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November 05, 1960 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-11-05

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Da4 i1F

:.. Low-35
Occasional showers in forenoonx,
gradually clearing and cool.

See Page

Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom


Illinois To Meet






Elliotts To Hold Duel
As Coaching Rivals
Both Teams Out of League Race;
Illinois Enters Game as Favorite
Associate sports Editor
Illinois invades Michigan Stadium today, and for the £first time
in many a year, little is riding on the outcome of the game.
In years gone by, the Michigan-Illinois game was most often
a key contest in one of the two teams' drives for the Big Ten
championship and a possible trip to the Rose Bowl. This year all
that's at stake is the settling of a long-time Conference rivalry and
a battle of brothers.
Both teams have dropped too many games to be in the running
for the Big Ten crown, but interest in the contest remains high as
:,n_~ Michigan's Bump Elliott and


Of PTSBURGH (MP)- President
Dwight D. Eisenhower got a roar-
ing, rousing hero's reception here
last night - then accused the
Democratic opponents of Vice-
President Richard M. Nixon of
juggling promises, distorting facts,
and confusing the voters.
In a speech on a coast-to-coast
telecast Eisenhower said such
tactics were nothing new. .
"The tactics ofdconfusion have
always been a device to cover
weakness in principle or in pur-
pose or in proposal.
"They still are the offensive
arsenal of those who lack a con-
structive program founded on test-
ed principle."
It was the President's second
major address of the day. In
Cleveland, he accused Sen. John
F. Kennedy, the Democratic pre-
sidential candidate, of "preaching












..i" 11





.. tactics on gridiron
Big Crowds
Meet Nixn
FRESNO (M)-Capping a wear-
ing day of campaigning through-
out the West, Vice-President
Richard M. Nixon returned last
night to his home state of Cali-
fornia-and he got a shouting,
singing welcome at a Fresno ral-
The Republican presidential
candidate, husky voiced from
speechmaking but shrugging off
fatigue, intensified his attack on
his Democratic opponent Sen.
John F. Kennedy as he flew 2,-
500 miles yesterday-from Ft.
Worth to Casper, Wyo., Spokane
and finally here.
Nixon told a police-estimated
crowd of 15,000 in a Fresno shop-
ping center: "We are on the way
in central California, and that
means we're on the way in Cali-
fornia Nov. 8."
Would Spend
He said Kennedy would spend
$15 billion more a year than he
would-if the Massachusetts Sen-
ator were elected President.
"Remember the medicine man
who came to town?" he asked.
"He had a cure-all and he got
away with it for awhile because
he got out of town.
"But before Kennedy can get,
out of town they are going to
vote him down on Nov. 8."
Final Drive
Launching a final drive for Cal-
ifornia's 32 electoral votes Nixon
spoke in a heavily Democratic
area where the Republicans had
not even put up a Congressional
candidate in the last election.
But he was greeted enthusi-
astically by thousands at the air-
port and along the motorcade
route to the shopping center.
Another wildly cheering crowd,
in Spokane, brought Nixon's mo-
torcade to a standstill on his ar-
rival in the Northwest where he
unleashed an increasingly hot
stream of criticism at Kennedy,
' Pled Piper'
In Spokane Nixon called Ken-
nedy a "Pied Piper from Boston"
end a "Jackie-come-lately" on
matters of interest to the West.
In a motorcade through down-
town Spokane, cheering thou-
sands surged from the curb and
halted Nixon's convertible for a
few minutes. A police motorcycle
escort had to open the way be-

Illinois' Pete Elliott will be facing
each other for the first time as
rival coaches.
The Wolverines enter the game
with a 3-3 record, while the Illini
will charge into Michigan Stadium
with a 4-2 mark. But all five losses
of' the two squads have been in
league encounters, leaving both;
squads behind the Conference
eight-ball as far as league honors
are concerned.
Mean Little
Michigan holds a 28-17 win re-
cord in the series. And while the
Illini have won seven of the last
ten contests, and have a better
mark this year, comparative scores
or historical records have meant
little in the past.
Last year the Wolverines in-
vaded Illinois' Memorial Stadium
as one touchdown underdogs with
the same 1-3 Big Ten recdrd they
are holding now, while the Illini
were still hanging on to title
But when the game was all
over the Wolverines had fought to
a 20-15 win over the home team.
This year's captain, center Jerry
Smith, led the hard-charging
Michigan line in that win as he
intercepted three passes to gain
"lineman of the week" honors
from Sports Illustrated.
Slight Favorites
This year again, the Illini should
enter the game as slight favorites
on the basis of comparative re-
cords and on the strength of last
week's 14-12 win over a strong!
Purdue team,
Illinois has performed well out-
side the conference, but losses to
Ohio State and Minnesota have
virtually put the invaders out of
the running for the title, with
last Saturday's win their only
triumph in the Big Ten this year.
(Ineligible Indiana doesn't count
in the Conference standings.)
See ILLINI, Page 6
Elliott Claims
Grid Contest
Here is what Michigan football
Coach "Bump" Elliott says about
the meeting of his brother Pete's
Illinois team today.
"Our boys are playing against
Illinois, not Pete against me.
"There are no personal feelings
at all. I have only one thought,
and that is for Michigan to beat

Blasts Nixon
After Parade
In Chicago
Says Vice-President
Rides Ike's Coattails
CHICAGO (M) - Sen. John F.
Kennedy concluded his campaign
for Illinois' possibly crucial 27
electoral votes last night with a
mammoth torchlight parade and a
fighting speech to a roaring crowd
in jam-packed Chicago Stadium.
The Democratic Presidential
nominee summed up most of the
domestic proposals he has cham-
pioned from coast to coast and
portrayed himself as having the
best program to preserve peace
and prevent "world war."
And he slapped again at his
Republican rival - Vice-President
Richard M. Nixon-for what he
described as an effort to ride
"someone else's coattails" into the
White House, a reference to
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's
campaign for the GOP nominee.
Vast Crowds
Kennedy drove down South
Michigan Blvd. and along Madi-
son St. to the Stadium through
vast crowds rounded up by Mayor
Richard J. Daley and the Cook
County Democratic committee.
The two and one-half mile
parade included units from the
city's 50 wards and country town-
ships, labor unions and nationality
groups to which Kennedy is look-
ing to provide him with a winning
margin in a state where the race,
could be close.
Kennedy said the real issue in
next Tuesday's election is "world
peace or world war" and it can-
not be met by goodwill tours or
kitchen debates.
Communist Advance
He said the issue is stopping
the Communist advance which "in
eight years has penetrated deep
in Asia, Africa, the Middle East
and Latin America-taking over
Cuba itself-without firing a sin-
gle shot or losing a single soldier."
And he said the issue could not
be met by "more words, more
committees, more goodwill tours,
or more debate with Soviet Pre-;
mier Khrushchev or any other{
Soviet leader in a Moscow kit-1
The parade of the candidate at-
tracted one of the biggest crowds
in the city's political history. And
the stadium, with seats set up for
26,000 was packed to the rafters'
with wildly applauding partisans.'

-AP wirephoto
'U' STUDENTS-A group of University students yesterday met with Sen. John F. Kennedy in To-
ledo. Judith Guskin presented the Massachusetts Senator with petitions supporting his proposals
for student foreign service. Other students, left to right: Allen Guskin; Richard Wishnitsky; Ingrid
Hendrickx; Merrill Jackson; and Arthur Milne of the International Center.
CandidtesViewBias issue

... tactics of confusion
the gospel of big government,"
which he said would lead to "de-
ficit spending and runaway in-
Last night's address, sober in
tone, ended with an appeal by the
70-year-old chief executive that
all voters on Tuesday bear in mind
that "the fate of the republic
itself" may depend on the deci-
sions of his successor.
"When the push of a button
may mean obliteration of count-
less humans, the President of the
United States must be forever on
guard against any inclination on
his part to impetuosity; to ar-
rogance; to headlong action; to
expediency; to facile maneuvers;
even to the popularity of an ac-
tion as opposed to the rightness
of an action .
"He will be face-to-face with
himself, his conscience, his mea-
sure of wisdom, and he will have
to pray for divine guidance.
"Out of that knowledge of the
Presidency, I must vote for Rich-
ard Nixon next Tuesday.
The President, who had looked
tired during his earlier speeches in
Cleveland, perked up noticeably
as his motorcade passed through
massed thousands of cheering
citizens in downtown Pittsburgh.I

Campaigning Student Council
candidates this week voiced their
opinions concerning what meth-
ods the SGC should use, and at
what rate it should move, in
fighting discrimination in student
Tn specific terms, the issues cen-
tered around what stand __SGC
should take regarding bias is fra-
ternity and sorority membership
clauses, and what Council policy
should be regarding the Commit-
tee on Membership Selection in
Student Organizations,
'Voice' Candidate
The three "Voice" candidates,
Lynn Bartlett, '63; Phillip Power,
Spec.; and Mary Wheeler, '61, fa-
vor definite and prompt action
regarding bias in student organi-
zations. Power feels that the Com-
mittee should comply with the
Council's action by encouraging all
possible speed in the administra-
tion of the ruling. All three em-
phasize the Council's responsibil-
ity for determining violations in'
discrimination rulings.
Candidates Richard Nohl, '63;
Ted Parnell, '63, and Fred Riecker,
'63, advocate stronger use of the

membership selection committee
and a more moderate approach to
the problem of discrimination.
Nohl feels that the Council is
working too quickly in fighting
bias, and should turn most of this
activity over to the membership
selection committee.
"The Council is qualified to
fight discrimination, but is not
entitled to the secret rites of fra-
ternal constitutions," Parnell said.
Both he and Nohl felt that mem-
bership clauses should be checked
by the Committee, however.
Two Functions
Riecker defined the Member-
ship Committee as having two
1) To collect written proof in
some form of the existence of no
discrimination in organization
2) To encourage the desire for
protection of human rights in all
forms on campus.
"Most of the student organiza-
tions on campus do not have a
clear understanding of this mo-
tion," Bruce Leitman, '63, said.
Secret Rituals
He feels that the membership

selection committee is qualified
to investigate in the area of dis-
crimination through examination
of ;membership clauses, but does,
not believe that the secret rituals
as expressed in the constitutions
are relevant to SGC's stand.
Candidates Louise Kao, '64;
Dick, Pinell, '64, and Kay War-
man, '61, are not emphasizing the
use of the membership commit-
tee in these areas. "It is the duty
of SGC to interfere in the way it
sees fit only when basic human
rights are being denied," Miss'Kao
Exponents of little Council in-
terference are Marshall Keltz,
'61; Julie Raben, '62, and Dennis
Schafer, '63. Miss Raben propos-
ed that fraternities and sororities
should be left on an honor sys-
tem, doing away with requests to
submit membership clauses.
Local Autonomy
Fraternities and sororities de-
serve local autonomy in these
areas of discrimination, Schafer
"Discrimination among frater-
nal groups will continue anyway,"
Keltz said. "SGC cannot rule upon
human nature."

Of Program
U' Leaders Presen
Petitions Promisin
Support of Propos
Sen. John Kennedy yester
told leaders of the Americ
ComrPitted to World Respons,
ity that, if elected, he will m
tain contact with group as Pr
(The ACWR is a nonparti
organization urging the expan
of international civil service.
was established by a group oit
versity students.)
Meeting in Toledo with Alan
Judith Guskin, John and Marg
Dwyer, all graduate students,
ten others in the University c
tingent, Kennedy said he wc
use Mrs. Mildred Jeffrey of
Detroit Denocratic camps
headquarters as an intermedi
for future communication. Im
Jeffrey had been instrumental
bringing the movement to K
nedy's atention and made the
rangements for yesterday's m
The Democratic presidential c
didate met with the group at
Toledo airport Just prior to
departure for Chicago. Miss 0
kin presented hin with a
of petitions signed by nearly
persons pledging their support
an expanded international c
.Youth Crps
Wednesday Kennedy prop
the establishment of an Ameri
Youth Corps, in which quali
men and women would serve
civil servants abroad for tl-
years to fulfill their military
quirements. Top Democrats b
confirmed that the Youth Cc
had as its main Inspiration
activities of the ACWR here at
Kennedy said that he we
continue to mention the Yo
Corps as a campaign issue fi
now until the election,
"I'm glad you're all concer
about the world," he said.
Greets Entourage
Prior to the eeting with K
nedy, the group had spoken bri
to Ted Sorensorn, the administ
tive assistant and top advisor
the Senator.
Sorenson greeted the entour
by quipping, "So this is the, A
.platoon of the Youth Corps."
He subsequently told them t
following the Wednesday spe
Kennedy had released to his p
corps the letters, telegrams
clippings he had received ab
the movement here.
Meanwhile, leaders of the gi
emphasized that the organizat
does not intend to rest on
laurels. Additional efforts will
made to prompt a declaration
policy from Vice-President Ri
ard M. Nixon on the internatio
civil service. Rallies, discuss
groups and work sessions will
scheduled for this campus.
Charges GOP
Drove Glaser
To California
Lieutenant-Governor John
Swainson yesterday asserted tJ
Nobel Prize winner Prof. Don
Glaser was driven from the U
versity by "Republican obtr
tionism" on educational appro
Prof. Glaser, now at the U

Campaign Issues: Economic and Fiscal Policy

/ ~/~ -. 's- - TUri
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~1961 E\Iirnatt:
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ther Taxes jQ '> '
o ther /otojr
7/WHERE I ILGD; ~oira Ectt
/ ;, 7 v:,tecr ,r,, ~ilitxr

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
fourth in a series of University
faculty comment on, election. is-
Regardless of the outcome of
the presidential election, the fed-
eral budget will increase, Prof.
Paul McCracken of the business.
administration school maintains.
Fundamentally, the candidates'
outlook on economic matters are
not very far apart, although the
increases in spending Sen. John
F. Kennedy proposes are larger
than those of Vice-President Rich-
ard M. Nixon, he asserts.
The senator advocates expanded
government activity, which must
mean higher taxes, The present
rate of economic expansion in the
country produces an extra $2 bil-
lion a year, which would not be
enough to account for the Demo,
cratic budget increases, Prof. Mc-
Cracken explained.

because it does not receive detail-
ed directives from Congress.
Prof. J. Phillip Wernette of the
business administration school
feels that from an economic
standpoint, it makes little differ-
ence which man is elected Presi-
dent. He feels that the influence
of parties on business is easily ex-
aggerated, by both. the opponents
and proponents of any legislation.
Although the United States has
seen split and one-party control
of both the Presidency and Con-
gress, by both the Republicans
and Democrats, it would be dif-
ficult to determine great differ-
ences in economic policies, Prof.
Wernette maintains.
People Forget
Also, he feels the glamour of
the presidential contest tends to
make people forget there is a
congressional race. This is more
important in determining noliev


by organized labor had
the public feared strong,
economic legislation.
Fears Unfounded

But their fears were unfound-
ed, he explains. The Landrum-
Griffin labor control bill which'
the unions opposed was, even
passed during this period.
President Dwight D. Eisenhow-
er has peen more conservative in
his outlook, except for foreign aid.
It is not true, he stresses, that
Eisenhower has put the budget
before public welfare.
The President believes that a
stable price level is a prerequisite
for economic growth, Prof. Mc-
Cracken says, although there is
definitely a strong viewpoint
which feels that price rises may
do less harm than a static price
Prof. Wernette denies that in-
filaonIn e ns .r fmnr . nrn ..

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