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November 05, 1960 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-11-05

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Miss Reid Hits U.S. Di plomacy

Discusses Drop-outs, Exams

recent study of voluntary
-outs at Michigan State Uni-
ity who did not transfer to
r schools showed many "didn't
where all this was leading,"
. Paul S. Dressel told a group
college administrators meet-
here this week.
rof. Dressel, MSU's director'
nstitutional research, discuss-
eneral education as a way to]
>re the unity of the four-year
ge experience.
uch a program offers broad in-
isciplinary courses, required
all students, which bring con-
with the major fields of
Excellent Idea
sked whether senior compre-
sive examinations would ac-
plish the same purpose, he
such tests are an excellent
.. "They are based on the prin-
es of unity, sequential devel-
lent, application of ideas, and
ing students and faculty to
sider what the four years add
The comprehensive examina-
L can be a capstone experi-
owever, in tracing various col-
s' experiences with the exams,
outlined a less rosy picture.
ri most schools, the plan is
ted enthusiastically at first,
apt by the science and mathe-
ics departments. For the fac-
es, it becomes a mass-scale ad-
istering of doctoral exams.
Review Material
rofessors often do not think
ough integrative questions, and.
rage only to review previous
rse material and the examns;
ome just another hurdle or
If you don't flunk students,

then the exam doesn't mean any-
thing. There is no bite in it."
Many schools have dropped the
exams, or replaced them with a
senior-level integrative seminar.
Sometimes the exam becomes the
final examination for the semi-
nar course.
Works Toward Goal
"Comprehensives have worked
well in a handful of institutions,
where they are a tradition. Here
the student is pointed toward this
goal from the start."
1 Prof. Dressel distinguished gen-
eral education courses, widely
used at MSU, from "frivolity in
education" like life-adjustment
education or air-age education. He
sees them, rather, as an attempt
to bring back as much of the
traditional concept of liberal arts
as is possible with today's spe-
cialized programs.
He contrasted Harvard College's
first course of offerings, Classics
1, 2, 3, and 4, with the situation
today where students in the same
field take no courses in com-
Squeezed Out
When the Michigan Agricultur-
al College began in 1857, it re-
quired history, humanities and
arts, but as there were more sci-
entific developments in the field,
the liberal element was squeezed
Recently, the speaker pointed
out, reaction has come to this
trend toward vocationalization.
There are now only three under-
graduate majors as opposed to 25
formerly, and general education is
an integral part of all programs.
The administrator listed a num-
ber of problems met in organizing
inter-departmental programs.
Talk of improving teaching is
often seen as an insult by the
V. V W V WV V...

departments, he said. Science de-
partments do not appreciate be-
ing told to emphasize science as
a way of thinking, rather than
requiring detailed course content.
Even with the ideals of gen-
eral education, it "can easily fall.
in the rut of content emphasis
of many liberal arts introductory
courses." This is aggravated by
the need for objective tests be-
cause of the large number of1
students in these courses.
Faculty members are often un-j
prepared to teach such courses,
since their backgrounds have been
so specific. It is difficult to make
a proud specialist cross over the
lines of the various disciplines.
Prof. Dressel is of the opinion
that student attitudes toward
such courses are greatly influ-
enced by faculty and administra-
tion attitudes.
"There is a great problem of
superficiality in trying to give a
grasp of many disciplines in a
year's course," he noted.
"Graduation with marketable
skills is not incompatible with
liberal education, so long as it
emphasizes why, and not how to
do it."
He traced the growth of mean-
ing of "liberal education." Before
1850, modern foreign languages
were not offered. Sociology and
journalism have become respect-
able only recently.
He sees liberal education not
in terms of course offerings, but
in giving a broad knowledge of
our cultural heritage, polishing in-
tellectual abilities and skills, aid-
ing communication with others
and infusing values into a per-
son's life.
To Present
H~onte Carilo

...Iranian Educator
, ,
1 1
"In Iran, strict selection of stu-
dents for admission to the univer-
sities Is emphasized and therefore
we have to take the best." Fah-
had, President of the University
of Tehran, said last night at a
dinner in East Quadrangle.
bedmre ae strictr an res
beAuse heranbro
students applying to the univer-
sity. Students must pass difficult
exams and. there high school rec-
ord is judged, he said.t -
Emphasize Qualityv
In deciding about the the ad-
mission of students, he said, a
great emphasis Is put on quality,
but after being accepted, the stu-
denitdenthavetopworry ut
fin -anghsreduicatolThreci
no tuition at the University of
Tehran and for those who cannot
afford to pay for housing this
is also provided free. Some are
even given pocket money. For
those who need more money, the
government and the university
have established "credit institu-
tions'' which give long term loans.
The government and university
have adopted this policy, Fahrad
said, because they believe that
'no capable student should be de-
nied the opportunity to study be-
cause of the lack of financing."
Teheran University is building
its first women'sj dormitory now
and has just completed a men's
dormitory. He described the men's
dorm as having 800 single rooms
each of which has built in fur-
niture and a small balcony. Each
room also has a southern ex-
posure to insure that the resi-
dents have enough sunlight and
fresh air.
Built Far Away
The women's dormitory will be
built far away from the men's
quarters. Fahrad does want to take
the responsibility. "Boys in Iran
are not as wise as in the United
States. They are more sociable]
and friendly," he said.
Teheran University has 10,000
stadents many of which are wom-
en. Every curriculum except the-
ology has women in it.
Fahrad replied to questions on
the reporting of Middle Eastern
and Iranian by American news-
papers and magazines by saying
that "sometimes I am surprised
to read what the newspapers say
happened." He referred to Time
and Newsweek magazines and The
New York Times, the publications
that he reads.

"America 'has pushed Fidel Cas-
tro into the Soviet orbit," Miss
Elizabeth Reid, economic council
representative of the "Holy Grail,"
said last night, "and by now he
is committed to the Russians and
will not turn back."
"C a s t r o showed tremendous
stamina, personal magnetism, and
organization in his four and one
half hour speech at the recent
United Nations meeting," she said.
"Papers from the United States
to Cuba have demanded the re-
turn of electric companies and
hotels, but have never asked what
coild be done to solve the coun-
try's great tuberculosis problem,"
she added.
Miss Reid also questioned the
United States for its confiscation
of Castro's plane and for their
desire to hold the, naval base in
Independent Nation
"If Cuba is an independent na-
tion, the United States has no
rights to a base there, and Cuba
has the right to sever the treaty
between the two nations."
Another factor in the United
States which she finds "stupid
rad, President of the University
bar which has been built up. "It
is a dangerous thing to which for-
eign diplomats will react at once.'
The need is for Americans who
can share themselves as persons
along with their education and
skills. In this vein, she referred to
Sen. John F. Kennedy's recent
proposal as "Three years of serv-
ice to preserve the human fam-
She stressed this personal rela-
tionship among people is a great
lack in American foreign policy.
In distinctly separating business
from personal relations, the Unit-
Nixon Wins Vote
In Mock Quad Poll

Ont .the Jo~e



. w. a r.. a a ik i. X.....: m.:: i.


Kappa Delta will
are taking their
concert tonight,

hold a Father's Weekend today and tomorrow.
fathers to the football game and the joint Glee


The International Students As-
sociation will present the Monte
Carlo Ball today from 9:30 p.m. to
1 a.m. in the Union Ballroom.,
Besides the dance there will be
a casino and a cafe set in the
rooms adjoining the Ballroom.
During intermission the Philip-
pine pole dancers, Brazilian dan-
cers and the Venezuelan jazz com-
bo and dancers will entertain.
There will also be a Dixieland
group in the cafe at this time.
Entertainment in the cafe will
continue all evening with various
international students p 1 a y i n g
musical instruments, singing and
dancing. Refreshments will be
sold and imported candies given
WAA ToHold
Lantern Niaht

'he Daily Official Bulletin is an
icial publication. of The Univer-
y of Michigan for which The
.chigan Daily assumes no .editorial
sponsibility. Notices should be
at in TYPEWRITTEN form to
iom 3519 Administration Building,
fore 2 p.m. two days preceding
acement Notices
Aarold Corp., Cambridge, Mass.
sual opportunity for Electrical En-
ering graduate as Assistant to Di-'
:r for new division. Wide knowledge
ircuit design and modern transistor:
ries required .Immediate opening.
ydrometals, Inc., New York City -
ng Japanese national to act as
son for Far Eastern operations.
. or Engr. graduate.
mberly Clark Corp., Wise.-Seeking
ng Development Chemist -(M.S. De-'
) or Chem. Engr., with training in
ng. Disc. E & R Stud. Guild, After-!
ne Cider Hour, Nov. 5, 524 Thomp-
Seminar: "Biblical Thought," Rev.]
E, Edwards, Nov. 6, 9:30 a.m., 524
mpson; Seminar: "What a Christian]
eves," Nancy Prime, Nov. 6, 10:45
Bethlehem E & R Church Lounge.
* * S
erman Club, Coffee Hour, Nov. 5,j
-5 p.m., 4072 FB.
* s r
esley Fdn., Fellowship Supper, 5:301
Worship & Program: Panel Dis-
ion "Religion and the Presidency"
. H. Rupert, Dr. A. Logan & Dr.
Vesterman; Nov. 6, 7 p.m., 1st Meth.
rch, Wesley Lounge; Seminar on
or religions of the world-Judaism,
H. Jacobs, Nov. 6, 10:15 a.m., 1st
h. Church, Pine Rm.
* * *
ith. Stud. Assoc., Nov. 6, 7 p.m.,
& Forest. Speaker: Prof. P. Kauper,
faculty, "The Christian & His
I Rights."
* -
ewman Club, Dunker's Hour, Nov. 5,
p.m.; Dinner put on by Grad. Stu-
ts, Nov. 6, 6 p.m.; 331 Thompson.

organic or polymer chemistry for ap-!
plied R. & D. work at Munising, Mich.
No experience required.
Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Office,
U.S.A.F./A.E.C., Germantown, Md.-Op-
portunity for highly qualified Engi-
neer with background in Nuclear R.
& D. and experience in program plan-
ning and management to serve as
Technical Director (Nuclear Systems
Please call Bureau of Appointments,
Rnm. 4021 Admin. Bldg., Ext. 3371 for
further details.
grad students:
Please call the Bureau of Appoint-
ments. Rm. 4021 Admin. Bldg.,.,Ext.
3371 for appointments for the follow-
ing interviews:
MON., NOV. 7-
Security First National Bank, Los An-
geles, Calif.-Graduates: Feb., June.
Men with M.A. in Bus. Admin. or re-
lated fields for banking program.
TUES., NOV. 8-
Whirlpool (a.m. only), St. Joseph,
Mich--Graduates: Feb., June, Aug.
Men with advanced degregs in Physics
and Chemistry for R. & D. Manufac-
turers of a complete line of home ap-
WED., NOV. 9-
City of Detroit - Graduates: Feb.,
June, Aug. Men and WOMEN with
any degree for positions as Technical
Aids, (Bus. Ad) (Engr.) (General). Gen-
eral fields include the social sciences,
pub. admin., psychology, math. or sta-
tistics: Accountants, Economists, Art
Curator, Museum assistants, Recreation
Instructors, Personnel Admin., Public
Central Intelligence Agency, Washing-
ton, D.C.-Positions throughout the
U.S., and Overseas. Graduates: Feb.,'
June. At least B.Al degree, (Women
must have master's). Interest in foreign
affairs. Age. 21-30. U.S. citizen for at
least 5 yrs. This is a highly selective
program. Opportunities in many fields,
e.g., Social Sciences/Liberal Arts,
Geography, Economics. Foreign lan-
guages, Journalism, Library Science
(M.S./L.S. only). Also Physics (M.S. or
Ph.D.) and Engineering (E.E.).
Union Carbile Nuclear (p.m. only)-
Oak Ridge, Tenn. and Paducah, Ky.
Graduates: Feb., June. Men & WOM-
EN with B.S., M.S. & Ph.D. In Chem.,
Physics, & Math. or B.A. in Library
Science; for: Nuclear Res. & Develop.
Programs include Reactor Physics and
Analysis, Nuclear Reactions, Solid State
Physics, Neutron Physics, Plasma Phys-
ics, Instrumentation.
(Continued on Page.4)


The annual Lantern Night
singing competition for women's
,housing units will take place at
7:30 p.m. Monday at Hill Aud.,
sponsored by the Women's Ath-
letic Association.
The twelve choruses which were
selected to perform after the
eliminations on Oct. 28 are:
Adelia Cheever House, Alphi Phi;
Blagdon House, Markley; Butler
House, Markley; Jordan Hall;
Kappa Alpha Theta; Kappa Kap-
pa Gamma; Martha Cook Resi-
dence; Mosher Hall; Pi Beta Phi;
Sigma Delta Tau; and Zeta Tau
A first-place trophy and sec-
ond and thir-d-place awards will
be made. Separate first, second
and third place awards will be
presented for posture.
The posture contest was judged
at the eliminations Oct. 28, and
all entering choruses were con-
sidered. Lantern Night Chairman
Ann Cullip, '61, said that a group
which did not reach the finals in
the singing competition might very
well win the posture contest.


' M 9

Has audiences holding their
breath in excitement!"
-N.Y- Daily News



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"Legend of Sleepy Hollow"

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stth m n w inraf~dt haw to WHm-ie as the woman who neve forgot how to taws.

-- w. w


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