bid
for five open slots in the elee
They are: Lynn Bartlett,
Louise Kao, '64; Marshall K
'61; Bruce Leitman, '63; Rie]
Nohl, '62; Ted Parnall, '63; R
ard, Pinnell, '64 A&D;~ Philip F
er, Spec, Julie Raben, '62M;
Riecker, '63; Dennis Shafer,
Kay Warman, '61BAd, and N
Wheeler, '61.
The polls are located on
Diag, at the Michigan Unior
the Michigan League, in fror
Angell Hall, at the UGLI, ui
the Engineering Arch, in fror
the Business Administration B
in the lobby of Mason Hall
in front of the University M
Teachers En
First Strike
In New York
NEW YORK (P) - The
teachers' strike in New York C
history ended last night, the
and day after it began.
About 6,00 delegates of the st
ing United Federation of Tef
ers voted at a closed meetin
accept a proposal to return
work with a guarantee from
board of education of no repri

ROME (.IP;-Commtlunists bagge d
one-fourth of the votes this week
for their biggest margin yet in
this pro-Western and Roman
Catholic country.
Although the contests were h0-
cal, the nationwide trend couldl
spell trouble for Italy's Christian
Democratic government.
Complete returns yesterday
showed the Communists won 24.5
per cent of the total vote Sunday
and Monday in the balloting for
provincial councils. continuing an
almost uninterrupted gain from
the 19 per cent they polled in the
first postwar elections of 1946.
In the 1958 national elections.
the Reds polled 23 per cent, con-

Mobutu Charges UN Troops
Aid Anti-Government Plot

test against the government par-
ty. For, in addition to the ex-
treme left, the extreme right
Fascist Italian Social Movement
fMSI) scored gains, especially in
The Christian Democrats' to-
tal in provincial contests was 40.3
Man-in- S-pace
Test Capsule
Falls into Sea
WASHINGTON (P) - A major,
test in the man-in-space program'
flopped yesterday.
It involved the launching of a
Mercury capsule under conditions
of extreme stress.
The capsule failed to separateE
from its booster rocket after the
launching at Wallops Island, Va.
Both the Mercury vehicle and
the 25-foot-tall "Little Joe" boost-
er plunged from an altitude of
53,000 feet into the Atlantic

per cent, still leaving them Italy's
most powerful party. They did
slightly better in city council
elections-41.4 per cent of the bal-
lots or 3.3 per cent better than
city elections of 1956.
Deceptive Margin
But the Christian Democratic
margin is deceptive. Although the
ruling party is split by factions,
the Communists often work hand
in glove with Pietro Nenni's left-
wing Socialists. Together, the So-
cialists and Communists polled
38.9 per cent,
Premier Amintore Fanfani, who,
took office after Communist-in-
spired rioting toppled his prede-
cessor this summer, showed con-
cern at the results. He said in a
statement: "It is necessary to
make the advantages of demo-
cratic life better known and
The Communist victories were
scored despite Italy's alliance with
the West, the nation's booming
standard of living and a warning
by Italy's Roman Catholic bishops
against voting for Marxist par-

LEOPOLDVILuE (P)-Col. Joseph Mobutu accused the United pared to 42
Nations yesterday of having a hand in what he called a foiled plot to Christian D
topple his military regime and return deposed Premier Patrice Lum- the Reds ga
umba to power in the Congo. the Christia
UN officials described the charge as sheer nonsense. per cent.
Mobutu said the UN command sought to trick rival Congolese C
army units into fighting as an excuse to disarm his forces and re- onall,t 90t
convene the pro-Lumumba Congolese Parliament which he suspend- provinces a
ed two months ago, towns,.
The plot was foiled, he told a news conference, when his troops A good ma
disarmed opponents trying to take over the parliament building in a ly intended
pre-dawn coup. Mobutu said Cleo-'
phas Kamitatu, pro-Lumumba
president of the Leopoldville pro-
vincial government, was the UN's
instrument in the alleged plot.

2.4 per cent for the
Democrats. This year
ined 1.5 per cent and
an Democrats lost 2.1
ast Ballots
per cent of 32,035,569
ballots for offices in 78
and 6,919 cities and
any of them apparent-
their votes as a pro-

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Army Adjutant
He said an army adjutant and
a non-commissioned officer who
were members of Kamitatu's
Bambala tribe brought a squad of
infantry and arms to the parlia-
ment building early yesterday,
claiming to have orders from Mo-
butu to take over the guard.
Loyal Mobutu troops guarding
the building refused to be tricked
and disarmed their rivals without
a shot being fired, the colonel
Mobutu alleged that. the opera-
tion was staged by Kamitatu with
the connivance of the United Na-
tions. Kamitatu disclaimed knowl-
edge of the incident.
In Rage
Mobutu was in a rage. He de-
liberately missed a meeting with
the acting UN mission chief, Brig-
adier Indar Jit Rikhye of India.
"These Indians who run the
United Nations here are doing
everything they can to bring
Lumumba back to power and turn
the Congo into a Soviet state,"
Mobutu told hastily summoned
newsmen at his fortified camp on
the outskirts of Leopoldville.'
"I am an anti-Communist and
proved it by expelling the Soviet
and Czech missions," he said.
"Never, never will they be permit-
ted to return as long as I am
alive." 1

a few of

the Buggy

horns from India.


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