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September 13, 1960 - Image 95

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-09-13

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Dual Excellence
DOMPATIBLE" IS THE WORD many have used to describe
,ademics and athletic at the collegiate level.
Michigan, which has been labeled "the Harvard of the Midwest"
he former field and "the Champions of the West" in the latter
has attempted to combine these two "ncompatible elements.
[t has strived for and (by almost any standard) attained first
academics and first class athletics-a system of dual excellence.
Iis dual excellence is indeed a fine achievement In a collegiate
I that contains no football, no recruiting and general "de-
1asis" at one extreme and paid athletes, "snap" courses and
-prof essionalism at the other extreme.
(ichigan is not a grass covered playground where an athlete
lounge through four years of an "education" piling up press
Ings nor is Michigan a group of scattered buildings where aca-
es are the only activity and where athletics are discussed only
iw whispers and in dark corridors.
Michigan is an institution where athletics play an Important but
ed role in the lives of its students. It is a University of dual
In much the same manner that it takes a good faculty to create
et class reputation in academics, it takes a good coaching staff
eate a first class reputation in athletics.
And most observers will agree that the coaching staff assembled
Ee Athletic Administration Building on State Street Is one of the
t In the country.
First there is Chalmers "Bump" Elliott just about to enter his
ad full year as Michigan's head football coach. Elliott and his
hful staff-their average age is 34-have taken it upon them-
s to rebuild Michigan's one time gridiron power house.
And after watching Elliott and Co. on the practice field, in the
lum and on the all-important, long-neglected, reruiting front,
gets the feeling that this determined group of young men will
eed and that before too long Michigan will regain the share of:
all glory that was her's in the past,
pressive Records .. .
'ASTING THE MOST IMPRESSIVE record on an impressive staff
a swim coach Gus Stager whose teams have won three Big Ten
three National championships during 'the past four years. His
uners hold and have held numerous American and World records.
selection as the 1960 United States Olympic swim coach marks
as one of the leading nen in his profession.
Wrestling coach Cliff Keen, who in terms of seniority is dean
he Michigan staff, also boasts an impressive record. During his
ears .at the helm, Michigan wrestlers have brought home a total
O Big Ten championships, including one last winter.
Another man who is backed up with a fine coaching record Is
t mentor Don Canam. In the 26 Conference meets his teams
a entered, they have finished first six times and second 10 times.
present squad, probably the best in his 13 year tenure, holds
'ly all the Michigan varsity records, several Big Ten records and
won the indoor title for the last two years running.
Then there is tennis coach Bill Murphy whose teams have won
Big Ten titles and one national championship in the last
years. The number one player on his 1957 NCAA championship
d was Barry MacKay, now the United States number one ama-
Golf Coach Bert Katzenmeyer is another coach with a winning
.ition. His teams having won three Big Ten titles during his 15
' tenure.
zd Promising Futures . . .
nTEMPTING TO RESTORE a winning tradition is hockey coach
Al Renfrew. Under his precedessor Vic Heyliger, the Wolverines
won seven national championships in the 10 year period stretch-
from 1947 to 1957. Although a national title is only a faint
s this year, hockey, like football, is on the upswing and Renfrew
ild'have the best squad since he arrived here three years ago.
Gymnastics Coach Newt Loken has had just one problem since
took over as gymnastics coach ten years ago-beating Illinois.
this has proved to be a difficit task as the Illini loaded with many
he United State's top gymnasts have won 11 straight Big Ten
8. But this year, with a fine flock of sophomores and the Confer-
s meet on home grounds, Loken may finally solve his problem.
Another Michigan Coach whose future looks bright is baseball
:h Don Lund. It was just two years ago that one-time Detroit
wr player and coach returned to his alma mater. And it should
tie too much longer before dividends begin to roll in. For Lund's
kground and coaching methods have attracted a fine crop of
ig ball players labeled with championship potential.
Last in this list of Michigan coaches is the newest one, Dave
ick, who will handle the basketball team for the first time this
ter. And it is he that is faced with the greatest challenge making
higan into something it has never been, "a basketball power." In
near century of collegiate competition, basketball has always been
eak link in Michigan's impressive athletic chain.
To these ten men is entrusted the task of maintaining the ath-
sphere of Michigan's traditional dual excellence. It is' a tradi-
. that has lasted for nearly a 100 years.
And from the present outlook it will be maintained.



En -d, Center Listed
AsStrong ePositions
Glinka, Chandler, Stamos To Vie
For Crucial Signal-Calling Position
Daily sports Editor
Problems at quarterback and guard appear to hold the key to
Michigan's football fortunes as the 1960 gridiron season draws near.
If head Coach Bump Elliott can come up with a steady offensive
quarterback and a couple of offensive guards, the Wolverines could
be a serious title contender for the first time in several years. If these
two positions are not filled adequately, the Wolverines will have their
hands full finishing in the first division of the always tough Big Ten.
Inadequacy at these two positions would force a near playback
of last season when the Wolverines' defense was adequate and often
outstanding, but their offense, showing occasional glimpses of bril-
liance, never seemed to get roll-

. I

-David Gitrow
DIVE PLAY-Michigan's Fred Julian sails head first into a group
of Missouri tacklers in a game that Michigan eventually lost, 20-15.
Illinois, Michigan State
Favored in Big Ten Race

Pete Elliott, the brother of
Michigan Grid Coach Bump El-
liott, is expected to inherit a foot-I
ball fortune when he steps intoI
the head ranks at Illinois and in-I
cumbent Duffy Daugherty of Mi-
chigan State is expected to become
richer with his talented returnees
and sophomores.
At least that's the way most
football forecasters are looking at
the 1960 Big Ten season.
But both of the coaches with,
supposedly-big futures have a job
of rebuilding Conference prestige
after Wisconsin lost a 43-12 ver-
dict to Washington in the Rose
Bowl classic.
13 Returnees
The Illini return 13 of the 22+
performers who edged Wisconsin,1
9-6 and clobbered Northwestern,.
28-0, late last season. Missing,I
however, is star halfback Johnny
Counts, a last-minute flunkout.'
Veteran quarterbacks are three+
deep-and all members of the
trio (Mel Meyers, John Easter-
brook and Russ Martin) are good

Michigan State is loaded with
good sophomores - as usual.
Daugherty claims the team may
be a year away. The yearlings
play where Duffy needs them the
most, the interior line.
Minnesota, a shabby last-place
team in 1959, and Purdue are long
shots while Ohio State is always
a possibility.
New Rules
Freer substitution rules and the
loss of two All-Americans, Bob
White and Jim Houston, may force
Archaic Woody Hayes to change
his system of play. He's got a good
nucleus with hard-hitting Roger
Detrick at fullback and his usual
host of big linemen.
Minnesota has 22 lettermen
coming back, including 16 off the
first two units.
Purdue returns 18 monogram
men-but has a problem of depth.
Northwestern will go as far as
Dick Thornton, an all-purpose
quarterback, can take them. How-
ever, he has an injury threat
hanging over him.
Three Teams Left
That leaves Michigan, Iowa and
Indiana to float in the middle of
the standings as they did last
Iowa is always dangerous and
well-coached. They've won before
when they were counted out.
Michigan will be tough if they
take over where they left off-and
29 returning lettermen can mean
a lot of wishful thinking for the
Indiana's Hoosiers move into
their new stadium with only
dreams-and the four-year NCAA
probation hanging over them.

Key to the Wing T offense that
Michigan employs is a sharp pass-
ing quarterback. Seeking to fill
that role this fall will be return-
ing letterman John Stamos and
two promising sophomores, Dave
Glinla and Bob Chandler.
All three are closely matched at+
the present time with Glinka, whoj
compiled an outstanding record at
Toledo Catholic Central, given the,
inside track. Elliott has indicated;
that the starting job will go to the;
man who throws the football best
while under pressure from oppos-
ing linemen.
Clear the Way
Offensive guards are also in-
portant for it is they who must
clear the way for the fast-moving
Wolverine halfbacks who come
slashing into the line off the Wing
T offensive patterns.
Possessing a couple of halfbacks
who are fast enough to go all the
way once past the line of scrim-
mage, Michigan desperately needs
men who can open the initial hole
for them.
Top candidates for this position
include four lettermnen. Dick Syr-
ing, a transplantedcenter, who
sat out last season with an injury
is a top candidate for one slot.
Lou Pavloff would be the top can-
didate for the other slot but he
underwent knee surgery late this
summer and it is still uncertain
how active he will be.
Two Lettermen
Lee Hall and Paul Poulos are
two lettermen who will lend badly
needed depth to this position.
Sophomores Frank Clappison and
John Minko could help if they
develop fast enough.
In contrast to these two posi-
tions, there are two others, end
and center, where the Wolverines
are very strong.
The two starters, John Halstead
and Bob Johnson, are both return-
ing in addition to several strong
reserves and a promising fresh-
Halstead suffered a serious in-
jury in the final game of last sea-
son and sat out spring season.
However, the Bay City end has
indicated that he will be ready to
go this fall.e

Open Letter
Freshmen Men: A number of
you will enter Michigan this fall
with a long history of high school
athletics behind you. You have
played either football, basketball
or some other sport for the past
four years.
Now you are wondering whether
or not to go out for your favorite
sport here. The best advice for
you on this count is to go to the
coach of the sport you are inter-
ested in and tell him your back-
ground and high school record.
If your decision is in the nega-
tive, but you don't want to give up
all contact with athletics, our sug-
gestion is simple-Join the Daily
sports staff.
Sports staff members have an
unequaled opportunity to see the
inside workings of the Michigan
athletic department and become
friends and confidants of players
and coaches alike. Daily sports
writers travel to away contests
around the Western Conference.
You will become as close to our
comprehensive athletic setup as
most players themselves.
Lack of journalism in high
school or in your future plans is
no obstacle, as most of our staff
considers working on The Daily a
hobby, with no vocational end in
' All we ask of the prospective
sports reporter is that he have an
interest in athletics and a desire
to learn something in an extra-
curricular activity that can be
fun as well as work.
Hoping to see you at one of our
tryout meetings in the fall. The
Daily Sports Staff.
Sept. 24 ........... OREGON
Oct. 1......at Michigan State
Oct. 9 ............. DUKE
Oct. 22 ......... MINNESOTA
Oct. 29 ......... at Wisconsin
Nov. 5 ............. ILLINOIS
Nov. 12 ............ INDIANA
Nov. 19 ........ at Ohio State

Sports Index
BASKETBALL ............11
F-doTBALL .......-...... 1
GOLF.................... 4
GYMNASTICS............ 7
HOCKEY.................. 5
MINOR SPORTS .......... 2
SWIMMING .............. 8
TRACK..... . .......... 9
WRESTLING ............. 8

Sophomore Sensations
ONCE UPON A TIME-in the school year 1958-59-there was a
beginning of a fairy tale.
This coming year will see the end of that fairy tale, and Michi-
gan sports fans hope it will be a happy ending.
Two years ago was the year of the "sophomore sensations." An
active recruiting year had paid dividends as almost all of the coaches
came up with yearling athletes that promised to perpetuate a Michi-
gan sports dynasty.
Basketball had its John Tidwell, Tennis had its Gerry Dubie.
Track had a full house of star sophs from Tom Robinson, the Ba-
haman sprinter, to Ray Locke, one of the most promising prep shot-
putters in the nation, to leaping Les Bird, to Marsh Dickerson, to
Tony Seth, to John Gregg, and to Dick Cephas.
Swimming was represented on the soph honor role with Frank
Legacki, Dave Gillanders and Ron Clark among others,
John Halstead, Dick Syring and Wilbur Franklin did dual duty
as star first-year men in both football and baseball. Gym had its
ace Canadian import, Rich Montpetit.
What does the future have in store for these athletes from whom
so much has been expected so early? How have they measured up
thus far? What will this year show?
WELL HAS MORE than lived up to his personal advanve bill-
ing but it hasn't been enough to help out the sad Wolverine cage
fortunes. As a soph, Tidwell managed to look good even next to
graduating stars M. C. Burton and George Lee. Last year, as a
junior, he was the only bright spot in a drab season as he capped
a great year with a record-setting 41-point performance in Michi-
gan's arch-rival Michigan State. This year should be the same, as
new cage coach Dave Strack will be greeted with Tidwell, but not
much else.
Duble was ousted from the number one singles in the Big Ten
championships last May, but remains the backbone of the defending
championship Wolverine net team.
Track has its brightest outlook in years. The Wolverines are de-
fending champs in the indoor event and should have little trouble
in keeping this and adding the outdoor crown.
Illinois, the other perennial Big Ten track power has lost its
strength to graduation, and the one-time Michigan sophs should have
an easy time. As sophs, their total alone was enough to win the in-
door title without the rest of the team, and this year could be marked
by a record point total.
Clark, Gillanders and Legacki should be able to lead the tankers
of swim coach Gus Stager to another of its many Big Ten titles. A
little extra effort by the entire team might regain the NCAA swim
crown as an extra bonus. All have lived up to their reps and can be
expected to lead this year's swim squad.
HALSTEAD AND SYRING, a duo that has played together since
high school days are expected to hold down two of the regular
line posts on this year's grid squad. Franklin will add speed to the
Halstead was a regular end last year, specializing in fumble-
recoveries, pass-catching and kicking. He will fill the same role. Syr-
ing was out with injuries as a junior, but is expected to be a solid
performer on this year's question mark football team (the question
mark hangs over the signal-calling slot).
Tn hhsea l-Halstear sat nut an ineligible junior year. but his



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