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September 13, 1960 - Image 96

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-09-13

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iling Offers Chance To Relax

Rugby Gains in


Among Michigan Studer

tion of some rule while partici-
pating in a dual meet could result
in the sailor's disqualification
from the race.
More Enjoyable
Once one has become a skipper
sailing becomes less complicated
and more enjoyable. Skippers in
the club are privileged to take out
boats at any time without super-
The club has an ingenious sys-
tem for transporting its members
to the lake. At the weekly meeting
each man with a car signs his
name on a board along with the
time he is leaving. Then before
he leaves, he drives to the north
door of the Michigan Union and
picks up anyone else who wants to
go. The club pays the gas money
of those providing the trans'por-
During the fall and spring, in-
tra-club races are usually held onk
Sunday mornings at the lake. In,
these meets novices and experi-
enced hands alike can appreciate
the enjoyment of a competitive
race. The club also holds crew
races in which novices skipperE
the 'boats themselves.
The club is a member of the
Midwest Collegiate Sailing Associ-j
ation, a group comprising about'
20 schools, including seven Big
Ten schools.
Through its active program the
club is offering Michigan students#
an excellent chance to participate1
in sailing.I
The club provides students
weary from exams and studies
with a chance to get out and en-E
joy one of America's most popular
outdoor sports.}

INEW LOCAL SPORT--Rugby, a big favorite in England and other parts of the world, has gained
popularity since being introduced introduced in the Ann Arbor area two years ago.
Rifle Club Offers Competition,
Provides Members with Equipment

Anyone interested in rifle shoot-
ing is invited to join the Rifle Club,'
an organization with a dual pur-
The Club provides a Big Ten
Squad for the best shooters in the'
group, in addition to having num-
erous intra-club matches through-
out the year.
Doug Hammer, outgoing Club
President said that all interested

Ski Club Travels to Boyne Mt.

people, especially incoming fresh-
men, are cordially invited to join.
Members have a chance to make
two teams, the Big Ten and the
30-caliber "firing" squad.
Place Second
The latter group has one main
event each year, The Annual 30-
Caliber Intercollegiate Cup Match
at Camp Perry, Ohio, which saw
host Michigan place second last
First in the meet was Ohio Uni-
versity of Athens. Michigan's entry
edged Michigan Sstate by one
point to gain the runnerup slot
while Illinois finished fourth.
In the individual firing only one
Wolverine, Dick Knapp finished
in the top ten. He was seventh.
Only six clubs competed in the
annual matches but they brought'
a total of forty men. Many schools'
cancelled out of the meet because
of conflicts with final exams.
Hammer said that all members
of the Club have a chance to make
either of the two squads. But, he
cautioned, "It takes an excellent
shot to do so." He added that there'
is plenty of opportunity for non-
team members to shoot competi-

tively among themselves in the
Wednesday night matches.
The matches are held at the
University Rifle Range, located
in the North University Building.
Equipment Provided
The Club provides all equip-
ment for prospective members,
with only an interest needed, plus
$3 a year for dues. Hammer men-
tioned that his successor, Fred
Bleicher, has indicated that this
year could be one of the biggest
ever for the Club, and its two
"We have been winning the Big
Ten 22-caliber matches," Hammer
said, "except for last year when
we had to drop oi because of lack
of funds." Michigan won the
"Match" in 1955-6-7-8, in a system
which works just like Big Ten
football. "The winner is deter-
mined by a dual meet won-lost
record," Hammer said.
He added that one half of the
Big Ten schools actually recognize
rifle shooting as a Varsity sport.
In repeating his advice to all those
aspiring rifle shooters, Hammer
said, "Just come in and join. The
Daily will have meeting announce-
ments periodically."

Something new was added to the
Michigan sports program two
years ago, although it is some-
times overlooktd by the majority
of the students,
The new sport. England's -most
popular, and well known on both
coasts of the United States, is
And although the rugby club
consists entirely of Michigan stu-
dents it cannot be known as a
Michigan athletic team because
the University doesn't recognize
rugby as a varsity sport. Hence
the team is known as the Ann Ar-
bor Rugby Club.
Last spring, in only its second
year of existence, the rugby club
faced some of the finest teams in
the country at Wines Field and
on a spring tour of the West Coast.
Return Trip
On the coast the ruggers dropped
all four of their games but were
impressive enough to receive an
invitation to repeat the trip again
next year.
In their first game the Rugby
Club dropped an 8-0 decision to
San Iiego State. It took two
penalty kicks in the last four
minutes by Pomona College to. de-
feat the Ann Arbor club 9-3 in
their second game.
Against one of the rugby powers
of the west coast, the UCLA
Bruins, Ann Arbor was outmanned
and outfought as they bowed 17-3.
The defeat by UCLA became a
moral victory the following Satur-
day when the Bruins handed the
University of Southern California
a 40-0 shellacking. USC has been
fielding a rugby team for five years.
Final Loss
The final loss on the tour was a
17-0 defeat at the hands of the
Southern California All-Stars, a
team that boasted many ex-pro
football players.
Back in Ann Arbor the ruggers
found things a little easier as they
swept a weekehd series from the,
Canadian Bank of Toronto, 17-0
and 5-3, for their first wins of
the season.
Ann Arbor then -bowed to the
University of Toronto by a 5-3
count two weekends later.
Rugby at many schools is used
by football players to stay in top
condition during the off season
and the Ann Arbor club is no ex-
ception. Footballers Grant McKee,
Ken Tureaud and Tony Rio play-
ed for the Ann Arbor club.

Much of the remainder
club consisted of gradual
dents such as Robbie B
from Scotland, Robbie Fai
from Scotland, Francie G
a former all Big Ten footbE
Purdue now attending r
school, and captain Bert S'
graduate student from Ma
All of the aforementionec
ers will readily testify 1
roughness of rugby.
In the UCLA encounter
suffered a wrenched knee
nette tore a cartilage in t
knee: Gutman needed four a
to close a lip wound; an
also suffered a leg injury,
Tough Sport
Rugby's toughness come
the fact that it is played
minute halves with no tirr
and no substitutions except
case of an injury. The play
contrast to football, wear r
tective padding although t
is a major fundamental
Scoring in rugby is three
for a try (touchdown),
points for a penalty kik, a
points for a conversion.
Next spring the club w
many of their players via g
tion and will have to rebut
again in contrast to footbi
with carefully recruited glar
with members of the studen

z.Y AJ'1V ~ x~w'3Last year the Club sent a dele-
Five hundred miles from the gation of about 50 to the Rocky
sweeping slopes of Michigan's Up- talk about skiing, and to become
per Peninsula and 200 or more good skiers," said Club President
miles from the Lower Peninsula's Art Daniels.
winter playground area, Michi- "Every weekend of the season
gan's ULLR Ski Club is still a there is someone from the club
top notch organization. going to Boyne (Boyne Mt. ski
"Our main object is to ski, to Mountain slopes for a week of fun,
SAILING CLUB area in northern Michigan) and and they also organized a party
offers opportunities we always take a trip to Aspen, to Boyne Mt. during the between
Colo. during spring vacation." semester break.
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However the Club in spite of
doing so much skiing encourages
non-skiers and beginners to join
and learn. The weekly meetings
often feature films, and instruction
on skiing specifically for the pur-
pose of instruction.
Encourages Beginners
There is also room for the ex-
perienced skiers. Each winter the
Club sends a 10-member team to
the Michigan Interscholastic Ski
Association meet which features
top-flight skiers from Michigan
State, MichiganTech, and North-
ern Michigan.
Coeds are welcome too, as the
Club's membership of about 100
already has many members of the
weaker sex. The girls participate
in the MISA meet as well as the
men of the club, and free instruc-
tion is offered to all.
Concerning equipment, Daniels
said, "You don't have to own all
the latest things to join. The
rental prices at ski parks is rea-
"We love to ski, and that's our
purpose, with or without our own
Anyone desiring to become a
member of the Club may join by
contacting Daniels in the fall. The
meetings usually start when the
weather becomes colder, and con-
tinue until the snow is gone.

a chance to rel




Intramural Program Offers Wide Range of Activiti

Fortunately for Michigan stu-
dents the Athletic Department
recognizes the value of sports to
the 'average student as well as
those of varsity caliber.
With this in mind Michigan
offers one of the finest intra-
mural programs in the country if
not in the world. No less than 34,
different team and individual
sports are offered during the year.
The program ranges from touch
football to cricket.
The I-M program, which is now

entering its 49th year, is centered
around the large Intra - Mural
Building on Hoover, just west of
State Street. It was constructed
in 1928 and was the first of its
kind devoted solely to intra-mural
Other Facilities
All indoor sports are held here.
Other facilities include baseball
diamonds, tennis courts and Wines
Field which is used for night foot-
ball and baseball games. I-M golf
is held at the University Golf
Course, one of the finest collegiate
courses in the country.
The guiding lights of this huge
program are director Earl Riskey
and his assistant Rod Grambeau.
Most of the competitive intra-
mural action centers around eight
divisions or leagues. In each league
teams compete against each other
in a number of sports throughout
the year, and points are awarded
on the basis of how each team
finishes in each sport.
At the end of the year, these
points are totaled, determining
the all-year champion for each

The largest division consists of
the 44 social fraternities on the
campus. Last year the all - year
champion for the 23-sport pro-
gram was Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
They won the title, which was the
first in their history, by a com-'
fortable margin over defending
champion Sigma Alpha Mu, who
finished in the runner-up spot.
The 21 men's residence halls
make up the second largest divi-
sion. They compete in the same
program as the social fraternities.
Last year's all-year championship
race was one of the closest in I-M
history, with the winner not de-
cided"until the last event was
completed. Kelsey beat out peren-
nial powerhouse Gomberg, who
has won eight all-year titles in
the last 11 years.
The only repeating champion
was Nu Sigma Nu, who for the
sixth straight year, won the title
in the 12-sport professional fra-
ternity league.
Apartment dwellers form the
bulk of the 14-sport Independent
League, whose champion last year
was Evans Scholars.

China won the title in the
sport International Center Lea
Teams are organized on the I
of countries and the program
keeping with the interests of
large foreign student body on
Other leagues include the N
Campus and Faculty groups.
I-M faculty program is prob
the finest in the country and of
competition in 18 sports.
North Campus program cone
of 11 sports and is soon to be
Individual Sports
The eighth diyision, called '
campus," consists mainly of t
naments in individual sports,
is open to all students on A r
league basis.
Other features of the I-M
gram are student-faculty con
tition and co-recreational sp
on Friday night.
At the end of the year
Michigan Daily awards a trc
to the outstanding intram
athlete of the year. Last ye
winner was Ken Heller of An
son House.

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